
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Former CIA analyst JOHN KIRIAKOU, Another Whiste Blower JAILED for showing who the TRUE Criminals are!

 As John Kiriakou shared on Democracy Now this week, he was jailed because of the "Torture debate". "People leak information in Washington all the time, on purpose or inadvertent, former CIA directors Leon Panetta & David Petraeus leaking classified information with impunity", said John Kiriakou. "That is what's convinced me when I say, my case was never about leaking, it was about blowing the whistle on torture".
 In 2007 John Kiriakou became the first CIA official to publicly confirm the Bush Administrations use of Water Boarding. Abu Zubaydah was water boarded 83 times and provided NO useful information as a result, yet still remains imprisoned at Guantanamo without charge. Zubaydah's name was mention 1000 times in the Senate CIA Report on Torture. 
 As soon as Zubaydah recovered from his 3 gunshot wounds he was "healthy" enough to be interrogated and was taken from Pakistan to a secret location where he was interrogated by FBI agents who were somewhat successful at obtaining some information. Untrained CIA interrogators replaced the trained FBI interrogators who subjected Zubaydah to all kinds of Torture techniques such as putting bugs in with him in a box, lights on 24/7, blasting music, he was beaten and sleep deprived and Zubaydah didn't have any information to give. 
 "Torture is wrong under any circumstances" says John Kiriakou. "The establishment of a repore, the establishment of a relationship" results in actionable info is that person has that info. 

 Just like Chris Kyle might have believed he was serving his country and fighting the "terrorists" but, the fact is that he had no idea how he had gotten himself into a relationship with and was participating, essentially, in theater, I believe, so were the Interrogators. The interrogators might believe in all the "terrorism" fiction and get to act like tough guys but, those at the "top" know it's all fake and use that to completely manipulate those at the bottom. The "higher ups" are just the puppet masters pulling the strings. 
 in the summer of 2002 John Kiriakou learned that Zubaydah was being waterboarded and believed what the CIA said, that the water boarding was working and that they were gaining important information from it and "saving American Lives". It wasn't until 2005 or 6 that John Kiriakou found out that that wasn't true. was saying, "We do not torture prisoners, we are not water boarding". 
 "I knew that was a Lie", said john Kiriakou.  Bush made it sound like it was some stray CIA agent who decided to pour water on people's faces.  
 "The ENTIRE torture program was approved by the President himself and it was a carefully planned out program". That they weren't using Torture was just a "Bald Faced Lie to the American people".
 The post 911 Torture Program was released in the Senate CIA Torture report and showed the agency failed to interrupt a single plot despite torturing Al Qaeda and other prisoners from 2002-06 as admitted by Senator Dianne Feinstein,,, 
  "It's been very difficult. But I believe the documentation and the findings and conclusions will make clear how this program was morally, legally and administratively misguided, and that this nation should never again engage in these tactics.
"Let me turn now to the contents of the study.
"As I noted, we have 20 findings and conclusions, which fall into four general categories:
"First, the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques were not an effective way to gather intelligence information.
"Second, the CIA provided extensive amounts of inaccurate information about the operation of the program and its effectiveness to the White House, the Department of Justice, Congress, the CIA inspector general, the media and the American public.
"Third, the CIA's management of the program was inadequate and deeply flawed.
"And fourth, the CIA program was far more brutal than people were led to believe.

"We need to Prosecute some of these cases", said John Kiriakou.

Then,, attorney Neil MacBride makes this statement about John Kiriakou,,,,

 NEIL MacBRIDE: "As the judge just said in court, today’s sentence should be a reminder to every individual who works for the government, who comes into the possession of closely held, sensitive information regarding the national defense or the identity of a covert agent, that it is critical that that information remain secure and not spill out into the public domain or be shared with others who don’t have authorized access to it".
 Comments like this,, that continue to reinforce the belief that the "gov" maintains the "Pedestal" position, the Moral "High Ground" looking down on and judging everyone else, like some mental Choke Hold, when the Whole point of what people like John Kiriakou are revealing and doing is to take the "gov" OFF that pedestal and show them for WHO they really are! The more it is revealed that the "gov" is the True Criminal, along with the banksters and Corporations, the more they will use mind trickery and try to confuse the public. If the people are not fit enough they will fall for it.

On a more rational note,,
Rep Jim Moran asked Obama to pardon John Kiriakou stating, "Kiriakou deserves a presidential pardon so his record can be cleared, just as this country is trying to heal from a dark chapter in history"
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush."
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush." - See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush."
- See more at:
"Mr. Kiriakou is an American hero," Rep. Moran said in a moving speech chronicling Kiriakou's contributions to the country, including Kiriakou's "outstanding work in the always-demanding intelligence world" and whistleblowing activities. Rep. Moran elaborated, "John Kiriakou is a whistleblower, as well. The first American intelligence officer to officially and on-record reveal that the U.S. was in the torture business as a matter of White House policy under President [George W.] Bush."
- See more at:

Obama says about those who participated in Torture,, "I don't believe anyone is above the law, BUT,, on the OTHER hand, I have a belief that We need to look Forward". 

 This is the Biggest CROCK of Sh-t! Look "Forward?"" Forward??? First of All,, this is EXACTLY where things like Meditation and yoga, which I have to mention because the entire point of the practice comes into Play RIGHT HERE. Where you have to really be Sharp and on the Ball. This is where the SLIGHT of HAND happens. 
This country JAILS INNOCENT Civilians EVERYDAY for NON Crimes,, like minor Traffic "violations", then puts them in Jail when they can not pay. Stop and Frisk to Ensure that the vulnerable person knows their place and is made to feel like a prisoner in advance. Our Prisons are FILLED with people who can't breath or have a Critical Thought without being arrested! PROTESTORS exercising their RIGHTS are arrested! 

  Recently, a lawyer from Arch City Defenders with 2 of his clients from St Louis appeared on Democracy Now, who are suing the state of Missouri in a Major Legal action accusing Officials for creating what a dozen St. Louis area residents are calling a Modern Debtors Prison Scheme. They claim it unfairly targets African Americans with fines and locks them up when they can't pay.
 "A study by Arch City Defenders last year found that a large portion of the revenue for several St Louis counties is generated by fines paid by African Americans disproportionately targeted for traffic stops and other minor offenses. In Ferguson, Fines and Fees were the cities 2nd largest source of income in 2014", said Amy Goodman. Amy went on to report,, "Ferguson issued, on average, 3 warrants per household last year, the Highest # of warrants in the state relative to it's size. The targeting may have had deadly consequences, according to the new class action law suit, 4 area residents unable to BUY THEIR FREEDOM committed SUICIDE in the local jails in the last 5 months." The Debtors Scheme has Devastated the cities poor trapping them for years in a cycle of debts, extortion and cruel jailings" 
 The plaintiffs in the law suit want and End to the Targeting and for the victims to be compensated. Attorney Michael-John Voss from ArchCityDefenders accusing 2 Missouri suburbs, Ferguson and Jennings, of creating illegal debtors prisons. Michael-John Voss of ACD said the city of Ferguson "Exploits" African Americans unfairly because of their financial inability to pay the fines. They are then, made to pay an extremely high amount of money relative to the charge. If they don't have an ability to pay, and there are no inquires made into a persons ability to pay. A Warrant is then issued for their ARREST for days, weeks without looking at their financial situation and find a specific amount so the person can pay to get out of jail.
 Again, using the blog about Portugal and the Drug problem in 2000 with the Prime Minister who actually WANTED to solve the problem, in this scenario it's EASY to see what's happening. The City WANTS "PROBLEMS", is NOT looking for solutions or ways to work WITH the people so they can pay. It's easy to see that the Cities entire Agenda revolves around ONLY getting people IN, not OUT. The system is Not set up to work WITH or to SOLVE problems,, only CREATE them. Pretty Sadistic! 
 Attorney Voss, working with Equal Justice Under Law in DC is seeking injunctive relief and and end to these practices and seeking damages for those harmed by this system. 4 Suicides and attempted suicides in the last few years. an 18 year old male clearly in need of mental health that went untreated, committed suicide, Mr Voss said. 
 How About,, it was the 18 year old who was the SANE One and it's the Sociopath "Officials" running this Sadistic Ponzi Debt Scheme who need the Mental health Treatment?! The conditions are deplorable; 12 people in a cell that only holds 8, not enough blankets, no clean blankets, the Detainees can't take showers.
 Alison Nelson, one of the plaintiffs of the lawsuit told how she was arrested for Driving with a suspended license 3 days before Thanksgiving when she was just actually sitting in her car in the drivers seat in her BACKYARD in her pajamas while the car was parked and not running!!
 The 3 warrants per household fines are used to pay for the cities services,,  Mr Voss continues,, what you see with a number of municipalities is this "Wedding" of the need to generate revenue for the municipality WITH the administration of "Just us", (quotes mine), so the incentive is FINANCIAL,, Oh Gee,, what else? The incentive to be decent people, the incentive to create a compassionate, caring Just world, the incentive to leave a better world for their children?? NO, or course, the ONLY incentive there is,, Fake, man made $$. At the complete expense of Justice. Agencies Sure know how to relate and come together and get Married for their own interests, but the Public doesn't know how to to that. The public is being ripped apart, communities ripped apart,, families, ripped apart,, while Agencies are marrying for $$ incentive!
 "What we need to have is a DIVORCE"between the municipalities and the Judicial system, said Mr Voss. 
 Answering the question if there has been any improvement in the 6 months since the death of Mike Brown, the 1 plaintiff Herbert Nelson Jr. answered, "No, it's worse".

 So my question is,, Where is Obama's, "lets look Forward, when it comes to the people in Ferguson and Jennings, Missouri? When it comes to law abiding citizens just trying to survive, they get arrested and extorted by the Mafia municipalities while those, like Obama himself, who signed the Torture program, along with Dick Cheney, John Brennen and Donald Rumsfeld, and those who actually participated in it, in violation of the UN charter and violations of the declaration of Human Rights, get, "Let's look "forward".  IT DOESN'T GET ANY CLEARER FOLKS! Don't sit by and let this continue!

"Torture is their Legacy", John Kiriakou said about Dick Cheney and others who continually defend and defend the torture, despite being caught with their pants down that torture was ineffective. "The only thing they can do, to save their reputations, is to keep repeating this LIE and say that torture worked and hope the American people eventually believe it".
"Edward Snowden gave us information on Government illegality that we otherwise would never have had. He did a very courageous thing. He did a great National Service". John Kiriakou said of Edward Snowden,, "He would not get a fair Trial in the United States."

U.S Justice Leonie Brinkema, the judge who sentenced Kiriakou, said about John Kiriakou,,, "This case is not a case about a Whistle blower. It's a case about a man who betrayed a very solemn trust, and that is a truest to keep the integrity of his agency intact specifically to protect the identity of co-workers... I think 30 months is, frankly, way too light because the message has to be sent to every covert agent that when you leave the agency, you can't just start all of a sudden revealing the names of the people with whom you worked". 
 At first Judge Brinkema said a 30 month sentence was, quote, "fair and appropriate". "When the court room was full of reporters 3 months later, that's when Judge Brinkema decided to get tough", John Kiriakou said. 
 During the hearing, any time the defense tried to introduce evidence of Whistle-blowing they were denied, evidence of Government wrong doing; DENIED, John Kiriakou's personal history in the CIA; such as winning 12 exceptional performance awards, a meritorious honor award, the Counter-Terrorist service medal; INADMISSIBLE! Which was what led John Kiriakous to believe that Edward Snowden would "Not get a fair trial" and should not come back to VA. 
 John Kiriakou says, about who should be Prosecuted for Torture at Guantanamo, that Mitchell & Jesssen, "Psychologists" who designed the Torture program, his response was, "absolutely". "Prosecutions should begin with Mitchell & Jessen".  "They were Wholey unqualified for the bill of goods they sold to the CIA". "They simply committed crimes over seas in the name of the U.S. Government".

 Finally getting to the Focus of this writing is,, John Kiriakou's experience at FCI Loretto, PA which he described the treatment of the prisoners there and spoke about an man of at least 70 who was Obviously having a heart attack by being visibly upset and clutching his chest while stating, "I'm having a heart attack". The woman taking John's blood told the man,, "Well You're just going to have to wait, I'm the only person here". The Old man had to sit and wait for another employee to come to work to confirm he was having a heart attack and call an ambulance to take him to a local hospital. 
 Another story John Kiriakou told was of a man who''s cell was across from the chapel and had complained of severe back pain for weeks. He would have a cane, a wheelchair,, and then the Chaplain intervened and noticed the man's condition had deteriorated and told the Prison to take him to a hospital where it was found he had stage 4 cancer of the spine and died within 2 weeks.  Typical of the Medical "care" in all prisons.

 John Kiriakou wrote in his letters about being "UN Institutionalized and ready to fight" while imprisoned,, like in Shawshank Redemption. "Un Institutionalized" meaning" never allowing the Prison guards at Loretto to "Cow" me. John spoke about one Lieutenant who was a notorious Bully and "Provocateur" and with whom he had a dispute. This Lieutenant "shouted at me one day", said Kiriakou, "YOU NEED TO START ACTING MORE LIKE AN INMATE". John Asked, "What is that supposed to mean?" "If it means, saying, "yes sir, no sir, sorry sir",, "that's never going to happen!" "Respect is 2 ways, you get respect when you Give respect, And I DON'T RESPECT YOU". "And that's the attitude I maintained though out my 2 years in prison". 
 "Prisoners are treated Not as Human beings", "They're treated as Sub Human, people Not to be respected". "It's WAREHOUSING being being overseen by Flunkies and Drop-outs".

 I have to make the connection here to the "family" system. Unfortunately, it's not until a "well-off" person gets a taste of what many people grow up with and live with every day of their lives. There are too many innocent people ending up in these prisons coming from "families" just as John described about being in Prison. "Home" is prison for many people and I wouldn't be surprised if the guards that work there, with the comment John made about the Lieutenant saying "You need to start acting like an inmate" is something he probably heard from his own "father". Treating the prisoners as sub human is exactly the way many children are treated every day in their own homes by the Very people who are supposed to Love and Value them. I feel it so necessary to mention the family system often to illustrate how,, there's no where to go from there. The Family is the last LIFE BOAT,, is that sinks, that's it, You're Drowning in Stress, Abuse and Rage,, only to take that experience out into the world and do the same to others. It's All the accumulation of the Abusive "family" system because as long as Fake $$ is the Priority, there will be No effort and $ put towards mediation, conflict resolution, communication skills and respecting others. $$ goes towards creating Enemies and Terrorists.

 That is exactly what I was saying to my own Mother at 8 years old,, "you have to Give respect to Get Respect". The person who is supposed to be teaching me and raising me, I have to teach her! That creates the Emotional DEBT we have so much of in this world. Immature, underdeveloped people having children. Passing down the Low Self worth, the abuse, the disrespect. 
 What is satisfying about perpetuating this treatment? Going through motions for a "paycheck", which has NO Nutritional value, instead of treating people better and creating a more satisfying and healthier environment for everyone.  
 Lets turn these problems around and Stop perpetuating Abuse. let's break the Cycle of Abuse, we will be the more happier for it.

"President Obama Killed far more people with Drone strikes than Bush ever did"

1 comment:

  1. Cat,Excellent summary and commentary. Indeed there would be more drug users on parole if Obama consistently looked ahead.But he doesn't care about the poor- about poor blacks --as Cat points out. I think he was a CIA asset from a young age, like his mother.
    He did not write Dreams from My Father. He had help--Bill Ayers former Weatherman. I can't reference it but the article was sharp. First, Obama could not write.His Columbia Masters thesis was filled with grammar mistakes. Why the claim of Ayers?. Because Ayers was a sailor and had used metaphors in his books involving using a special sailors'-and Ayers was an excellent writer (although his Weatherman book can be criticized on other grounds). Obama had no experience sailing. And they were close, Ayers is no doubt disappointed now.
    The last sentence doesn't make sense--I don't kn ow if it's Cat's because it has quotes. There were no drones under Bush. The real point is that Obama minimizes controversy caused by Gitmo by murdering those Bush used to capture.
    I misssed the show on DN Cat discusses. But I saw 2 others on Gitmo. A true blue Reagan officer who was so disgusted he quit and wrote a book on Gitmo.. An Arab journalist just wrote a book which has been compared to Orwell and Kafka. Despite his new celebrity and military's decision he was the wrong guy he continues to suffer at Gitmo. Undoubtedly that is because Obomber is looking forward, not backwards--as instructed.Or in other words he is a sociopath who does give a damn about ordinary citizens. Just Bush and Rumsfeld and--well he does what his handlers tell him. He has no compassion for the truly unfortunate, no admiration for those with integrity, including DR King. Harold Cruise must be tossing in his grave.. We should demand Obama give back the Nobel.
