
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

CHERYL DORSEY, Bringing a Gun to a Pool Party, Cop suspended

Cheryl Dorsey spent over 2 decades at the LAPD and wrote the book, The Creation of a Manifesto: Black & Blue, in referring to officer Casebolt, said, "I see a "Bully". Casebolt was the TX officer who responded to a disturbance in McKinney TX and began corralling black teens and pinning down a 14 year old girl wearing only a bathing suit, pushing her face to the ground and leaning his knee on her back. The 14 year old girl failed to obey Casebolts orders which is why she was targeted. Cheryl Dorsey called it, "contempt of cop", when you don't do what an cop says there's a "price to pay". In many cases that price is death but, luckily that didn't happen here. "That officer needs to be fired". Cheryl Dorsey went on to say that if we looked into this officers past we would find a history of complaints of over zealousness, excessive force and that the Police Dept does what many Depts do which is to "minimize & mitigate that bad behavior" then, the officer "lives to offend again". This isn't the first time Casebolt used his weapon as a "Bullying tool", an "intimidation tool" to get the teens to sit down and shut up.
 Amy Goodman even asked if Casebolt should be charged with assault on top of being fired. "Isn't this outright assault?" Cheryl Dosey's responded by saying that if that were an average person they'd be charged with a "litany" of charges, "assault with a deadly weapon which is a felony". Cheryl also mentions the fact that the other officers there are culpable and aided Senior officer Casebolt instead of trying to get him to stop    or stand down. The other officers blindly followed his orders to "go get that MFr". Is this how Sr officers train jr officers?
 When asked by Aaron Mate what needs to be done Cheryl reply, "officers need to be psychologically evaluated intermittently". Cops get tested when they first get hired then that's it. Based on what Police are subjected to on patrol daily it makes sense that they're evaluated periodically. Cheryl said we have to check the officers periodically to make sure their "heads on straight, that they're not jaded". Cheryl spoke about Depts not promoting officers based on time on the job but on cops showing Compassion and empathy for people and have that determine if an officers advances. Looking at people as if, "that could be my son, daughter or sister".   When its found that officers aren't meant to be officers they should be fired, not resigned, so there's a record and that officer can't move from Jennings PD to Ferguson, like Darrin Wilson did, and kill Mike Brown.
 I completely agreed. We change the oil in our cars and get them tuned up don't we? When anything or anyone gets used and abused it needs maintenance.
 I'm writing this blog because this woman highlighted what I constantly try to bring to light. The total lack of mental health and healing. The macho attitude that if you admit you need help you're weak or, God forbid, a "sissy". I can't believe we still live with this nonsense. It's just basic Math and accounting that when things get used and spent they need replenishing. Its physical, not anything else.
 This is why I tried teaching people about Yoga practice and emotional healing for decades so that people can just learn to Tell the TRUTH about what you feel. We get into psych DEBT when we maintain that mach BS of not wanting to acknowledge reality and the fact that we're spent and need to refill. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with that! It's that, For profit, Capitalism, excessive machismo attitude that's taken over so we can push nature and our bodies to their limit for $$ that must END!
 There is never any reason to compromise our health. Done means done and we only get situations like this when we deny facts and our emotional health.
There is NO getting over on Nature!! The facts will always reveal themselves no matter what we do! Why not just admit it??
 These types are situations are signs that man's system is Ripping away from nature. Its CLEAR that Nature and health are not aligned with the "job". People have been so conditioned to surrender their mental and physical health for $ and in the job of a cop it just shows up more.
 It's the same reason I write a lot about the "family" system and "parents". How can children fire parents if they're not suited to the job, which there are many? This woman Cheryl Dorsey is holding the same standards I tried to hold with my own parent when I was a child and received the same response from people of minimizing the wrong doer's behavior like PD does with cops.  Man made system is functioning at one pace, fast, make $$, and nature is functioning at another. Even when the facts and evidence are glaring people in the face many would rather deny the reality an perpetuate the Osteoporosis system, the digging into the muscle and bone system, the macho system rather than admit we're digging into the muscle and bone.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Jeffrey Sterling was jailed for exposing the CIA PONZI Scheme

In the interview I did with David Swanson on 2 of his articles, one entitled; CIA on trial in Virginia, the other, the CIA revealed more than they accused Jeff Sterling of.
In the first article, David Swanson was not saying that the CIA was actually on trial and yet, that's exactly what it resembled. He said the trial of Jeffrey Sterling was not about prosecuting Jeffrey Sterling. There was no direct evidence linking JS to James Risen except for circumstantial "meta data", the very thing the NSA says they "only" look at when spying on Americans and which was found to be Unconstitutional when looked at in bulk. So JS can be jailed for going to Congress and going through the proper channels with his concerns, as he's trained to do, just so he could be scape-goated and end up with a 3 1/2 year prison sentence, for, basically, embarrassing the "gov".
 Like Carbon bubbles rising to the top of a glass of soda, the healthy and courageous of this country will rise but, instead of being recognized for having the moral high bar and courage they deserve, the U.S. "Gov" makes them an example of a Criminals. Which, naturally, to the U.S. "Gov", they ARE! But, to the people they are who we should aspire to be! And what are We doing to help those who are paving the road to freedom for us with their imprisonment?
 David Swanson talked about No Media being in the court room. No mainstream of course and not even alt media.
 These are the types of issues I would be covering if I had the funds. People NEED to vote with their $$ and divert $ to supporting what's just and moral and away from $ representing corruption and a full blown Militarization of our society. The Corps and bankers have diverted $ away from justice and humanity and use it for oppression and imprisonment, we must flip it. We counter them, like a huge wrestling match before we're in a full blown choke hold with NO leverage at all!
 Look to physics and Natural Law and away from the PTB double speak. Look at the reality and not the words. The PTB are the Criminals! They will crush anyone who exposes them.

Social FITNESS, Live according to FACTS

The need was very obvious years ago and is even more obvious now for healthier relationship skills.
 We have so much Co-Dependency going on in the White House, Congress and other high levels it's destroying our country and world.
 The need for emotional health, relationship skills, healthy boundary setting was in dire need decades ago and is even more so today. I never would have thought that we would be living in an openly corrupt, oppressive, unequal, abusive country. I would have thought by now we would be well on our way towards healthy communities, healthy relationships and families and a more just and fair system for all.
 After growing up in such stress and abuse of power there was an obvious need to get moving in a better direction yet, no one but me was interested. The mentality of $ as the only value over protecting and cultivating real worth in families and communities was the norm.
 I would attribute it to those in the neighborhood not having the self confidence to feel they deserve a community they could take pride in. Why live less-than when we can live better, was my feeling. Why not have the best relationships possible and feel supported by people in your family and community. I couldn't believe people were satisfied living the way we were. I, of course, was not satisfied and felt such a strong need for better.
 If this is the way "family" and community treat each other is it any surprise the ptb treat us as commodities and want to exterminate us? We have been bowing to them all our lives! Why?? It was so clear to me decades ago that the people rob from the very people they should be protecting and supporting to transfer that energy to the PTB. Rob their self worth and self confidence and keep their children from growing up healthy and vibrant so those with too much leverage already can have more leverage.
 I feel it's important to stress these points because too many people are completely unconscious to their poor social and relationship habits and they do not know how to have healthy exchange. People are so bad at healthy relating, I feel, and are in desperate need of a better relationship Economy.
 The family has an economy just like society. The way parents interact with each other and their children determine. The economic health of the family. If parents do not get along and do not know how to resolve conflict, if parents have unfinished emotional issues they haven't resolved, if parents can't be honest and work out problems as they come up, if parents don't allow their children to express valid feelings, the accounting of the family will be out of balance and it will be evident. The symptoms will be right there staring back. The question is, will it be acknowledged?
 I remember what a friend said over the weekend about her sister yelling at her. I said in a previous blog I'm not advocating yelling at people but, I do understand how people get so frustrated, emotions need to come out in unskilled ways because healthy communication is not the norm. If we lived in a healthier society where it was encouraged and people practiced communication skills, active listening, giving others the space to feel what they feel. Mirroring back to others what we heard them say. These are the techniques I've been advocating for decades.
 If we don't value ourselves and other enough to make an effort to practice these kinds of skills, we will only get the community we deserve. Don't people want the most intimate, close, connected, respectful, satisfying, fulfilling and loving relationships we can possibly have? Who doesn't want that? Are people willing to make the effort? It's hard enough to get people to exercise physically never mind socially. But, if all we do is work for $ and do not cultivate and take care of what's really important, where will we end up? We've created this society, this imbalance and inequality. We must take a good hard look at it so we can turn it around. Just like in any personal relationship, if we begin getting abused, or we find out a spouse is cheating what are we going to do? Stay? Live with it? Or work to change our habits? It doesn't even have to be so drastic as abuse or infidelity. It can just be taking each other for granted.
 My point is that, relationships are just like farming. They take effort and we need to cultivate them to get the best nutrition out of them. We want to have organic relationships, not GMO ones. In order to do that we must live in truth and honesty.
 It's the people who screw themselves and their own children by crushing honest feelings and not allowing children to grow freely. This makes people physically sick when they're "adults". My friends sister obviously feels she was not heard and compensated for her pain. My friends attitude that her sister has to "let it go" and "get out of the past" is what is creating the unsustainable family economy and bad habits. People need to accept and deal with what's real. The body does not lie and speaks truth. People feel what they feel. Feelings are facts. Why is it that the Bankers and Corps can behave blatantly excessively and yet when our own friends or family has a legit outburst we criminalize them? The people are the ones unconsciously keeping themselves down and the ptb oppressing us because we've been neglecting what's real for what's fake. People don't even know what's real. What has real value that's why they let it deteriorate for fake $. It starts with self worth. If people were not loved and respected and don't have true self worth, they will be forced to hide behind something fake.
 These bad habits are how the people have created the monster Sociopath system we are now living in. WE fed the monster until it's now So extreme they're "too big to jail?" The Corps and banks have So much power that we can't even do anything about it now? We're going to continue on with our bad habits even though they've created such a blatant disaster instead of tuning our behavior around and steering in another direction?
 My friend said the me that she's apologized to her sister for what ever transgressions the sister said she felt so why isn't her sister "over it?". This attitude of "why doesn't natural law do what we want?". How dare nature make things challenging. How dare it not be easy and "micro-waveable". How dare nature not lower it's standards to us so we don't have to feel uncomfortable feelings and feel bad about ourselves. How dare our disingenuous, "oh, hurry it up and get over it already" GMO, ways not be good enough for nature and reality. How dare nature not be satisfied with our lack of fitness and give us honest feedback showing us we're not quite there yet. What else do we have better to do?
 If we're not being more present and dealing with important issues that require our full attention and presence then, what are we doing? We're creating GMO and debt.
 Nature demands quality. Nature demands presence and diligence in order for things to be done in Reality. Nature cannot be skipped over. The facts that we're trying to skip crucial parts will constantly be coming back at us. Why not listen? Why continue resisting truth? Why continue adding more debt and making the scale more out of balance? Why is it so hard to tell the truth? Why do people in "power" go to such lengths to pile on more lies and debt to cover up when all that does is expose them even more?

Dylannn Roof, Garbage Dump of the system that Blew up

So the judge who charged Roof with 9 counts of murder and gun's possession added that we also have additional victims, speaking about the shooters "family". I find that comment particularly disturbing because it plays right into the way our system dysfunctionally "works" in that, we dump our garbage on the youth, on the future then blame them when they act crazy. This 21 year old is Not Solely responsible for the way he is, for the attitudes he adopted. The conditions this kid was raised in has no bearing on how he turned out?? There is NO chance in HELL then, of us ever having a civil society, of "ADULTS" ever taking responsibility, acknowledging their errors and how they've failed the youth and the future. The young are clearly here to simply inherit the Psychological and emotional pollution/debt of their "parents" and the system. 
 For this country to solely blame this 21 year old child without saying, "Gee, I think we steered this young man wrong somewhere along the line", means the vicious cycle will go on forever and this will happen again and again! The youth have NO Future in this Country and they know it! The young KNOW and feel they were screwed by the system that only uses them to keep the status quo going. The system NEEDS criminals!! Is the system going to let this kid be an actor, an athlete, a scientist, a writer?? Are his "parent's" capable of Raising him to be a healthy contributor to society? Why is Dylann Roof not a writer or musician? Because the system didn't Raise him to be! No one taught him and people are shocked when what has been invested in for 21 years comes back and "Matures!" The Space and Future are all taken up by EXXON, MONSANTO, The Koch Bros,  banks and Corps who have taken up ALL the space and control Nature leaving NO room for anyone to grow healthily and naturally. They have TOTAL control and have hijacked the lives of too many youth. This Planet has limits! The $$ System is at WAR WITH NATURE! The 2 are COLLIDING. It's CLEAR. It doesn't get any clearer.
 The system/family MADE this kid what it Needs him to be! What the system Needs at the expense of the young and the future! I've said it in many blogs about the family. It proves the fact that the young are here to inherit the "Bill". Someone taught this kid, "raised" him, influenced him. He picked this attitude up from someone and somewhere. Some "adult/s" is responsible for how this kid turned out and whoever doesn't stand up and admit it, if society doesn't say, "we created this", "We need to change the system" then, we're finished. Dylann Roof didn't appear out of no where. His condition has been brewing for years and others helped create him. The "Family" is NO different than EXXON and Shell Oil that Dumps it's pollution on the vulnerable. This 21 year old is the Sum total of all the Psych toxic waste that he was "raised" on and now we're going to blame Him for being Frankenstein? Along with the GMO "food", the propaganda of the Media, the break down of the family, the polluted environment, the Collapsing economy and the Criminals with $$ who get away with it, and we think the young are not going to feel any of it and express it back at us? 
 There is something SEVERELY wrong with the nervous system of many people in our society. We are TRULY lacking in health and fitness with the natural world and it's creating such a disconnect we might never be able to recover from. 
 Unless enough people recognize the feedback coming at us from nature we will never learn the lesson and will continue to pollute our youth and the environment.
 People are completely ARROGANT to not see this kid as a sign that this society has gone in a tragic direction and is going even further into it unless we radically change course. 
 The family members of the victims are "forgiving" this 21 year old who hasn't even admitted it, hasn't even apologized or made any attempt at an amends. Forgiveness MUST be EARNED! People need to understand that things MUST come from NATURE and be legit, not coerced or from the neck up and forced because of what the bible says. I'm sorry but I don't believe the Bible says to "forgive" disturbed 21 years old who intentionally kill your family member without apology. That is NOT forgiveness, that's being an accomplice. 
 I'm just talking about what's natural and healthy here. People need to let themselves Feel what they feel! It's healthy to have RAGE at what this kid did to their family member. People need to learn how Natural Law Works. The feelings we don't Own in ourselves get projected out and come back to us in people like Dylann Roof. 
 I studied Psych all my life and what I know for certain that John Bradshaw wrote about in Healing the Shame that Binds you,, We need to embrace ALL the parts of ourselves. ALL the parts of ourselves are OK. For the family of the victims to be "forgiving" this kid this soon and not allowing themselves to go through the process of grieving in a healthy way and let themselves FEEL LEGITIMATE ANGER and RAGE, and despite the fact that Roof hasn't asked for forgiveness, hasn't earned it by admitting what he did and expressing Any remorse is just being on the side of the Illness. 

Monday, June 8, 2015


We are fast becoming completely disconnected from how nature works. In this fake, man-made habitat we've created man has over ridden nature, has over emphasized the intellect over the body and is fast on our way to total self destruction.
 I'm calling this post Monsanto Family because of the relationship disconnect from nature we are currently in. "Families" are not raising "Organic" children, although I'm sure that there are some conscious parents that make an effort. What I mean by that is that, most "parents" do not Raise children to their fullest expression or to be who they naturally are. Don't take my word for it, all we have to do is look. Look at the state of our world, of this country. People do not grow to full maturity and divert to man-made $ instead. "Parents" who teach their children to place $ above being who they naturally are, are "raising" Monsanto humans. The further from nature we get, the further from Nature we get. It's a Debt cycle that will perpetuate itself til exhaustion like Altered Mental Status.
 It is not hard to figure out that our man-made system is in direct opposition to Natural Law. We are not living in alignment to the way Natural Law works. Is there anyone that can argue that? I'm sure there are plenty. Corps and those who work for them and all those who are bought and paid for. Those people are ill and addicted to fake "profit" just like a Junkie. This is serious.
  The "family" system, neighbors and the community that keep each other down and punish anyone who tries to rear their head and look above the prison. That's been my experience all my life. It never was the bankers or Corps directly that do the oppressing. They might be the ones in the shadows pulling the strings but, it's the people who perpetuate it and enslave themselves and their children.
 Self worth and health is the real wealth. A healthy amount of self-confidence, self respect and regard is how people should be raised. Does anyone even know what that is anymore? What does it mean to raise children healthily?  To know their rights? We have literally sold our children out for GMO, man-made, illusion of wealth. We've sold our True Value, our essence, our Spirit for some gadgets, materialism, the illusion of a career and the illusion of power. Real achievement must be done in REALITY.
 Relationship fitness is about the way nature and fitness actually work. The direction fitness and health actually go in. People have turned the direction fitness is meant to flow in and have helped turned it the wrong way and perpetuate the wrong direction by not paying attention to their bad habits.
 I like to talk about optimum health & fitness. Most people never reach their full potential physically, emotionally or spiritually. They're brought up to a certain point then stop. As long as the people stop growing and the banks and corporations continue to grow, you don't have to be a physicist to see what's going to happen. Its a mathematical certainty. Real wealth is optimum health and knowledge. Reaching our fullest, optimum level of fitness so we have better leverage to counter those who've hijacked GMO power. If we're only raised so much then stop learning, stop growing, stop challenging ourselves, our real wealth will only be getting spent from there. We won't be facing life with a Full bank account of wealth and those who have more leverage will continue to gain more while we will lose more of our "battery charge". Obviously it isn't $ that is the answer, it's the mind set of the person. "Good" people don't get anywhere going after $ because they're competing with people who are not going after $, they're using their and YOUR "inner currency" of manipulation and deceit. The people must own our Rightful share of assertion.  We must use our Rightful share of our Innate currency, our fitness, our knowledge to get ahead and not think that $, the fake currency, is the answer. We must exercise our True currency or we will lose. That's the lesson. The fake currency of $ will only make us lose more of our True currency if we don't realize this.
 If people are not raised with some level of fitness, of some level of engagement in the family to know what it feels like to be treated appropriately, how can people recognize when they're being mistreated? How can people recognize when their "gov" is robbing them of their rights if they were never taught they even had any? There must be some Definition between family and the outside to be able to recognize one from the other. If family doesn't treat one with worth and respect, people won't notice anything is wrong when they're being disrespected or abused. That's why people who grew up in domestic violence end up marrying abusers or being an abuser.
 Then, families need to turn to their community to get help from their "family", like I did when I was young. I was looking to people outside the family to save me from my "family". The fact that no one sees a problem with this is more psych debt added on. Instead of neighbors recognizing this as a problem that needs to be addressed and turned around, that this is a sign of a serious social problem, they ignore it and allow it to perpetuate and lead to even larger social problems we have today.
 These kinds of family/social problems are social diseases that need healing. People clearly accept the low standard of health they deserve if they allow these kinds of issues to be ignored and left to spread.
 We've clearly chosen, unconsciously or consciously, to put $$ and man-made over health and Natural Law. The more people can admit that so we can begin turning things around the better chance we have of surviving.
 As long as there are more GMO people addicted to man-made, fake $$, the more were finished.