I attended and filmed some of the speakers at the FATE of the EARTH
conf this weekend at Cooper Union of which Vandana Shiva was one. I've
heard her talks and love what she says. Because her words inspire and
revitalize me they Must be Nourishing! The body just "knows" and
responds. Its not an intellectual experience. This is exactly what she
was speaking about.
She talked about how Monsanto and Corps like them "are Criminals who
make food to be a Commodity". She said, "the "food" the system makes
isn't even food its Anti Food". She went on to say, "real food is
supposed to nourish".
These are the very words and facts I've been talking about for 4
decades about relationships and the Family system. Humans are a part of
Nature, they're supposed to NOURISH, make healthy, build up, and strengthen. If our families are
not healthy and nurturing they make us sick and stunted instead of healthy and strong. The
"family" over time has become just like Monsanto, creating "Genetically Modified" children,
"intellectually engineered" people instead of well adjusted Adults that Nature demands.
We're "told" to toughen up when we feel Real feelings and facts. Feelings Are Facts! That's how we know the world and our environment. How else to we know what is what, if not by our feelings. When our authentic feelings are not liked by the so called "authority" around us, we get Our Factual feelings get treated like they're Negotiable when they are not. The way our bodies respond,, especially when we're kids, IS the Answer, Period! When Our feelings are not met with respect and healthy boundaries and instead get violated and trampled, we get put into a Psych/Emotional debt that can last a lifetime.
Our healthy
emotional needs become compromised while we're conditioned to Ingest
"watered down" love and caring. If our bodies have a healthy response to
the poor quality treatment we receive, we're put into a health debt
even further by being ridiculed or minimized for being Healthy. That is
exactly what is happening today when people are being criminalized for
having Healthy Dissent, for being Healthy Whistleblowers.
If we were raised with Nutritious families we would not be where we
are. Its that simple, the facts don't lie. The Fact that people have
been lulled into a walking sleep shows that "parents" are not teaching
their children to be a Fit and healthy as they can be. I'm not talking
about anything so incomprehensible here. I'm talking about having the
Right to be what we are; Healthy! We've come to believe absence of
Cancer is healthy, not being bed ridden is healthy, working ones whole life in
some miserable job for a pension is healthy.
Of course, no one is going to tell us or help us to reach our full
expression of ourselves. We've settled for a slave existence and have
even come to blame ourselves for our inability to reach self
actualization. Please see my youtube video April Watters with Andrew
Kimbrell. http://youtu.be/_lntytOzCZ4 That's how the Psych Debt gets passed down. The "family"
system gets diluted along with $$ and our Mental Health, then if you can't
reach full Maturation its YOUR own fault! This is just another form of
Socializing the Mental gains while Privatizing the Mental Debt! When the
Psychos that Be want to be in a relationship with you they will but,
when there's a loss, you're on your own! We ALL know people like that and have had to deal with them at one time or another. WHY is it so difficult for many people to believe those with All the power don't play fair, continue making excuses for Corrupt Leaders and blame the people for their own situations? To this point it's easy to see what's going on and to a point people ARE responsible for their own situations but when those is "power" don't play by the rules,, and don't want to be held accountable, right, then it's OK to Blame the people who are Not even in a Power Position. The rules will change to suit the Power Addicted no matter what! We have nothing but a continuous Mind Game to see through and if we are not fit enough we will lose! They will give us ALL they have and will intensify it the more we see through it. Are we prepared?
I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
Doesn't Matter if you're a Judge or a Garbage Collector,, there is NO substitute for PRESENCE
We have gotten to such a point in society that has gotten so
disconnected and detached from nature that we've come to believe man's
fake cities and towns are Real. We have people in high power positions
like judges, lawyers, politicians, even parents who make these life
& death decisions which are not even connected to health and nature.
It doesn't matter who you are in life or what your title is, ultimately
everyone needs to be connected to natural law or the positions held
will end up being used for destruction. In fact, its those in higher
positions who need to be connected to reality and health even more.
There is NO substitute for being Present, In the moment, being awake and aware, not unconscious. The fact that so many in power positions are unconscious, checked out, not paying attention while "doing" their jobs means that what they're doing is more destructive than helpful. The fact that so many people go along with putting "guilty until proven innocent" in jail, participate in blatant criminal and corrupt behavior that destroys the future while criminalizing normal behavior.
Why isn't health, especially Mental health, more of a priority? The fact that it isn't proves that we're living in high levels of Mental/Emotional pollution. Why isn't healing modalities like therapy, communication skills, mindfulness, active listening skills more household terms and behaviors? We are in desperate need of these skills and yet they are still not practiced enough and taken seriously enough. Are people are going to wait until its too late?
Things like caring, giving, compassion are Not weaknesses like we've been brain washed to believe and yet I do not see people engaging in it enough. All living creatures need Love, care, soothing, replenishing, to be held, while others need to be challenged, stood up to, held accountable, held responsible, made to suffer consequences. And yet what we have is the exact opposite! People coddling and bowing to those who need to be stood up to and held accountable while blaming and passing it on to those who need the care and replenishing!! Because people have allowed and sucked up to the criminals for so long while blaming and criminalizing the vulnerable, the momentum of that has gained such speed we've come to believe its natural when its SICK! People have No idea what or where health is we're so lost and disoriented!
Its a Catch 22 that the more people are coward to stand up to the Real Sociopaths and surrender instead, it becomes a bad habit like eating junk food that accumulates into a disaster over time. People are completely oblivious to their extremely bad relating, co-dependent habits that are amounting to the extermination of other people's on the other side of the globe. Its a transference of energy that, with each passing second that masses of people are blind to, adds to a reverberation across the planet forcing others more vulnerable to pay for what we fail to step up to!
We're in an emergency situation and have been for decades and instead of stepping it up people adjust themselves to it and get used to the fact that there are populations of people being genocided. "Hey, its not happening to me" is the attitude.
Attention, affection & appreciation are the 3 A's Barbara DeAngelis wrote about in her Making Love Work program. I guess people these days don't care about having fulfilling, close, healthy, respectful, functional relationships and/or are simply not interested in doing what needs to be done to cultivate them. We talk a lot about the "Economy" and yet many people make no effort towards a Real economy with other people. Relationships are the Real Economy! Things that are Real, that come from Nature are what we should be focusing on instead of diverted, manipulated, fake, man made garbage, materialism, competition, and war. Barbara DeAngelis talked about giving your partner Attention, Affection and Appreciation 3 times a day for 3 minutes to make deposits in their bank account and them yours. We can't expect to make "withdrawals" on our relationships if we never make "deposits". Make sense doesn't it?
Because the Banksters have diverted $$ away from reality by lying and making $ up out of thin air, so that has created DILUTED relationships! A thinning out of the Nutrition and quality that is being passed down. The more Fake $$ is being created out of Debt, the more any "New" Humans being born will be DEBT if not treated and raised with value and quality. Human Beings and Human interactions are part of Nature,, they need to be nurturing or they will make us Ill.
There is NO substitute for being Present, In the moment, being awake and aware, not unconscious. The fact that so many in power positions are unconscious, checked out, not paying attention while "doing" their jobs means that what they're doing is more destructive than helpful. The fact that so many people go along with putting "guilty until proven innocent" in jail, participate in blatant criminal and corrupt behavior that destroys the future while criminalizing normal behavior.
Why isn't health, especially Mental health, more of a priority? The fact that it isn't proves that we're living in high levels of Mental/Emotional pollution. Why isn't healing modalities like therapy, communication skills, mindfulness, active listening skills more household terms and behaviors? We are in desperate need of these skills and yet they are still not practiced enough and taken seriously enough. Are people are going to wait until its too late?
Things like caring, giving, compassion are Not weaknesses like we've been brain washed to believe and yet I do not see people engaging in it enough. All living creatures need Love, care, soothing, replenishing, to be held, while others need to be challenged, stood up to, held accountable, held responsible, made to suffer consequences. And yet what we have is the exact opposite! People coddling and bowing to those who need to be stood up to and held accountable while blaming and passing it on to those who need the care and replenishing!! Because people have allowed and sucked up to the criminals for so long while blaming and criminalizing the vulnerable, the momentum of that has gained such speed we've come to believe its natural when its SICK! People have No idea what or where health is we're so lost and disoriented!
Its a Catch 22 that the more people are coward to stand up to the Real Sociopaths and surrender instead, it becomes a bad habit like eating junk food that accumulates into a disaster over time. People are completely oblivious to their extremely bad relating, co-dependent habits that are amounting to the extermination of other people's on the other side of the globe. Its a transference of energy that, with each passing second that masses of people are blind to, adds to a reverberation across the planet forcing others more vulnerable to pay for what we fail to step up to!
We're in an emergency situation and have been for decades and instead of stepping it up people adjust themselves to it and get used to the fact that there are populations of people being genocided. "Hey, its not happening to me" is the attitude.
Attention, affection & appreciation are the 3 A's Barbara DeAngelis wrote about in her Making Love Work program. I guess people these days don't care about having fulfilling, close, healthy, respectful, functional relationships and/or are simply not interested in doing what needs to be done to cultivate them. We talk a lot about the "Economy" and yet many people make no effort towards a Real economy with other people. Relationships are the Real Economy! Things that are Real, that come from Nature are what we should be focusing on instead of diverted, manipulated, fake, man made garbage, materialism, competition, and war. Barbara DeAngelis talked about giving your partner Attention, Affection and Appreciation 3 times a day for 3 minutes to make deposits in their bank account and them yours. We can't expect to make "withdrawals" on our relationships if we never make "deposits". Make sense doesn't it?
Because the Banksters have diverted $$ away from reality by lying and making $ up out of thin air, so that has created DILUTED relationships! A thinning out of the Nutrition and quality that is being passed down. The more Fake $$ is being created out of Debt, the more any "New" Humans being born will be DEBT if not treated and raised with value and quality. Human Beings and Human interactions are part of Nature,, they need to be nurturing or they will make us Ill.
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Abuse of Power is Abuse of Power, no matter what the scale
More and more people are saying and realizing what I've been saying for
over 4 decades, "those who are supposed to be protecting and standing up
for you are doing the opposite". No where is that more of a betrayal
than in the "family". If people had heeded the warning then, had taken
seriously then when I told people of the abuses taking place in my house
and had seen it as a symptom of a larger, more serious problem, we would not be living in the Corruption at Epidemic proportions by
"leaders" we are today. The People created it by not stepping up, by
making excuses, by minimizing, by not digging deeper inside of
themselves, by not wanting to be inconvenienced, not wanting to break a
sweat and get Fit and find out how Mentally Unfit they really are!
At 6 and 7 years old I was More on the ball, more sharp and adult than Any so-called grown up around me. Every "adult" I was surrounded by was IN on it. Every "adult" around me had the same casual attitude about things that needed to carry more weight. Not ONE "adult" around stepped up to the plate, acted as a Role Model, intervened and gave the teaching or set the example needed. Not one aunt, uncle, grandparent, neighbor, teacher, No one! No one was Fit and knew how to act Healthy.
What does that say about us? What does that say about our society and people who are supposed to be adults setting examples and being fit role models? It says They FAILED us!!
There was NO standard or quality established when I was growing up. Instead of an attitude of having the bar set at a position where we're reaching up was the objective, instead, I was being taught to lower the bar. Set it lower and keep lowering it.
When a child is born they come into this world Clean and Fresh! The more dirty or dysfunctional/abusive the environment they're forced to live in is, the More intense and adverse the reaction of the "Clean" person there will be. That shows that the child is HEALTHY and its the "parents"/Society who need to step it up. Not, turn around and fault Natures intelligence for setting the standard of quality too high! You can't reach it? Too bad! Keep practicing! Don't make the effect the problem instead of what's Causing it! That's how the Psych Debt gets passed down! We can't even see that people are a part of Natural Law. They're going to respond the way nature is supposed to respond when screwed around with, neglected, abused or any other form of Frankenstein treatment deranged "man" can come up with!
Many people today talk about Capitalism and the Crooks rigging the Economy as the problem. Which it most certainly is. But, its those who grew up in more stable families that see it from that perspective. When you grow up and you "family" is the source of the abuse, you have a different perspective and experienced it earlier yet, at the Same time, are LESS able to speak out about it because you've been silenced and intimidated into submission that much earlier. Those who have MORE of a reason to speak up can't, they need others to help. They are speaking up just Not with words, Nature speaks another language that Must be Felt and "seen" with something other than the eyes. People need to be More tuned in. That is our true nature, to be perceptive. It's the disconnected from Nature System that made people Blind to the illness that's right in front of them.
Now, people are speaking out about Police Brutality, Government Corruption, Corporate corruption and abuses and how those who are supposed to be protecting and keeping us safe are the ones doing the violating, well, Welcome to MY world, I Say! I've been saying this for over 40 yrs and NO one took heed! So Welcome!
Abuse and neglect in the "family", a label only backed by No real ingredients!, is the Worst kind of abuse. Its the end of the line! No where to go from there. I would gladly bet that All the Police abuses and corruption All stem from people growing up in dysfunctional/abusive families. Its quite Obvious, the facts don't lie! People are Not being taught and raised to be the Healthy, Fit, stand up for Truth and Justice people that they are capable of.
I was reading books like crazy at a young age on Conscious Communication skills, relationship techniques; mirroring techniques that if more people were practicing we would not be in this Mentally Ill epidemic we are today. I was talking about Mental Health and the importance of it decades ago and no matter how much $$ or prestige a person has, if they're not Mentally/Emotionally/Spiritually healthy,, they are still sick and addicted and will wreak havoc if they are in power. I don't know what people are waiting for. I guess it was the trauma and stress of what I grew up with that made it instinctual to turn to theses teachings but, it needn't have to happen to others for them to sit up and take notice. The fact that it's happening to another they know should be enough to say, "Something is wrong here".
The Fact is,, People have allowed Themselves to neglect their Health on ALL levels for TOO long and Now we are paying the price.
At 6 and 7 years old I was More on the ball, more sharp and adult than Any so-called grown up around me. Every "adult" I was surrounded by was IN on it. Every "adult" around me had the same casual attitude about things that needed to carry more weight. Not ONE "adult" around stepped up to the plate, acted as a Role Model, intervened and gave the teaching or set the example needed. Not one aunt, uncle, grandparent, neighbor, teacher, No one! No one was Fit and knew how to act Healthy.
What does that say about us? What does that say about our society and people who are supposed to be adults setting examples and being fit role models? It says They FAILED us!!
There was NO standard or quality established when I was growing up. Instead of an attitude of having the bar set at a position where we're reaching up was the objective, instead, I was being taught to lower the bar. Set it lower and keep lowering it.
When a child is born they come into this world Clean and Fresh! The more dirty or dysfunctional/abusive the environment they're forced to live in is, the More intense and adverse the reaction of the "Clean" person there will be. That shows that the child is HEALTHY and its the "parents"/Society who need to step it up. Not, turn around and fault Natures intelligence for setting the standard of quality too high! You can't reach it? Too bad! Keep practicing! Don't make the effect the problem instead of what's Causing it! That's how the Psych Debt gets passed down! We can't even see that people are a part of Natural Law. They're going to respond the way nature is supposed to respond when screwed around with, neglected, abused or any other form of Frankenstein treatment deranged "man" can come up with!
Many people today talk about Capitalism and the Crooks rigging the Economy as the problem. Which it most certainly is. But, its those who grew up in more stable families that see it from that perspective. When you grow up and you "family" is the source of the abuse, you have a different perspective and experienced it earlier yet, at the Same time, are LESS able to speak out about it because you've been silenced and intimidated into submission that much earlier. Those who have MORE of a reason to speak up can't, they need others to help. They are speaking up just Not with words, Nature speaks another language that Must be Felt and "seen" with something other than the eyes. People need to be More tuned in. That is our true nature, to be perceptive. It's the disconnected from Nature System that made people Blind to the illness that's right in front of them.
Now, people are speaking out about Police Brutality, Government Corruption, Corporate corruption and abuses and how those who are supposed to be protecting and keeping us safe are the ones doing the violating, well, Welcome to MY world, I Say! I've been saying this for over 40 yrs and NO one took heed! So Welcome!
Abuse and neglect in the "family", a label only backed by No real ingredients!, is the Worst kind of abuse. Its the end of the line! No where to go from there. I would gladly bet that All the Police abuses and corruption All stem from people growing up in dysfunctional/abusive families. Its quite Obvious, the facts don't lie! People are Not being taught and raised to be the Healthy, Fit, stand up for Truth and Justice people that they are capable of.
I was reading books like crazy at a young age on Conscious Communication skills, relationship techniques; mirroring techniques that if more people were practicing we would not be in this Mentally Ill epidemic we are today. I was talking about Mental Health and the importance of it decades ago and no matter how much $$ or prestige a person has, if they're not Mentally/Emotionally/Spiritually healthy,, they are still sick and addicted and will wreak havoc if they are in power. I don't know what people are waiting for. I guess it was the trauma and stress of what I grew up with that made it instinctual to turn to theses teachings but, it needn't have to happen to others for them to sit up and take notice. The fact that it's happening to another they know should be enough to say, "Something is wrong here".
The Fact is,, People have allowed Themselves to neglect their Health on ALL levels for TOO long and Now we are paying the price.
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Psyche Debt perpetuates Psych Debt! it's Natural Law!
It reads at the beginning of a Truthout article by Jessica Lee, "When it comes to this summer's Israeli bombardment of Gaza and the
slaughter of more than 2,000 Palestinians, including 500 children, it's
easy to wonder if American apologists for Israeli atrocities are living
in an alternate reality."
YES! That's Exactly what is happening! NO different that a person Lost in the woods with hypothermia setting in more and more, their mental status is Diminishing! Thereby perpetuating their poor choices and making more and more of a MESS! One has to be able to have the Conscious ability to Know they're in an diminished mental status,, which is unlikely, to be able to see out of it.
I've tried to say this for decades,, MENTAL HEALTH/ILLNESS is the most important thing. People with power and $$ are and will be Nothing but destructive if they are Not mentally balanced, healthy and uncorrupted. Once someone has been bought and corrupted, it will perpetuate itself until exhaustion or until it's met with sufficient resistance. Newton's First law of Motion,, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an external force. The system MAN has set up DOES NOT RULE OVER NATURAL LAW!!!
The Excruciatingly Painful evidence that Man's Illegitimate Positions and Roles are NOT what they say. Labels and Titles going One way,, Reality and Actions going another! Common People!! Let's get moving in Getting these FAKE "rulers" out of their Positions! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Do some Physical Exercise! MEDITATE! Practice some Yoga,, embrace your Fears! Take a DEEP BREATH and Proceed Anyway!! FITNESS and Challenge are WHY YOU ARE ALIVE!! Not Excuses, Enabling, Co Dependency and Dysfunctional relationships with the Mentally deranged people in "power". And I certainly have valid compassion for those who are, in Fact, Mentally Ill,, they just don't belong in the Drivers seat of the country and the world! Like I said about my own Parents when I was 6 & 7 years old. We CANNOT Emotionally and Physically afford to feel sorry for people who are driving us over a CLIFF!
Like children with Alcoholic, Abusive, Addicted parents,, Acknowledging it is the first step! Seeing how it effected you is another step. Taking action Remove the Problem is the Second. As painful as it might be to acknowledge that your "parents" are Mentally Ill and disconnected from Reality,, and Creating that False reality because they are Mentally Ill AND in Power, It MUST be done. Your "Parents" are NOT there FOR you! They are there FOR the Mentally deranged, ADDICTED Corporations and the Bankers and Gov who are in Kahoots for their own delusions at our expense!
Time to start performing the Months long intricate Surgery of separating ourselves from the system like conjoined twins!
YES! That's Exactly what is happening! NO different that a person Lost in the woods with hypothermia setting in more and more, their mental status is Diminishing! Thereby perpetuating their poor choices and making more and more of a MESS! One has to be able to have the Conscious ability to Know they're in an diminished mental status,, which is unlikely, to be able to see out of it.
I've tried to say this for decades,, MENTAL HEALTH/ILLNESS is the most important thing. People with power and $$ are and will be Nothing but destructive if they are Not mentally balanced, healthy and uncorrupted. Once someone has been bought and corrupted, it will perpetuate itself until exhaustion or until it's met with sufficient resistance. Newton's First law of Motion,, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted on by an external force. The system MAN has set up DOES NOT RULE OVER NATURAL LAW!!!
The Excruciatingly Painful evidence that Man's Illegitimate Positions and Roles are NOT what they say. Labels and Titles going One way,, Reality and Actions going another! Common People!! Let's get moving in Getting these FAKE "rulers" out of their Positions! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
Do some Physical Exercise! MEDITATE! Practice some Yoga,, embrace your Fears! Take a DEEP BREATH and Proceed Anyway!! FITNESS and Challenge are WHY YOU ARE ALIVE!! Not Excuses, Enabling, Co Dependency and Dysfunctional relationships with the Mentally deranged people in "power". And I certainly have valid compassion for those who are, in Fact, Mentally Ill,, they just don't belong in the Drivers seat of the country and the world! Like I said about my own Parents when I was 6 & 7 years old. We CANNOT Emotionally and Physically afford to feel sorry for people who are driving us over a CLIFF!
Like children with Alcoholic, Abusive, Addicted parents,, Acknowledging it is the first step! Seeing how it effected you is another step. Taking action Remove the Problem is the Second. As painful as it might be to acknowledge that your "parents" are Mentally Ill and disconnected from Reality,, and Creating that False reality because they are Mentally Ill AND in Power, It MUST be done. Your "Parents" are NOT there FOR you! They are there FOR the Mentally deranged, ADDICTED Corporations and the Bankers and Gov who are in Kahoots for their own delusions at our expense!
Time to start performing the Months long intricate Surgery of separating ourselves from the system like conjoined twins!
James Risen of the NY Times,,
"We're worried about National Security" is the lame excuse being given
yet again! By the Obama Admin. General Hayden who at least is getting
some of it and saying we have to protect journalists sources and
Freedom of the Press. Hayden at least is aware and engaging himself in
the "Art of Surgery" and the intricate procedure of "keeping the people
safe" and protecting journalists. The only problem is, the Obama Admin
is not the least bit interested in keeping people safe or They wouldn't
be the ones taking peoples rights away in the first place! How can a Gov
who claims to be "protecting the people" be the very ones to be
trampling ALL over the Constitution and treating its own citizens with,
Guilty until proven Innocent". Reminds me of a parent looking through
their teens drawers looking for drugs as if its the teen who's the
problem when Dad is an alcoholic and womanizer. The unclean with "power"
trying to "clean" only creates more dirt! Heed the feedback! Life is a
mirror. Again, blinded and clinging to their false position of "power",
they continue to see the. True feedback and Facts as wrong rather than
their own behavior and approach. The way we do when we learn Any
activity/skill. Its the feedback that we've fallen while skiing that
helps us learn to ski. Denial of this fact will keep us never mastering
anything. Hence, the society we have now.
It's James Risen, journalist for the NY Times who is PROTECTING National Security, Protecting the people from an Over reaching Gov/Admin who the people need protection from! It's the Obama Admin, the CIA and NSA who are breaking Laws, skipping over Due Process, spying on innocent People, stripping the people of their Constitutional Rights and has prosecuted More Whistleblowers under the Espionage Act than Any other Admin in History!
It isn't National Security the Obama Admin is worrying about, it's that Their own Constitution Rights Violations will be exposed!
Hayden said, "we need a strong Gov to protect the people but not so strong that it violates their rights".
First off, its not supposed to be the job of the Gov to "protect" people. Its the job of any authority to raise people to take care of themselves and Not Need the Gov any more, just like "parents". Not ARREST our development so we can't grow strong and replace them, the way Natural Law intends!
What I hear Hayden saying is the same thing I used to realize myself at a young age when I was growing up in dysfunction/abuse and made to believe I had to take care of the "parent" so then they're in a better position to then, take care of and "raise me". Which could never happen anyway because bailing out those who are supposed to be there for us Only perpetuates the same Debt, because it's going against Natural Law. It's those who don't have it,, "giving" to those who are supposed to be giving to them! It's BACKWARDS MATH! If I took care of my parent so they could take care of me, my taking care of them would never end. I would be driving the very behavior I was trying to combat. It would, which many dysfunctional/Abusive relationships do, be a VICIOUS Cycle. As long as the person, group in the "arrested" role is "giving" to the "leader" who should be able to afford it emotionally to give to them, the debt will never end because it's being Driven from the NECK UP, without SEEING the FACTS and Feedback GLARING Them in the Face! Debt is Psychological/health, not financial. Its the psych deprivation of the PTB that creates fake debt. Not the $ itself, which is only a symptom.
As long as the people refuse to see that its those claiming to be "protecting" them who are the very ones violating their privacy, rights and criminalize them instead, the, Addicted to Powers that Be will use our weakness to criminalize every move we make. Especially our vitality, our vibrancy, our dissent and intelligence. Some people are not willing to lay down to the illegitimate "leaders" and see them for who they are. We can only hope others realize and join in.
It's James Risen, journalist for the NY Times who is PROTECTING National Security, Protecting the people from an Over reaching Gov/Admin who the people need protection from! It's the Obama Admin, the CIA and NSA who are breaking Laws, skipping over Due Process, spying on innocent People, stripping the people of their Constitutional Rights and has prosecuted More Whistleblowers under the Espionage Act than Any other Admin in History!
It isn't National Security the Obama Admin is worrying about, it's that Their own Constitution Rights Violations will be exposed!
Hayden said, "we need a strong Gov to protect the people but not so strong that it violates their rights".
First off, its not supposed to be the job of the Gov to "protect" people. Its the job of any authority to raise people to take care of themselves and Not Need the Gov any more, just like "parents". Not ARREST our development so we can't grow strong and replace them, the way Natural Law intends!
What I hear Hayden saying is the same thing I used to realize myself at a young age when I was growing up in dysfunction/abuse and made to believe I had to take care of the "parent" so then they're in a better position to then, take care of and "raise me". Which could never happen anyway because bailing out those who are supposed to be there for us Only perpetuates the same Debt, because it's going against Natural Law. It's those who don't have it,, "giving" to those who are supposed to be giving to them! It's BACKWARDS MATH! If I took care of my parent so they could take care of me, my taking care of them would never end. I would be driving the very behavior I was trying to combat. It would, which many dysfunctional/Abusive relationships do, be a VICIOUS Cycle. As long as the person, group in the "arrested" role is "giving" to the "leader" who should be able to afford it emotionally to give to them, the debt will never end because it's being Driven from the NECK UP, without SEEING the FACTS and Feedback GLARING Them in the Face! Debt is Psychological/health, not financial. Its the psych deprivation of the PTB that creates fake debt. Not the $ itself, which is only a symptom.
As long as the people refuse to see that its those claiming to be "protecting" them who are the very ones violating their privacy, rights and criminalize them instead, the, Addicted to Powers that Be will use our weakness to criminalize every move we make. Especially our vitality, our vibrancy, our dissent and intelligence. Some people are not willing to lay down to the illegitimate "leaders" and see them for who they are. We can only hope others realize and join in.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
They said Preacher Marvin Booker had "NO VALUE", Looks who's Talking!

The cops are using the same BS excuse that They felt threatened! If the people let this slide then its clear, the people Are the Problem! The public has enough evidence that the system and those working for it (aka themselves) is corrupt, sick, dysfunctional, on Ego and power trips, not responsible enough to have that kind of power & authority. That the quality/Nature & "ripeness" of a person is not is Sync with the level of Maturity the position demands. The same goes for All "Authority" including "parents".
The cummulative effects of the ever growing Gap between reality/nature, things that have Real value and the fake $$ we have come to be fooled by is becoming more and more painfully Obvious. When will people start aligning themselves with reality? With truth, decency, compassion, giving, community, the environment & natural law? The very things the intentionally diverted ponzi scheme $$ system is seeking to destroy.
Can't people see what's happening? What these cops are doing, and anyone like them who does not stand up for decency and honesty, is the accrued "bank account" of how people have been being "parented" for generations. Again, disconnected from nature, from fitness, self actualization, trusting ones gut, that people should be being raised with. So what does that mean? It means that most "parents" are illegitimate as authority figures as much as the system is. In fact, the 2 are snyonymous. Parents work for the system training their children to conform and blindly obey them rather instead of raising the child to have healthy dissent and critical thinking.
We are living in a Larger dysfunctional "family". Most people were not brought up right and related to in healthy, fit ways that teach self respect and respect for others. Most people are in emotional and Spiritual debt and have no idea of the meaning of life, why we're here. They were not taught and are actually discouraged from thinking independently. People NEED a Spiritual Training,, Martial Arts,, Meditation, Yoga,, that teaches balancing the hard & the soft,, compassion with firmness. As long as people are NOT learning these Invaluable Practices,, we will continue to live in a Society of Misalignment and imbalance, Period.
I like to use simple examples such as learning to walk or ride a bike. The obvious object is to find balance. To use our mind/body connection to master the action. Same with driving, skiing, guitar playing. We need to focus and be Free of distractions. If someone were pushing us over as a toddler while trying to stand and walk, what would that do? Yet, that is exactly the world we're living in except we're 30, 40, 50 & 60. The very people who we need to help us balance are intentionally distracting us and pushing us over. Preventing us from reaching self mastery then calling it life.
After murdering Mr. Booker the cops and lawyers then began smearing him, saying that "he had No value!" Only those who have no value Themselves see others the same way! The cops and lawyers are the ones who have NO value! Life is a mirror! A man who chose to live as Jesus or MLK has Way more value than any paycheck seeking cop, judge or lawyer!
Reginald Homes of the New Covenant Christian Church said on Democracy Now,, the Family of Mr Booker "Forgives" the officers but, does want them removed from there positions. This is against the way Nature works,, True forgiveness Must be Earned. The Officers need to take responsibility and suffer the consequences of their actions THEN be forgiven. Forgiving them before is like rewarding them for remaining in Denial of what they did. There MUST be an EXCHANGE,, that the way Natural Law works. We can't just make up our own Math. It won't Work.
Friday, October 17, 2014
On Tues 10/14 at approx 4pm Russell Brand arrived at the birthplace of
Occupy Wall St to show support for a system that works for all which is
the theme of his new book, Revolution. I do not have nor have read the
book but I was there to film at his book reading at Strand books later
that same evening.
At his appearance that afternoon at Zuccotti Park Russell Brand thanked those in the Occupy movement and accredited them as being responsible for his "own Awakening", before making his way with the crowd surrounding him a few blocks away to Wall St and the steps of Federal Hall.
There Russell Brand made his way to the platform of the George Washington statue, where I was just to his right, where he began to address the crowd; Harrison Schultz and Lorna Shannon of Occupy Weed St and Occupy the Need Act (written by Dennis Kucinich who were asking him to come to Washington Sq pk that eve to participate in civil disobedience for the legalization of medicinal marijuana.
See my youtube channel April Watters, and Demotix for videos and Pics.
After a few mins a NY state Ranger politely requested Russell to dismount the George Washington statue and move over to the barricaded pin on the steps to the right of the statue. With that, Russell stood up and hugged the Ranger and moved towards the instructed area. The ranger then turned to me to do the same. When in the new "free speech zone" began bringing attention to how compromise needs to be done by ALL. RB was demonstrating how a simple request to move to the barricaded area was an easy compromise. You can here me saying in the video that its the people who do All the compromising and how the compromising that's needed must be done by those who do None!
A simple gesture of compromise for RB maybe but, for those of us who's lives are compromised everyday for years, we say its time for those who are forcing us to do All the compromising to DO some of the compromising for a change!
RB can afford to compromise, the rest of us have done enough and demand change!
At his appearance that afternoon at Zuccotti Park Russell Brand thanked those in the Occupy movement and accredited them as being responsible for his "own Awakening", before making his way with the crowd surrounding him a few blocks away to Wall St and the steps of Federal Hall.
There Russell Brand made his way to the platform of the George Washington statue, where I was just to his right, where he began to address the crowd; Harrison Schultz and Lorna Shannon of Occupy Weed St and Occupy the Need Act (written by Dennis Kucinich who were asking him to come to Washington Sq pk that eve to participate in civil disobedience for the legalization of medicinal marijuana.
See my youtube channel April Watters, and Demotix for videos and Pics.
After a few mins a NY state Ranger politely requested Russell to dismount the George Washington statue and move over to the barricaded pin on the steps to the right of the statue. With that, Russell stood up and hugged the Ranger and moved towards the instructed area. The ranger then turned to me to do the same. When in the new "free speech zone" began bringing attention to how compromise needs to be done by ALL. RB was demonstrating how a simple request to move to the barricaded area was an easy compromise. You can here me saying in the video that its the people who do All the compromising and how the compromising that's needed must be done by those who do None!
A simple gesture of compromise for RB maybe but, for those of us who's lives are compromised everyday for years, we say its time for those who are forcing us to do All the compromising to DO some of the compromising for a change!
RB can afford to compromise, the rest of us have done enough and demand change!
Friday, October 3, 2014
Are we Really This Blind? The Story of Kalief Browder
Another incredibly tragic story to hear about our wonderful broken
system. At times I feel completely hopeless that things will improve.
Hearing these stories about such blatant corruption and abuse that goes
unimpeaded makes me just want to give up.
The amount of sickness in this world is out of control. There are too many people who are not brought up properly then need a job. All we have are broken "families" turning out broken kids who go get jobs as "Correction" officers on Rikers Island so they can beat up teenagers who haven't even been found guilty!
We have a True Mental/Spiritual Health Epidemic on our hands and not nearly enough is being done about it! How SICK do we have to allow things to get?
If anyone has not read the New Yorker article Before the Law by Jennifer Gonnerman or watched today's Democracy Now on the case of Kalief Browder, Please watch or read!
The level of injustice in the world blows the mind!
I truly fear there's no hope! Its way too out of control. The only way anything will improve is when the system completely breaks down and that won't be before many, many people are traumatized emotionally and physically, or worse.
The world is out of control!
I know the answer is for people to slow down and be more Present, that too much momentum has taken over, like a train with no driver. But, that's not going to happen any time soon.
The level of Unconsciousness among "leaders" is appalling. Talk of more wars, more invasions of Syria against ISIS calling them Terrorists while never looking in the mirror at themselves.
It seems pretty clear that Obama does not give 2 shits about helping people. What's his track record? The U.S. Military is there for Oil. Many people know that yet, the insanity continues. Obama says he's there to protect the people yet, the children they're supposed to be protecting are the ones they're blowing up in order to kill the guys who are supposedly harming those children! It makes NO sense! Its blatant lunacy we're living in!
I learned about balancing Hard & Soft years ago. When is Obama going to learn it? The answer from the White (dirty) House about ISIS is "What are we supposed to do, Nothing?" How about, do something different than force, than more war which only perpetuates more violence and killing?
What is wrong with Obama? He can't "see" that he's just creating more terror? So, he's either deaf, dumb and blind or he knows what he's doing and its all pretense. He wants to kill civilians and children. He can clearly see the results of his actions and that his tactics are not working yet he continues doing it More! That's INSANE!
The Laws of Physics apply to everyone Mr Obama! Even You will fall skiing if you can't ski. The laws of Nature won't bow to you anymore than they will bow to anyone. Rank doesn't make anyone immune to Natural Law. Stop denying the feedback you're getting.
Even Dr Ron Paul said it on Breaking the Set about the U.S. Striking Syria that its about Cause & Effect. Even the Prez needs to Be Present and Pay attention to what he's doing. Everyone does, like the Correction Guards at Rikers, the cop who put Eric Garner in a choke hold and the other cops who were all on top of him. Maybe it IS too late for many people who are just too far gone.
Most people did not recognize early on that something was wrong in their own home and research and study how health, respectful relationships should work.
Why I go back to the "family" is because not many people were brought up well and taught what they need, or had quality "parents" setting a healthy example. What people grow up with they think is normal.
The "family" is as diluted as the $, the quality is a fraction of what it once was. Diluted $$ that everyone follows creates a diluted quality world.
The amount of sickness in this world is out of control. There are too many people who are not brought up properly then need a job. All we have are broken "families" turning out broken kids who go get jobs as "Correction" officers on Rikers Island so they can beat up teenagers who haven't even been found guilty!
We have a True Mental/Spiritual Health Epidemic on our hands and not nearly enough is being done about it! How SICK do we have to allow things to get?
If anyone has not read the New Yorker article Before the Law by Jennifer Gonnerman or watched today's Democracy Now on the case of Kalief Browder, Please watch or read!
The level of injustice in the world blows the mind!
I truly fear there's no hope! Its way too out of control. The only way anything will improve is when the system completely breaks down and that won't be before many, many people are traumatized emotionally and physically, or worse.
The world is out of control!
I know the answer is for people to slow down and be more Present, that too much momentum has taken over, like a train with no driver. But, that's not going to happen any time soon.
The level of Unconsciousness among "leaders" is appalling. Talk of more wars, more invasions of Syria against ISIS calling them Terrorists while never looking in the mirror at themselves.
It seems pretty clear that Obama does not give 2 shits about helping people. What's his track record? The U.S. Military is there for Oil. Many people know that yet, the insanity continues. Obama says he's there to protect the people yet, the children they're supposed to be protecting are the ones they're blowing up in order to kill the guys who are supposedly harming those children! It makes NO sense! Its blatant lunacy we're living in!
I learned about balancing Hard & Soft years ago. When is Obama going to learn it? The answer from the White (dirty) House about ISIS is "What are we supposed to do, Nothing?" How about, do something different than force, than more war which only perpetuates more violence and killing?
What is wrong with Obama? He can't "see" that he's just creating more terror? So, he's either deaf, dumb and blind or he knows what he's doing and its all pretense. He wants to kill civilians and children. He can clearly see the results of his actions and that his tactics are not working yet he continues doing it More! That's INSANE!
The Laws of Physics apply to everyone Mr Obama! Even You will fall skiing if you can't ski. The laws of Nature won't bow to you anymore than they will bow to anyone. Rank doesn't make anyone immune to Natural Law. Stop denying the feedback you're getting.
Even Dr Ron Paul said it on Breaking the Set about the U.S. Striking Syria that its about Cause & Effect. Even the Prez needs to Be Present and Pay attention to what he's doing. Everyone does, like the Correction Guards at Rikers, the cop who put Eric Garner in a choke hold and the other cops who were all on top of him. Maybe it IS too late for many people who are just too far gone.
Most people did not recognize early on that something was wrong in their own home and research and study how health, respectful relationships should work.
Why I go back to the "family" is because not many people were brought up well and taught what they need, or had quality "parents" setting a healthy example. What people grow up with they think is normal.
The "family" is as diluted as the $, the quality is a fraction of what it once was. Diluted $$ that everyone follows creates a diluted quality world.
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