
Monday, July 28, 2014

Ergonomics- digging into the Common Sense of Society

 If we were lifting a heavy object and threw our back out while lifting it, it would make sense that we would learn from our pain and try not to do it again. Our body parts do not lie. The "conflict" of our muscles, ligaments and bones let's us know we've violated proper alignment. The pain is real.
 If someone was trying to knock us over while we were trying to learn to ski or ride a bike, we would get annoyed and know what they were doing was wrong. We could feel inside of us, "this is not right". Its built into our nervous system. Its automatic, it will kick in as a reflect if its compromised. It doesn't have to be taught. We do not have to "teach" people to have a gag reflex. We do not have to teach the heart to beat or the lungs to breathe. Its built into the Autonomic nervous system that functions, by design, outside of our conscious control.  We'd be dead a long time ago if we have "think" about digesting our food or beating our heart. But, over time we do have an effect on how theses systems operate. It's a good thing Nature is smart enough to have these vital functions outside of our conscious control.
 Even though Nature has built in these vital functions to operate automatically to keep us alive if we should end up in situations which threaten our life, that doesn't mean the "system" isn't going to try to erode them or get us to sell our Natural instincts to keep the Corrupt Status Quo going.
 When something obvious like "I can't breathe" becomes reason to intensify or ignore rather than respond with aid, something is Severely wrong! When we now believe that SICK and ripping to shreds is good and right, that throwing our back out is good, that robbing the life force from and fighting with our family members and our fellow neighbors to keep funding the Ravenous system is the way to go, we're Done! Its that simple.
 Just like our bodies have ERGONOMICS, an efficient and effective way the body parts relate so we stay healthy and free from injury, so do Families and Neighborhoods! When our neighbor is crying "I can't breathe", That's what it means! when innocent children are being blown to pieces, when our children show signs of distress from growing up around Parents fighting, the environment withering from polluting lakes and rivers, animals going extinct, that is Natures Intelligence showing us the way! Crying out like Eric Garner, "I Can't Breathe!".
 When "family" is not Family, people not respecting and treating one another the way each deserves, this is having poor Ergonomics in the Family system. Like our body, people should be able to recognize then respond accordingly when a fellow human is saying "no", is saying they're hurt, showing clear signs of distress, saying "I can't breathe". The fact that someone clearly crying out, "I can't breathe" and those around him not only created his condition, then do not respond with CPR, we have a Serious Mental Illness epidemic on our hands!
 When my own "family" member can't recognize that he needs to see a doctor after walking around with worsening neck pain for over a month, to the point he has to hold his own head and can't lift his arm to comb his hair! There is a Clear disconnect problem going on. This is INside one's OWN body! People can't even recognize when their own bodies are hurt and in serious need of Medical attention! We're trained to be doing it to Ourselves! Being detached from Reality is the new NORMAL! Not listening to and Trusting Natures Intelligence in our own gut and in the wisdom of our OWN ligaments, muscles, bones, blood and nerves, that inner knowing that's prompting us on, is an EMERGENCY!! We're more like a Stranger in the Land of our own Body's Landscape. We don't understand the Language.
 We've crossed a serious line! And the momentum is picking up speed. If we do not recognize it and turn it around soon, we're destroyed.
 We could all be enjoying healthy, nutritious relationships if we were just able to grab a hold of ourselves, slowed down Quiet the mind. Tune in and make a connection with the Wisdom of the body. It feels weird because we're so off track.
 Conflict with others comes from being in Mental DEBT, not feeling enough validation and needing to bend others to our side. Relationships are like FARMS, they need cultivating and Love. If people felt satisfied knowing they are Loved or valued, they wouldn't need the approval of EVERYONE. It's usually those who have MORE than their share who are Never satisfied, and never want to give. FORCE will never bring True satisfaction. It's DEBT satisfaction. TRUE satisfaction comes from NATURE only,, which takes time, energy, effort, listening, working together, cooperation, which is exactly what people Don't have. It's more like a Wild Fire burning out of control. The Mental Debt just keeps perpetuating itself, spreading like a disease. 
 How does it end? Where is the Mediation? the Cushion, the Time out? the Truce? Who, Where will it come from?

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Might Makes Right! Creating a FALSE "Realtiy"

Yonatan Shapira on Democracy Now put it simply referring to Israel. He used the metaphors and language I'm always trying to point out, Physics. He said, its like (Israel) raping someone which creates the victim to retaliate by scratching back, then thinking the scratching will stop by Intensifying the Rape. I'm not quoting him exactly but that is the reference he made.
 This is exactly right. People are at   WAR with PHYSICS! We all know how frustrating it is to be doing something important for work then knocking over a glass of water onto your papers which makes you so angry! Which can then escalate and you end up tearing the papers as your trying to Wipe the water off them and on and on. People trigger themselves this way and we also get triggered by others and trigger others.
 The problem is that we forget we live under Natural Law First! We have valued the Intellect Way too much! It shows us clearly when we're frustrated when we can't get our printer to work that its not the object, printer, that is intentionally out to get us, even though we swear it is! We understand when its an object that its just happening because of circumstance and it isn't personal. Its actually giving us accurate feedback, unless the printer is broken or not plugged in.
 But, when we're dealing with other people, we "think" we live in an Intellectual world only, completely separated from Natural Law. We TALK to the person as if they have the ability to Will Natural Law to obey. Not!
 Why I try to stress Yoga practice and Meditation is about connecting the mind TO the body, physics, natural law. We are not just "Minds". We Must live IN Reality and be connected to it whether we like it or not.
 I used the example of the Rape in discussing how the Debt begins in the "family" system. Children give feedback to parents that they don't like and instead of taking responsibility for how they're children act, that its the teaching and the "authority" of the "parent" that shapes the way the child is, instead they pass the blame to the child. Forcing the child to take on what is Truly the parents responsibility. "Slight of hand" or Slight of "mind".
 Do we get mad and blame the glass for knocking itself over? Do we blame gravity?
 I recently read an article by some Police newspaper saying that Police are angry at all the anger towards them in the Eric Garner "chokehold" case. The article stated that Mr. Garner was the one responsible for his own death because he was overweight and diabetic. When I read things like this it says to me that morals and common sense have been choked and died along with innocent Eric Garner. This blatant insult isn't worth even acknowledging because this is the sad false truth that our society has turned into. Those in Power get to create the reality THEY decide. Our wonderful democratic, healthy child rearing practices have "bloomed" and we are living in a Country just like it. "Because I Said So That's Why!"
 If people do not get how terrifying this is then I don't know. If the Cops who Murdered Eric Garner along with the EMS workers who did not give him CPR do not go to jail, we might as well call it a day! We'll be living in total Lawlessness and it will be our own doing.
 The Palestine people being exterminated right in front of our eyes and many people don't even trust their own common sense to know that they're seeing what they're seeing. Our plug fell out! We're not connected! Plug back in.
 The problem is people wanting to blame the effect and not face they fact that THEY are creating it. This is the same as how I grew up. Blame the mirror for the reflection. Some people never want the feedback. They never want to look at themselves and think it's THEM.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Who erased the Line?

This whole insane conflict that's been going on in Gaza/Israel for, I recently learned, 66 years will continue because the line has been erased, perhaps bought, moved, or shifted. The problem isn't who's defending themselves and who's the perpetrator, the problem is the Denial and refusal of who clearly IS the aggressor to admit and own it.
 At some point in order to solve Crimes Against Humanity and find a way to REAL, genuine Peace, all parties Must Live in Reality! If people are not going to live in reality, aka, the aggressors, the victims are forced to live in reality because they're the ones living in the Hell!
 The Aggressor isn't the one who really wants or needs the peace. In a conflict where one side has the upper hand, has more of the control, space, armies, sophisticated weaponry, bomb Shelters, aid and funding from the US Gov. and the other side doesn't have those things, WHO do you think is going to want, NEED Peace more? Obviously those in the most  need are going to be more interested in seeking resolution. Those with more of the leverage and control don't need to have "peace", since They're the ones holding all the cards.
 Much the same as the Occupy's calling of the 1% and the 99%, Gaza/Israel can be seen in much the same way. Do the 1% want "peace?" Yeah! With them having it all and everyone else having nothing! Since a few have more of the control and leverage, what is also tipped are their Perceptions! They're going to see the situation skewed because it IS skewed! And they're the ones Skewing it! Getting under, over, around, past the skewed perception and getting the ones who hold all the cards to see that they're view is skewed is the challenge and the chances are, we're not going to!
 Israel/Gaza is just another version of 99%/1%. The whole point is that when you are the one with the leverage, you're Not going to give it up! Simple. Real Peace, genuine fairness is just that. Those violating others having the ability to "see" and admit their transgressions and Giving up what rightfully belongs to those who are living without their fair share.
 When those who've had more for so long are so used to it, are addicted to the lifestyle, you might as well try to take Heroine from someone just about to give themselves a hit! Trying to reason with someone who can't see outside of themselves is useless. There has to be a Real person to reason with underneath. If a person or persons is so identified with their addiction and excess, they're going to be so attached to it and see it as part of them and giving it up as unheard of. The whole point is that those with the leverage Are Skewed. Their perceptions ARE skewed. Trying to reason with skewed views will not work. Might as well trying talking to a drunk. Can u get a drunk to know they're drunk?
 Its about reaching the person underneath. If they can be reached. Or not trying to reach them at all and joining with others, hopefully, who see the other is drunk, again, assuming They're not skewed either!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Would you be in a wheelcahir if your legs worked?

 I wrote this in pieces, so if it seems a little non flowing, please excuse.
 The way people live is like being in a wheelchair when your legs are perfectly functional. But, because someone programmed you or told you at an early age that your legs were broken and you believed them (naturally), you've been living as a cripple when your legs work fine.
 That's the way I think about our world sometimes. Using the example of the broken legs is just to illustrate my point, but the real Body Parts people are not using are the Emotional ones. Or rather, most people use the "unacceptable" feelings on those around them which is the easier thing to do when what we really need to be doing is using those "unacceptable", those "bad" parts on the Untouchables.
 When most people interact with those around them they interact "locally" meaning, they don't act "globally". The Untouchables are exempt from most if not All of the rules the 99% impose on one another. As long as people live being satisfied with that, it will continue to increase the gap between the haves and have nots. We need to live and treat each other more INclusivley instead of EXclusively. When those around me say to me "you can't force people to give you what you need", the Untouchables are Exempt. We increase the gap between us and them when when we need to be DEcreasing it, when we continue to reinforce these harmful beliefs.
 I want to make a list of things I hear people around me say that a 1% would Never say! The way many people live and interact with their "family" and "friends" they perpetuate the very poor habits that keep them poor and oppressed. People say things to me all the time when I express valid and within-my-right frustrations, things like, "you can't force people to be what you need", or " you have to be happy and at peace with what you have", when its the opposite we need to embrace. Not accepting living small, but, being big to those who can afford it, the 1%. Allowing our Vital, within our rights, feelings to be expressed to those who need to hear it, not to those who don't .
 Too often people are so checked out, they're putting their Valid anger onto those who can least afford it, the poor and vulnerable. Its not the feelings that are wrong its the direction they're being aimed in.
Certain beliefs are so unconsciously programmed deep within the psyche and people "think" it's beneficial, which is not really thinking. They don't stop to REALLY think consciously, "Hmm, I've had those beliefs for decades now, maybe I should RE-think it, test it to see if it still "works", to see if it still holds up". "Does it benefit me or those around me?"  These are the beliefs that keep the people down. These are the unconscious, toxic, thoughts that were implanted when we were too young to stop it, question it or consent. Why do people live without questioning Why they're in a mental "wheelchair"? Why do we keep others in a mental wheelchair?  So much time goes by without challenging any of these ideas that someone else put there decades ago! That's ludicrous! People just continue to live, without question, unconsciously reinforcing these outdated, unchallenged, many of them, blatant LIES! To add insult to injury,, aka, DEBT, people use these lies and dysfunctional beliefs and apply them to those around them down and do not apply them to the Untouchables!
 People don't direct any of the rules and oppressions they impose on those near them on the one's who's overreach has spanded numerous countries and committed more human rights violations than at any other time in history!
 People continue to unconsciously Not challenge the, take-for-granted way they've been taught to live. It's SO absurd to even think about! Its like we've all been born with our brains being implanted with a self destructive "chip!" Even though the effects are so obvious after being alive for decades that your life has been diminished, people dare not awake to challenge those imposing all the oppression.
 It doesn't have anything to do with materialism or $$ either. It has to do with humanity. $$ or materialism is not a measure of ones success or happiness. If it was, those with a lot of $$ would take a permanent vacation, yet they're the most insatiable. What does that tell you? Only what comes from Nature can satisfy! Cultivating, "farming" organic relationships is the only way to sustain our health. But we have to clean up the Pollution with in us. Admit we're polluted. See it in us and create a clean place. Like cannabis helps cancer and seizures. There's no debating that, although Big Pharma would love to try to confuse.
 Peace and healthy relationships come from Nature. Only win-win relationships can sustain us and keep us healthy and happy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Addicted America!

A segment of Breaking the Set with Abby Martin talking about the # of Americans on prescription drugs for things like depression, mainly but also things like cholesterol. But, who cares if the public is being drugged as long as Big Pharma's profits are increasing?! Yes! That is the world we are living in. Profit first! But it can't even be called "profit" because True profit is a direct consequence of improving society for ALL. Of Truly Helping, as in, for REAL. We might as well call a great athlete someone who strikes out a lot! The very measure of what makes a good society is caring for the vulnerable, not the exact opposite!  "Profit = Debt. And how can it be otherwise when so many people are Addicted to the Biggest Drug of all, $$$$$$ !? Let's face it "Dad" is an Alcoholic! Hate to have to break it to you but, its better to know and face it now than not know and have it fester.
 Our entire Society must end! It's Severely Sick and needs Nature. Nature is all people need when ill and depressed. That's the VERY definition of Dis Ease. The only thing that restores sickness back into balance is NATURE, not more Man-made, for Debt products. Those "gaining" are not Really gaining because the Fact is, when someone is being screwed, everyone is being screwed. So Big Pharma and those who "think" they're "profiting" are really just OD-ing on another drug themselves. When one is healthy, they don't try to harm others and think they're coming out ahead. Big Pharma and others like them are just making themselves more and more Sick along with those they attempt to drug up.
 I'm in Love with the fact that no matter what, natural law will always give feedback and show the truth! That excites the hell out of me. We can ignore it all we want but, natural law will not be bought off. It will keep on giving us the True feedback no matter how much people object or resist it.
 The Tennis Player who used to get so mad and throw his racket and have fits when he blew a shot. At least he's accepting of the fact that he blew the shot. The game isn't rigged to satisfy his tantrum. So it should be with Big Pharma, Wall St, Bankers, the U. S. Gov, the Military and Corporations. We need to resist and give them the True feedback they deserve. Love your Depression! Your Cholesterol, your high blood pressure, your sadness! They're there to teach you something and are screaming for your attention. We must turn things around in our minds. $$ is Debt! And our "illnesses" are truth and a Gift! ;*

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Out of Sync with Nature

In a nutshell. Past/Present/Future. A person can use the excuse for doing the wrong thing, "oh, I didn't know" but once they are made aware of what they're doing that excuse is no longer valid. This is why the world is in shambles. Many people, even though they have been made aware, continue on. And those with most of the leverage do it tenfold. Surprisingly, those getting screwed also do it. They perpetuate what is screwing them. Newton's laws of motion, energy in motion remains in motion.  The new info barely makes a bump in their road. I have NO idea where or how long ago this unnatural behavior originated but, it was most likely a long time ago and due to our $ at any cost world. $ over natural functioning.

 We are not born this way. It's normal and natural functioning to admit and acknowledge new info and integrate it into one's behavior, to consider it, at the very least.  Its conditioned behavior to dismiss or minimize legitimate, VALID new info and continuing on Despite the obvious.  This is No different than having a build up of Plaque or Atherosclerosis only its mental. The person has so much invested in the Disease, in the lies, the dysfunctional way of living and relating. A valid point to make here is that on one's own, it isn't possible for someone to stop, to even slow down without an equal force opposing it. The more of the "build up" there is, the more imbalanced the thinking will be and leaning more towards the "Plaque" since there's already a larger investment in it. It takes effort, WORK, to change course. There must be a sufficient amount of consciousness, of awareness accumulated in the "savings" account of the mind for the New Conscious info to jump start.
 We do not live in a health priority world. Exactly the opposite! Why we would allow Health & Nature to be compromised for anything else makes no sense.
 It quite possibly can be too late for many people and for those who are on the receiving end of their wrath. Its usually the perpetrators who are in denial. Its difficult for the victims to be denial but it does happen.
 Health as far as relationship skills, effective communication, boundary setting, respecting the feelings of others are modes of health that not many people bother to practice.
 Fact- people might think they're "getting over" by skipping over these healthy relationship skills, violating others rights, by trampling and making sure they "get theirs" when the reality is the outcome is toxic. It didn't come from quality, natural processes. The "juice" won't be nutritious. The one who "thinks" they're getting ahead is getting nothing but poison.
 There is no way to escape Natural Law. Everything must be done Natures way in order to be quality.  I agree that at this point, sickness has too good a grasp and there's not a lot many can do except to have a "natural" reaction to someone being ill to them.