This post is a continuation of the previous post which I have a lot to say about.
I was very relieved when speakers on the panel talked about the effects of PTS. I'm leaving off the D because its not a disorder, its a normal response from the body to being pushed beyond its limits. Having control taken from it and being used to engage in unnatural, horrific, unjust acts.
PTS does not just happen to people in combat. I've studied PTS all my life and anyone having control taken from them can have it. People abused as children, prisoners, torture victims, witnesses to crimes, assaults and atrocities. Any time the nervous system is pushed beyond its ability to maintain control, like being distracted or cut off while driving.
I want to seriously drive this point home because I feel it's extremely important. The way our bodies work is with the mind & body being connected, in sync, focused. Doing things together just like it is when we learn to walk or ride a bike. When some "authority" is giving us orders to do something that our bodies know is wrong and goes against our moral compass, the body is pushed into DEBT. It feels trapped because if we follow the orders we're screwed And if we don't we're screwed because we "need" authority. We don't have the leverage inside of ourselves to disobey those we consider "authority". It's the same exact mechanisms that goes on with children who are abused by parents. They need the parent, so challenging that parent and acknowledging that that parent is wrong or bad is equivalent to death for the child. The child feels it has to see the parent as good and themselves as bad.
Real authority should be teaching someone to gauge things for themselves, like teaching them to hit a baseball. It has to be found within. We can't learn to ride a bike by some "authority" telling us to do it. We have to feel it viscerally for ourselves. That is the way nature works.
Just following orders that don't align with our beliefs and don't allow us the time to understand why or to make sense of it is allowing our bodies to be used, raped. When we are able to be in a situation where we're able to regain our composure and the "bill" of what was done to us shows up, the body has to adjust to the injury. It's very painful.
It can happen to anyone who loses focus, sleeps with someone after having too much to drink, having a fender bender while being distracted while driving. It can happen cumulatively over time while being distracted from feeling our feelings for decades. The equivalent to what a soldier might feel after being ordered to kill innocent civilians might take the average person decades to accumulate but amounts to the same thing when we feel we're not living an authentic life by age 50. We ask ourselves, "how did I get here?" " Who's life am I living?"
The conflict and confusion it creates in the body when our gut is saying one thing and "authority" is telling us something else. If the 2 are opposing when they should be one in the same, there's something wrong. True authority helps us align with ourselves, wants us to listen and develop our instincts and trust what we know and feel. Not the opposite. That is the sign of inauthentic "authority". Trusting our gut and what the body says should be placed at the fore. Anything else is suspect. It becomes a very serious issue when people are not being properly raised. No one being there to emotionally give and teach young people to have emotional leverage, to be able to say "No" and not just bow to any one in "authority". If there are no genuine people of authority teaching young people their rights and how to protect and stand up for themselves, then how will they be able to distinguish the difference between quality and poor "authority?". If the young are not being taught right and raise to be fit, they will blindly obey anyone claiming to be in "power".
Strengthening ones instinctual connection is imperative. Being mentally fit is fast becoming a necessity not a luxury.
I learned this early from growing up in an environment where "authority" was clearly not in my best interest.
My gut immediately kicked in and resisted like it should. To have that healthy response shamed or made to feel wrong is a huge injustice and what sets people up through out life to be victimized and have our Psych debt perpetuated.
Being forced to choose between feeling ones true feelings or listening to someone else, one should always listen to and trust their own gut. If the other person doesn't like it then, they're not worth having in your life but, How do we get that initial leverage when there's no on there to give it to us?
Any relationship should allow people to be free to be themselves, not at the expense of. This is debt based relating which will only perpetuate til those involved are Emotionally, physically and Spiritually bankrupt. All relationships should help build and thrive. Not deplete and drain.
I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
SPRING RISING in DC and Everywhere!! End Endless "WARS!"
This past weekend was the 12th Anniversary of the U.S. Attack on Iraq Shock & Awe and 4 days of panel discussions, sit ins, demonstrations, rallys & marches.
I went down Fri and filmed 3 panels on Fri afternoon & eve.
The first one was with speakers Kevin Lucey who lost his son to suicide after serving time in Iraq.
It was a pretty emotional discussion during the Q&A afterwards where members in the audience made some very important points, while another Vet broke down expressing the limits to which your body and soul get pushed to in the name of "liberty" and "security". The subject was brought up of "masculinity" and how the establishment uses that and other terms like "patriotism" to get soldiers to engage in atrocities and acts of complete brutality. It is not "patriotism" or "masculinity" what so ever.
Videos of the talk will be found on the World Can't Wait youtube channel. Some will be on my youtube channel, April Watters.
The psychological, emotional & spiritual debt left on the souls and bodies of the soldiers overwhelms them. The pain is unbearable and they end up taking their own life after realizing what they've done. After leaving the war mentality environment and having the time to reflect and get in touch with what they truly feel, the sense of knowing the truth and what they took part in comes rushing in.
The sense of knowing that the distracting system wants to drown out in ALL of us, wants to seduce in ALL of us to buy into the "war" propaganda. It isn't only the soldiers who get seduced into believing they're standing up for and protecting their country from "terrorists". These men, some very young, get caught up in the support and the misinformation the public has about "war".
What many of the soldiers realize and are unable to admit is the total farce of what the U.S. "gov"/banks/corps are creating in these far parts of the world. What becomes blatantly obvious to many of them is the fact that They, themselves are the Terrorist inflicting misery and death on an entire culture of innocent people. That the U.S. Military is the aggressor, Not the defender like the propaganda would have the American people believe. We are not in the middle east for "humanitarian" reasons or to "protect" women & children. We are there to dominate that countries resources and topple their Governments. The U.S. Doesn't want any country to thrive and give this country any ideas on how to be Democratic and healthy.
A member of the audience during the Q&A after panel with Iraq Vets Against the War and Military Families Against the War mentioned Basic training and how it mind F k's and if you have any humanity you're driven out of BT unless you can suppress it and become a "mental killer". Then you get to Iraq where they dispense 15-20 different drugs freely after what the soldiers see around them. If you turn to the Chaplain for help he turns you into your commanding officer. Frontline Psychiatrists debrief the troops then make them go out and do the same the next day.
If you have any compassion for those you're killing you get threatened to be killed by your own drugged up, wacked out troops! When you come home and try to get your humanity back, a flood of emotion and the realization of what they were forced to take part it pushes them to kill themselves.
"The suicides are not because people are weak", he said. "They're driven to do that by the madness of the system that we've got".
The troops are also being deceived and victimized into committing acts of such horror under the complete farse of "patriotism" and Saving your country. OMG!
I went down Fri and filmed 3 panels on Fri afternoon & eve.
The first one was with speakers Kevin Lucey who lost his son to suicide after serving time in Iraq.
It was a pretty emotional discussion during the Q&A afterwards where members in the audience made some very important points, while another Vet broke down expressing the limits to which your body and soul get pushed to in the name of "liberty" and "security". The subject was brought up of "masculinity" and how the establishment uses that and other terms like "patriotism" to get soldiers to engage in atrocities and acts of complete brutality. It is not "patriotism" or "masculinity" what so ever.
Videos of the talk will be found on the World Can't Wait youtube channel. Some will be on my youtube channel, April Watters.
The psychological, emotional & spiritual debt left on the souls and bodies of the soldiers overwhelms them. The pain is unbearable and they end up taking their own life after realizing what they've done. After leaving the war mentality environment and having the time to reflect and get in touch with what they truly feel, the sense of knowing the truth and what they took part in comes rushing in.
The sense of knowing that the distracting system wants to drown out in ALL of us, wants to seduce in ALL of us to buy into the "war" propaganda. It isn't only the soldiers who get seduced into believing they're standing up for and protecting their country from "terrorists". These men, some very young, get caught up in the support and the misinformation the public has about "war".
What many of the soldiers realize and are unable to admit is the total farce of what the U.S. "gov"/banks/corps are creating in these far parts of the world. What becomes blatantly obvious to many of them is the fact that They, themselves are the Terrorist inflicting misery and death on an entire culture of innocent people. That the U.S. Military is the aggressor, Not the defender like the propaganda would have the American people believe. We are not in the middle east for "humanitarian" reasons or to "protect" women & children. We are there to dominate that countries resources and topple their Governments. The U.S. Doesn't want any country to thrive and give this country any ideas on how to be Democratic and healthy.
A member of the audience during the Q&A after panel with Iraq Vets Against the War and Military Families Against the War mentioned Basic training and how it mind F k's and if you have any humanity you're driven out of BT unless you can suppress it and become a "mental killer". Then you get to Iraq where they dispense 15-20 different drugs freely after what the soldiers see around them. If you turn to the Chaplain for help he turns you into your commanding officer. Frontline Psychiatrists debrief the troops then make them go out and do the same the next day.
If you have any compassion for those you're killing you get threatened to be killed by your own drugged up, wacked out troops! When you come home and try to get your humanity back, a flood of emotion and the realization of what they were forced to take part it pushes them to kill themselves.
"The suicides are not because people are weak", he said. "They're driven to do that by the madness of the system that we've got".
The troops are also being deceived and victimized into committing acts of such horror under the complete farse of "patriotism" and Saving your country. OMG!
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Prison; just a smaller Society/ Lessons about Organizing from a "Prisoner"
Years ago when I read John Gray's Mars and Venus on a Date he wrote about "conditions",, that we had to create the right the conditions for a relationship to happen. Yoga is about the same thing,, creating the conditions,, setting the stage for Nature to take over.
In a recent article by Chris Hedges on Truthdig,, We Kill Our Revolutionaries,, he writes about a man named Carlos Sanders, 52 years old, renamed Siddique Hasan after becoming a Muslim in Ohio State Penitentiary. Chris Hedges writes of the hard and poverty stricken start Siddique had growing up with his mother who had her first child by the age of 12 and her last, fourth child by age 19. How his father was abusive to his mother before disappearing when Hasan was 5. He and the other children survived on his mother's meager salary of house cleaning and cooking jobs. The 3rd of 4 children, Hasan spent brief stays in foster homes and never made it past the 5th grade. Hasan had been in juvenile detention facilities since he was an adolescent and until today had spent only 17 months out of jail. He took to the streets with his older brother growing up and engaged in petty crimes.
Hasan has been on death row since 1993 when he was convicted for leading the uprising in April of that year at the Southern Ohio Correctional facility with four others. He had always rebelled. He plotted a mass escape from a juvenile detention facility when he was only 15 years old and another escape from a county jail a year later. He was part of a hunger strike in 2013 with other prisoners from death row that made "authorities" of the prison finally agree to physical contact during visits from relatives, more items at the Prison Commissary, give prisoners permission to use computers to look up legal research, longer phone conversations and recreation time.
one conversations and increase recreation time.
“I am a human being,” Hasan said. “I don’t like being locked up, deprived of my rights, told when to go to bed, when to eat, when to shower. These things hurt a person physically, emotionally and psychologically. No human being should be caged like an animal.”- Truthdig
Even animals shouldn't be caged.
Criminalizing someone like Hasan who came from a challenging background, abuse and poverty instead of giving people like him the help they need is a clear sign that the system we live in is completely Inhumane and does not care one way or the other about creating the conditions for a better world. All those running things care about is $$ and power and making the world worse.
I find myself in a complete state of disbelief that we live in this kind of world and that so many people sit by and do nothing to stop it. We see our neighbors in need and do nothing. How much worse does it have to get before people step up?
I was reading books on the abusive/ dysfunctional/healthy family at a young age as a natural response to all the abuse and neglect growing up and being completely ripped off as a child. Every time someone didn't listen to me or take it seriously when I told them how poorly I was being treated in my house, people were piling on the psychological debt more and more. Every time people don't respect people and nature and respond to legitimate grievances by those they are supposed to be responding to and protecting,, it's the equivalent to piling on and packing down gun powder and creating the conditions for a huge explosion to occur. I naturally turned to wanting to know how to make things better,, how to make healthy relationships that actually Work. You have to admit that things are not working before you can turn to other alternatives and try another way. But, if you're making $$ maintaining the status quo or you've been "conditioned" to not acknowledge when you've made a mistake so you can then do something to change things, the more the psychological debt will perpetuate and worsen until we're all living in manufactured Hell.
The more "human beings" do not respect how nature/physics works and are at war with it and continue to resist the fact that ALL people are a part of nature and require basic respect, the more we will be creating a huge psychological debt. The answers are right in front of our eyes that the methods being used do NOT work! and yet those in charge continue with them even harder.
When we learn to ride a bike and we fall off it's normal and automatic to evaluate what we did wrong and compensate the next time and continue to do that until we can ride a bike. Why doesn't that apply to every action we take in life? When those who have sold out to the system have the mis belief that some part of the population are worthless and have no value because of some misfortune that occurred in their life early on getting them off on the wrong foot or because of their culture or religion, instead of looking to turn people and situations around, the natural law inside the person can't help but assert it's innate intelligence and do what ever it has to to get the leverage it needs.
This is simply natural law. For "man" to fight it is Insanity and a sure path to eternal damnation if you ask me.
Before converting to Islam Hasan sold drugs and protected people for money in prison. He organized prison gambling rings and extortion rackets and was the over seer of many enforcers. He said Islam had changed him when he put the knowledge into practice.
Hasan hopes the prisoners will organize a hunger strike and nationwide work stoppage to improve the conditions in prison such as a wage increase from the $1 for a days work to a legal hourly wage.
Hasan wants there to be boycotts of the overpriced commissary items and for prisoners to only buy necessities like toothpaste and not to buy things like junk food. Hasan says he has no faith in the courts and legislature to bring about change. The only recourse left to prisoners is to organize mass civil disobedience.
"Prison authorities never give you anything without a fight", Hasan said. Prisoners should refuse to work unless they get a fair minimum wage. Hasan said anyone who tries to organize a protest will be removed from the general population or transferred to another prison. This is how the prison keeps the prisoners divided and weakened. Hasan recommends letting prison authorities know in advance of a protest. Tell them the demands without surprises and give them 60 days to resolve the grievances. If it's a surprise protest all they will do is a lock down.
Hasan has learned lessons about resistance that apply not only to the 2.3 million Americans that are incarcerated but, also to society where civil liberties are being stripped and the creation of a surveillance state is reflecting the prison state more and more.
"Those who rebel must know how systems of power work" says Hasan. for resistence to be effective".
When u really look closely at it, the system IS totally backwards! Those who are closer to nature's process due to the circumstances and conditions they're forced to grow and live in, the hardships, the challenges, are the ones who end up in jail for exposing those who have hijacked the system and are imposing their GMO, man-made, "privileged" deception onto everyone else.
People who have lived with incredible challenge like Hasan are the ones we should be exhaulting. They're more "organic!" They've been through way more of natures Organic processes Much more, sometimes many times over and have proven themselves over those who look good on the outside but many times are fake, GMO, "privileged" people who are born right into positions of power like most of those who occupy political and financial positions today and skipping over actually Earning anything. Those with the leverage have fooled everyone and choose more GMO people to put in power to keep the fake, GMO regime going. Only those who are Organic and healthy enough will see through it.
We're fast becoming a society that will be worshiping, full on, a completely man-made god, golden calf, if we don't take action and mobilize soon like Hasan has expressed.
When society looks to criminalize vulnerable people like Hasan and take complete advantage of their unstable and unfortunate history rather than help them, you can bet you're next. It's clear that normal human behaviors like cooperation, compassion and giving are being completely exterminated and replaced by nothing but hatred, torture, brutality and total inhumanity.
What Hasan is describing that is absolutely necessary is constructing the sturdy foundation we needed when we came into this world and didn't get. We, instead, inherited the opposite; slipping, sliding, hanging off a cliff by a twig, dealing with it like a champ and Still the system criminalizes you. It has NOTHING to do with man's "laws" and everything to do with Natural law, leverage and physics.
The system is crashing in on itself like many family systems do. The entire point is about LEVERAGE, physics. Parents should be giving their children leverage. Providing a healthy enough of an environment where the parent is there for the child, to reinforce the child so the child can gain internal strength and worth. Parents are supposed to be mature and responsible people who can emotionally afford it when their child challenges them. Children, by nature, are supposed to be difficult, emotionally immature and unskilled.
If the parent collapses under the weight, the entire family system crashes. When the parent is the first one to criminalize the child for being a child, for having and being healthy and normal, nature has become the criminal, health and nature's process is the criminal for essentially being what it's supposed to do.
Sociopath man has accrued so much arrogance, has tipped the system already too much to bow to his misaligned state of Emotional imbalance that the ptb think they're normal. That's our fault for not living under natural law and allowing ourselves to be diverted away from our natural instincts.
When I was growing up I was naturally and rightfully looking to the parent to be there for me. That "parent" was doing the same, wrongfully looking to lean on me and make me responsible for them. This inevitably crashes. This is many families. "Parents" actually criminalize the child for exposing the incompetence of the parent when the child is simply being normal. The "parent" should be taking on the responsibility themselves, not making the child out to be the problem. This is the Slight of Mind in how the Emotional Debt gets passed down. More and more of an Emotional load is dumped on those who cannot afford it. Then their criminlized for not being able to carry it!
This is exactly what is happening to our entire society. People are looking to the System to lean on while the system is robbing and leaning on you!
The prisoners like Hasan are realizing and doing what needs to be done. Getting in touch with reality and physics and what works. Breaking the vicious cycle of unconsciousness and stepping into the moment exerting natural law and the fact that All humans require respect. The prison ends up being an extension of the dysfunctional, deficient "family" where prisoners keep sliding further into psyche debt, further into anger and hatred. And rightfully so. The system is not there to help anyone get out of emotional and physical debt,, only to profit off of it.
Like I was forced to do in my house growing up, I had to do it, I had to be the one to stop the vicious cycle, to stop the fighting as best as I could. It wasn't easy and I can't even say I was successful. But, I could clearly see and feel that the more I pleaded, appealed, we were continuing to fall and spin out of control. It was clear she wasn't capable of taking charge and doing what needed to be done. This is what Hasan is saying about the prison system. Pleading to the "courts" and legislature IS the problem. Looking to the problem for the cure IS the problem. We need to look to each other. Raise each other, give each other what we need because the system and "family" sold us out, took away our leverage instead of helping to increase it.
What needs to be realized, also, is that even if you didn't grow up like me or Hasan, that is the deception. If you weren't raised in a "brick house", to Be a brick house, have healthy people to lean on to build yourself as a sturdy healthy adult, you will have the misconception that you're doing alright. It's about Fitness, physically and mentally, being as Optimally fit as one can be. Not just having a job and paying bills.
In a recent article by Chris Hedges on Truthdig,, We Kill Our Revolutionaries,, he writes about a man named Carlos Sanders, 52 years old, renamed Siddique Hasan after becoming a Muslim in Ohio State Penitentiary. Chris Hedges writes of the hard and poverty stricken start Siddique had growing up with his mother who had her first child by the age of 12 and her last, fourth child by age 19. How his father was abusive to his mother before disappearing when Hasan was 5. He and the other children survived on his mother's meager salary of house cleaning and cooking jobs. The 3rd of 4 children, Hasan spent brief stays in foster homes and never made it past the 5th grade. Hasan had been in juvenile detention facilities since he was an adolescent and until today had spent only 17 months out of jail. He took to the streets with his older brother growing up and engaged in petty crimes.
Hasan has been on death row since 1993 when he was convicted for leading the uprising in April of that year at the Southern Ohio Correctional facility with four others. He had always rebelled. He plotted a mass escape from a juvenile detention facility when he was only 15 years old and another escape from a county jail a year later. He was part of a hunger strike in 2013 with other prisoners from death row that made "authorities" of the prison finally agree to physical contact during visits from relatives, more items at the Prison Commissary, give prisoners permission to use computers to look up legal research, longer phone conversations and recreation time.
one conversations and increase recreation time.
“I am a human being,” Hasan said. “I don’t like being locked up, deprived of my rights, told when to go to bed, when to eat, when to shower. These things hurt a person physically, emotionally and psychologically. No human being should be caged like an animal.”- Truthdig
Even animals shouldn't be caged.
Criminalizing someone like Hasan who came from a challenging background, abuse and poverty instead of giving people like him the help they need is a clear sign that the system we live in is completely Inhumane and does not care one way or the other about creating the conditions for a better world. All those running things care about is $$ and power and making the world worse.
I find myself in a complete state of disbelief that we live in this kind of world and that so many people sit by and do nothing to stop it. We see our neighbors in need and do nothing. How much worse does it have to get before people step up?
I was reading books on the abusive/ dysfunctional/healthy family at a young age as a natural response to all the abuse and neglect growing up and being completely ripped off as a child. Every time someone didn't listen to me or take it seriously when I told them how poorly I was being treated in my house, people were piling on the psychological debt more and more. Every time people don't respect people and nature and respond to legitimate grievances by those they are supposed to be responding to and protecting,, it's the equivalent to piling on and packing down gun powder and creating the conditions for a huge explosion to occur. I naturally turned to wanting to know how to make things better,, how to make healthy relationships that actually Work. You have to admit that things are not working before you can turn to other alternatives and try another way. But, if you're making $$ maintaining the status quo or you've been "conditioned" to not acknowledge when you've made a mistake so you can then do something to change things, the more the psychological debt will perpetuate and worsen until we're all living in manufactured Hell.
The more "human beings" do not respect how nature/physics works and are at war with it and continue to resist the fact that ALL people are a part of nature and require basic respect, the more we will be creating a huge psychological debt. The answers are right in front of our eyes that the methods being used do NOT work! and yet those in charge continue with them even harder.
When we learn to ride a bike and we fall off it's normal and automatic to evaluate what we did wrong and compensate the next time and continue to do that until we can ride a bike. Why doesn't that apply to every action we take in life? When those who have sold out to the system have the mis belief that some part of the population are worthless and have no value because of some misfortune that occurred in their life early on getting them off on the wrong foot or because of their culture or religion, instead of looking to turn people and situations around, the natural law inside the person can't help but assert it's innate intelligence and do what ever it has to to get the leverage it needs.
This is simply natural law. For "man" to fight it is Insanity and a sure path to eternal damnation if you ask me.
Before converting to Islam Hasan sold drugs and protected people for money in prison. He organized prison gambling rings and extortion rackets and was the over seer of many enforcers. He said Islam had changed him when he put the knowledge into practice.
Hasan hopes the prisoners will organize a hunger strike and nationwide work stoppage to improve the conditions in prison such as a wage increase from the $1 for a days work to a legal hourly wage.
Hasan wants there to be boycotts of the overpriced commissary items and for prisoners to only buy necessities like toothpaste and not to buy things like junk food. Hasan says he has no faith in the courts and legislature to bring about change. The only recourse left to prisoners is to organize mass civil disobedience.
"Prison authorities never give you anything without a fight", Hasan said. Prisoners should refuse to work unless they get a fair minimum wage. Hasan said anyone who tries to organize a protest will be removed from the general population or transferred to another prison. This is how the prison keeps the prisoners divided and weakened. Hasan recommends letting prison authorities know in advance of a protest. Tell them the demands without surprises and give them 60 days to resolve the grievances. If it's a surprise protest all they will do is a lock down.
Hasan has learned lessons about resistance that apply not only to the 2.3 million Americans that are incarcerated but, also to society where civil liberties are being stripped and the creation of a surveillance state is reflecting the prison state more and more.
"Those who rebel must know how systems of power work" says Hasan. for resistence to be effective".
When u really look closely at it, the system IS totally backwards! Those who are closer to nature's process due to the circumstances and conditions they're forced to grow and live in, the hardships, the challenges, are the ones who end up in jail for exposing those who have hijacked the system and are imposing their GMO, man-made, "privileged" deception onto everyone else.
People who have lived with incredible challenge like Hasan are the ones we should be exhaulting. They're more "organic!" They've been through way more of natures Organic processes Much more, sometimes many times over and have proven themselves over those who look good on the outside but many times are fake, GMO, "privileged" people who are born right into positions of power like most of those who occupy political and financial positions today and skipping over actually Earning anything. Those with the leverage have fooled everyone and choose more GMO people to put in power to keep the fake, GMO regime going. Only those who are Organic and healthy enough will see through it.
We're fast becoming a society that will be worshiping, full on, a completely man-made god, golden calf, if we don't take action and mobilize soon like Hasan has expressed.
When society looks to criminalize vulnerable people like Hasan and take complete advantage of their unstable and unfortunate history rather than help them, you can bet you're next. It's clear that normal human behaviors like cooperation, compassion and giving are being completely exterminated and replaced by nothing but hatred, torture, brutality and total inhumanity.
What Hasan is describing that is absolutely necessary is constructing the sturdy foundation we needed when we came into this world and didn't get. We, instead, inherited the opposite; slipping, sliding, hanging off a cliff by a twig, dealing with it like a champ and Still the system criminalizes you. It has NOTHING to do with man's "laws" and everything to do with Natural law, leverage and physics.
The system is crashing in on itself like many family systems do. The entire point is about LEVERAGE, physics. Parents should be giving their children leverage. Providing a healthy enough of an environment where the parent is there for the child, to reinforce the child so the child can gain internal strength and worth. Parents are supposed to be mature and responsible people who can emotionally afford it when their child challenges them. Children, by nature, are supposed to be difficult, emotionally immature and unskilled.
If the parent collapses under the weight, the entire family system crashes. When the parent is the first one to criminalize the child for being a child, for having and being healthy and normal, nature has become the criminal, health and nature's process is the criminal for essentially being what it's supposed to do.
Sociopath man has accrued so much arrogance, has tipped the system already too much to bow to his misaligned state of Emotional imbalance that the ptb think they're normal. That's our fault for not living under natural law and allowing ourselves to be diverted away from our natural instincts.
When I was growing up I was naturally and rightfully looking to the parent to be there for me. That "parent" was doing the same, wrongfully looking to lean on me and make me responsible for them. This inevitably crashes. This is many families. "Parents" actually criminalize the child for exposing the incompetence of the parent when the child is simply being normal. The "parent" should be taking on the responsibility themselves, not making the child out to be the problem. This is the Slight of Mind in how the Emotional Debt gets passed down. More and more of an Emotional load is dumped on those who cannot afford it. Then their criminlized for not being able to carry it!
This is exactly what is happening to our entire society. People are looking to the System to lean on while the system is robbing and leaning on you!
The prisoners like Hasan are realizing and doing what needs to be done. Getting in touch with reality and physics and what works. Breaking the vicious cycle of unconsciousness and stepping into the moment exerting natural law and the fact that All humans require respect. The prison ends up being an extension of the dysfunctional, deficient "family" where prisoners keep sliding further into psyche debt, further into anger and hatred. And rightfully so. The system is not there to help anyone get out of emotional and physical debt,, only to profit off of it.
Like I was forced to do in my house growing up, I had to do it, I had to be the one to stop the vicious cycle, to stop the fighting as best as I could. It wasn't easy and I can't even say I was successful. But, I could clearly see and feel that the more I pleaded, appealed, we were continuing to fall and spin out of control. It was clear she wasn't capable of taking charge and doing what needed to be done. This is what Hasan is saying about the prison system. Pleading to the "courts" and legislature IS the problem. Looking to the problem for the cure IS the problem. We need to look to each other. Raise each other, give each other what we need because the system and "family" sold us out, took away our leverage instead of helping to increase it.
What needs to be realized, also, is that even if you didn't grow up like me or Hasan, that is the deception. If you weren't raised in a "brick house", to Be a brick house, have healthy people to lean on to build yourself as a sturdy healthy adult, you will have the misconception that you're doing alright. It's about Fitness, physically and mentally, being as Optimally fit as one can be. Not just having a job and paying bills.
Friday, March 13, 2015
Joe Banister, IRS Whistleblower, Health is Criminal
Joe Banister, former IRS agent turned whistleblower, was one of the guests on my radio show Tues. evening on Awake Radio along with Marcy Brooks, the juror in the case of Whitey Harrell as depicted in Aaron Russo's documentary America; Freedom to Fascism.
The main point I try to make when I write is to connect the macro cosm to the micro cosm and that what happens on larger scales happens on smaller ones. Most people do not see or pay attention to what's right in front of them because they are not present. Most people are not taught to live in the moment and are, in fact, taught the opposite.
It's simple; the work place, no matter what the job or organization, is a larger "family". What ever rules and behavior people learned at home will be carried out at work. The work place will be the "parent" that many people didn't get to separate from. Most people will not challenge the "parents" at work and, instead "choose" the paycheck and the pension over justice and their Moral health. It is a clear picture of the lack of fitness of the "family" system being carried over to the work place.
Challenging "authority", like Joe Banister did in a very matter-of-fact way over 15 years ago when he was doing exactly what the IRS trained him to do; report waste or fraud. When he brought his findings to the attention of his "superiors" he was asked to resign. When he did the work, did the "fitness" and the research and found that the Gov and the IRS were deceiving Americans for decades about being required to pay income tax, his "superiors" couldn't handle the fact that he was smarter than them and used their position of illegitimate authority to bully him.
This is the same exact dynamic that occurs in millions if not trillions of dysfunctional families.
The same thing happened to me simply by behaving in the healthy way you're supposed to. Just by innocently and intelligently having a healthy response to a dysfunctional environment and pointing it out to those who are supposed to respond and be on the ball, the whistle blower gets slandered and discredited as those who are so invested in the delusion and LIE use all their might to crush health and truth.
Many families do the same thing. They don't have the leverage and courage to call things what they are, live in reality and set the bar higher so they go along with the lies, the lack of fitness, the co-dependency and the enabling.
If people do not call things what they are in the home, do not call co-dependency, enabling and dysfunction what it is at home, it inevitably will be carried over to their place of work and people will simply be acting out the role they played in their family out in their job.
John Bradshaw spoke about how the needs of the child gets sacrificed for the needs of the family. The child doesn't get to be who they are and are forced to be what the family needs and their expense. If the dysfunction of the "family" is not looked at and dealt with where children are being intimidated into submission and forced to surrender their identity for the system, they will be doing it all of their lives.
No matter how you slice it, it all comes down to fitness and health. No matter where it is, the "family", work, or the white house, dysfunctional relationships are dysfunctional or abusive relationships. As long as people are unwilling to look at their own unhealthy behavior and at least be willing to work on it, things will continue to be unhealthy.
Life comes down to what it comes down to. There are opportunities for for growth and fitness every minute of the day if a person is willing to seize it.
Every second of everyday people can choose to do what they always do, live unconsciously, or practice being conscious, courageous and fit and do something different. It can be a very small act in a better, healthier direction.
If bailing out and choosing the paycheck and pension is the way people want to live then they will have to face the consequences at the end of their life when they find how unfulfilled and meaningless the pension turned out to be. Maybe, who knows. Maybe some will revel in that choice.
Fitness is the only true satisfaction physically, mentally and Spiritually. Just like physical fitness, to a point, brings freshness, energy and vibrancy to a persons life, how can mental/spiritual fitness not provide the same thing?
The main point I try to make when I write is to connect the macro cosm to the micro cosm and that what happens on larger scales happens on smaller ones. Most people do not see or pay attention to what's right in front of them because they are not present. Most people are not taught to live in the moment and are, in fact, taught the opposite.
It's simple; the work place, no matter what the job or organization, is a larger "family". What ever rules and behavior people learned at home will be carried out at work. The work place will be the "parent" that many people didn't get to separate from. Most people will not challenge the "parents" at work and, instead "choose" the paycheck and the pension over justice and their Moral health. It is a clear picture of the lack of fitness of the "family" system being carried over to the work place.
Challenging "authority", like Joe Banister did in a very matter-of-fact way over 15 years ago when he was doing exactly what the IRS trained him to do; report waste or fraud. When he brought his findings to the attention of his "superiors" he was asked to resign. When he did the work, did the "fitness" and the research and found that the Gov and the IRS were deceiving Americans for decades about being required to pay income tax, his "superiors" couldn't handle the fact that he was smarter than them and used their position of illegitimate authority to bully him.
This is the same exact dynamic that occurs in millions if not trillions of dysfunctional families.
The same thing happened to me simply by behaving in the healthy way you're supposed to. Just by innocently and intelligently having a healthy response to a dysfunctional environment and pointing it out to those who are supposed to respond and be on the ball, the whistle blower gets slandered and discredited as those who are so invested in the delusion and LIE use all their might to crush health and truth.
Many families do the same thing. They don't have the leverage and courage to call things what they are, live in reality and set the bar higher so they go along with the lies, the lack of fitness, the co-dependency and the enabling.
If people do not call things what they are in the home, do not call co-dependency, enabling and dysfunction what it is at home, it inevitably will be carried over to their place of work and people will simply be acting out the role they played in their family out in their job.
John Bradshaw spoke about how the needs of the child gets sacrificed for the needs of the family. The child doesn't get to be who they are and are forced to be what the family needs and their expense. If the dysfunction of the "family" is not looked at and dealt with where children are being intimidated into submission and forced to surrender their identity for the system, they will be doing it all of their lives.
No matter how you slice it, it all comes down to fitness and health. No matter where it is, the "family", work, or the white house, dysfunctional relationships are dysfunctional or abusive relationships. As long as people are unwilling to look at their own unhealthy behavior and at least be willing to work on it, things will continue to be unhealthy.
Life comes down to what it comes down to. There are opportunities for for growth and fitness every minute of the day if a person is willing to seize it.
Every second of everyday people can choose to do what they always do, live unconsciously, or practice being conscious, courageous and fit and do something different. It can be a very small act in a better, healthier direction.
If bailing out and choosing the paycheck and pension is the way people want to live then they will have to face the consequences at the end of their life when they find how unfulfilled and meaningless the pension turned out to be. Maybe, who knows. Maybe some will revel in that choice.
Fitness is the only true satisfaction physically, mentally and Spiritually. Just like physical fitness, to a point, brings freshness, energy and vibrancy to a persons life, how can mental/spiritual fitness not provide the same thing?
Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Although, I was disappointed that she didn't also mention Obama who's done nothing but carry out the policies of the Bush Administration and who's actually worse than the Bush Admin in perpetuating Crimes against humanity in unjust "wars"in the middle east and has imprisoned more whistle blowers under the "espionage" act than any other president in history, at least she pegged one guy right.
Nash co-founded the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) with her then, husband James Bevel with a handful of others and initiated the Alabama Voting Rights Project which gave birth to the Selma to Montgomery marches.
Nash also, pointed out the Bush Administration's use of Torture and saying she thought "This was not an appropriate event for him".-CommonDreams
"George Bushs' presence is an insult to me and to people who really do believe n non-violence," Nash said, expressing concern that the non-violent legacy of Selma would become "confused".
An outspoken proponent of non-violence, Nash is also, responsible for helping create the original Nashville lunch counter sit-ins as well as the desegregation efforts of the Freedom Rider bus.
President J.F.K. appointed Nash to a National Committee that prepared for the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, because of her leadership.
Nash said she did not know if non-violence would work back in the 1960's, "Now we know that it does". Nash felt the 50th anniversary should be a celebration of non-violence and "was definitely one of the most significant social inventions of the 20th century".
Obama to a Chicago audience, from Electronic Intifada ..
Israel is “our strongest ally in the region and its only established democracy,” Obama said, assuring his audience that “we must preserve our total commitment to our unique defense relationship with Israel by fully funding military assistance and continuing work on the Arrow and related missile defense programs.” Such advanced multi-billion dollar systems he asserted, would help Israel “deter missile attacks from as far as Tehran and as close as Gaza.” As if the starved, besieged and traumatized population of Gaza are about to develop intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Obama said in an interview with WLTV Univision 23 in Miami on Thursday when asked about his message for the Venezuelan people: "The most important thing is to remember that the future of Venezuela should be in the hands of the Venezuelan people. We've seen from Chavez in the past authoritarian policies, suppression of dissent."-
Obama saying Chavez has "authoritarian policies", "suppression of dissent??" Look who's talking!
The Quinnipiac poll out Wednesday found that 33% of Americans see Obama as the worst post-war president, while just 8% consider him the best. Another 28% see former President George W. Bush as the worst. Richard Nixon, the only American President ever to resign in disgrace, was picked the worst by 13%, according to the poll.- TIME
The fact that Bush marched instead of Nash is an insult to us all! I believe. The fact that they had Bush march at the expense of the ORIGINATOR of the march back in 1965 is an outrage and should be seen as blasphemy. The fact that Nash had to sit out the 50th anniversary march to George W. shows us exactly what this country is all about. What Obama is about since he invited Bush to this event.
I'd like to know what either of their responses are or if they even know Nash chose not to march because of Bush. I believe Obama and Bush are truly out of touch.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
"Family" as Debtors Prison
I've been hearing a lot about debt lately and it seems that Debt is becoming more and more of a problem instead of less. And not just financial debt but, more importantly, emotional & spiritual debt.
Debt is actually the goal for many private companies to get prisoners, students and many others into debt for life many times, while the company "profits" at their expense. Predatory Capitalism is the Norm. Private Companies have taken over and Gov seems to have surrendered to them, sold their backbone for counterfeit $. In private prisons where the goal is to keep the "prisoner" a "prisoner" for life by turning prison into Corporate slavery. Forcing "prisoners" to work full days while paying them menial wages. Forcing "prisoners" to purchase basic items the prisons used to provide like cheap sandals. Private companies jacking up prices for things the "prisoner" is a captive audience for. Charging ridiculous amounts for "prisoners" to receive $ or necessities from family members. Charging high prices for prisoners to go to a funeral for a family member.
Too many "prisoners" end up back in jail because of illegitimate debt accrued while being, most often, il legitimately incarcerated in the first place.
Students are more in debt than ever before due to Private.
Some students have started buying each others debts instead of allowing the banks to do it who are just looking to prey on and keep recycling this IL Legitimate debt.
Just like the crisis in Greece, it's all about having the right relationships with those who are Genuinely looking out for your interests and WANT to see you self sufficient and strong.
Using the situation of Portugal's drug problem in 2000, after criminalizing and jailing the drug users and ADMITTING it only made the problem worse, began implementing actions that actually SOLVED problems instead of stoking them for fake "profit".
I feel, here, that it needs to be pointed out the fact that $ is being used to divert people away from what's real and Natural.
It's important to know that $ does not come from nature and can be created from nothing. It is also created from debt. Extracted basically, from the unsuspecting public. So, to the public, $ should actually be seen as the enemy, a weapon being used like a gun pointing at your head to get you to surrender your Natural resources; your blood, sweat and brain power, in exchange for a worthless, counterfeit piece of paper that devious bankers created by enslaving the masses.
The "family" system is exactly where the same thing takes place. In many, not all, but a lot of "families" where there is no real connections, no real trust, communication, values, respect, fitness, where "parents" are simply too immature and irresponsible to be good leaders and role models to their children. The outcome is the same, the parent emotionally enslaves the child. They steal the natural resources from their children and put their own needs first instead of the other way around. This creates psychological, spiritual and physical debt in the child. The natural flow that's supposed to go from parent to child is, now, being diverted from the child to the parent. The very people the child needs to rely on to be clean and trust worthy are blatantly betraying that trust and robbing from the very people they are entrusted to Give to.
Factually speaking, what other kind of speaking should there be? There is no CLEAN trough/ person for the child to "drink" from. Everywhere is dirty and contaminated. No one is available to be there purely for the child without being stained and giving the child a misaligned reading. That child then becomes misaligned themselves and doesn't know it. Diverted, lost, disoriented and believes it's their responsibility to meet the needs of those so they can then be in a position to meet the needs of the child, which is physically impossible.
It's a Familial Ponzi Scheme! Its a complete and cruel trick because it actually leaves the child physically deprived and emotionally in debt constantly trying, ineffectively, to get what it NEEDS from people who simply don't have it to give because the resources of compassion, understanding, patience and love have been depleted and no one is replenishing and cultivating it. It's GMO over Organic!
This can only lead to the horrific situations being created all over the world. Places like Guantanamo, CIA black sites, the newly discovered Homan Square in Chicago's south side where there's nothing stopping Chicago Police from basically kidnapping anyone off the street and holding them there without charge, without a lawyer, without being read their rights, being held in solitary confinement for hours and days at a time.
Just so people get an idea, this is exactly what many "families" are like and what many children are treated like. The way many children are Cultivated, are "farmed", like animals to slaughter. This is what the "family" systems create. These are the kinds of people "families" are "growing". Nature and nature's process of cultivating healthy, organic children where parents actually GIVE FREELY has been destroyed for fake $.
In an article I read recently about divorce,, it doesn't mention abuse or domestic violence, called Divorce, Children & EMOTIONAL INCEST by, Culture of Life Foundation, uses My Exact Words,, Emotional Incest. That's the Exact term I've used to describe the psychological Debt that "parents" pass down to their children.
In this article it talks about everything I've been talking about for over 30 years. This is the Original Debt, the ultimate betrayal where children learn to perpetuate their own emotional, spiritual and physical debt by being caught in an Emotional Ponzi Scheme. The article talks about the "adult" using the child to feel their own needs after a divorce at the expense of the child. Granted, the parent might not be intentionally or knowingly doing this but, the result is the same regardless. Parents should always be focused on meeting the needs of the child FIRST.
From the article,
Too often these days, children are not given the primacy of focus that is their need, and their right, when parents struggle in a marriage. Some have used the term “Emotional Incest” to describe what happens when a spouse is absent (through divorce, when a parent is widowed, or even in an intact marriage where spouses are emotionally estranged from one another) and the remaining parent relies too heavily on a child for emotional support. In such cases, "[w]hile no physical boundaries [are] crossed and no direct sexual contact [is] perpetrated, the parent or parents willingly enlist the emotional support of the child in healing his/her own unmet adult needs. In turn, the child becomes the confidant or emotional spouse of [the] parent.”
Debt is actually the goal for many private companies to get prisoners, students and many others into debt for life many times, while the company "profits" at their expense. Predatory Capitalism is the Norm. Private Companies have taken over and Gov seems to have surrendered to them, sold their backbone for counterfeit $. In private prisons where the goal is to keep the "prisoner" a "prisoner" for life by turning prison into Corporate slavery. Forcing "prisoners" to work full days while paying them menial wages. Forcing "prisoners" to purchase basic items the prisons used to provide like cheap sandals. Private companies jacking up prices for things the "prisoner" is a captive audience for. Charging ridiculous amounts for "prisoners" to receive $ or necessities from family members. Charging high prices for prisoners to go to a funeral for a family member.
Too many "prisoners" end up back in jail because of illegitimate debt accrued while being, most often, il legitimately incarcerated in the first place.
Students are more in debt than ever before due to Private.
Some students have started buying each others debts instead of allowing the banks to do it who are just looking to prey on and keep recycling this IL Legitimate debt.
Just like the crisis in Greece, it's all about having the right relationships with those who are Genuinely looking out for your interests and WANT to see you self sufficient and strong.
Using the situation of Portugal's drug problem in 2000, after criminalizing and jailing the drug users and ADMITTING it only made the problem worse, began implementing actions that actually SOLVED problems instead of stoking them for fake "profit".
I feel, here, that it needs to be pointed out the fact that $ is being used to divert people away from what's real and Natural.
It's important to know that $ does not come from nature and can be created from nothing. It is also created from debt. Extracted basically, from the unsuspecting public. So, to the public, $ should actually be seen as the enemy, a weapon being used like a gun pointing at your head to get you to surrender your Natural resources; your blood, sweat and brain power, in exchange for a worthless, counterfeit piece of paper that devious bankers created by enslaving the masses.
The "family" system is exactly where the same thing takes place. In many, not all, but a lot of "families" where there is no real connections, no real trust, communication, values, respect, fitness, where "parents" are simply too immature and irresponsible to be good leaders and role models to their children. The outcome is the same, the parent emotionally enslaves the child. They steal the natural resources from their children and put their own needs first instead of the other way around. This creates psychological, spiritual and physical debt in the child. The natural flow that's supposed to go from parent to child is, now, being diverted from the child to the parent. The very people the child needs to rely on to be clean and trust worthy are blatantly betraying that trust and robbing from the very people they are entrusted to Give to.
Factually speaking, what other kind of speaking should there be? There is no CLEAN trough/ person for the child to "drink" from. Everywhere is dirty and contaminated. No one is available to be there purely for the child without being stained and giving the child a misaligned reading. That child then becomes misaligned themselves and doesn't know it. Diverted, lost, disoriented and believes it's their responsibility to meet the needs of those so they can then be in a position to meet the needs of the child, which is physically impossible.
It's a Familial Ponzi Scheme! Its a complete and cruel trick because it actually leaves the child physically deprived and emotionally in debt constantly trying, ineffectively, to get what it NEEDS from people who simply don't have it to give because the resources of compassion, understanding, patience and love have been depleted and no one is replenishing and cultivating it. It's GMO over Organic!
This can only lead to the horrific situations being created all over the world. Places like Guantanamo, CIA black sites, the newly discovered Homan Square in Chicago's south side where there's nothing stopping Chicago Police from basically kidnapping anyone off the street and holding them there without charge, without a lawyer, without being read their rights, being held in solitary confinement for hours and days at a time.
Just so people get an idea, this is exactly what many "families" are like and what many children are treated like. The way many children are Cultivated, are "farmed", like animals to slaughter. This is what the "family" systems create. These are the kinds of people "families" are "growing". Nature and nature's process of cultivating healthy, organic children where parents actually GIVE FREELY has been destroyed for fake $.
In an article I read recently about divorce,, it doesn't mention abuse or domestic violence, called Divorce, Children & EMOTIONAL INCEST by, Culture of Life Foundation, uses My Exact Words,, Emotional Incest. That's the Exact term I've used to describe the psychological Debt that "parents" pass down to their children.
In this article it talks about everything I've been talking about for over 30 years. This is the Original Debt, the ultimate betrayal where children learn to perpetuate their own emotional, spiritual and physical debt by being caught in an Emotional Ponzi Scheme. The article talks about the "adult" using the child to feel their own needs after a divorce at the expense of the child. Granted, the parent might not be intentionally or knowingly doing this but, the result is the same regardless. Parents should always be focused on meeting the needs of the child FIRST.
From the article,
Too often these days, children are not given the primacy of focus that is their need, and their right, when parents struggle in a marriage. Some have used the term “Emotional Incest” to describe what happens when a spouse is absent (through divorce, when a parent is widowed, or even in an intact marriage where spouses are emotionally estranged from one another) and the remaining parent relies too heavily on a child for emotional support. In such cases, "[w]hile no physical boundaries [are] crossed and no direct sexual contact [is] perpetrated, the parent or parents willingly enlist the emotional support of the child in healing his/her own unmet adult needs. In turn, the child becomes the confidant or emotional spouse of [the] parent.”
I was reading about this kind of thing and trying to get people to be aware of this 20 years ago while reading John Bradshaw. He was a master at writing about these types of issues and called it "surrogate spouse". A parent using the child to fill their needs at the child's expense when the other parent is unavailable physically or emotionally.
This sets a child up to be in Debt for the rest of their lives. It creates addictive behavior in the child and sets them up to be in abusive relationships never being able to figure out how to get what they NEED. The relationship they learn is just One Way. The "parent" essentially, is doing the same as the U.S. does to other countries when it moves in to steal that countries resources. That is what the "Parent" is doing to their child,, STEALING the child's resources rather than building them up like they're supposed to do. If they child asserts their needs and the parent is in Emotional Debt from divorce or having their Emotional needs robbed by their "parents", those people can't help but do it to their children because it will be "normal". Just like it is normal to the Bankers and the Corps, because of the way they were brought up, to believe it's their "right" to enslave the entire world.
This is the same scenario the "Justice" system and the Prison system is creating,, when they arrest and jail people for non crimes, for basically being a Normal, healthy person, the private corps can "profit" from having "prisoners" in jail, the "parent" is doing the SAME! Using the child and cheating the child out of what they Healthily deserve. A child's healthy needs and intelligence becomes "criminal", something the Emotionally indebted "parent" cannot afford to allow. The parent unconsciously starves the child emotionally, inevitably keeping the child from being able to grow to maturity and eventually Leave the parent.
I felt this early in my life,, like my wings were being deliberately clipped so I could not leave. My mother really believed I was here to be emotionally responsible for her, to take care of her emotional needs at my expense, which is Physically impossible because the Child doesn't have it and cannot afford it. This keeps a child,, into "adulthood", trapped in a Vicious Cycle of not knowing how to, or even that they are allowed to have their own needs met. The child's,, and later "adult's" physiology is literally Constructed to bleed out, to worry about everyone else while No one is there for them. The child has NO leverage from which to gain any momentum since the people responsible for providing it are "out of service". The child is caught in a PONZI SCHEME of an Impossible situation of trying to meet the needs of the "parent" so that "parent" can then, in return, meet their needs. Of course, this is a Catch 22 because the child cannot meet the needs of a "parent". It's the Biggest Ponzi Scheme and has been around for decades which No one talks about which I believe is at the root of many if not all the abuse in our society. People in Emotional debt perpetuating it and unable or not wanting to stop it.
I filmed Thurs. here in NYC outside of City Hall where they were holding a rally against Commissioner Bratton adding 1,000 More cops to the NYPD. Just like in the "family", the needs of the people are non existent. MORE aggression, MORE oppression,, MORE arrests,, MORE criminalizing "health" and people exercising their RIGHTFUL Needs, like the child in the Debt family. Just like Bill Binney explained about the NSA doing the Opposite of what works to get more $$ and crete MORE Problems so they can expand the NSA and criminalize even MORE Americans! The "family" is just the micro cosm.
Those in "charge" don't acknowledge and change something that doesn't "work", because they do not have the same agenda as the rest of us. Their idea of "Working" is not the same as it is for us. For them it IS working when they get Billions more to build another data storage facility for the NSA in Bluffdale, UT.
Unlike Portugal did to solve their Drug problem in 2000,, after seeing that criminalizing and imprisoning people for being ill only made the problem worse,, Portugal actually WANTED to solve their problem and was committed to doing what ever it took by hiring a panel of doctors and followed exactly what they said. The drug problem decreased by 50%.
From the previous article, Children need the time and space to grieve an absent (or less frequently seen) parent, and need the adults in their lives to guide them in this process, not expect emotional support from them. As difficult as a loss can be for an adult, it is at these times when our children really, REALLY need us to be the adults, providing them with the support they need to grow through the loss, staying closely connected but with appropriate boundaries, being a shoulder for them to cry on, while holding back our own tears and fears.
Heaven forbid we can expect the same from those entrusted with running our country.
A child is already being put into Debt by a divorce and gets put into even More debt emotionally by the other parent using that child to fill their needs. Then, decades later, their "gov" is doing the same thing to them.
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