
Sunday, December 27, 2015

Recently released, Clarence Moses -EL, jailed for 28 years because of a Dream. And NO one is held accountable

Here is another story I need to write about that is the micro cosm of the macro cosm I've been talking about in the "family" system all my life and ignored and minimized. Here is a man who was recently set free after 28 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.
 In 1989, African American Moses-EL, was sentenced to 48 years in prison when a women said she had a dream Moses-EL was the man who raped her and beat her in the dark.
 Moses-EL has always maintained his innocence.
Overwhelmed to find the words and in seeing his grandchildren for the very first time, Moses-EL expressed on Democracy Now last week.
 In 1995, after already being in jail for over 6 years, Moses-EL had to be his own lawyer and do the work for those who should have been doing it by raising $1000 from other inmates to have the forensic evidence tested; the rape kit, the sheets, the victims clothes, that was marked "DO NOT DESTROY" the police had kept for years, then put into a dumpster by police and never able to get the evidence tested! The test was even approved by a judge. I wonder if he got his inmates $1000 back? I doubt it.
 Barry Scheck of the Innocence project was to do the evidence testing and prove his innocence. "When I found out the evidence had been destroyed I went into a deep, deep, dark state of being depressed, lost for hope, I felt really bad at that time, I know this can't be real. After all I went through, friends of mine who believed in me because at no time did I ever waver in my desire to prove my innocence. Various inmates came to my support donating $25, $50, $100, they believed in me, so I believed in myself. After they told me the evidence was destroyed, it devastated me. I felt like I'd done hit rock bottom".
In 2012, Clarence received a letter from L.C. Jackson, one of the men originally mentioned by the victim as a possible assailant, saying he wanted to "come out of the dark" and confess. "It was a surprise to me. Why's he writing to me? Once I started reading the contents of the letter I jumped for joy", Moses-EL said on Democracy Now. "My time has come, I'm getting out of here". After a quarter of a century of being in jail the real rapist came forward. Even that letter didn't lead to Moses-EL's release until another 2 years later.
 There was enough evidence 20 years ago to identify who the real perpetrator was here, said Moses-EL's defense attorney Eric Klein. "The DA's office could have tested the evidence themselves". Why would Moses-EL seek to identify the real perpetrator of the crime if he wasn't truly innocent?
 In 2012, when L.C. Jackson confessed to the rape, Moses-EL's attorney at that time investigated, a motion was filed in 2013 on Moses-El's behalf to obtain a new trial. the D A's office opposed that and an evidentiary hearing. The judge granted Moses-EL a new hearing which was held this summer where the judge heard from L.C. Jackson. Saliva samples were compared and shown that the samples were more consistent with L.C.'s blood type.
 The judge gave the option of a re try or drop the charges and the Denver D. A. fought it. Moses-EL still lives with a retrial over his head. That question is still waiting to be answered. "There's no point in re trying an innocent man", Eric Klein said.
 "How can he be convicted based on her dream?" asks Amy Goodman. "It's a great question", said EK.
The last min was about Moses-EL's mother who fought for him and believed in him for decades. "My Mom's was a strong advocate for me and always believed in me and she always told me to keep my faith", before she passed away, she was a very strong force in my life".
 "My faith and my innocence especially for something that I didn't do", Moses-EL said when asked what kept him going. ‎ I want to focus on points and the similarities to the abusive "family" system; 
 Moses-EL having to be his own lawyer while in prison! 
 When I heard this I nearly dropped. I can't believe how much I'm hearing people same the exact same thing I have since the early 70's. I had to be my own lawyer by the age of 8 to prove my own innocence as a child. Being branded Guilty in the "family" when you're a child by the very people who should be the ones backing you. The similarity to how I grew up and everything I've been saying for decades is uncanny. Moses-EL at least had the support of his Mom advocating for him on the outside and the financial support of his fellow inmates who gave EL the $1000 to get the evidence tested even though the PTB destroyed it. Being in the prison of the "family" system can be worse because it's hidden in plain sight. The perps are right in front of people and no one sees it. The trauma and anxiety my body has been living with knowing the perps are your "parents" while the entire neighborhood sides with them puts your body into such stress and trauma it's unimaginable. 
 When Moses-EL soke about going into deep, deep depression when the evidence was thrown out, it ran through my body like electricity because it was exactly what I lived in my own house. 
 I felt the entire story of Moses-EL was just a different version of what I endured my whole childhood yet, unable to get help because everyone around took the side of the perp. 
 The police who threw away the evidence who are supposed to be the ones working to find truth and prove innosence are doing the opposite. Those around me as a child didn't want to acknowledge what was happening because then, they would have had to step up and do something. So, the let the debt and guilt fall on me by saying to me, "oh, you're poor mother". I was literally betrayed by every "adult" around me as a child who didn't have the courage to be there for me, to point out that what was taking place was wrong. I was the one who needed the reinforcement. I was the one who needed someone to be there for me. Being told to feel sorry for the perp was not only wrong but, it's unhealthy and put me into even more "debt" . Not only am I not being treated the way I needed, when my body naturally stepped up itself and did asserted itself, I was guilted for being Healthy!‎, basically. The health accounting gets completely screwed up and replaced by what "man" says. My healthy body was made to believe it was wrong, conditioned to feel criminal for behaving healthily in an unhealthy environment.  Natural law over ridden by man, who knows better. 
 There was no mention ever made that "I" was the one having the healthy response and it was the environment and those in it who were wrong. It's might makes right and those in the "authority" position abusing power. This is exactly how the psych debt gets passed down.
 As the years went by, I still always received the same response from people anytime I tried to talk about being robbed. I was seen as the inconvenient one. Not those who perpetrated the violation. Because natural law and the body don't just "get over" things because "man" says to and have to actually be dealt with and justice needs to be had. How can something be "gotten over" when no one is addressing it and seeing that a wrong is made right? You're victimized over and over through out your life because natural law doesn't take dictation by man. The entire system functions the way the case of Moses-EL was handled. Even if people are not blatantly abused, they are the indifferent ones who sit by while others are. 
 I started being my own lawyer at age 8 trying to prove my innocense. It wasn't law books I was reading because it isn't about what man says is legal or illegal, it was‎ simple natural law and healthy. I started reading every book I could get my hands on about the dysfunctional "family" system, abusive relationships and what healthy relationships function like. 
 It was through reading those books, John Bradshaw, Barbara DeAngelis, John Grey, Melody Beatty on Co-dependency. It was a no brainer this was what everyone should know and practice before anything else. No matter what their job or position, if people don't understand basic relationship skills and treat people  ‎with basic worth and value, all that's happening is that a fake, GMO, man -made society is  paving over natural law. 
‎ Moses-EL's story showed the complete backwardness of the system. That the "criminal" aka, truly innocent person is acting more the justice system than the so-called "official" justice system. It shows the complete separation of man's system from nature. The same point I've been trying to point out since the 70's when I was being "told" I had to raise the parent instead of the other way around. Then, when I resisted and said it was wrong, I was criminalized and sentenced to "prison". It may not have been "physical" prison but, it was prison none the less. Prison can be anywhere. That's the problem with man's system vs natural law. What man calls prison is not the same as what nature calls prison . That's what's so dangerous. While man is so busy following man's definition of everything including criminality and prison, they're missing what nature says. Most people don't even understand nature's language and signals, which is certainly a tragedy that is leading us to self destruction.  By the masses being conditioned to live from the neck up and not truly present in the moment where nature and reality exist, people don't have to wake up. They stay unconscious and the vicious cycle continues at their expense ‎and that of the most vulnerable . 
 Another point is the fact that it was the evidence that was thrown out. The facts, the truth thrown into the TRASH by the VERY people who should be using facts to reveal truth and did the opposite and went by the victim's dream. The fact that she named other men who she was actually drinking with before she had the dream went uninvestigated. 
 To top that all off, again, it was the actual rapist who came forward L. C. Jackson, who wrote to Moses- EL, after decades of being incarcerated but, came forward none the less, to ‎admit his guilt. Another example of the "people" having to do the work For the so-called "officials". Even then, it took another 2 years for Clarence Moses-EL to be released. 
What kind of completely imbalanced, sick system are we living in? No mention, of course, ‎of anyone being held accountable who threw away the evidence or ignored the facts in the first place. As long as the "officials" are allowed to get away with being held to a lower set of standards than the rest of the public rather than Hiherg like they're supposed to be, we'll just be perpetuating the separation of man's system from Natural Law. But, who cares, as long as it's not happening to us.  

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Interview with Former Finance Minster of Greece Yanis Varoufakis & Former Economic Hitman John Perkins

The interview will be played on Organic News on http://awakeradio/us Tues 12/29 6pm EST.
‎After some weeks of standing by I was finally able to nail down a date and time to interview the former Finance Minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis with former Economic Hitman, John Perkins to Wed morning 12/ 10am EST. 
 I hate to be repetitive but, at the same time, repetition, practice, is what shapes things; muscles, actions, learning. We have to repeat the same movements over and over for months, even years before things take shape. ‎Yet, they say that's the definition of insanity. Sometimes it takes doing the same thing over and over until we get the result we seek. it doesn't necessarily happen the first few times. When do we know if it's insanity? How do we know when it's leading somewhere or not? 
 I am going to continue to talk about the micro of the macro and try to connect the 2. Interviewing people like John Perkins and Yanis Varoufakis who speak about the larger debacle and myself, who experienced the same only scaled down more, I  always tried to point that out. Corruption doesn't just happen on a large scale. 
 It didn't take long for Yanis to point out something so basic and fundamental; that it's just a matter of the PTB shirking responsibility and dumping their mess on the shoulders and backs of those who don't deserve it, had nothing to do with it and can afford it the least. A form of "social pollution". ‎ This exact scenario happens anywhere, especially the "family" . Not just between the IMF and Greece. 
 If people just look at the giant problems and don't learn to see them when they're staring you right in the face on a "smaller"‎ scale, we're missing the opportunity to learn and deal with things in the hear and NOW. I've seen it for decades in my own surroundings the poor health/economic habits of the people then passing the mess down to those who afford it the least. That is the definition of the "family". People think life and resources are going to last forever, that this society and consumerism, $ buys everything system, is just going to go on and on indefinitely. When the real cost of actions show up in front of those in charge, the consequences, often times it gets dismissed. What do we do when it's those in charge who are the most immature and irresponsible? Whether they're "leaders" like Dick Cheney or a parent, when we live in a backwards world where those who are supposed to be passing down honor and values are passing down their immaturity instead, how are those inheriting it supposed to afford it? 
 I often wonder why people have no problem working to pay Fake $ bills while dismissing the real bills that are looking you right in the face. People have been so conditioned like Pavlov's dog to salivate to the bell. Telling people of the harm I experienced at an early age was met with minimization and denial. That growing up in domestic violence, divorce and abandonment can't possibly leave any marks or damage. That Real bill get's easily removed.The blatant denial of natural law and how it works gets dismissed while people fully embrace working for fake $ to pay utility bills and the like. A system created by man overrides the natural world. People just can't imagine things could get really bad even though people are doing everything in their power to bring about Real catastrophe. People these days live so disconnected from the real cost of things because of that very fact that all they have to do is use their fake $ to buy their way out of their own consequences. There is No accountability when it comes to REAL Costs. What happens on large, "National" scale levels happens on scaled down levels. People just notice it more when it happens nationally or globally because it's more massive and dangerous. And many times people don't even notice it then either or block it out. Many live with war and death around the world like it's normal instead of completely ill like it is.   
 People have no idea how serious it is to be living in a fake system where the rules of Nature are manipulated by man's fake positions of power and $.The PTB on any level can pass down their garbage; parents to children, I feel, is the worst and greatest betrayal. A child is completely helpless and reliant on those around them for fitness and protection. If those around that child fail to reinforce that child, fail to protect them, protect their rights and Instead, teach that child that the debt is theirs to bare,, the Laws of Nature and FITNESS are literally being turned on it's head to be a CANCER Economy!
 ‎ I cannot stress enough the utter betrayal that a "parent" does to a child. The level of standard in this country by all of our leaders is so low, thinking of it as Relationship pollution is the only way to describe it. If we're polluting the earth for $ and leaving our children with the environmental mess, then it stands to reason we're also passing down emotional pollution and debt also. You can't have one without the other. Pollution comes in different forms. Parents avoid taking responsibility and are just as immature as Dick Cheney, as he was called out by Col Lawrence Wilkerson on Organic News last Tues. The "family" is where the toxins get passed down directly to the most vulnerable who are completely helpless to do anything about it. How are children supposed to hold a "parent" accountable? Most "parents" are simply Not mature an responsible enough to be real leaders for their children. Most "parents" do not reach any place of stability themselves before bringing another life into the world thereby simply passing the emotional debt down. 
 It can't be happening on a larger scale like Yanis, John Perkins and other thinkers are describing it without it also happening on a scaled down version. ‎We only "see" it when it's big, like a heart attack, but we forget we've making deposits into that account for decades. 
 We've been trained to destroy nature, to steal from our children's resources in favor of Fake $ and to prop up a Death Economy, as John Perkins s eloquently puts it, and the Cowards who run it. The health debt a child can end up in at the hands of a parent is the worse kind of debt. Has anyone ever heard of co-dependency? This word is one I've been using for many decades. When a child cannot get their rightful emotional needs met by a healthy parent, that child's growth is permanently stunted and arrested. ADD to that a "parent" who steals the natural resources from a child for their own irresponsible, immature reasons. This is the debt we need to be speaking about more. This is Real debt. A child turns into a person forever trapped in body that is desperately trying to get from nature what it desperately needs to finish growing fully. Being arrested developmentally leaves the body with no choice but to use its limited resources and skill to get what it needs. Leaving it trapped in a vicious cycle of Psych Debt it can never get out of because there's no Real Leaders, No Real adult around to help raise them up. They become discarded carcasses like those animals used in the fur trade. Sucked of much or their Life force then tossed aside, scratching and clawing the slippery slope of Crapitalism trying frantically to gain some traction, while all around sit by watching, thinking they're profiting but the profit is fake. 
 I think of a person going into shock or hypothermia. The first sign is altered mental status from the body going further into debt; blood loss, temperature loss, etc. When the body is in debt the mental status deteriorates  first which forces the person to make poor choices further indebting the body/mind. A vicious cycle. 
 Keeping people in a permanent state of psych debt is how the PTB control the people. It's also how parents control their child. How many parents are truly healthy and raise their child to be healthy?    
 No matter what the issue, the Greek "debt" crisis, refugees, the Paris attack, Inequality, etc. It always ends up coming down to the same thing, health. The mental/emotional health, or lack there of, of the few who have stolen power and rigged the system in their "favor" but, they're actually scared, insecure bullies who need to be stood up to. ‎Also, the co- dependency and enabling of the rest of us. 
‎In the same interview with John Perkins, for Economic Hitman, made the obvious point about Corporations having no allegiance to this country or it's people, only their endless addiction for more. He went onto say that it's no longer an American empire but, a Corporate Empire. During the Clinton and Bush admin there was a "lost opportunity to make more profit because war brings in profit even when you lose war". I believe I have his quote correct. His words can be heard this Tues at 6pm est on Then on the Awakeradio1 youtube channel podcast. 
 War began rising again in Africa and the Middle East. The growth of militarism in the economically developing countries and the EHM tech of death & fear were applied in Europe. The threat of war with Russia over the Ukraine.
 Yanis Varoufakis went on to mention that "since the financial crisis of 2008, 9 the Greek state has forked over  ‎180, 190 billion euros to salvage the Greek banks. It's debt that just accumulates and gives the hitmen and women of the Troika the leeway they need to turn Greece into a debt colony. This was more or less the savings of the Greek Banks. So if we were worried about the savings of common folk, then all we had to do is simply take this $ and Give it to them. That wold have been the end of it. Instead we keep pouring good $ after bad in a privately owned baking system, which is constantly being used by creditors constantly threatening us with bank closures in order to force the Government to yield". Yanis then referred to the Threepenny Opera to confirm what John Perkins had said about the use of Economic Hitmen,, why send in the murderers when you can send in the bailors? Yanis V then went on to say,, "all Greek original airports, 14 of them on the island of Mykonos, Santorini, Crete, were all sold to one German company.
Yanis had a conversation with a German Finance Minister, "and I asked him, in all honesty behind closed doors, "Would you ever countenance giving away Germany's original airports to one single foreign company without obtaining a single share in those airports for the state, for the local Gov and municipalities, and he looked at me and said 'No? The implication was, Greeks can't expect to have the same rights as Germany. If you're in a Debt Prison you forfeit your rights, human, political and economic rights". 
 My reply was to say that the Greek people were put into the Debtors prison consciously, deliberately. Yanis' reply was to say, I was giving the PTB of Europe too much credit, a bad habit of mine, and that "they are not that smart". He said, "that required a level of smartness and dexterity the PTB of Europe don't have. It was No design. There was an attempt to create a $$ union in early 1990's for economic reasons that benefit the rich and the Corps. The intention was not to turn Greece into a Debt Colony, the intention was to maintain the Political power of those Corps. When you create a $ union as the one they created, eventually, it builds up within it the potential for a massive explosion or an implosion at the financial and economic trade level ". 

 Who is paying attention to how children are being treated in their own house? This is how So many "parents" behave doing the same thing and treating their own children like they have no rights, like that child is indebted to that "parent" for bringing them into the world, not aborting them, housing them, feeding them, or any other myriad of things an immature "parent" can conjure up. Consciously or unconsciously,, this is how the debt gets passed down and the Future is brainwashed to believe they are responsible for the Debt that they are Not. If there is NO firewall between a corrupt "parent" and an innocent child, there is NOTHING stopping the psych debt from being passed on. 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

13 African American women raped by white cop in OK. Abuse of Power epidemic! Sayn this since 1970!

Time and time again I hear stories of people being victimized by someone abusing their power. This is a more extreme example and I fear that the abuse has to be severe, physical abuse of many people in order for justice to be served. Those in positions of power showing no respect to people has become the norm. The landscape of the system is riddled with the slow and gradual abuse and disrespect of entire populations of society that it goes unnoticed.
 I refer many times to a fav quote by James Madison - I believe there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by slow and gradual encroachments by those in power than by sudden and violent usurpations.
 This is my fav quote because I said it before reading it somewhere. Not quite as elegantly but the gist was the same. It was when I was working for FDNY/ EMS in NYC. We responded to traumas and sickness and such but the gradual deterioration of the communities went unnoticed. No one was healing that. It was clear the system was as it should be and my "job" was to keep it that way. Not ever getting to roots of problems or healing whole communities. Just enough to skim off the top but, never reaching deep enough. It was clear those "running" the system was not interested in truly doing right by its people.
 That is a form of abuse that is much more subtle yet just as devastating over time.
 Where is the line drawn? What is defined as abuse, neglect, less -than optimum behavior? I've studied psych and abusive relationships all my life due to growing up in an emotionally torturous, neglectful and less-than respectful environment. But, because I was not physically bruised and battered or sexually molested and "only" emotionally abused and tortured the abuse was allowed.
 The same thing with Eric Garner and Freddie Gray. Because they've been, and millions like them, gradually disrespected and murdered over time, it's that much more acceptable to simply kill them physically. They're already one step below actually physical death. The system has been sweeping us all towards it for decades. Some just closer the the edge than others.
 One victim of Daniel Holtzclaw said- "I didn't think anyone would believe me, I'm a black female". The eldest victim of Holtzclaw, 57 year old Jannie Ligons expressed feelings of being traumatized. She spoke out in a news conference, "I was a victim, I was traumatized, I went to therapy", she also spoke of having a stroke. "I still live with it day after day. All I know is, I wasn't a criminal, I have no record, I didn't do anything wrong". She said Holtzclaw stopped her because she was swerving. She said she wasn't, that he just wanted to stop her. "I was innocent and he just picked the wrong lady to stop that night".
 Holtzclaw was under investigation under the sex crimes unit 6 weeks before his last crime. Meaning, he assaulted half his victims while under investigation. Some are questioning as to whether Holtzclaw was enabled by the entire system that devalues black women.
 An organization that became involved called OKC Artists for Justice saying Holtzclaw preyed on women who lived impoverished areas.
 Another story from people speaking out about abuse of power. The same issue I've been speaking up about since 1970 living in an abusive home. If so many adults can be preyed upon and fear speaking out that no one will believe them, that they're not credible enough, imagine what it feels like for a child pointing their "parents" as the abuser.
 I ask the question every day when I hear stories like these why some people get to tell their story and others do not. Will I ever get the chance to be heard and speak out about the psychological torture and depression I was forced to live with in my own house? These women are saying the exact same thing as I've been for 45 years! If Jannie Ligon was innocent and victimized, what of a completely innocent child in their own home by "parents" who that child depends on with their life?
 I never hear any stories about abusive "parents" when a parent has the ability to abuse more than anyone? I'm sick of writing about this and feeling like there's nothing that can be done. How is it different than the story of these women? Who is a child going to go to? I told people how horribly I was treated in my house and people did nothing. They do what the system did with Holtzclaw, they enable. They say "oh your poor mother". They let Me, the innocent take the fall. There was not one person who stood up and protected me, respected me, treated me with worth and value like I deserved.
 I was no different than these women. I child does nothing wrong, is totally innocent when their abusive parent does the same thing as Holtzclaw, abuses power and preys on their own vulnerable child to feel better about themselves.
 I was the same innocent "bystander" as Ms Ligon when I was born into an abusive situation then the abuser enabled by neighbors and others when they tell me to feel sorry for the abuser and there's no justice for the most innocent. This is the country we are living in. Where those who are supposed to protect and serve are the abuser because the system is not about justice, dignity and values, it's about Corp Profit at the expense of all of those. It's about the few at the expense of the many. I'm here to inherit the debt, the psych garbage like so many.
 I went to therapy for years and paid out of my own pocket for something that was done to ME! My entire life revolved around nothing but health, fitness and healing trying to overcome extreme feelings of low self worth, self-sabatoge, self mutilation and trying to find a safe place with people who would protect me. I never found it. When you don't grow up with healthy people to rely on you get victimized endlessly for the rest of your life. Once you're victimized you're re-victimized again and again because there isn't anyone who is going to put forth the effort to save your life. There are too many predators because that's the society we live in. You're gradually victimized, poisoned over time by your own "family" and community because everyone is in on it. The entire population is in on it, even the victims themselves.
 How is a child supposed to stand up for themselves against those who should be protecting them? Because those around have no self worth they're not going to make the effort to step up for a child. They have no problem letting the child take the fall because most people live their lives by a very low bar.
 Holtzclaw's bail was first set at $5 million then another judge reduced it to $500,000. Holtzclaw also violated a home monitoring system while under investigation to go to a doctors appointment. He spent 14 days in jail and was then allowed to go back to the home monitoring system. "That's unheard of", said Grace Franklin of the Artists for justice.
 Another victim of Holtzclaw spoke at the news conf. "I didn't expect to get violated the way I did". Sharday Hill was handcuffed to a hospital bed and her clothes taken. l just couldn't even believe it. I was speechless, I was scared. When everything was going down,,,, pause,, I was scared, I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was in survival mode so I felt like I had to do what he was making me do".
 Again, if just one incident of being violated by someone in power can traumatized people that much, imagine what spending 2 decades living with the abuser can do to a child's health.
 I literally shake upon hearing the next part because it is the exact description of what I went though as a child. It's like someone is describing MY story. 2 of the women were brought into the court room to testify Against Holtzclaw wearing the orange jumpsuit and handcuffed! While the defendant, Holtzclaw, sat wearing a nice suit. Which is why Grace Franklin of OKC Artists for Justice believed only 8 of the 13 women were believed. It gave the impression already that the women were guilty and Holtzclaw was the victim. That is exactly how I felt by age 8. Guilty! And the "poor" abuser is the victim. I've been saying this for over 4 decades. The "family" is the easiest place to abuse. Like water running downhill if the "parent" is simply unwell, immature or the child is not wanted. How can we expect the health of a person to not come out eventually? How can we expect truth to not show itself?
 I have no choice but to wait until I'm near middle aged to come out and now try to stand up for myself because those who's job it was betrayed that trust. It's not just the police and the courts.
 The system is SUCH a debt system that you literally have to raise yourself to then go 'back" to be person you needed over 45 years ago!
 If there is anyone out there who can help me get justice for myself, please contact me here or on FB message. Cat Watters. Pic of me with We Are All Muslim sign.
 My life was ruined. I've lived in excruciating pain my entire life. I have PTS and probably will for the rest of my life. It's hard to keep a job. I fear abuse all the time. I fear being my full, healthy strong self out of fear of being criminalized and abused for it. Being strong and smart was a crime.
 I lived the micro of the macro of what more people are coming out about. The abuse will continue as long as people bow to the Criminals at the "top" who profit off the abuse and the killing of millions of people world wide. It will continue to be a prison, war world unless we do something.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

COP21 protestors Arrested for speaking Truth,, The Corporatization of the Family

 Monday on Democracy Now from the UN COP21 in Paris, France it showed demonstrators outside the event exposing the Corporate takeover of what is supposed to be a serious discussion and finding real solutions to the global effects of Climate Change.
 Pascoe Sabido of Corporate Europe Observatory called Solutions COP21, being held from the 4th to the 10th, a massive Corp Expo, a "Corporate takeover" and pointed out all the Corps who were involved like "ENGIE, one of France's largest coal companies pushing natural gas, banks like HSBC all claiming to be solutions." He said they were trying to "greenwash their image" to present themselves as part of the solution but, said those who came for the action "aren't buying it".
 Then, Pascoe talked about the security. "Walking in here I was a bit terrified, with their body armor and shields. There's undercover cops everywhere".
 They did a "Toxic Tour" much like protesters did here in NYC for Black Friday calling it the Tour of Shame,, exposing the Corporations for who they really are.
 Ahmed Gaya of Rising Tide North America, was part of the Toxic Tour who introduced organizations who have been confronting many of the very Corporations sponsoring the so-called, Climate Change, COP21 event. The first company Ahmed mentioned was ENGIE, who is lobbying heavily against the standards of coal emissions in France, "In 2014 alone they spent 2.5 million euros lobbying against emissions standards and paid to enter the COP21 Solutions to pay for access to negotiators and influence the COP process and greenwash their image."
 As the organization members began speaking out one by one, Kandi Mossett from the Indigenous Environmental Network about Fracking in North Dakota, and others, the undercover cops began moving in. "Police and security began forming a line to block protestors from going near the ENGIE booth. The cops corralled the protestors and started grabbing at the organizers while the public cheered the organizers for calling out the imposter Corps.
 The police had the demonstrators surrounded and linked arms to not allow the demonstrators to leave while some protesters were able to escape under their arms. "All we're doing here is speaking truth", Ahmed Said. "But, when we speak truth and expose false solutions we get kettled and we get shut down".
 Just then, the police picked up Pascoe Sabido and began carry him away! He was actually being interviewed while being carried away, which was a bit comical. "Arresting people for speaking truth",, then his words drowned out as the crowd became louder. "They're grabbing us by the arms and legs and taking us out because they are working for the likes of ENGIE and others promoting false solutions. Unfortunately $$ can buy you (inaudible) lot of security. (May I add,, the Illusion of security) We're going to continue, we're going to be in the streets, we're going to take down ENGIE and others",,, "we're going to make sure our climate future is in the hands of people and not big business",,, as he was carried away by Corp owned, GMO "justice".
 Next up was Sabina Cessou, French Journalist, "police are actually taking all the activists who came in to protests those big companies doing brainwashing,, "It's more like a Commercial Fair. These people are protesting, it's Freedom of speech in our country in 2015 and we have all these police taking people, one by one, and taking them out", while showing a cop walking a female out and grabbing her in a head-lock position when she tried to get her head out from under his arm. "Because of the attacks the police are all over the place and we're going to see that more and more, suppression of civil liberties. It's a Police state all over the place".
 Then, an American man speaking out about being corralled by police saying that he was not an activist, not a journalist, that he was "Just trying to learn what's going on around me. The Police of France have decided to hold onto me and I can't leave. This is Amazing, he said, "WHEN A VOICE OF DISSENT IS RAISED AND THE IMMEDIATE RESPONSE IS TO TRY TO ARREST PEOPLE and stop them from speaking",, as he then was grabbed and hauled away.

 The by stander completely dumbfounded by the fact that people just speaking out in civil dissent were met with arrest,, my rights were violated right in my own house as a child. Everyone was in on it. There was No one and No where to turn. Being treated like you didn't matter,, like you're not valuable was normal. I was found Guilty and "arrested" by the age of 8 just for standing up for myself as a child. Not only were those around me not raising me the way Nature demands,, they undermined ANY attempts and my own body simply kicking in and doing it. The term "family" is the opposite of what was really happening. "parents" and even neighbors, community were the opposite. No one was there to Raise you, no one had your back, no one was there for you, supporting you or protecting and investing in you, they were doing the exact opposite! Robbing from you, stealing your self worth, undermining your self esteem and self confidence and putting themselves first. No different than a Corporation. 
 Not only are they Not there for you,, they tell you to feel sorry for the abuser! You have to go into psych debt to bail out the abuser.
 The fact that not ONE person, not one Real Adult was around to be a mentor, be a role model, step up to the plate, give you what you needed, treat you the way you needed is a CLEAR sign of environmental devastation. The evidence that those very people who should be protecting and empowering us the most are doing the opposite is a sign of a severe health crisis. A healthy family, healthy relationships should be functioning a certain way,, and when they're not, and when it's not even noticed that they're not and responded to,, is a clear sign of social sickness.

The first man, Pascoe Sabido, who spoke about the protesters pulling back the curtain on the Corps seeking to greenwash their images pretending to be healthy and putting forth False Solutions,, I've been trying to expose the scaled down version about the dysfunctional, abusive "Family" for decades. People telling me at a young age, "My poor parent",, telling me to feel sorry for them, the people who I needed to be investing in me. When you look at that closely,, the bad accounting is clear. That's robbery. It's clearly passing down the emotional debt rather than passing down self worth. Using the vulnerable to dump the emotional pollution of the parents onto.
 These demonstrators calling out the Polluting Corps and "leaders" are Me when I was 6 and 7 and 8 and on, fighting for my life in a abusive "home" that compromised and arrested health. 

  I'm writing about this because people are finally getting it. People are beginning to experience what I experienced ALL my life! I'm amazed at their amazement. The protesters getting arrested at the COP21 are truly shocked. If they had grown up that way they wouldn't be. For many growing up, it was Normal. I woke up the sickness of it and tried warning people about it for decades. People do Not take seriously the signs and symptoms of societal disease and degradation that is right in front of them.
 I'm writing this to include the abusive "family" as part of environmental devastation. Needing a healthy environment to live and grow in, cleanliness, peace, support, people around you who care about you, feeling safe, Just being Healthy.

 They talk about refugees fleeing war torn places,, what is a child trying to grow up in abuse and warring parents? For a child, this is the worst kind of torture.
 It's always been obvious to listen to and follow my gut, what the body knows. The very thing Corp "profit" wants to destroy. I "grew up" being trained that to hit the bullseye is wrong, to be right and strong was wrong because it threatened those around me who were controlled by the system and made them feel too uncomfortable. That is, however, how natural law, fitness works. It prompts you in the right direction. With everything that's happening lately with the Climate talks in Paris, (which is controlled by the very Corps creating the problem) the police state, the refugee crisis, endless "wars" which are a front for Corp profit, what I still don't feel is people moving enough in a direction towards fitness. 
 From growing up in an unhealthy environment and neighbors and "community" not being there to step up to the plate either and instead made excuses for the incompetent "leader", I felt my body going into a health Debt. I felt everything getting dark. I felt myself turing into something unhealthy. I could feel how people were relating in the opposite way fitness functions. My legit feelings being met with less than responsive action, minimization, and disregard. Instead of raising children to be the healthy, fit, confident people they're meant to be, everyone was in on undermining it instead. In on pulling the rug out from under anytime my body and health made even the most modest attempt at gaining rightful ground. Being healthy was a Crime, like more people are feeling today. Sooner or later, All people will start crashing up against Corp "profit". Obviously, the more unhealthy the environment you're born into, the more your health and very existence is a threat and they will bash you for existing and make it seem like YOU are the excessive one. This I how I learned about and felt Capitalism‎ by 1970. Without them even realizing it, those I was surrounded by as a child were stealing my worth, my resources, my self esteem to feed Sociopaths. I knew it and spoke up early and was beaten down.  This is what more people are experiencing today.   
 Where is health? Where was fitness? My body  automatically‎ moved towards fitness, moved towards health from being in an unhealthy environment. That's what nature does. It doesn't need to think about it. Red blood cells don't need to think about exchanging O2, when the cells are healthy they just do it. Only when a system is ill does it not respond towards fitness. Only when people are completely lost, disoriented and brainwashed do they behave in totally disoriented and confused ways. 
 When your healthy functioning early on is met with distain by the very people who should be encouraging and cheering for your victory, it doesn't get any clearer that we are living in a totally Ill society. On top of that, when people can't even see that they're doing it, it's even more sickness added. 
 I've been on this earth for a half a century. That is a long time. All I've seen are people keeping a system going at their own expense despite the fact that they're clearly not living as fully and experiencing all they deserve compared to the 1% and the so called "leaders". I'm not talking about $ or materialism. I'm talking about real value; self confidence, self worth, self expression, healthy relationships, filling one's potential. Most people live far below their full potential and "see" nothing wrong. Again, the blatant signs & symptoms of diminished fitness and health being completely missed and towards a replaced version, a man-made version, a GMO version. 
 I don't understand how it is that people do not feel their health being stolen while it's so clear the potential humans are capable of is not being realized. We should be seeking Nature not $$. Real Nutrition, not fake. I never understood why most people stopped growing and didn't feel the need to stretch. 
 I have such a need even today after all the decades of working out and personal training to relate to people with fitness to cultivate stronger connections. To challenge the GMO info and false beliefs they have about themselves. To inspire Nutrition in interactions so people feel better about themselves and have the strength to resist the $$ machine. 
 Unconsciously, I believe that's why the people are being enslaved. "Nature" is using the sociopaths, to wake us up. The powers that Be are doing us a favor and forcing people to find the warrior inside of them that they should have found on their own. 
 We can see Climate Change just in the way people relate to one another. Relationships should be fit naturally but, because people have been conditioned to follow $, over time, they're losing relationship fitness and become more dysfunctional and codependent.
 I want to drive home the health of the "family" that is simply a micro of the macro. The Toxic, dysfunctional, environment of the "family" can be the most polluted place on earth because if the whole capitalist system is anti nature, the family has to be too. The family will just be a smaller version of the larger one, that uses the vulnerable to dump their emotional garbage onto unlike a Corp does to lands and peoples. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Just like Big Pharma isn't in it for Health,, Bombing is the WRONG prescription for ending "terrorism"

The first question to ask is,, do those in charge REALLY WANT to end "terrorism?" Do they even know how? The PTB, Obama, Turkey, Germany, the UK, say they're trying to stop "terrorism" but, do they really? And Who is the Real terrorist? Like a "parent" who has no control over their children, it's easy to blame the children. 
 I've interviewed many people on Organic News on Awake Radio, the online show I do every Tues 6-8pm EST and they all say the same thing, the so-called "leaders don't want to end the "terrorism". If they did they would look at the fact that their strategy is not working and stop doing it. 
 I refer to the instructions on the tube or box of adhesive. The instructions usually say something like, "surface to be glued must be clean and dry". I think of that everytime I think of human relations. Are those coming into the situations coming in with surfaces that are clean and dry? Most often not and they don't even check themselves because they're so busy pointing the finger outward. 
 When I studied relationship skills all my life, conflict resolution, etc, giving the other party the room to air their greivences is one of the ways to resolve conflict. Mirroring techniques, active listening are all ways of giving the other party their opportunity to have their say. 
 How is it possible to have someone in the role of "President" of the United States who clearly has no conflict resolution abilities whatsoever? 
 All I did all my life was study conscious communication skills, active listening, mirroring techniques and other conflict resolution skills because I believed a person had to be a decent, fair and just person in order to be successful in life. Little did I know all one had to do is be totally vindictive and power hungry to "succeed" in Amerika. I put so much time and effort into attaining qualities I valued and believed others did too. +nly to find out that the more honest you are, the more you value fairness, justice, win-win situations, respecting others, that I would end up broke and isolated. The more I don't sell out the more under valued I become. Something is wrong clearly! 
 Others are finding out what I found out early in life. The entire world is becoming the oppressive, abusive, violating your rights, environment I grew up in and have been trying to get people to take seriously for decades. 
 If people put healthy relationships and skills that support them first like I've been advocating for since the 70's., we wouldn't be where we are today.  
 I never thought pursuing truth, health and healthy relationship skills, being more present and valuing people would leave me financially struggling. I figured people out there somewhere would recognize and appreciate what I stand for and value. But, I'm left on my own unnoticed by everyone with no support for standing up for what's truly valuable in this world. The fact that so many people choose $ and their jobs that aren't even real, over reality and justice is beyond scary.