I cannot help but wonder to whom those who stand up for what's right
and expose corruption are blowing the whistle too or for? I guess its
just a few people plus some committed journalist who hear the call to
engage and go on high alert. It's like some new Channel on Cable TV that Not many Tune into, not many want to watch because,, then they'd have to DO something!
I don't think people like Chelsea Manning
or John Kiriakou from the documentary Silenced who worked for the FBI who
was then arrested by the very people for whom he worked and ended up
losing everything thought that that is what would happen if they simply
told the truth. The Brazilian journalist who kept telling the truth
about his local police dept. even after he was retaliated against and
his wife took his kids and left him. He even ended up in the hosp for
emotional issues. I don't think they were thinking, "yes, I want to
bankrupt my emotional health and lose my family". I don't think they
expected the public, the VERY people they thought would be there to
catch them, would be the ones who let them fall. I believe they truly thought the public was relatively healthy
and responsive. That the public would engage and move into some
semblance of action. Because we've been disconnected from nature for too
long and have not been making enough "deposits" into a Real "bank
account", the "funds" are not there when needed. This is a major wake up
call to the True funds and wealth that we need to be adding to. That
have been neglected while blindly obeying the "leaders" and their "bait"
It should scare the living shit out of us that those who society should
be emulating and promoting to the highest offices in our Gov are,
instead criminalized! They lose their jobs, pensions, sometimes
families. They become unemployable and end up losing their life savings
on legal expenses.
What does that tell us about the Fitness level of our country?? Not the
fitness level of the Gov. who many know is unreliable but, the fitness
level of the Public. The entire reason, at least a good majority of the
reason, these people blow the whistle is to alert the very people who
allow the Whistleblowers and Political Prisoners to be locked up.
Where's the Love???
There must be a good enough # of people in society who are healthy
enough and fit enough to heed the call for the reverberation of the
those blowing the whistle to reach.
I can't help but remember realizing to myself when I was fairly young,
when I caught myself being depleted in trying to wake up my own parent.
Trying to get this person into some sort of shape so that, then, THEY
would be in a better position to be a quality parent to Me! This is
Backwards and part of the reason our society and world is failing. Not
enough people even recognize the CLEAR signs & symptoms of very
serious ILLNESSES of society. When not caught early enough and go
unresponded to, we're inadvertently ADDING to the Sickness.
After I reached a certain age and I realized, "I'm going broke!". "I'm
bleeding to death!". "If I have to spend all my energy assembling
someone so that they could then afford to be the parent I need, I might
as well save my energy for myself!"
It was my own personal version of Wall St and the "too Big to jails".
Naturally, just like the whistleblowers who exposed corruption, they're
simply behaving the way their bodies and minds are supposed to be.
Healthy! I'm sure they had figured the repercussions wouldn't be as
abrasive as they were. That there would be Some cushion of people, of
"funds" to be there to ease the blow. But, we end up finding out, the
sad reality that, NO ONE has been funding this account!! For decades!!
We have to start funding it AFTER these healthy fit people go
Emotionally and Spiritually broke!! There is no "whistleblower fund"
for people who actually DO the right thing! They're there for us but,
we're Not there for them!
SHAME on Us!!!!
I felt the same when I was a kid and turned to my neighbors and
relatives to stand up for me when I was exposing the abuse and neglect
in my house. As a healthy person that gets confronted by corruption,
that's the way you behave! That's a healthy reflex. Society should be
saying, "hey, yeah, that's a Good sign!" " That's a sign that a person
is functioning Optimally!". Not, "oh, well, we weren't expecting anyone
to actually be fit!" "We weren't counting on that". So, instead, because
we live in a backwards, DEBT based system, people allow the kids to
take the brunt of the "bill" rather than parents cultivating cushion for
their children. No one is putting any funds away for those being born
who are healthy, sharp, responsive and vibrant. No one is prepared for
that so when those people are born they have no where to go, no one to
turn to who is actually going to raise them and not exploit their
vibrancy as a commodity. There are NO parents. Those young people have
No choice but to project their dreams onto a system that they NEED to
believe is just or they will go insane due to overwhelm. But, because
most people have no idea how nature and health work, they're completely
ignorant to this dynamic. Too many allow $$ and the Sociopaths to lead
Its just too clear at this point that we have not only neglected and
polluted our planet, we've polluted people. We've neglected our Fitness.
And now we have to suffer the consequences.
We've gotten so used to being in exploitative, abusive relationships
with Big Corps and the Gov that when people who are True Quality come
along who actually Love themselves and us enough to put themselves on
the line, we're not ready! We missed the greatest Love opportunity of a
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