
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Trip to Gaza March 5th

It's been while since I've posted a blog. At times I feel I'm all over the place getting pulled in many different directions and wanting to help too many causes. Since I received the email last week about being accepted as a Delegate to go with the Organization Code Pink to Gaza, I've been busy trying to raise funds by putting a FB page together and creating a GoFundMe site,  
 The site for the Trip and explanations as to what is going on in Gaza can be found at website
 Here is some description from the website,,
An appeal from Jamila Al-Habash

The Palestinian women of Gaza are asking us to do our utmost to break the silence on their terrible 7 years under siege. And for those women who can, to come to Gaza on March 8, 2014, International Women's Day. We are leading a delegation of 15 women from March 5 - March 13.
A Call from the Women of Gaza

We invite you to come on March 8th, International Women’s Day, to see firsthand how the Israeli blockade is making life intolerable in the besieged Gaza Strip.  
We, the Palestinian women of Gaza are being forced into isolation by the Israeli policies of apartheid. We continue to live the terrible consequences of the 7-year-blockade and the ongoing occupation of the Gaza Strip. We call on you to stand in solidarity with us to end this unjust, inhumane, and illegal blockade.
Our right to economic security, as we are condemned to poverty—unable to secure a decent life for our families;
Our right to work, which we are deprived of due to increasing unemployment caused by the severe economic restrictions on importing and exporting;
Our right to basic necessities, as we are deprived of adequate access to clean water, electricity, fuel, etc.
We ask you to stand in solidarity with us. Together, let us demand that the world stand up to the apartheid policies that we Palestinian women in the Gaza Strip are subjected to on a daily basis.

 Last year when I was working with Danny Schechter the News Dissector on his radio show we had a young lady on the show who went on the trip and told us all about her experience. Since then I felt that twinge of interest to go.
Code Pink, has been around since 2002. From their site, is a women- initiated grass roots peace & social justice movement working to end U.S. funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into healthcare, education, green job and other life-affirming activities. 
is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end U.S. funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. Won't you join us? - See more at:
What is CODEPINK? CODEPINK is a women-initiated grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end U.S. funded wars and occupations, to challenge militarism globally, and to redirect our resources into health care, education, green jobs and other life-affirming activities. Won't you join us?
- See more at:


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