Watching, Years of Living Dangerously. The effects of our $$ driven
system at the expense of our own Health & the environment. The
accumulation of our disregard, our ignorance, IGNORE ance, our dismissal
of the Clear signs and symptoms nature, the earth, people, animals have
been sending out that we choose to blatantly tune out.
I couldn't have made it any clearer as a young child that living in
that house was harmful. I could not make my feelings any more known. It
was quite obvious and yet my pleas went unanswered. Although it might
seem insignificant to most people when they're not the ones who had to
live in that environment, I was. I felt the harm being done by the very
people who were supposed to be protecting me. I felt my body being
permanently changed by the conditions. This is also a form of "climate
change". Most people don't think of it in that way but, that's exactly
what it is. Humans being permanently altered by the unhealthy conditions
they're forced to live under as well as the destruction of the planet.
They were discussing the drought conditions in certain parts of the
world, Texas and Indonesia. The burning of the trees in Indonesia to
make way for Palm Trees to make Palm Oil. The smoke from burning the
trees created a constant "smog" in the town.
A top scientist in Texas, Katharine Hayhoe, showed how increasing CO2
was making the temp increase. They said we were heading for severe
instability like we've never seen.
Katharine Hayhoe is a Climate Scientist AND follows Christianity. The
topic of the separation of science and religion was brought up, which
I've always thought was a ridiculous division and at the core of all our
problems. The PTB want things to be divided. That's how they stay on
top. Science and Religion being separate is the same as $$ being
separated from Real wealth. The same as words not being backed by
action. How can science be separate from religion when science was
created and comes from Nature which is synonymous with God? God made
science. God Is science, just like Man made $$ needs to be backed by
something Nature makes to give it real value.
Again, I think of human beings, who are a part of nature, who respond
to the unhealthy unequal conditions and how they can't help but have
"Mental Climate shift" when they "snap" and go on killing rampages. We
can't arrest or call Nature a "terrorist" when it has a perfectly
"mirrored" response to the way we treat it! Is it news that we live in a
Cause & Effect world? Why should we be surprised? People, animals
& the earth respond in HEALTHY ways to the sick way they're being
treated. But, of course, because we continue to perpetuate our ignorance
and mental illness we wouldn't know that so we sit by while the PTB
criminalize them. We allow our Fake, man-made system continue instead
of seizing the opportunity to wake up and change coarse. Although more
people are finally standing up and speaking out, its a drop in the
bucket compared to the # it will take to create lasting change.
Just like our bodies get ill, our emotions get unbalanced when we do
not live in healthy ways. Because we have taken everything that's
unhealthy and "shifted" ourselves to define it as normal. Because we
refuse to listen to Nature, let Nature teach and lead us and align
ourselves with it instead of the insatiable devouring, the completely
Emotionally imbalanced addictions of the PTB!
Because we are not connected to Nature physically, we've created a
Man-made habitat that we've used to shield ourselves from it, which
perpetuates our disconnection from it even further. We pay even less
attention to its clear signs further increasing our mental illness and
addictions. A never ending Vicious cycle.
Because we do not make health and Nature the priority in our Society,
which, already, is a clear sign that we're Mentally ill, we end up
feeding and adding to our already increasing Mental deficit by clinging
further to our arrogance.
By failing to recognize that those to whom are entrusted to serve us
are suffering from severe mental "climate change", we create the earth
in our image. WE suffer from "climate shift". The inequality, the
suffering inflicted on the most vulnerable, the blatant disregard for
the lives of others & animals due to the never ending addictions of
those who are incapable of waking up. The PTB NEED us to be their
brakes! Like a young child with an alcoholic parent, "authority" is not
without flaws, not immune to the laws of Nature. We perpetuate our
illness because we're already disconnected. The people are the
Codependent Enablers to the Addictions of the banks, Exxon, corps, Wall
St, Rockefeller, the Koch Bros, etc.
We Must stand up to them to save ourselves! We must embrace our inner
Power, the Divine that is within us All! We must connect to the way
Nature intended Society to function. Balanced.
Its not a Political Solution, its a Natural solution, a health solution.
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