Of course, that's exactly the way our current system operates. The very signals nature sends us that are staring us right in the face are the very signals the PTB dismiss and regard as Criminal, as dissent, as Un Patriotic.
Even in our own personal relationships many people don't know the difference between appropriate, valid feelings and feedback coming from another. Because its something we don't like or want to hear we take offense to it and end up perpetuating it instead of validating what the other person is expressing.
Many people are in such Emotional Debt these days that they cannot "afford" the opposition or they simply lack the relationship skill and flexibility to extend to the other person.
Due to our totally Corrupt, One Way system, that has polluted every aspect of our lives gradually without many people being aware of it, people do not know how to have a healthy exchange with another person. They do not even realize that the "exchange rate" they did have is now less.
It's simply inevitable that, over time, the Mentally Ill System we currently live in will make healthy relating impossible. It's just basic Math, just like our own Physical health, that if we do not make an effort every day to keep adding to it and holding onto what hasn't yet been robbed, it will be gone.
Many people don't make enough effort to add to the Real wealth of nature and Fitness thereby insuring that they will lose
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