I cannot help but wonder to whom those who stand up for what's right
and expose corruption are blowing the whistle too or for? I guess its
just a few people plus some committed journalist who hear the call to
engage and go on high alert. It's like some new Channel on Cable TV that Not many Tune into, not many want to watch because,, then they'd have to DO something!
I don't think people like Chelsea Manning
or John Kiriakou from the documentary Silenced who worked for the FBI who
was then arrested by the very people for whom he worked and ended up
losing everything thought that that is what would happen if they simply
told the truth. The Brazilian journalist who kept telling the truth
about his local police dept. even after he was retaliated against and
his wife took his kids and left him. He even ended up in the hosp for
emotional issues. I don't think they were thinking, "yes, I want to
bankrupt my emotional health and lose my family". I don't think they
expected the public, the VERY people they thought would be there to
catch them, would be the ones who let them fall. I believe they truly thought the public was relatively healthy
and responsive. That the public would engage and move into some
semblance of action. Because we've been disconnected from nature for too
long and have not been making enough "deposits" into a Real "bank
account", the "funds" are not there when needed. This is a major wake up
call to the True funds and wealth that we need to be adding to. That
have been neglected while blindly obeying the "leaders" and their "bait"
It should scare the living shit out of us that those who society should
be emulating and promoting to the highest offices in our Gov are,
instead criminalized! They lose their jobs, pensions, sometimes
families. They become unemployable and end up losing their life savings
on legal expenses.
What does that tell us about the Fitness level of our country?? Not the
fitness level of the Gov. who many know is unreliable but, the fitness
level of the Public. The entire reason, at least a good majority of the
reason, these people blow the whistle is to alert the very people who
allow the Whistleblowers and Political Prisoners to be locked up.
Where's the Love???
There must be a good enough # of people in society who are healthy
enough and fit enough to heed the call for the reverberation of the
those blowing the whistle to reach.
I can't help but remember realizing to myself when I was fairly young,
when I caught myself being depleted in trying to wake up my own parent.
Trying to get this person into some sort of shape so that, then, THEY
would be in a better position to be a quality parent to Me! This is
Backwards and part of the reason our society and world is failing. Not
enough people even recognize the CLEAR signs & symptoms of very
serious ILLNESSES of society. When not caught early enough and go
unresponded to, we're inadvertently ADDING to the Sickness.
After I reached a certain age and I realized, "I'm going broke!". "I'm
bleeding to death!". "If I have to spend all my energy assembling
someone so that they could then afford to be the parent I need, I might
as well save my energy for myself!"
It was my own personal version of Wall St and the "too Big to jails".
Naturally, just like the whistleblowers who exposed corruption, they're
simply behaving the way their bodies and minds are supposed to be.
Healthy! I'm sure they had figured the repercussions wouldn't be as
abrasive as they were. That there would be Some cushion of people, of
"funds" to be there to ease the blow. But, we end up finding out, the
sad reality that, NO ONE has been funding this account!! For decades!!
We have to start funding it AFTER these healthy fit people go
Emotionally and Spiritually broke!! There is no "whistleblower fund"
for people who actually DO the right thing! They're there for us but,
we're Not there for them!
SHAME on Us!!!!
I felt the same when I was a kid and turned to my neighbors and
relatives to stand up for me when I was exposing the abuse and neglect
in my house. As a healthy person that gets confronted by corruption,
that's the way you behave! That's a healthy reflex. Society should be
saying, "hey, yeah, that's a Good sign!" " That's a sign that a person
is functioning Optimally!". Not, "oh, well, we weren't expecting anyone
to actually be fit!" "We weren't counting on that". So, instead, because
we live in a backwards, DEBT based system, people allow the kids to
take the brunt of the "bill" rather than parents cultivating cushion for
their children. No one is putting any funds away for those being born
who are healthy, sharp, responsive and vibrant. No one is prepared for
that so when those people are born they have no where to go, no one to
turn to who is actually going to raise them and not exploit their
vibrancy as a commodity. There are NO parents. Those young people have
No choice but to project their dreams onto a system that they NEED to
believe is just or they will go insane due to overwhelm. But, because
most people have no idea how nature and health work, they're completely
ignorant to this dynamic. Too many allow $$ and the Sociopaths to lead
Its just too clear at this point that we have not only neglected and
polluted our planet, we've polluted people. We've neglected our Fitness.
And now we have to suffer the consequences.
We've gotten so used to being in exploitative, abusive relationships
with Big Corps and the Gov that when people who are True Quality come
along who actually Love themselves and us enough to put themselves on
the line, we're not ready! We missed the greatest Love opportunity of a
I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
War on the Nature within

There is no question about the fact that we are at a tipping point with the system we've all been living in and supporting all our lives without enough people challenging it, questioning it and exposing it. More people have been exposing violations lately with Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. But, there are still too many people living in the "pollution" and have adjusted themselves to it and put fake $ first everyday. I believe its the "slow & gradual", like James Madison said, than "sudden & violent" usurpations. The fact that its not until some "high", "credible" person exposes things that people sit up and take notice. Yet, people themselves have the ability everyday when they go to work to be a part of or not, the accumulation of the smaller, maybe, but still as immoral, still as oppressive and enslaving.
People don't wake up one day and find they're 300 lbs. They didn't get there over night. They've been making "deposits" in it for years. So it is with our marriages, families, and our jobs. Its all about the health of everything. There is nothing more important. Everyday we are either "feeding" our families, our relationships at work with healthy, healing words and behaviors or we're sitting by and doing nothing to stop it and worse, we're actively engaging in it. There is no way around it. We are involved one way or another. Like it or not. We can blame others and pawn off responsibility to those in "charge" but, ultimately WE are responsible for what we do or do not do. Its not those at the "top", its us! Its the people who keep the criminal, anti nature, system going. There is absolutely Nothing to gain!!
Nothing! This system is completely Corrupt! Completely Polluted! There is No point to it! None! We are destroying the Planet and ourselves. For?? What?? Fake man made $$?? Which so many are addicted to because it does not come from Nature and has no Nutritional value. Its not even backed by anything real and is created out of Debt ! It consist of mostly digital entries in a computer. A small % of it is printed. It can't get any more invaluable! Only our blind ignorance that buys into the BS keeps it going. Its like finding out that the person you've been in a relationship with for years has been cheating or a drug dealer. Its not pleasant to learn but its better than living in the dark. Although, I'm sure some would disagree. Some would rather live in the dark. But, the light will shine eventually and it will be that much more blinding.
Over the last week or so I've attended and filmed events for the Central Park 5 who have just seen their 25th anniversary. Not something to celebrate because they have still not had their case settled and received compensation for their years in jail for a wrongful conviction and blatant NYPD corruption.
How does this relate to Nature? Well, its not just the way we relate to the environment that determines "nature" and health. Its the way we've been conditioned to function with ourselves and one another. We have to understand how we've been pinned against the Nature within us. Our own inner nature that someone was directly influencing when we were young. When we come into this world we express ourselves totally Organically, straight from our gut. The mind & body function in complete synchronicity. We don't "think". We just are. Or course, it doesn't take long for that perfectly organic functioning to get interrupted, manipulated. Its a rare parent who makes a conscious effort to raise "organic" children. Parents who preserve and protect the natural environment in their child. Many manipulate what the child feels, interfere and block what children really feel for their own desires. Without realizing it, parents are no different than the system. They treat their children and "raise" them to make $. Not to do what they believe or do what they enjoy. Anyone who says, "I just want to make a lot of $" without any regard for HOW they make it, is completely Unnatural. That pins $ in opposition to the real value it is supposed to be backed by. So, instead of someone saying, "I want to make a lot of $ acting or building beautiful furniture, which would give the $ more value because its actually EARNED instead of robbed.
Being at the Central Park 5 gathering and listening to the speakers say things that I've been saying and trying to bring up my entire life was such a relief! I could literally feel myself getting lighter! They were talking about Injustice and the system being the "Criminal System of Injustice", They were calling those with the "power" out for what they were, exposing them for doing the opposite of what they're supposed to be doing. It's So Simple yet the PTB Love to make things Very Complicated so they can keep our heads spinning. People were WRONGLY harmed, screwed, convicted, accused, slandered, raped, robbed DESERVE to be compensated!! SIMPLE! It's NOT Complicated! Hearing the man from the December 12th Movement ask,, "WHY do we have to wait for Justice?" Calling the system "Racist",, that is "criminalizing youth", Mr Cray said,, the system "Always creates a situation where WE are not Equal",,, you see,, they do it to you first Psychologically,, by Not respecting, by De-humanizing, by finding or CREATING any reason on the Mental level FIRST, to NOT have to respect a group of people, then comes the $$ and they keep you in Debt. But, they have to Lower you Emotionally First. "There's Something about US that doesn't deserve Justice".
When I stand there and hear that my Body literally starts singing inside! I've been saying that my whole life and there's NO one to hear and stand by you! Black people know about Oppression and Racism. I have to actually go to an event about Racism to feel some Comradery and support! Many people today ARE being oppressed, they just don't feel it because it's happening gradually and Covertly, which is WORSE.
Omowale Clay of the Dec 12th Movement continues, "They did something", the public was saying about the CP5, "they must have done something",, the FACT that,, it's the SYSTEM that's Corrupt Can't POSSIBLY be it! The FACT that,, the Prosecutors in the case,, Lied and railroaded children who looked up to and respected the NYPD, only to have the NYPD take complete advantage of that,, Exactly what I felt at home. People we're supposed to TRUST and respect,, BETRAY that trust. No where is that Betrayal Greater than "parents" with their children, which so many have experienced. Calling out the Incompetent "Authority", no matter WHO it is. There MUST be a standard of Quality,, a Standard of FITNESS of those in positions of power and authority! Who is going to Hold them to that standard, if it isn't those to whom they're Supposed to serve?? Then, If they can just dismiss us as Not worthy of respect,, then we have NO choice but to expose them for what they are. According the the PTB and by the system they created,, "were Born perpetrators". The system is set up that too many are criminal as soon as they are born to ensure the system continues to benefit those at the top. A steady flow of endless Capital at the expense of the rest of the world. Why people don't put and end to this right NOW is Beyond my comprehension,, they Fear their own power, that's why.
I'm sitting here at Union Sq reading a pamphlet from HumaneMYTH.org, on the Myth of Organic and "humane" animal products. How male chicks are GROUND ALIVE because they're not egg producers. The females have their beaks mutilated so they don't harm each other due to over crowding.
Cows are kept in constant pregnancy and birth to maintain milk production. To then have their calves immediately taken. Mother cows and calves cry out for each other Long after! IT goes on to say, that All forms of dairy farming involve FORCIBLY IMPREGNATING COWS aka,, Rape,, they call it a Rape Rack!
Who wants to eat or drink anything that comes from that process??! Not me! Nothing of quality or Nutrition can possible come from that. It's Literal Franken-food!
Half of the calves born are males and of No use in Milk Production. So, they're sent to auctions to be sold and slaughtered when they're just a few days old. The rest go to Veal Producing operations where they endure a crude castration process and are then killed after 4 months spent in crates.
Cows allowed to live free of exploitation and slaughter, live to be 25 years or more. But, after 4-6 years,dairy cows are considered "spent" and sent to auction and slaughter,, which are traumatic for these Gentle animals.
I'd like to add, WE are creating Fake Frankenstein people,, we ARE becoming Frankenstein people by allowing Unnatural and completely manipulated processes to become the Norm rather than pointing it out for the Total Sickness that it is. We are allowing our children to grow up to be "Unnaturally Grown", we're raising our own children to be "raised" by skipping their healthy, natural process and become Frankenstein when they're older
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Listen to the "Little Guy"
First I want to say, Rest in Peace Michael C. Ruppert! Authored the
book, Crossing the Rubicon and the Documentary, Collapse. How, why ever
you died, your words and your work will be greatly missed and needed in
this world. We need you more than ever.
I was just watching Matt Taibbi on Democracy Now discussing his new book about Why no banker from the Wall St robbery has been arrested, prosecuted. Clips of Eric Holder, the Speaker of the House saying, "its too difficult to go after the banks, they're just too big"! Quote not exact. Then Matt Taibbi said how others, will go back and find it, don't want to do the work! Its too much work! And the problem is????? This is your JOB! What you're supposed to be on top of and getting paid, Eric Holder, to do!! Its too difficult?? Then get the HELL out! And give someone the job who is more than happy to do the work on behalf of the people!
That's what I've been saying for decades when I talk about being in the Moment. That's what its all about! Start where you have to start. What else is there to do?? What better, Eric Holder, do you have to do? What could possibly be more important? That's like Muhammed Ali saying, "I'm not gonna fight that guy, its too difficult". You're not the best then, if its too difficult for you! GET OUT! Get someone in who will do it and do what ever it takes! What else is there to do?
Matt Taibbi also spoke about someone he met in a prosecutors office, a black male, who was arrested for standing in front of his house at 1am for "Blocking Pedestrian Traffic" because the cop didn't like the way he looked! So they can arrest people for laughable, utter NONSENSE! But its too difficult to arrest anyone at HSBC who Admitted to drug running! Unacceptable!! As Matt Taibbi called it, is an understatement! Maybe its just me, because I've been saying things all my life. Studying Psych, dysfunction, Co dependency, abusive relationships my entire life! I lived it. I know what its like to have complete unworthy people/person in charge who can't even admit when they've made a "mistake" or were wrong. There are complete incompetents with power all over the place with No accountability! I'm passed this stuff! Its easy for someone like Matt Taibbi to talk about this stuff. No disrespect to Matt because he is discussing and writing about it but, why are we not listening to those who its happening to? Why do we need a Middle man, I hesitate to use the word "Privileged" but, someone who doesn't know what its like to experience these things. Why are we not listening to the people themselves? Is it too real? No one listened to me my whole life and I'm the one it happened to. Is there some need for an indirect experience? People can't handle it full on, in the full concentration? People need that "cushion", the "funds" that don't exist! the distance? Does it make it more "credible" if some "normal" person says it or brings attention to it? If the people who it's happening to say it it's not credible because they're the poor, black male, raped female, ugly, the stopped frisked, the rejected? The fact that they're rejects IS the Credibility! They're Ugliness IS they're credibility! The Filth IS the Credibility!
Those who the injustices are happening to should be the ones being heard yet, they end end being the ones dismissed, disregarded. WHY? Why do we join in the abuse instead of standing against it?
Today while doing Yoga practice I listened to a talk Mike Ruppert gave a couple of years ago. He mentioned an experiment given to College students where they were divided up into "prisoners" & "guards". He said the experiment had to be stopped before someone was killed. He never said Who was going to do the killing but, its anyone's guess who it was. Not he prisoner killing the guard I'm sure. So, just the "act" of someone being in a position of lower- than can illicit such aggression in the "authority" to the point of killing? Is it that these situations give the person in the role of "authority" the permission to unleash all their pent up aggression? Aggression that's been held in for years? Why is there so much aggression in Society? Where does it come from? At who does it belong? I said the same about my own "parent". Give immature, irresponsible people the role of "authority" and any unacknowledged or unconscious aggression that person has not been permitted to release at authority gets transmitted to the most vulnerable. That's how the system keeps going. Its not safe to express ones anger at "authority" which proves its not Real authority. True authority gives room for honest feedback. Healthy families with healthy parents acknowledge truth from their children. They don't prescribe, might makes Right. That's a sign of abusive "authority".
The fact that we don't want to hear it from the victims themselves because they're not "credible" is a sign of how far off course we've gone. It's like not listening to a heart attack because it's not "credible".
I was just watching Matt Taibbi on Democracy Now discussing his new book about Why no banker from the Wall St robbery has been arrested, prosecuted. Clips of Eric Holder, the Speaker of the House saying, "its too difficult to go after the banks, they're just too big"! Quote not exact. Then Matt Taibbi said how others, will go back and find it, don't want to do the work! Its too much work! And the problem is????? This is your JOB! What you're supposed to be on top of and getting paid, Eric Holder, to do!! Its too difficult?? Then get the HELL out! And give someone the job who is more than happy to do the work on behalf of the people!
That's what I've been saying for decades when I talk about being in the Moment. That's what its all about! Start where you have to start. What else is there to do?? What better, Eric Holder, do you have to do? What could possibly be more important? That's like Muhammed Ali saying, "I'm not gonna fight that guy, its too difficult". You're not the best then, if its too difficult for you! GET OUT! Get someone in who will do it and do what ever it takes! What else is there to do?
Matt Taibbi also spoke about someone he met in a prosecutors office, a black male, who was arrested for standing in front of his house at 1am for "Blocking Pedestrian Traffic" because the cop didn't like the way he looked! So they can arrest people for laughable, utter NONSENSE! But its too difficult to arrest anyone at HSBC who Admitted to drug running! Unacceptable!! As Matt Taibbi called it, is an understatement! Maybe its just me, because I've been saying things all my life. Studying Psych, dysfunction, Co dependency, abusive relationships my entire life! I lived it. I know what its like to have complete unworthy people/person in charge who can't even admit when they've made a "mistake" or were wrong. There are complete incompetents with power all over the place with No accountability! I'm passed this stuff! Its easy for someone like Matt Taibbi to talk about this stuff. No disrespect to Matt because he is discussing and writing about it but, why are we not listening to those who its happening to? Why do we need a Middle man, I hesitate to use the word "Privileged" but, someone who doesn't know what its like to experience these things. Why are we not listening to the people themselves? Is it too real? No one listened to me my whole life and I'm the one it happened to. Is there some need for an indirect experience? People can't handle it full on, in the full concentration? People need that "cushion", the "funds" that don't exist! the distance? Does it make it more "credible" if some "normal" person says it or brings attention to it? If the people who it's happening to say it it's not credible because they're the poor, black male, raped female, ugly, the stopped frisked, the rejected? The fact that they're rejects IS the Credibility! They're Ugliness IS they're credibility! The Filth IS the Credibility!
Those who the injustices are happening to should be the ones being heard yet, they end end being the ones dismissed, disregarded. WHY? Why do we join in the abuse instead of standing against it?
Today while doing Yoga practice I listened to a talk Mike Ruppert gave a couple of years ago. He mentioned an experiment given to College students where they were divided up into "prisoners" & "guards". He said the experiment had to be stopped before someone was killed. He never said Who was going to do the killing but, its anyone's guess who it was. Not he prisoner killing the guard I'm sure. So, just the "act" of someone being in a position of lower- than can illicit such aggression in the "authority" to the point of killing? Is it that these situations give the person in the role of "authority" the permission to unleash all their pent up aggression? Aggression that's been held in for years? Why is there so much aggression in Society? Where does it come from? At who does it belong? I said the same about my own "parent". Give immature, irresponsible people the role of "authority" and any unacknowledged or unconscious aggression that person has not been permitted to release at authority gets transmitted to the most vulnerable. That's how the system keeps going. Its not safe to express ones anger at "authority" which proves its not Real authority. True authority gives room for honest feedback. Healthy families with healthy parents acknowledge truth from their children. They don't prescribe, might makes Right. That's a sign of abusive "authority".
The fact that we don't want to hear it from the victims themselves because they're not "credible" is a sign of how far off course we've gone. It's like not listening to a heart attack because it's not "credible".
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Nature's Signs and Symptoms are Clear, We're just not listening
Watching, Years of Living Dangerously. The effects of our $$ driven
system at the expense of our own Health & the environment. The
accumulation of our disregard, our ignorance, IGNORE ance, our dismissal
of the Clear signs and symptoms nature, the earth, people, animals have
been sending out that we choose to blatantly tune out.
I couldn't have made it any clearer as a young child that living in that house was harmful. I could not make my feelings any more known. It was quite obvious and yet my pleas went unanswered. Although it might seem insignificant to most people when they're not the ones who had to live in that environment, I was. I felt the harm being done by the very people who were supposed to be protecting me. I felt my body being permanently changed by the conditions. This is also a form of "climate change". Most people don't think of it in that way but, that's exactly what it is. Humans being permanently altered by the unhealthy conditions they're forced to live under as well as the destruction of the planet.
They were discussing the drought conditions in certain parts of the world, Texas and Indonesia. The burning of the trees in Indonesia to make way for Palm Trees to make Palm Oil. The smoke from burning the trees created a constant "smog" in the town.
A top scientist in Texas, Katharine Hayhoe, showed how increasing CO2 was making the temp increase. They said we were heading for severe instability like we've never seen.
Katharine Hayhoe is a Climate Scientist AND follows Christianity. The topic of the separation of science and religion was brought up, which I've always thought was a ridiculous division and at the core of all our problems. The PTB want things to be divided. That's how they stay on top. Science and Religion being separate is the same as $$ being separated from Real wealth. The same as words not being backed by action. How can science be separate from religion when science was created and comes from Nature which is synonymous with God? God made science. God Is science, just like Man made $$ needs to be backed by something Nature makes to give it real value.
Again, I think of human beings, who are a part of nature, who respond to the unhealthy unequal conditions and how they can't help but have "Mental Climate shift" when they "snap" and go on killing rampages. We can't arrest or call Nature a "terrorist" when it has a perfectly "mirrored" response to the way we treat it! Is it news that we live in a Cause & Effect world? Why should we be surprised? People, animals & the earth respond in HEALTHY ways to the sick way they're being treated. But, of course, because we continue to perpetuate our ignorance and mental illness we wouldn't know that so we sit by while the PTB criminalize them. We allow our Fake, man-made system continue instead of seizing the opportunity to wake up and change coarse. Although more people are finally standing up and speaking out, its a drop in the bucket compared to the # it will take to create lasting change.
Just like our bodies get ill, our emotions get unbalanced when we do not live in healthy ways. Because we have taken everything that's unhealthy and "shifted" ourselves to define it as normal. Because we refuse to listen to Nature, let Nature teach and lead us and align ourselves with it instead of the insatiable devouring, the completely Emotionally imbalanced addictions of the PTB!
Because we are not connected to Nature physically, we've created a Man-made habitat that we've used to shield ourselves from it, which perpetuates our disconnection from it even further. We pay even less attention to its clear signs further increasing our mental illness and addictions. A never ending Vicious cycle.
Because we do not make health and Nature the priority in our Society, which, already, is a clear sign that we're Mentally ill, we end up feeding and adding to our already increasing Mental deficit by clinging further to our arrogance.
By failing to recognize that those to whom are entrusted to serve us are suffering from severe mental "climate change", we create the earth in our image. WE suffer from "climate shift". The inequality, the suffering inflicted on the most vulnerable, the blatant disregard for the lives of others & animals due to the never ending addictions of those who are incapable of waking up. The PTB NEED us to be their brakes! Like a young child with an alcoholic parent, "authority" is not without flaws, not immune to the laws of Nature. We perpetuate our illness because we're already disconnected. The people are the Codependent Enablers to the Addictions of the banks, Exxon, corps, Wall St, Rockefeller, the Koch Bros, etc.
We Must stand up to them to save ourselves! We must embrace our inner Power, the Divine that is within us All! We must connect to the way Nature intended Society to function. Balanced.
Its not a Political Solution, its a Natural solution, a health solution.
I couldn't have made it any clearer as a young child that living in that house was harmful. I could not make my feelings any more known. It was quite obvious and yet my pleas went unanswered. Although it might seem insignificant to most people when they're not the ones who had to live in that environment, I was. I felt the harm being done by the very people who were supposed to be protecting me. I felt my body being permanently changed by the conditions. This is also a form of "climate change". Most people don't think of it in that way but, that's exactly what it is. Humans being permanently altered by the unhealthy conditions they're forced to live under as well as the destruction of the planet.
They were discussing the drought conditions in certain parts of the world, Texas and Indonesia. The burning of the trees in Indonesia to make way for Palm Trees to make Palm Oil. The smoke from burning the trees created a constant "smog" in the town.
A top scientist in Texas, Katharine Hayhoe, showed how increasing CO2 was making the temp increase. They said we were heading for severe instability like we've never seen.
Katharine Hayhoe is a Climate Scientist AND follows Christianity. The topic of the separation of science and religion was brought up, which I've always thought was a ridiculous division and at the core of all our problems. The PTB want things to be divided. That's how they stay on top. Science and Religion being separate is the same as $$ being separated from Real wealth. The same as words not being backed by action. How can science be separate from religion when science was created and comes from Nature which is synonymous with God? God made science. God Is science, just like Man made $$ needs to be backed by something Nature makes to give it real value.
Again, I think of human beings, who are a part of nature, who respond to the unhealthy unequal conditions and how they can't help but have "Mental Climate shift" when they "snap" and go on killing rampages. We can't arrest or call Nature a "terrorist" when it has a perfectly "mirrored" response to the way we treat it! Is it news that we live in a Cause & Effect world? Why should we be surprised? People, animals & the earth respond in HEALTHY ways to the sick way they're being treated. But, of course, because we continue to perpetuate our ignorance and mental illness we wouldn't know that so we sit by while the PTB criminalize them. We allow our Fake, man-made system continue instead of seizing the opportunity to wake up and change coarse. Although more people are finally standing up and speaking out, its a drop in the bucket compared to the # it will take to create lasting change.
Just like our bodies get ill, our emotions get unbalanced when we do not live in healthy ways. Because we have taken everything that's unhealthy and "shifted" ourselves to define it as normal. Because we refuse to listen to Nature, let Nature teach and lead us and align ourselves with it instead of the insatiable devouring, the completely Emotionally imbalanced addictions of the PTB!
Because we are not connected to Nature physically, we've created a Man-made habitat that we've used to shield ourselves from it, which perpetuates our disconnection from it even further. We pay even less attention to its clear signs further increasing our mental illness and addictions. A never ending Vicious cycle.
Because we do not make health and Nature the priority in our Society, which, already, is a clear sign that we're Mentally ill, we end up feeding and adding to our already increasing Mental deficit by clinging further to our arrogance.
By failing to recognize that those to whom are entrusted to serve us are suffering from severe mental "climate change", we create the earth in our image. WE suffer from "climate shift". The inequality, the suffering inflicted on the most vulnerable, the blatant disregard for the lives of others & animals due to the never ending addictions of those who are incapable of waking up. The PTB NEED us to be their brakes! Like a young child with an alcoholic parent, "authority" is not without flaws, not immune to the laws of Nature. We perpetuate our illness because we're already disconnected. The people are the Codependent Enablers to the Addictions of the banks, Exxon, corps, Wall St, Rockefeller, the Koch Bros, etc.
We Must stand up to them to save ourselves! We must embrace our inner Power, the Divine that is within us All! We must connect to the way Nature intended Society to function. Balanced.
Its not a Political Solution, its a Natural solution, a health solution.
Robbed of Our Health!

One thing I've heard during Yoga when you've done down dog for the upteenth time, "find something new". Like living with the same person/people every day, it takes effort to keep it new, to keep it fresh. In order to have a healthy, loving, respectful relationship we must make an effort. To have a healthy body we must make an effort. We must put into and invest in our children to reap the reward later on.
I understand that most people don't have the energy because most of our energy is being wasted and robbed by a system that does not benefit us. The question to ask is,, WHY would we support a system where we do not have energy left for us? If we can't afford energetically, or $$ to have what really matters; the kind of relationships we deserve at home And at work, WHY are we supporting it??
The very things we should be working for, Loving, supportive family, satisfying work, time for fun & recreation, community, the current system is at the expense of! NOT in support of!
We are digging into the Muscle!
We do not live in a system that puts Health first. That's clear. WHY? When that is the most important thing? How can any amount of $$ be more valuable than a loving family, fulfilling work, supportive community? It is for the PTB since they put $$ over people, the environment, health (even their own), caring, community. We live in a system that works for those at the top! And yet, it doesn't really work for them either because they are Mentally Ill Sociopaths who would benefit greatly and, I believe, are screaming for someone to resist them. There is NO reason for us to participate. NONE! except for our programming. We've been trained that we do not deserve better. We teach the PTB to treat us like shit! It all comes down to our level of Fitness and skill level. We are the ones who are allowing ourselves to be abused because too many are in denial that those in Gov, Corps, banks, the IMF would do what they are, in fact, doing. And that's exactly what they feed off of! They have nothing else to do! Why wouldn't they? We're making it impossible for them to refuse. As large as the world is, the Earth is limited and we've reached the END! There is no place left for these corps, banks, exxon, the gov/military to go! We've run out of room and they don't care if they run people over!! They are going to continue on their Sociopathologic path! They are like the drunk driver. They are not capable of being concerned with who they kill on their drive.
The PTB were born in the Stratosphere. They have accrued more Mental Illness/Gall/arrogance/
They have been allowed, thanks to us, to behave, UNRESTRICTED for decades like an unacknowledged and untreated disease! What do we think the end result of that is? If we think these people love us, that they're actually working to serve us?? I'd hate to see how well we'd be doing if they hated us! Hate to break it to you but, you're being cheated on!
This is what I don't get, people's families don't even treat them so great. Husbands, wives, parents, "cheat" on each other all the time, betray each other all the time. The system broke the family system up so we would be forced to turn to the PTB. Family should be who we turn to for refuge.
Are You living your dreams? Are your relatives? Or are they just working for $$?
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Align with Natural Law,, or Else!
Its truly a Miracle! I must say it to myself 10 times a day at least;
"I said that when I was 7". It's taken 40+ years but, people are Finally
talking about and realizing what I was forced to learn as a child but,
no one wanted to take seriously or step up about. Now the condition has
expended and is so much worse. Those who are supposed to be taking care
of you, protecting you are doing the exact opposite. It might not have
been true for everyone to the extent that it was for me but, it was true
to some extent.
The fact is; there are different levels of health and fitness. So, just because someone is not sick or has cancer, doesn't make one healthy or fit. And, just because a person was not neglected or abused does not mean they were raised to their full fitness level either.
Everything that is happening today, the Economy collapsing, the inequality gap increasing, wars, pollution, starvation, is occurring because people are not raised properly, fully. It's simple Math. People who have not achieved some level of success, health, fitness, happiness will not be able to raise children to do it either. Unless they acknowledge that fact and truly want better for their kids and put forth much effort.
From living the way I did as a kid and experiencing it first hand, I had no choice but to rely on my own gut, my own instincts. It was everyone for yourself. No one on your side, even though no one admitted it, everyone denies it which just confuses the issue and prevents any change. That is not family, that's enemies. Call it what it is. If my body responded to the situation a cetain way, that response is ACCURATE. People have NO right to judge how you handle or respond to a situation Totally on your own when you're responding Against the very people who were supposed to be teaching you! What I did and how I handled it was correct. The way my body responded was CORRECT. If that's the way you feel at home, what will the rest of the world feel like?
By holding onto what my gut knew, even though I experienced much assault and backwards attitudes such as; "oh, get over it, or, "oh, your poor parents, they couldn't teach you because no one taught them". That is exactly the Opposite responds of the correct one. As "nice" as it might sound, it's Mathematically and Physically incorrect. There is no Physical way that a child can afford and should be asked to "bail out" a parent, Period! The child cannot afford it emotionally, physically or spiritually. All this is is passing on the debt, polluting, no different than Texaco did to the Amazonian people. "Parent(s)" have NO right to treat children any Less than what they require to grow to be healthy, well adjusted adults. Anything less is purely criminal and taking advantage of the child's vulnerable position and innocence. Its Complete and Utter BETRAYAL!
There is a reason our system is the way it is. The reality does not lie. The people are having their rights robbed from them at every turn and they are helpless to do anything about it! WHY is that? Because people are not being brought up right and taught their rights, that's why. People have NO business having kids who cannot raise them to have a decent, fulfilled life! The system is not going to raise kids! They will enslave them! Why do we think all we have to do is tell our kids to "get a job" and think what ever company they work for will treat them right and help them get somewhere? If young people don't have a quality family upbringing behind them, actual physical leverage, those at their workplace will likely take advantage, use them or pay them to do their dirty work. If someone does not have a decent set of morals, values and decency taught to them by someone, those with power will simply manipulate them to their full advantage. Period!
We need to learn to understand how basic physics works. Its not how with thin things are, its the way it is.
"Parents" end up just being hired employees who work for the system at the expense of their own children. The momentum ends up picking up speed to the point where no one has a handle on their life and the current is just dragging people along. Kids end up getting run over in the process. Their needs and what it takes to give them the traction they need ends up lost. And these people are powerless to stop it. It's like one gigantic Stampede with the most vulnerable being literally crushed to death!
Reading & studying about how the family system, and healthy relationships in general, is supposed to function was the beginning of understanding how a community is supposed to function, a corporation is supposed to function, the Gov is supposed to function and so on. A healthy system is a healthy system and an unhealthy, dysfunctional or abusive one is just that. Corporations or Gov are not exempt from the Laws of Nature, simple. These people are just as susceptible to mental illness as the rest of us. They're people, made out of flesh & bone.
We are supposed to think of ourselves and our families with the adoration and bowing we give the Gov and the Corp, bankers who are destroying our families, our Freedoms, and our planet. At least if we did, we would tip the scale a bit more in our favor. These people do Not deserve our Adoration, they deserve prison.
I do not understand where the idea came from that we benefit when we "Glam" over and continuously bow to some Institution?? That makes no sense right there. If we're giving away our energy to get it back, why can't we just keep it for ourselves? If those who claim to be serving the people, they would just let the people keep their energy in the first place! Obviously, if we're forced to give up a lot of, and now even more, of our energies and rights, this should raise such red flags in the hearts of most smart people. A smart person knows this is wrong. A smart person suspects wrongful behavior and rightfully so. Why would people just ASSume those with this leverage give 2 shits about them?? Its really laughable to think those with the leverage are immune to criminal behavior, psychotic breakdowns.
The fact is; there are different levels of health and fitness. So, just because someone is not sick or has cancer, doesn't make one healthy or fit. And, just because a person was not neglected or abused does not mean they were raised to their full fitness level either.
Everything that is happening today, the Economy collapsing, the inequality gap increasing, wars, pollution, starvation, is occurring because people are not raised properly, fully. It's simple Math. People who have not achieved some level of success, health, fitness, happiness will not be able to raise children to do it either. Unless they acknowledge that fact and truly want better for their kids and put forth much effort.
From living the way I did as a kid and experiencing it first hand, I had no choice but to rely on my own gut, my own instincts. It was everyone for yourself. No one on your side, even though no one admitted it, everyone denies it which just confuses the issue and prevents any change. That is not family, that's enemies. Call it what it is. If my body responded to the situation a cetain way, that response is ACCURATE. People have NO right to judge how you handle or respond to a situation Totally on your own when you're responding Against the very people who were supposed to be teaching you! What I did and how I handled it was correct. The way my body responded was CORRECT. If that's the way you feel at home, what will the rest of the world feel like?
By holding onto what my gut knew, even though I experienced much assault and backwards attitudes such as; "oh, get over it, or, "oh, your poor parents, they couldn't teach you because no one taught them". That is exactly the Opposite responds of the correct one. As "nice" as it might sound, it's Mathematically and Physically incorrect. There is no Physical way that a child can afford and should be asked to "bail out" a parent, Period! The child cannot afford it emotionally, physically or spiritually. All this is is passing on the debt, polluting, no different than Texaco did to the Amazonian people. "Parent(s)" have NO right to treat children any Less than what they require to grow to be healthy, well adjusted adults. Anything less is purely criminal and taking advantage of the child's vulnerable position and innocence. Its Complete and Utter BETRAYAL!
There is a reason our system is the way it is. The reality does not lie. The people are having their rights robbed from them at every turn and they are helpless to do anything about it! WHY is that? Because people are not being brought up right and taught their rights, that's why. People have NO business having kids who cannot raise them to have a decent, fulfilled life! The system is not going to raise kids! They will enslave them! Why do we think all we have to do is tell our kids to "get a job" and think what ever company they work for will treat them right and help them get somewhere? If young people don't have a quality family upbringing behind them, actual physical leverage, those at their workplace will likely take advantage, use them or pay them to do their dirty work. If someone does not have a decent set of morals, values and decency taught to them by someone, those with power will simply manipulate them to their full advantage. Period!
We need to learn to understand how basic physics works. Its not how with thin things are, its the way it is.
"Parents" end up just being hired employees who work for the system at the expense of their own children. The momentum ends up picking up speed to the point where no one has a handle on their life and the current is just dragging people along. Kids end up getting run over in the process. Their needs and what it takes to give them the traction they need ends up lost. And these people are powerless to stop it. It's like one gigantic Stampede with the most vulnerable being literally crushed to death!
Reading & studying about how the family system, and healthy relationships in general, is supposed to function was the beginning of understanding how a community is supposed to function, a corporation is supposed to function, the Gov is supposed to function and so on. A healthy system is a healthy system and an unhealthy, dysfunctional or abusive one is just that. Corporations or Gov are not exempt from the Laws of Nature, simple. These people are just as susceptible to mental illness as the rest of us. They're people, made out of flesh & bone.
We are supposed to think of ourselves and our families with the adoration and bowing we give the Gov and the Corp, bankers who are destroying our families, our Freedoms, and our planet. At least if we did, we would tip the scale a bit more in our favor. These people do Not deserve our Adoration, they deserve prison.
I do not understand where the idea came from that we benefit when we "Glam" over and continuously bow to some Institution?? That makes no sense right there. If we're giving away our energy to get it back, why can't we just keep it for ourselves? If those who claim to be serving the people, they would just let the people keep their energy in the first place! Obviously, if we're forced to give up a lot of, and now even more, of our energies and rights, this should raise such red flags in the hearts of most smart people. A smart person knows this is wrong. A smart person suspects wrongful behavior and rightfully so. Why would people just ASSume those with this leverage give 2 shits about them?? Its really laughable to think those with the leverage are immune to criminal behavior, psychotic breakdowns.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Natural Law,, Not Man's Law
There is something us "humans" really need to get. Nature/Physics is in
Control. Nature provides only a certain amount of resources that must
be replenished and cultivated, and taken care of. If that doesn't
happen, and in our take, take, take, profit over people and the
environment, system, it should not be such a surprise that we're in the
midst of a head on collision with nature both Globally and personally.
On the personal scale, people experience it all the time when it comes
to their health, even if they don't acknowledge it. Our resources need
cultivation and expansion. We need to learn and expand internally. We
need to feed our bodies and minds healthy knowledge, information and
food. If we are not fed truth, are not treated with worth and value by
our source "care givers" it will not develop and will be depleted. We
will not learn how to "balance the check book" of our inner resources.
We need to take an honest inventory of ourselves, like is taught in the
4th step of the 12 steps. We have to Get Real about what it is that we
can and cannot afford. We need to Tell the Truth about how we feel about
ourselves due to being mistreated and not getting our Rightful needs
This is exactly what the PTB do Not want!!
People must get, or not, and suffer the consequences, from the brainwashing of not being allowed to express what we really feel when we were growing up. Of having our legitimate feelings shamed, being told we're weak or "sissy" for boys, if we feel sad, angry (for girls), sexual, or if we stand up to inadequate parenting. A natural response is a natural response! Parents who are poor role models should be stood up to and called on! Period. People need to realize its ALL connected to our Corrupt system of keeping us in Line, While the PTB rob us blind!! Being encouraged to be as close to and in Sync with what the Body feels and Knows is the direction we need to be encouraged towards. Not Discouraged away from! The Body "Knows". Wisdom is within, INtelligence,, is Within. Any smart parent listens and builds a relationship with themselves and their gut and teaches their children the same.
What the body feels is what's right! Instead of sacrificing more and more of ourselves to some "job", or Fake career. We need to reconnect to what's Authentic. People are taught the opposite,, all for Fake $$,, this way of living will add up to screw us in the end.
I was listening to an online radio podcast of someone who I agree with many things this person says. In fact, I've said many of the same exact things. Except One thing. I heard him say, that all too common theme, "No one can make you feel bad without your consent" or "No one can make u feel unworthy". And it was being said in the context of a "parent" toward their child, the radio show hosts sister. This is what I would like to address. Since the radio show host admitted to not being as effected by his parents as the sister due to the age difference. The sister, at the age of 5 bore the brunt of the damage. Now, the radio show host, who discusses topics such as Natural Law and the New World Order, feels his sister should be able to not allow the parent(s) who abused her to hold her back. That her "will" should be such that she should be able to overcome it.
I completely disagree with this. I admit I do not have all the details but, as far as the idea that no one can make you feel like shit without your consent, and Especially apply it towards children against a parent or parents is complete craziness. Of Course parents or a parent can make or break a person when they're a child! Like this entire system is designed to do and many parents attempt to do, Break the will, break the Spirit. Of course Not all parents but, ignorant ones, most certainly!
Ask anyone who's been mugged, raped, robbed, assaulted, traumatized, hit, even verbally or emotionally. ALL it takes is for someone to be in a subordinate position on some level, in strength, experience, age, rank, knowledge, etc.
That is the entire point of this system, what the PTB are doing. Breaking up the family so they can indoctrinate the children earlier. Keep people in a indefinite stage of arrested development, never ending adolescence. That is what we have and are currently living in. Many a will have been broken in people in this country who have grown up in environments far less "robbing" than the talk show hosts. It doesn't have to be an all at once scenario. It is much more dangerous in a slow and gradual way.
We must accept and align ourselves with Natural Law! We must accept the limitations and the slower way Nature does things. We have to accept that once nature gets exhausted, overspent, over extended, injured, polluted or assaulted in any way, it cannot be reversed. Once the damage is Done, it's Done! As difficult as this might be to accept, it's a fact. It seems some people simply do want to accept that. And I can completely understand that. Especially when it's a relative.
Human beings are a part of Nature, period. We need what we need when we are young And when we are older. End of story, Non negotiable! If we do not get our physical OR Emotional needs met at the stage its required, we will develop a deficit and will not get out of it until its filled. And it might not ever.
This is exactly what the PTB do Not want!!
People must get, or not, and suffer the consequences, from the brainwashing of not being allowed to express what we really feel when we were growing up. Of having our legitimate feelings shamed, being told we're weak or "sissy" for boys, if we feel sad, angry (for girls), sexual, or if we stand up to inadequate parenting. A natural response is a natural response! Parents who are poor role models should be stood up to and called on! Period. People need to realize its ALL connected to our Corrupt system of keeping us in Line, While the PTB rob us blind!! Being encouraged to be as close to and in Sync with what the Body feels and Knows is the direction we need to be encouraged towards. Not Discouraged away from! The Body "Knows". Wisdom is within, INtelligence,, is Within. Any smart parent listens and builds a relationship with themselves and their gut and teaches their children the same.
What the body feels is what's right! Instead of sacrificing more and more of ourselves to some "job", or Fake career. We need to reconnect to what's Authentic. People are taught the opposite,, all for Fake $$,, this way of living will add up to screw us in the end.
I was listening to an online radio podcast of someone who I agree with many things this person says. In fact, I've said many of the same exact things. Except One thing. I heard him say, that all too common theme, "No one can make you feel bad without your consent" or "No one can make u feel unworthy". And it was being said in the context of a "parent" toward their child, the radio show hosts sister. This is what I would like to address. Since the radio show host admitted to not being as effected by his parents as the sister due to the age difference. The sister, at the age of 5 bore the brunt of the damage. Now, the radio show host, who discusses topics such as Natural Law and the New World Order, feels his sister should be able to not allow the parent(s) who abused her to hold her back. That her "will" should be such that she should be able to overcome it.
I completely disagree with this. I admit I do not have all the details but, as far as the idea that no one can make you feel like shit without your consent, and Especially apply it towards children against a parent or parents is complete craziness. Of Course parents or a parent can make or break a person when they're a child! Like this entire system is designed to do and many parents attempt to do, Break the will, break the Spirit. Of course Not all parents but, ignorant ones, most certainly!
Ask anyone who's been mugged, raped, robbed, assaulted, traumatized, hit, even verbally or emotionally. ALL it takes is for someone to be in a subordinate position on some level, in strength, experience, age, rank, knowledge, etc.
That is the entire point of this system, what the PTB are doing. Breaking up the family so they can indoctrinate the children earlier. Keep people in a indefinite stage of arrested development, never ending adolescence. That is what we have and are currently living in. Many a will have been broken in people in this country who have grown up in environments far less "robbing" than the talk show hosts. It doesn't have to be an all at once scenario. It is much more dangerous in a slow and gradual way.
We must accept and align ourselves with Natural Law! We must accept the limitations and the slower way Nature does things. We have to accept that once nature gets exhausted, overspent, over extended, injured, polluted or assaulted in any way, it cannot be reversed. Once the damage is Done, it's Done! As difficult as this might be to accept, it's a fact. It seems some people simply do want to accept that. And I can completely understand that. Especially when it's a relative.
Human beings are a part of Nature, period. We need what we need when we are young And when we are older. End of story, Non negotiable! If we do not get our physical OR Emotional needs met at the stage its required, we will develop a deficit and will not get out of it until its filled. And it might not ever.
Monday, April 7, 2014
Those in CHARGE are RESPONSIBLE,, why are the people paying?

There are so many stories and so many things to write about that I
could be writing non stop! I wouldn't have time to do anything else. I
can't believe that more and more people are Finally talking about things
I've felt, knew and said when I was a kid. If people listened and took
seriously what I said and felt, and others like me, the world would not
be the Insane Mess it is today! Because people are treated like they're
not important and have No worth, they get ignored and dismissed like
they're not a part of Nature, not connected to the whole. The Reality
is; its those doing the Neglecting, DOING the dismissing who are the
ones without the worth! Then, Passing it onto the vulnerable person. Its
the Abuser, the one who abandons who has no worth and doesn't have any
belief in themselves & who tries to hide it by transferring it onto
the vulnerable, making them out to be the guilty one. The one in need
triggers the one who's "supposed" to be in charge into feeling their
inadequate, insecure feelings, which they don't like feeling, so they
blame the one who needs.
The fact is; its those in charge who're supposed to Have it, supposed to Be it, afford it, know it, DO it! That's why they're called "Authority", "Leader", "Head", "Chief", "Parent", what ever. When the shit goes down, when things go wrong, its those in charge who are to be held responsible!! That's why they're in charge!! That's the role of being in charge. People want to be in charge for the advantages but, Not the responsibilities!! That's BS!!
The PTB want to blame the little guy and make them pay for everything when the shit goes down,, while they walk away with all the benefits when the entire purpose is the "power" to serve the innocent!!
This is the whole point! Those in "charge" are NOT qualified! Expose them for what they are! Like I did when I was a kid. It was instinctual at a young age, before they were able to program me, to respond in a totally "organic", in the moment way. No script, no manipulation, pure organic, to respond to what my body "knew" was right. I "knew" those with the power weren't looking out for my best interest. My body could feel it like feels the sun on my skin, the hunger in my stomach. There is NO way around Nature!! Ever! That needs to be realized. The more we try to screw with nature, manipulate it, cover up, bury, kill, the more it reveals. The more unnatural it looks.
Today, that's All people are talking about. Well, maybe not All people. There are many who are still in a lot of denial.
So today on an Democracy Now they spoke about soldiers with Trauma being given a cocktail of hard care drugs to deal with pain both Physically & Emotionally. That its the VA hosp that get the soldiers hooked on these hard drugs. I heard before, the story of a woman who became hooked on prescription drugs after an injury and went to the ER. The docs not just give u meds to "ease" the pain, they sent people into the stratosphere!!
That makes No sense! I think of weight training and, of course, exercising, and how the ENTIRE point of it is to hangout with discomfort! Get to know being uncomfortable! It's Not what we were told. That legit stress is beneficial and helps us build ourselves. Yes. Injury or illness on the Physical level and the Emotional level are signs of "ill" stress but the reality is the reality. We shouldn't want to remove a person from it that far! Meds should be like weight training, just enough so its at a Managable level, not completely obliterated! That does not give the person the opportunity to develop "funds", to build strength.
The fact is; its those in charge who're supposed to Have it, supposed to Be it, afford it, know it, DO it! That's why they're called "Authority", "Leader", "Head", "Chief", "Parent", what ever. When the shit goes down, when things go wrong, its those in charge who are to be held responsible!! That's why they're in charge!! That's the role of being in charge. People want to be in charge for the advantages but, Not the responsibilities!! That's BS!!
The PTB want to blame the little guy and make them pay for everything when the shit goes down,, while they walk away with all the benefits when the entire purpose is the "power" to serve the innocent!!
This is the whole point! Those in "charge" are NOT qualified! Expose them for what they are! Like I did when I was a kid. It was instinctual at a young age, before they were able to program me, to respond in a totally "organic", in the moment way. No script, no manipulation, pure organic, to respond to what my body "knew" was right. I "knew" those with the power weren't looking out for my best interest. My body could feel it like feels the sun on my skin, the hunger in my stomach. There is NO way around Nature!! Ever! That needs to be realized. The more we try to screw with nature, manipulate it, cover up, bury, kill, the more it reveals. The more unnatural it looks.
Today, that's All people are talking about. Well, maybe not All people. There are many who are still in a lot of denial.
So today on an Democracy Now they spoke about soldiers with Trauma being given a cocktail of hard care drugs to deal with pain both Physically & Emotionally. That its the VA hosp that get the soldiers hooked on these hard drugs. I heard before, the story of a woman who became hooked on prescription drugs after an injury and went to the ER. The docs not just give u meds to "ease" the pain, they sent people into the stratosphere!!
That makes No sense! I think of weight training and, of course, exercising, and how the ENTIRE point of it is to hangout with discomfort! Get to know being uncomfortable! It's Not what we were told. That legit stress is beneficial and helps us build ourselves. Yes. Injury or illness on the Physical level and the Emotional level are signs of "ill" stress but the reality is the reality. We shouldn't want to remove a person from it that far! Meds should be like weight training, just enough so its at a Managable level, not completely obliterated! That does not give the person the opportunity to develop "funds", to build strength.
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