Another incredibly tragic story to hear about our wonderful broken
system. At times I feel completely hopeless that things will improve.
Hearing these stories about such blatant corruption and abuse that goes
unimpeaded makes me just want to give up.
The amount of sickness in this world is out of control. There are too
many people who are not brought up properly then need a job. All we have
are broken "families" turning out broken kids who go get jobs as
"Correction" officers on Rikers Island so they can beat up teenagers who
haven't even been found guilty!
We have a True Mental/Spiritual Health Epidemic on our hands and not
nearly enough is being done about it! How SICK do we have to allow
things to get?
If anyone has not read the New Yorker article Before the Law by
Jennifer Gonnerman or watched today's Democracy Now on the case of
Kalief Browder, Please watch or read!
The level of injustice in the world blows the mind!
I truly fear there's no hope! Its way too out of control. The only way
anything will improve is when the system completely breaks down and that
won't be before many, many people are traumatized emotionally and
physically, or worse.
The world is out of control!
I know the answer is for people to slow down and be more Present, that
too much momentum has taken over, like a train with no driver. But,
that's not going to happen any time soon.
The level of Unconsciousness among "leaders" is appalling. Talk of more
wars, more invasions of Syria against ISIS calling them Terrorists
while never looking in the mirror at themselves.
It seems pretty clear that Obama does not give 2 shits about helping
people. What's his track record? The U.S. Military is there for Oil.
Many people know that yet, the insanity continues. Obama says he's there
to protect the people yet, the children they're supposed to be
protecting are the ones they're blowing up in order to kill the guys who
are supposedly harming those children! It makes NO sense! Its blatant
lunacy we're living in!
I learned about balancing Hard & Soft years ago. When is Obama
going to learn it? The answer from the White (dirty) House about ISIS is
"What are we supposed to do, Nothing?" How about, do something
different than force, than more war which only perpetuates more violence
and killing?
What is wrong with Obama? He can't "see" that he's just creating more
terror? So, he's either deaf, dumb and blind or he knows what he's doing
and its all pretense. He wants to kill civilians and children. He can
clearly see the results of his actions and that his tactics are not
working yet he continues doing it More! That's INSANE!
The Laws of Physics apply to everyone Mr Obama! Even You will fall
skiing if you can't ski. The laws of Nature won't bow to you anymore
than they will bow to anyone. Rank doesn't make anyone immune to Natural
Law. Stop denying the feedback you're getting.
Even Dr Ron Paul said it on Breaking the Set about the U.S. Striking
Syria that its about Cause & Effect. Even the Prez needs to Be
Present and Pay attention to what he's doing. Everyone does, like the
Correction Guards at Rikers, the cop who put Eric Garner in a choke hold
and the other cops who were all on top of him. Maybe it IS too late for
many people who are just too far gone.
Most people did not recognize early on that something was wrong in
their own home and research and study how health, respectful
relationships should work.
Why I go back to the "family" is because not many people were brought
up well and taught what they need, or had quality "parents" setting a
healthy example. What people grow up with they think is normal.
The "family" is as diluted as the $, the quality is a fraction of what
it once was. Diluted $$ that everyone follows creates a diluted quality
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