It seems pretty clear exactly what's happening here. GMO everywhere!
Literally, NOTHING! is allow to run its Natural course. The outcome is
not the answer that IS, its the answer that someone (usually those who
hold the control) Wants it to be.
I am convinced that if Monsanto can convince people that Man can do
better than Nature in producing Real food, which is untrue, its been
proven that Organic agriculture produces more over the long haul and
that GMO only creates the Illusion it produces better, in the short
term. Fact is, because people at Monsanto are already disconnected from
how Nature works, Biased, they're not going to do test 30 years down
the road. One would have to have an "Organic", unbiased outlook already
to know that to test for real quality, they need to look further into
the future.
Of course Monsanto has an agenda so they're going to say GMO is better
than Nature. They're not going to allow the facts out. They're going to
manipulate the process until they get their desired outcome, which is
like them, unnatural and illegitimate, not unlike our "justice" system
these days.
You think these lawyers, prosecutors, "sheriffs", police, judges and
who ever else is involved is going to allow the Organic judicial process
to unfold naturally and they're going to accept the answer they get
whether they like it or not? Cops, lawyers, prosecutors and those in
"law" enforcement are supposed to want truth and justice to be revealed.
That should be their focus but, most people have an agenda, most people
are Dirty and cannot handle the Organic process to be left
Just like a Diet, people who have been eating garbage for decades
cannot handle too much health and nutrition all at once. The more
unhealthy someone is the more of an adverse reaction they will have to
something that is pure.
The process Must be contaminated because that's the only way those
behind the system can function! They would all melt into a sizzling
puddle of chemical toxins if the process went along healthily and they
just let the outcome be what its supposed to. So, its the
public that the adverse reaction gets passed onto. The public,
obviously, has no agenda except accountability for an unarmed black
youth, which is reasonable.
The over processed, GMO system cannot and will not be able to stand health and Truth!
The same way Frank Serpico was not allowed to be a cop and simply do
his job without being Forced to be on the take. The crooked cops around
him couldn't take the fact that he was not In on their game.
Like Peroxide on a dirty cut, there's no avoiding the sting.
All one has to do to see truth is look at the Math, the chemistry, the
very things the crooks fear, like holding a cross up to Dracula, watch
the reaction. Look at how the dirty react to truth. Its easy to spot if
the truth is Organic and pure enough.
In an article posted in World Socialist Website,, Andre Damon writes,,
St. Louis County prosecuting attorney Robert P. McCulloch’s
statement Monday night that no charges will be filed against Ferguson,
Missouri police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown
is a TRAVESTY of justice.
The entire process through which the grand jury arrived at its
decision is a legal FRAUD. The outcome is not the result of fair
judicial proceedings, but political calculations. The grand jury
returned the outcome the state was seeking: no charges for the police
murder of an unarmed African American youth.
He then went on to say,, “There is never an excuse for violence,” Obama said. That is, in the
name of respect for the law, Obama—who is responsible for untold
violence all over the world and the destruction of democratic rights at
home—gave his stamp of approval to a decision that essentially grants
police a license to kill.
From the beginning, the three-month grand jury process was utilized as a
way of bypassing a public trial for Brown’s killer. Under conditions of
an actual trial, the facts of the case and the testimony of witnesses
would be subject to adversarial proceedings. Instead, the prosecutor,
who is known for his connections to police, substituted secret hearings
behind closed doors, with evidence manipulated to produce the desired
The ruling and subsequent police crackdown express the breakdown of
democratic forms of rule in the United States, under the pressure of the
growth of social inequality and the drive to war. The war on terror has
come home.
I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
GMO!! It's NOT Just SEEDS!
Still haven't finished watching GMO OMG because I had to stop it so many
times due to all the light bulbs that were going on in my head! I can't
help but Freak out saying again, "knew something was wrong when I was
I have been trying to tell "family" and neighbors All my life that I'm being harmed by living in this house! The domestic violence, neglect and the GMO upbringing I was receiving was damaging me.
I might not have know then directly about GMO's, the FED, Wall St or the Insatiable Sociopath of the Corps, but your body doesn't need to know any of those things to know that it doesn't feel well, that its being harmed and damaged, that those who are supposed to be Family are supposed to be looking out for your welfare and be responsive and on the ball when its brought to their attention that harm has come to you. And when those who should have a healthy and sharp response to your concerns has, instead, the Opposite response, such as, reacting as if its an inconvenience that your healthy body is having a healthy adverse response to an unhealthy environment. Something is very wrong!
It doesn't take a Rocket scientist to know that, like GMO crops, this is the Emotional version of a GMO response! Its anything but a fit response.
I might not have known and there might not have even been GMO's when I was a kid as there is now but, NATURE KNOWS!! If we were a healthier society and were more connected to Natural Law we would recognize and be Immediately more responsive when our Society or someone close to us diverted or was being led astray! The fact that many people are nearly completely unresponsive! To the blatant diversion that is happening right in front of our faces is a Clear sign of how Sick we truly are! We've adjusted ourselves to the disease so much, gotten so comfortable with living with it, we don't even react.
The responses I received as a child were, in Fact, DEBT responses. Reacting as if Health is the bad guy. Like the "Modification", (and who even knows if its just modified? Monsanto might even be totally altering the genetics of the plants altogether) of the plants that Monsanto wants the public to believe is for the "good" of the people and will feed the starving, the way we "raise" or kids is being "modified". What were training our children to "tolerate" is less quality than they deserve.
The bar for which we measure our standards has eroded also along with Organic Farms and doing things WITH Nature rather than regarding it as an inconvenience!
So, just like Monsanto is telling the public that their GMO seeds are more sustainable over time than Organic farming, which farmers have said is not true, that GMO is Better than Nature! I was telling people, in so many words and actions, that the body is not Wrong! The Body knows!
The fact that so many people are brought up and, without even realizing it, we're being Genetically Modified! We're taught not to even listen or trust our Own instincts! We're taught not to listen to or trust our Own feelings and emotions. We're trained that what our body Naturally feels is wrong, bad, sissy, whatever! We're trained to do exactly to our bodies and healthy feelings what Monsanto and Big Corps want!!!! To believe Nature is Wrong and "Man" can do better! That creating GMO people is better than Natural.
I've been trying ALL my life to hold onto the little that's left of my Organic Self! The authentic Me that's buried alive! Unable to gain the momentum to dig myself out! Trying to bring someone's attention to the fact that what I and they Naturally feel is what they should be following! Listen and Trust the Body!
I've been building a "Debt account" of stress and anxiety, PTSD over time due to the build of of knowledge and clarity from Educating myself with Not enough Healthy people to Exchange with!
Nature is ALL about Exchange, fair and even exchange. Having healthy persons respond to your valid feelings with EQUAL weight ! Not the GMO way of relating that Monsanto and the Banksters! Also! With their GMO $$ monetary system!!
I have been trying to tell "family" and neighbors All my life that I'm being harmed by living in this house! The domestic violence, neglect and the GMO upbringing I was receiving was damaging me.
I might not have know then directly about GMO's, the FED, Wall St or the Insatiable Sociopath of the Corps, but your body doesn't need to know any of those things to know that it doesn't feel well, that its being harmed and damaged, that those who are supposed to be Family are supposed to be looking out for your welfare and be responsive and on the ball when its brought to their attention that harm has come to you. And when those who should have a healthy and sharp response to your concerns has, instead, the Opposite response, such as, reacting as if its an inconvenience that your healthy body is having a healthy adverse response to an unhealthy environment. Something is very wrong!
It doesn't take a Rocket scientist to know that, like GMO crops, this is the Emotional version of a GMO response! Its anything but a fit response.
I might not have known and there might not have even been GMO's when I was a kid as there is now but, NATURE KNOWS!! If we were a healthier society and were more connected to Natural Law we would recognize and be Immediately more responsive when our Society or someone close to us diverted or was being led astray! The fact that many people are nearly completely unresponsive! To the blatant diversion that is happening right in front of our faces is a Clear sign of how Sick we truly are! We've adjusted ourselves to the disease so much, gotten so comfortable with living with it, we don't even react.
The responses I received as a child were, in Fact, DEBT responses. Reacting as if Health is the bad guy. Like the "Modification", (and who even knows if its just modified? Monsanto might even be totally altering the genetics of the plants altogether) of the plants that Monsanto wants the public to believe is for the "good" of the people and will feed the starving, the way we "raise" or kids is being "modified". What were training our children to "tolerate" is less quality than they deserve.
The bar for which we measure our standards has eroded also along with Organic Farms and doing things WITH Nature rather than regarding it as an inconvenience!
So, just like Monsanto is telling the public that their GMO seeds are more sustainable over time than Organic farming, which farmers have said is not true, that GMO is Better than Nature! I was telling people, in so many words and actions, that the body is not Wrong! The Body knows!
The fact that so many people are brought up and, without even realizing it, we're being Genetically Modified! We're taught not to even listen or trust our Own instincts! We're taught not to listen to or trust our Own feelings and emotions. We're trained that what our body Naturally feels is wrong, bad, sissy, whatever! We're trained to do exactly to our bodies and healthy feelings what Monsanto and Big Corps want!!!! To believe Nature is Wrong and "Man" can do better! That creating GMO people is better than Natural.
I've been trying ALL my life to hold onto the little that's left of my Organic Self! The authentic Me that's buried alive! Unable to gain the momentum to dig myself out! Trying to bring someone's attention to the fact that what I and they Naturally feel is what they should be following! Listen and Trust the Body!
I've been building a "Debt account" of stress and anxiety, PTSD over time due to the build of of knowledge and clarity from Educating myself with Not enough Healthy people to Exchange with!
Nature is ALL about Exchange, fair and even exchange. Having healthy persons respond to your valid feelings with EQUAL weight ! Not the GMO way of relating that Monsanto and the Banksters! Also! With their GMO $$ monetary system!!
Thursday, November 20, 2014
As time goes on I really see how I was on the right track decades ago.
What so many more people are seeing and coming to understand today I
knew and was pointing out over 40 years ago. The only problem is, not
having anyone on your side. Waking up has so much more to do with
leverage and the support we either receive or don't. We "get it" when
enough people also do which allows us to get more air under our wings.
We can know things consciously yet, still unable to get anywhere due to
the lack of support.
The family system is just a smaller system than the larger one we all share. Its important to look at the health of the family in determining how our society arrived where it has. There is much questioning and revealing the corruption of the Gov, Corps and Wall St and yet questioning how we were raised is just as important. The relationships we had growing up with out primary care givers, usually known as our parents, has such an impact on who we turn out to be and yet, in society its not even acknowledged. What if health were more of a focus than $? What if we valued and pursued what has true wealth rather than getting caught up and lured away from our souls by man's fake idols? What if we were so proficient at basic emotional health that we recognized immediately when we were diverting and took actions to right ourselves?
So many people are speaking out today and blowing whistles on the NSA, the CIA, the Gov, Military, the "justice" system and getting all kinds of support. Where were people when I was speaking out against abusive power when I was just 7? I received the Opposite. At a young age I believed people stand by you and would back me when a person is courageous and steps forth, "people will naturally back me", I thought. Was I WRONG! All I was met with was opposition and support and excuses for the "perp".
Its much easier to step on the vulnerable and yet I stood up to abusive power decades ago and had NO support! People won't join you until you have the support of others on your side. But, how can you get people on your side when those who are supposed to be on your side are the ones abusing and opposing you? They're the one's who are supposed to be on your side! Yet, are the very ones condemning you for being alone! Because They don't have the courage to stand by you, they blame you for speaking out!
It's like a white blood cell saying, "I'm not gonna go help that Red Blood cell from that virus until other white blood cells do it first". The fact that people don't have it in them to do what's right without needing others to do it first when THEY need to be first! They ARE First! TAG! You're it!
That shows the level of Deterioration of our Society! When the ADULTS don't know they're supposed to be the ADULTS and Step Up! This lack of response shows the level of IMMATURITY, the level of IRRESPONSIBILITY and COWARDESS and the fact that people are not WORTHY of having children!
THEY are the ones who are supposed to be Stepping up, being responsive, being FIT! Not waiting for someone else to do it. Turning away from doing what's right, not standing up to the challenge, is a reflection of you! Not the person your turning away from. People think they're dissing another when it's They Who are the Real cowards!
It takes much more strength and courage to stand up to an abusive parent and yet you're least likely to get the support someone like an Edward Snowden gets. It's easy to support someone who is already supported., someone who is ALREADY confident. Edward Snowden had the Courage to come forth because of the way he was brought up, because he had a "bank account" of self respect which only comes from Nature/REAL Family.
Children battling abusive Parents have NO LEVERAGE and can easily DROWN and become their own and others enemies. Intimidated into submission or by not having a healthy person or system to grab onto, a person can Easily drown in their own Fear and Grief then glorify the abuser. This is the course the DISEASE of Emotional Illness will take if not intercepted. That's why any young person who is able to stay conscious and speak out against an abusive parent Needs to be Supported. People doing the right thing and speaking up need healthy people to grab onto to pull themselves up and problems to be dealt with. Not having healthy people to turn to for help is the equivalent to total Bankruptcy! DEAD IMMUNE SYSTEM! We're not creating enough Fit people to stand up for justice as fast as we're creating more people who will be victimized by the system.
It's like Emotional MONSANTO! We have to be planting and cultivating ORGANIC seeds in our children so they can grow and spread health around. If there are not enough Organic Parents planting and raising Organic children, then when people need help,, there is No "Account" to turn to! Just like Monsanto Crops,, we're spreading Monsanto kids and families, not Real, Not Organic!
What will happen when Not enough Organic people to stand up for what's right? We will be Overwhelmed by More people who NEED than those who are able to fight to protect them. The world's Immune system will be Exhausted!
That is what this system has become. More people are preying on people than there are Awake, courageous people to protect them!
Those who's JOB it is to help or serve are doing the Exact Opposite! It's the Job that's the Problem because a Job does Not guarantee someone will care. Most times it's the Opposite, the person is there for the $$.
That's what's happening,, LOW QUALITY, GMO people show what they're made of when they choose $$ over human life! That is NOT a REAL Person, they're a Genetically Modified person!
Starlings falling from the Sky,,
The Importance of Organic Human Farming
Parents are supposed to support and be there for their children. Its not the child who is unworthy its the parent who has no self worth if they do not stand up for their child. When children are left to be on their own when there should be someone there to reinforce them emotionally, that child will grow up in emotional debt, underdeveloped and psychologically weak. Children need healthy parents there to lean on in order to develop quality character. Children cannot grow to master their emotions without healthy authority too see them through to maturity. A Parent needs to have healthy leverage within themselves to counter the emotional weight of the child. If a parent is not mature enough and emotionally healthy the child will throw the parent off balance and the parent will lose their Inner footing. This is not the fault of the child. It's not the child who is supposed to be worrying about the balance of the Parent. If this happens, the development of the child will forever be compromised. This is how Parents are like the Bankers,, robbing the child of their energy when the parent should be protecting and adding to it.
It's ALL about healthy Family Farming!
We MUST look at these Painful issues if we are to save ourselves from the Frankenstein world we are allowing to be created by default. We must look at our relationships and ourselves and admit our lack of fitness. We MUST turn to Health and what's REAL if we are to survive! Remaining in Denial will only perpetuate the destruction. It's the Emotional pain that people continue to avoid that keeps the Addiction and the Debt going in circles.
It was automatic for me at a young age to turn to books on the abuse and dysfunction of the family. In my gut I knew that a healthy family functions much better than what I was experiencing. I knew I was being robbed and harmed and no one spoke about it or acknowledged it. Sick is normal. The facts are right in front of people and they refuse to see.
It's Not the problems or the mistakes or the hurt that is the Problem, it's the DENIAL. The DENIAL keeps it all going rather than dealing with things. It's the Uncomfortable we need to move towards, not away from. Challenge is Good. Challenge is how we get strong and grow for REAL, not Fake like the PTB do by BUYING, CHEATING, MANIPULATING and FORCING things there way. The 1% are the exact OPPOSITE of Rich, Real, Organic people. They are total FRAUDS and those next to you deserve more of your respect and empowerment than ANY Corp head!
How can we be so shocked today at the condition the world is in when I, as a 6 and 7 year old, had more sense than adults to point out truths that they didn't even have the sense to back me up on? I can't believe people can't sense how fucked up and backwards the flow is! Its so obvious, like a vacuum cleaner spewing dirt instead of sucking it in.
People simply have such a poor, underdeveloped relationship with themselves and don't trust their own judgment. Most people are not taught to use All of what they have that what they're not in touch with ends up burning them.
This is why in Yoga practice the idea is to be "Toned", "engaged" physically and Emotionally. Its the SLACK in our emotions that goes un-utilized that ends up wandering.
We need Authentic, Spiritual practices such as Martial Arts, yoga Mediation and Tai Chi in our lives
that are not about profit but are truly about the good of people.
We are the Vacuum "Cleaner" that spews instead of sucks,, bows to Criminals instead of confronting them, looks the other way when we should be standing up, transfers our cowardess onto our children when we should be Championing them.
Every time we allow an opportunity to pass when we didn't act with Decency and Moral Courage,, we turn more and more into a GMO person.
It's a basic FACT,, that we had better start Respecting and Giving Natural Law it's Due,, or we will be pay a severe price. We are way Too ignorant and disrespectful to Natural Law.
Columbia University historian Rashid Khalidi on Democracy Now this week and basically summed things up very simply,, "Something has to Give". The Israelis will Not give up their Choke Hold on the Palestinians then blame them for lashing back.
As Long as we have such Arrogant, Above Natural Law Attitudes, killing will be a Normal part of our lives. Rashid Khalidi also said that it's the U. S. who are keeping this conflict going. Hmm BIG SURPRISE !
The family system is just a smaller system than the larger one we all share. Its important to look at the health of the family in determining how our society arrived where it has. There is much questioning and revealing the corruption of the Gov, Corps and Wall St and yet questioning how we were raised is just as important. The relationships we had growing up with out primary care givers, usually known as our parents, has such an impact on who we turn out to be and yet, in society its not even acknowledged. What if health were more of a focus than $? What if we valued and pursued what has true wealth rather than getting caught up and lured away from our souls by man's fake idols? What if we were so proficient at basic emotional health that we recognized immediately when we were diverting and took actions to right ourselves?
So many people are speaking out today and blowing whistles on the NSA, the CIA, the Gov, Military, the "justice" system and getting all kinds of support. Where were people when I was speaking out against abusive power when I was just 7? I received the Opposite. At a young age I believed people stand by you and would back me when a person is courageous and steps forth, "people will naturally back me", I thought. Was I WRONG! All I was met with was opposition and support and excuses for the "perp".
Its much easier to step on the vulnerable and yet I stood up to abusive power decades ago and had NO support! People won't join you until you have the support of others on your side. But, how can you get people on your side when those who are supposed to be on your side are the ones abusing and opposing you? They're the one's who are supposed to be on your side! Yet, are the very ones condemning you for being alone! Because They don't have the courage to stand by you, they blame you for speaking out!
It's like a white blood cell saying, "I'm not gonna go help that Red Blood cell from that virus until other white blood cells do it first". The fact that people don't have it in them to do what's right without needing others to do it first when THEY need to be first! They ARE First! TAG! You're it!
That shows the level of Deterioration of our Society! When the ADULTS don't know they're supposed to be the ADULTS and Step Up! This lack of response shows the level of IMMATURITY, the level of IRRESPONSIBILITY and COWARDESS and the fact that people are not WORTHY of having children!
THEY are the ones who are supposed to be Stepping up, being responsive, being FIT! Not waiting for someone else to do it. Turning away from doing what's right, not standing up to the challenge, is a reflection of you! Not the person your turning away from. People think they're dissing another when it's They Who are the Real cowards!
It takes much more strength and courage to stand up to an abusive parent and yet you're least likely to get the support someone like an Edward Snowden gets. It's easy to support someone who is already supported., someone who is ALREADY confident. Edward Snowden had the Courage to come forth because of the way he was brought up, because he had a "bank account" of self respect which only comes from Nature/REAL Family.
Children battling abusive Parents have NO LEVERAGE and can easily DROWN and become their own and others enemies. Intimidated into submission or by not having a healthy person or system to grab onto, a person can Easily drown in their own Fear and Grief then glorify the abuser. This is the course the DISEASE of Emotional Illness will take if not intercepted. That's why any young person who is able to stay conscious and speak out against an abusive parent Needs to be Supported. People doing the right thing and speaking up need healthy people to grab onto to pull themselves up and problems to be dealt with. Not having healthy people to turn to for help is the equivalent to total Bankruptcy! DEAD IMMUNE SYSTEM! We're not creating enough Fit people to stand up for justice as fast as we're creating more people who will be victimized by the system.
It's like Emotional MONSANTO! We have to be planting and cultivating ORGANIC seeds in our children so they can grow and spread health around. If there are not enough Organic Parents planting and raising Organic children, then when people need help,, there is No "Account" to turn to! Just like Monsanto Crops,, we're spreading Monsanto kids and families, not Real, Not Organic!
What will happen when Not enough Organic people to stand up for what's right? We will be Overwhelmed by More people who NEED than those who are able to fight to protect them. The world's Immune system will be Exhausted!
That is what this system has become. More people are preying on people than there are Awake, courageous people to protect them!
Those who's JOB it is to help or serve are doing the Exact Opposite! It's the Job that's the Problem because a Job does Not guarantee someone will care. Most times it's the Opposite, the person is there for the $$.
That's what's happening,, LOW QUALITY, GMO people show what they're made of when they choose $$ over human life! That is NOT a REAL Person, they're a Genetically Modified person!
Starlings falling from the Sky,,
Why Did 5000 Birds Fall From the Sky in Arkansas? - The Wire
thousands of herring washed up on a beach in Norway, Whales washed up on a beach in New Zealand,, What do we think this is a sign of?? This is what I'm talking about! Humans DISORIENTED. I believe that when I was young, like everyone, you're much healthier and more in touch with a higher intelligence. That Alignment gets rewired over time by so -called "parents" and society training you to obey Man's system at the expense of Natural law. The Fact that NO ONE responded to me as a child, the same lack of Response by the Air Force on 911, in the sharp, on- the- ball way that an Organic, aligned person is meant to shows that our inner compass, our inner "sonar" has been screwed with.The Importance of Organic Human Farming
Parents are supposed to support and be there for their children. Its not the child who is unworthy its the parent who has no self worth if they do not stand up for their child. When children are left to be on their own when there should be someone there to reinforce them emotionally, that child will grow up in emotional debt, underdeveloped and psychologically weak. Children need healthy parents there to lean on in order to develop quality character. Children cannot grow to master their emotions without healthy authority too see them through to maturity. A Parent needs to have healthy leverage within themselves to counter the emotional weight of the child. If a parent is not mature enough and emotionally healthy the child will throw the parent off balance and the parent will lose their Inner footing. This is not the fault of the child. It's not the child who is supposed to be worrying about the balance of the Parent. If this happens, the development of the child will forever be compromised. This is how Parents are like the Bankers,, robbing the child of their energy when the parent should be protecting and adding to it.
It's ALL about healthy Family Farming!
We MUST look at these Painful issues if we are to save ourselves from the Frankenstein world we are allowing to be created by default. We must look at our relationships and ourselves and admit our lack of fitness. We MUST turn to Health and what's REAL if we are to survive! Remaining in Denial will only perpetuate the destruction. It's the Emotional pain that people continue to avoid that keeps the Addiction and the Debt going in circles.
It was automatic for me at a young age to turn to books on the abuse and dysfunction of the family. In my gut I knew that a healthy family functions much better than what I was experiencing. I knew I was being robbed and harmed and no one spoke about it or acknowledged it. Sick is normal. The facts are right in front of people and they refuse to see.
It's Not the problems or the mistakes or the hurt that is the Problem, it's the DENIAL. The DENIAL keeps it all going rather than dealing with things. It's the Uncomfortable we need to move towards, not away from. Challenge is Good. Challenge is how we get strong and grow for REAL, not Fake like the PTB do by BUYING, CHEATING, MANIPULATING and FORCING things there way. The 1% are the exact OPPOSITE of Rich, Real, Organic people. They are total FRAUDS and those next to you deserve more of your respect and empowerment than ANY Corp head!
How can we be so shocked today at the condition the world is in when I, as a 6 and 7 year old, had more sense than adults to point out truths that they didn't even have the sense to back me up on? I can't believe people can't sense how fucked up and backwards the flow is! Its so obvious, like a vacuum cleaner spewing dirt instead of sucking it in.
People simply have such a poor, underdeveloped relationship with themselves and don't trust their own judgment. Most people are not taught to use All of what they have that what they're not in touch with ends up burning them.
This is why in Yoga practice the idea is to be "Toned", "engaged" physically and Emotionally. Its the SLACK in our emotions that goes un-utilized that ends up wandering.
We need Authentic, Spiritual practices such as Martial Arts, yoga Mediation and Tai Chi in our lives
that are not about profit but are truly about the good of people.
We are the Vacuum "Cleaner" that spews instead of sucks,, bows to Criminals instead of confronting them, looks the other way when we should be standing up, transfers our cowardess onto our children when we should be Championing them.
Every time we allow an opportunity to pass when we didn't act with Decency and Moral Courage,, we turn more and more into a GMO person.
It's a basic FACT,, that we had better start Respecting and Giving Natural Law it's Due,, or we will be pay a severe price. We are way Too ignorant and disrespectful to Natural Law.
Columbia University historian Rashid Khalidi on Democracy Now this week and basically summed things up very simply,, "Something has to Give". The Israelis will Not give up their Choke Hold on the Palestinians then blame them for lashing back.
As Long as we have such Arrogant, Above Natural Law Attitudes, killing will be a Normal part of our lives. Rashid Khalidi also said that it's the U. S. who are keeping this conflict going. Hmm BIG SURPRISE !
Saturday, November 15, 2014
The $ supply is POISONED!
Like getting food poisoning and trying to determine the source of which it came, so is the same for the $ system.
Those controlling and manipulating it are ill and are spreading their disease around not by bodily fluids like Ebola, not via airborn pathogens but, by the circulation or Lack thereof of $$.
People and society will continue to deteriorate and get mentally and physically sicker unless the issues and control of $ are taken away from the hands of the immature, harmful and irresponsible banksters! Period.
Natural Law, basic Common Sense and decency will continue to be assaulted and mangled by the mentally deranged with control. The Laws of Nature will continue to be overridden and gouged out and the Debt and Diseased $ system put in it's place until somewhat healthy, sane people step forth and resist. By continuously allowing Basic Common Sense to be run over while sitting by and not stepping forth, we are setting ourselves up to learn about Natural Laws No Forgiveness Policy the HARD way!
The more time that goes by where we do take care of our own mental and physical fitness by challenging those with "power" who continuously erode and devalue poorer, displaced people, the more displaced people will be created. Its the way a sick, inefficient system functions.
A simpler way to look at it is the human body. Its a smaller system and functions either healthy or not. A system is a system is a system. Whether its the body, family, neighborhood or Corporation. We are ALL connected under ONE bodily system whether we accept it or not. The more it gets resisted, the more the violence will persist and intensify thereby destroying everyone.
When someone has signs and symptoms of illness or imbalance that imbalance might show up in one part of the body as pain or a physical expression like a rash. Because ONE part of the body or one system is ill or imbalanced doesn't mean the illness is isolated in that area. It means the Entire system is sick and imbalanced. If someone in a family expresses the anger, rage, drug addiction, gambling problem it means the whole family is off balance, NOT just the person expressing the addiction. If the people within the system are Not willing to look at and accept their part in contributing to the problems, they will continue. Simple.
Nature cannot be gotten over on, around, under, on top of, side stepped! Only through!
Like John Bradshaw said, "the only way out is through".
Everything comes down to emotional health. Everything! People Must be willing to do the painful work of acknowledging their own unresolved pain when they were victimized OR victimized others. Otherwise the Emotional DEBT perpetuates and exacerbates. More and more people will be victimized by the Unresolved Emotional Wounds of those who have seized power.
This morning I read an piece written by Psychologist, Dr Seth Farber about a woman who was involuntarily committed to a Mental Hosp, who wasn't really sick, and assaulted by another violent patient who was that patients roommate. The assaulted pts name was Gloria who ended up nearly going blind by having her eyes punched several times.
To make a long story short, of course, the hosp took NO responsibility for the assault and placing a dangerous pt in the
Same room with the pt. And for the fact that the victim was FORCED! Against her will to be in the Hosp in the first place.
Most lawyers covered for the hosp and informed Dr Farber that they couldn't prove the hosp was negligent! Its not only Banks who are Too Big to Fail or Jail! And as long as this is the case, as long as institutions and lawyers who represent them participate in Mind Fk, denying truth and reality and covering up corruption for $, they are inadvertently contributing to the inevitable EXPLOSION that they are guaranteeing.
Its simple. Man cannot override Natural Law! Even in their own Soul.
Those controlling and manipulating it are ill and are spreading their disease around not by bodily fluids like Ebola, not via airborn pathogens but, by the circulation or Lack thereof of $$.
People and society will continue to deteriorate and get mentally and physically sicker unless the issues and control of $ are taken away from the hands of the immature, harmful and irresponsible banksters! Period.
Natural Law, basic Common Sense and decency will continue to be assaulted and mangled by the mentally deranged with control. The Laws of Nature will continue to be overridden and gouged out and the Debt and Diseased $ system put in it's place until somewhat healthy, sane people step forth and resist. By continuously allowing Basic Common Sense to be run over while sitting by and not stepping forth, we are setting ourselves up to learn about Natural Laws No Forgiveness Policy the HARD way!
The more time that goes by where we do take care of our own mental and physical fitness by challenging those with "power" who continuously erode and devalue poorer, displaced people, the more displaced people will be created. Its the way a sick, inefficient system functions.
A simpler way to look at it is the human body. Its a smaller system and functions either healthy or not. A system is a system is a system. Whether its the body, family, neighborhood or Corporation. We are ALL connected under ONE bodily system whether we accept it or not. The more it gets resisted, the more the violence will persist and intensify thereby destroying everyone.
When someone has signs and symptoms of illness or imbalance that imbalance might show up in one part of the body as pain or a physical expression like a rash. Because ONE part of the body or one system is ill or imbalanced doesn't mean the illness is isolated in that area. It means the Entire system is sick and imbalanced. If someone in a family expresses the anger, rage, drug addiction, gambling problem it means the whole family is off balance, NOT just the person expressing the addiction. If the people within the system are Not willing to look at and accept their part in contributing to the problems, they will continue. Simple.
Nature cannot be gotten over on, around, under, on top of, side stepped! Only through!
Like John Bradshaw said, "the only way out is through".
Everything comes down to emotional health. Everything! People Must be willing to do the painful work of acknowledging their own unresolved pain when they were victimized OR victimized others. Otherwise the Emotional DEBT perpetuates and exacerbates. More and more people will be victimized by the Unresolved Emotional Wounds of those who have seized power.
This morning I read an piece written by Psychologist, Dr Seth Farber about a woman who was involuntarily committed to a Mental Hosp, who wasn't really sick, and assaulted by another violent patient who was that patients roommate. The assaulted pts name was Gloria who ended up nearly going blind by having her eyes punched several times.
To make a long story short, of course, the hosp took NO responsibility for the assault and placing a dangerous pt in the
Same room with the pt. And for the fact that the victim was FORCED! Against her will to be in the Hosp in the first place.
Most lawyers covered for the hosp and informed Dr Farber that they couldn't prove the hosp was negligent! Its not only Banks who are Too Big to Fail or Jail! And as long as this is the case, as long as institutions and lawyers who represent them participate in Mind Fk, denying truth and reality and covering up corruption for $, they are inadvertently contributing to the inevitable EXPLOSION that they are guaranteeing.
Its simple. Man cannot override Natural Law! Even in their own Soul.
Matthew Hoh from the Center for International Policy
A Big shout out to Matthew Hoh from the Center for International Policy
who spoke so honestly on Democracy Now yesterday. Speaking so candidly
about Mental Health issues like alcoholism and PTSD is key to our
Salvation. Suppression of feelings, hiding emotional wounds, pains,
fears And our power and healthy self admiration is what drives our $$
focused, war addicted world.
The fact is, the REAL economy is the body's economy, each persons health on All levels of physical, emotional & spiritual. Man is creating a $ economy that reflects his/her health economy. People get put into debt on all levels by not receiving what they need early on in their lives. Most people do not receive adequate emotional "nutrition" when they are young and develop emotional imbalances later on. Corp heads, bankers and others would not have the $ and power addiction they have if they were healthy and received the right amount of respect, attention or validation they required as children. People can say all they want, "oh get over it" or "tough builds character" but, ultimately, Natural Law determines what cultivates optimum health. NOT people! Saying it again, walking, biking, skiing, tennis, guitar playing All involve aligning WITH Natural Law! Not arguing, denying or resisting it. Physics doesn't end when not engaging in these actions. All these unhealthy Corp heads and Eric Holder, head of the "just us" Dept with his, Banks are "too Big to jail" remarks has NO business leading the Dept of Justice! A TRUE leader would say, "NO one is above the law and above jail!" This attitude of, "it will harm the economy if we jail them" is the same BS as whistle blowers harming National Security! Its a LIE! The only thing they want to protect is their cushy relationship with Criminals and Not face their own Co Dependency! No True leader would ever say that a banker CEO is Too Big to Jail! That's the exact opposite of Real leadership! A true leader would step up to the challenge! Too big means they deserve to be tackled even more! The American people better not accept this!
Being emotionally unhealthy and imbalanced has become the new normal, man having given nature the make over it needed to suit him. All the unhealthy, abusive, harmful child rearing practices have been so ingrained they have become "2nd Nature" which is anything But natural!
The fact is, the REAL economy is the body's economy, each persons health on All levels of physical, emotional & spiritual. Man is creating a $ economy that reflects his/her health economy. People get put into debt on all levels by not receiving what they need early on in their lives. Most people do not receive adequate emotional "nutrition" when they are young and develop emotional imbalances later on. Corp heads, bankers and others would not have the $ and power addiction they have if they were healthy and received the right amount of respect, attention or validation they required as children. People can say all they want, "oh get over it" or "tough builds character" but, ultimately, Natural Law determines what cultivates optimum health. NOT people! Saying it again, walking, biking, skiing, tennis, guitar playing All involve aligning WITH Natural Law! Not arguing, denying or resisting it. Physics doesn't end when not engaging in these actions. All these unhealthy Corp heads and Eric Holder, head of the "just us" Dept with his, Banks are "too Big to jail" remarks has NO business leading the Dept of Justice! A TRUE leader would say, "NO one is above the law and above jail!" This attitude of, "it will harm the economy if we jail them" is the same BS as whistle blowers harming National Security! Its a LIE! The only thing they want to protect is their cushy relationship with Criminals and Not face their own Co Dependency! No True leader would ever say that a banker CEO is Too Big to Jail! That's the exact opposite of Real leadership! A true leader would step up to the challenge! Too big means they deserve to be tackled even more! The American people better not accept this!
Being emotionally unhealthy and imbalanced has become the new normal, man having given nature the make over it needed to suit him. All the unhealthy, abusive, harmful child rearing practices have been so ingrained they have become "2nd Nature" which is anything But natural!
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Nature is Constantly trying to assert itself!
Backed against the wall. That is what is being done to our health and to
nature. Whether people acknowledge it or not, Emotional & Spiritual
is part of our health. Although people may "think" they're getting
somewhere by looking the other way at work when they see "small"
injustices or corruption happen everyday and choosing the $, they are
very wrong. Nothing in this world is more satisfying and rewarding than
being Emotionally & Spiritually Fit. Even just writing that sentence
is an oxy moron. To have to write that it's satisfying to be healthy
when they are one in the same is backwards. How much longer are we going
to choose fake $ and man made "math" and man's made up idea of
justice over nature, peace and health before we realize the $ was not
worth turning our soul Black for?
Every day I can feel my own body and the truth that I've tried to express for decades pushing its way forth, like an overdue 10lb baby, only to be met with resistance by the very people who should be acting as the "midwife". How is a person supposed to live when the very people who they Need to be on their side are the very people suppressing them?
How can there Not be "Global Warming" when there is a CLEAR and definite WAR against the health and vibrant Nature of the majority of the population? When the majority of people are not allowed to be healthy and speak their truth? When activists, whistleblowers and those who dissent are treated like criminals and arrested? When Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern is arrested for criminal trespass in the "3rd degree" for trying to ask David Petraeus a legit, challenging question? The fact that the extreme, addicted, Corps; Monsanto, the Koch Bros and banksters want the "freedom" to make "profits" completely unregulated and no one, not even Nature can have a say is the epitome of severe levels of Pathology. The facts are the facts. The world is worrying about a Physical disease like Ebola spreading yet, we have a world wide Mental Health CRISIS on our hands and not enough people are dealing with that! Why is Ebola more of a concern than a Mental Disease when a Mental Disease is just as deadly for those who fall victim to it? Look at all the people being harmed by the Addicted Koch Bros, JP Morgan, Monsanto, Oil companies, the banksters and FED who function unregulated then, when they clearly "spread" their disease around, it goes ignored and unaddressed!
The environmental crisis in at the Human level. Not being allowed to speak truth and be healthy all my life. How Blind are people? When there's no one on your side your entire life and it's the "family" that's actually the one condemning you for standing up for yourself and speaking out.
A person without a Real, supportive family doesn't stand a chance! Physically a person cannot grow properly without a healthy environment to grow in. A child, aka, NATURE REQUIRES adequate treatment and respect. Nature CANNOT be gotten over on! Not even the Perpetrator can get over on Nature! They are effecting their health whether they know it or like it or not.
If a Corp head goes to play golf one day and he's not very good at it, he can use all his $ and influence to rig the game in his favor but, ultimately, only by winning legitimately does a person truly benefit. Real satisfaction can only be had by accomplishing something for Real. Imagine trying to rock climb and cheating? How satisfying is that going to feel? Legitimately making it to the top of a mountain is the only organic way to inner satisfaction.
The reason the 1% are insatiable is because they do not earn or deserve what they have. It has no nutritional value because they cheat and so its ultimately not satisfying, which is why they become addicts who will never find real satisfaction because only what comes from nature brings Real fulfillment.
Every day I can feel my own body and the truth that I've tried to express for decades pushing its way forth, like an overdue 10lb baby, only to be met with resistance by the very people who should be acting as the "midwife". How is a person supposed to live when the very people who they Need to be on their side are the very people suppressing them?
How can there Not be "Global Warming" when there is a CLEAR and definite WAR against the health and vibrant Nature of the majority of the population? When the majority of people are not allowed to be healthy and speak their truth? When activists, whistleblowers and those who dissent are treated like criminals and arrested? When Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern is arrested for criminal trespass in the "3rd degree" for trying to ask David Petraeus a legit, challenging question? The fact that the extreme, addicted, Corps; Monsanto, the Koch Bros and banksters want the "freedom" to make "profits" completely unregulated and no one, not even Nature can have a say is the epitome of severe levels of Pathology. The facts are the facts. The world is worrying about a Physical disease like Ebola spreading yet, we have a world wide Mental Health CRISIS on our hands and not enough people are dealing with that! Why is Ebola more of a concern than a Mental Disease when a Mental Disease is just as deadly for those who fall victim to it? Look at all the people being harmed by the Addicted Koch Bros, JP Morgan, Monsanto, Oil companies, the banksters and FED who function unregulated then, when they clearly "spread" their disease around, it goes ignored and unaddressed!
The environmental crisis in at the Human level. Not being allowed to speak truth and be healthy all my life. How Blind are people? When there's no one on your side your entire life and it's the "family" that's actually the one condemning you for standing up for yourself and speaking out.
A person without a Real, supportive family doesn't stand a chance! Physically a person cannot grow properly without a healthy environment to grow in. A child, aka, NATURE REQUIRES adequate treatment and respect. Nature CANNOT be gotten over on! Not even the Perpetrator can get over on Nature! They are effecting their health whether they know it or like it or not.
If a Corp head goes to play golf one day and he's not very good at it, he can use all his $ and influence to rig the game in his favor but, ultimately, only by winning legitimately does a person truly benefit. Real satisfaction can only be had by accomplishing something for Real. Imagine trying to rock climb and cheating? How satisfying is that going to feel? Legitimately making it to the top of a mountain is the only organic way to inner satisfaction.
The reason the 1% are insatiable is because they do not earn or deserve what they have. It has no nutritional value because they cheat and so its ultimately not satisfying, which is why they become addicts who will never find real satisfaction because only what comes from nature brings Real fulfillment.
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Who do Children of Abusive Families Sue?
When people think of pollution or environmental issues they usually
think of the Planet and environment. People typically don't think of
human relationships, the family system or parenting as a way of
destroying nature and yet, I believe, it is even more so.
People don't think much of it when children are born and "raised" in low quality ways. Its become much to normal to live in sub standard ways. When a child is born and its not respected, wanted, valued or given the time and attention they need to grow to be healthy, balanced, responsible, mature adults, they're Literally, being polluted and physically harmed.
People talk about environmental degradation, fracking, oil drilling, the Keystone pipeline, profit before people but what causes all this? Where does it some from? Why do people not respect nature or themselves? Because they didn't get what they needed as children that's why. They didn't grow up feeling loved and respected for who they really were, they didn't get what they needed when and in the amounts they deserved.
Human beings are a part of the Natural world and have NON Negotiable needs that MUST be met in adequate amounts or we create Monsters, mutants, criminals, Ego maniacs, mentally imbalanced "adults".
We have lived way too arrogantly for much too long and its going to end very soon. The imbalanced, Ego driven mind/intellect does Not dictate to Natural law, reality, the body. Its the other way around. If we think we will get away with disrespecting nature by disrespecting children, by diluting the care that we pass down, by taking advantage of their vulnerable position to get over on, we are sadly mistaken.
2 weeks ago I attended and filmed the Techno-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth, Why Technology Will Not Save The World. Videos can be found on my youtube channel, April Watters. Speaker after speaker discussing the Fate of the Planet and how Technology has too many unintended consequences that just ends up creating more problems thereby creating a vicious cycle. The problem being the fact that $, profit & Ego end up taking priority which divert the solutions from ever being able to solve the problems. "Man" continues to do the same thing over and over, use the same faulty thinking over & over. He can't grasp that Nature can possibly be the answer and not something he can make $$ off of. Because man and his thinking is sick and disconnected from nature, how can we ever solve the severe problems we face? In order for us to solve the problems of the environment we need healthy people with healthy thinking to take charge. How do we get sick, addicted people out of the way?
I feel myself, my body doing its best to try to be healthy, function healthily and break free from the brainwashing I grew up with. As I get in touch with real feelings of rage I'm struck with immense clarity! I've known it and have been saying it all my life but, was never allowed to. There was no one to give me and leverage or any support. When I think back to when I was trying to grow up I want to drop to the floor at how utterly ignorant and destructive everyone around me was. To have ones normal, healthy behaviors made to be wrong and criminal while bailing out those responsible THEN, telling me that I should feel sorry for those who I needed to rely on to take Good care of me is beyond comprehension. And to have neighbors and extended family nearby and, instead of being on the side of the vulnerable and standing up for me, they make excuses for the incompetent "parent". THIS IS MANGLING NATURE and HEALTH and the Greatest Betrayal ever bestowed! Because there is No one to stand up for the vulnerable it might seem as though "authority" is getting away with it but, nature is not that stupid.
"Parents" that do not do right by their children are the Greatest betrayers of trust and deserve the consequences. I'm So SICK of people, illegit "authority" wanting to make up their own dictates of how Natural Law should function instead of Natural Law dictating to them!
Does "Man" really think they can do a better job than Nature?? Does man really think he knows better than the Ultimate Intelligence of Natural Law? Man ALIGNED WITH Natural Law is intelligence, man at odds and Ego full is Sick and Dangerous and needs to be Stopped!
When children or people have Valid, healthy feelings and expressions and "authority" uses its position to oppress these natural drives, all that's happening is the Debt of Nature is growing and will blow up in our face one day.
I'm sick of people saying things like, "oh, don't be angry", or "anger is not good" or,"don't say that, that's not nice"and "oh, be forgiving" and on and on. All they're doing is living life from the neck up! Things have to happen in REALITY with Natures demands satisfied. Not because someone Said so!
If your body feels something it feels it, Period! That's the answer! This idea that people with illegit power like "parents", "cops" or "judges" are to be obeyed based on Rank Only and Not because they're backed by justice and truth is Tyranny!
The reason our system is falling apart is because of the break down of the family system and the fact that people have allowed themselves to be Bought! The family is part of Nature. Children DEMAND a healthy relationship environment to grow in like we require Clean air and water.
"Parents" have NO right to subject their children to anything less than an adequate environment to grow in. Its the family where we learn what we're worth. Its the family where we learn what healthy relationships are. If we live with people who don't treat us the way we deserve or hold us to a high level of respect, how will we know when we're being abused or mistreated in life? We won't be able to tell the difference between a healthy relationship and an abusive, unhealthy one because the poor treatment will feel too normal.
If we want to save the Earth and environment we better start looking more towards human relations. Humans do to the Earth what they feel about themselves and what was done to them. They will continue turning the landscape of the Earth into their own inner image which has been trashed.
When I hear people talk about the illnesses they suffered at the hands of the U.S. Military who did Nuclear Bomb testing on the island where they lived, when I hear about the Indigenous people of the Amazon suing Texaco over the dumping of toxic waste which made them sick,, I think, "Who Do Abused Children Sue?" A patient suing a doctor for malpractice, an auto maker put out a faulty car part that kills people, people have recourse and can sue for the death of their family. Who do Abused Children sue? When they grow up they end up being their own worst enemy because they have internalized the abuse against themselves and are Now doing the work FOR the System TO themselves! They become an accomplice in their Own Demise! How do you get to the bottom of that when the people aren't even capable of complaining or speaking up? When they're so intertwined with the abuse they even defend it? That is the Most Challenging Cause of all!
People don't think much of it when children are born and "raised" in low quality ways. Its become much to normal to live in sub standard ways. When a child is born and its not respected, wanted, valued or given the time and attention they need to grow to be healthy, balanced, responsible, mature adults, they're Literally, being polluted and physically harmed.
People talk about environmental degradation, fracking, oil drilling, the Keystone pipeline, profit before people but what causes all this? Where does it some from? Why do people not respect nature or themselves? Because they didn't get what they needed as children that's why. They didn't grow up feeling loved and respected for who they really were, they didn't get what they needed when and in the amounts they deserved.
Human beings are a part of the Natural world and have NON Negotiable needs that MUST be met in adequate amounts or we create Monsters, mutants, criminals, Ego maniacs, mentally imbalanced "adults".
We have lived way too arrogantly for much too long and its going to end very soon. The imbalanced, Ego driven mind/intellect does Not dictate to Natural law, reality, the body. Its the other way around. If we think we will get away with disrespecting nature by disrespecting children, by diluting the care that we pass down, by taking advantage of their vulnerable position to get over on, we are sadly mistaken.
2 weeks ago I attended and filmed the Techno-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth, Why Technology Will Not Save The World. Videos can be found on my youtube channel, April Watters. Speaker after speaker discussing the Fate of the Planet and how Technology has too many unintended consequences that just ends up creating more problems thereby creating a vicious cycle. The problem being the fact that $, profit & Ego end up taking priority which divert the solutions from ever being able to solve the problems. "Man" continues to do the same thing over and over, use the same faulty thinking over & over. He can't grasp that Nature can possibly be the answer and not something he can make $$ off of. Because man and his thinking is sick and disconnected from nature, how can we ever solve the severe problems we face? In order for us to solve the problems of the environment we need healthy people with healthy thinking to take charge. How do we get sick, addicted people out of the way?
I feel myself, my body doing its best to try to be healthy, function healthily and break free from the brainwashing I grew up with. As I get in touch with real feelings of rage I'm struck with immense clarity! I've known it and have been saying it all my life but, was never allowed to. There was no one to give me and leverage or any support. When I think back to when I was trying to grow up I want to drop to the floor at how utterly ignorant and destructive everyone around me was. To have ones normal, healthy behaviors made to be wrong and criminal while bailing out those responsible THEN, telling me that I should feel sorry for those who I needed to rely on to take Good care of me is beyond comprehension. And to have neighbors and extended family nearby and, instead of being on the side of the vulnerable and standing up for me, they make excuses for the incompetent "parent". THIS IS MANGLING NATURE and HEALTH and the Greatest Betrayal ever bestowed! Because there is No one to stand up for the vulnerable it might seem as though "authority" is getting away with it but, nature is not that stupid.
"Parents" that do not do right by their children are the Greatest betrayers of trust and deserve the consequences. I'm So SICK of people, illegit "authority" wanting to make up their own dictates of how Natural Law should function instead of Natural Law dictating to them!
Does "Man" really think they can do a better job than Nature?? Does man really think he knows better than the Ultimate Intelligence of Natural Law? Man ALIGNED WITH Natural Law is intelligence, man at odds and Ego full is Sick and Dangerous and needs to be Stopped!
When children or people have Valid, healthy feelings and expressions and "authority" uses its position to oppress these natural drives, all that's happening is the Debt of Nature is growing and will blow up in our face one day.
I'm sick of people saying things like, "oh, don't be angry", or "anger is not good" or,"don't say that, that's not nice"and "oh, be forgiving" and on and on. All they're doing is living life from the neck up! Things have to happen in REALITY with Natures demands satisfied. Not because someone Said so!
If your body feels something it feels it, Period! That's the answer! This idea that people with illegit power like "parents", "cops" or "judges" are to be obeyed based on Rank Only and Not because they're backed by justice and truth is Tyranny!
The reason our system is falling apart is because of the break down of the family system and the fact that people have allowed themselves to be Bought! The family is part of Nature. Children DEMAND a healthy relationship environment to grow in like we require Clean air and water.
"Parents" have NO right to subject their children to anything less than an adequate environment to grow in. Its the family where we learn what we're worth. Its the family where we learn what healthy relationships are. If we live with people who don't treat us the way we deserve or hold us to a high level of respect, how will we know when we're being abused or mistreated in life? We won't be able to tell the difference between a healthy relationship and an abusive, unhealthy one because the poor treatment will feel too normal.
If we want to save the Earth and environment we better start looking more towards human relations. Humans do to the Earth what they feel about themselves and what was done to them. They will continue turning the landscape of the Earth into their own inner image which has been trashed.
When I hear people talk about the illnesses they suffered at the hands of the U.S. Military who did Nuclear Bomb testing on the island where they lived, when I hear about the Indigenous people of the Amazon suing Texaco over the dumping of toxic waste which made them sick,, I think, "Who Do Abused Children Sue?" A patient suing a doctor for malpractice, an auto maker put out a faulty car part that kills people, people have recourse and can sue for the death of their family. Who do Abused Children sue? When they grow up they end up being their own worst enemy because they have internalized the abuse against themselves and are Now doing the work FOR the System TO themselves! They become an accomplice in their Own Demise! How do you get to the bottom of that when the people aren't even capable of complaining or speaking up? When they're so intertwined with the abuse they even defend it? That is the Most Challenging Cause of all!
Israel attacked the USS LIBERTY June 8th 1967
Aljazeera aired a show on Fri eve Oct 31st called, The Day Israel Attacked America about the American spy ship, the USS Liberty in waters off the Egyptian coast that was deliberately attacked by allied Israeli ships, planes and torpedoes without warning killing 32 American men an injuring 170 others. Aljazeera has never before heard tapes of the Israelis giving the count down to attack which shows the Israelis KNEW they were attacking an American ship. The control tower confirms to the pilot of the plane that it's an American ship in the tape.
Dave Lucas, one of those on board the liberty in charge of Deck Force, still wants to know "WHY it happened and WHO made it happen". The survivors hold an annual event at the Navy memorial in DC to commemorate those who lost their lives on the ship.
Summer 1967, during much unrest in the U.S. over the Vietnam War many cities in the U.S. were in major upheaval. Tension was also growing between Israel and it's Arab neighbors. Israel promised the White House they would not attack first but, by June 5th they jammed radar sets at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv so Americans could not attack their jets taking off to launch a surprise assault on Egypt. The USS Liberty was moving across the Mediterranean right into the war zone. Lloyd Painter, research officer of the Liberty, called the ship the "listening ship". "The Liberty could receive Any signal that was out there, high band, low band, intercepting it, recording it, and immediate translation of what was going on." "We even bounced signals off the moon back to NSA", said Lloyd. "We were Spies', said John Kavanah of the Liberty, "to protect the United States interest so that no one was conspiring against us".
Linden B. Johnson knew the Russians already had significant military influence in Egypt and needed to find out what they were going to do next. Not have Russia siding with the Arabs while the U.S. backed Israel. Bryce Lockwood, Russian linguist aboard the Liberty, said his primary purpose was to "Intercept communications of the Russian Spy aircraft as it was at Alexandria Egypt". "We were not targeted against the Israelis". The war had 2 days left and Israel had taken the old city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Egypt was near defeat, only Syria held out. John Kavanah says the Israelis knew an American ship had come into the area, "They knew who we were". At 5:15am first light, June 8th, those aboard the liberty noticed an Israeli photo reconnaissance plane flying over the ship that reported the Liberty as an American Spy ship hull # GTR5. John Scott, the Liberties damage control officer said the plane circled and flew back to Israel. Then, more Israeli planes flew over the Liberty ALL morning. Their technology was almost as sophisticated as we were in terms of surveillance and technology", said John Kavanah, "We supplied them with technology, to this day". "It was a secure feeling to see them, they were our friends" felt Kavanah. The Liberty had a Huge American Flag flying high on the ships mast which the 5-10 knots of wind proudly displayed fully.
At 1:53pm the Israeli pilots asked base control about the ship. Jim Scott, damage control and engineering on the Liberty said, "We didn't know what hit us until they started firing". "The Israelis were jamming both of our distress frequencies", "the tactical frequencies was alright but, the international distress frequencies was in Violation of National Law to jam", said Bryce Lockwood. John Kavanah says, "Who would know the frequencies other than an ally and who is the ally in the war, not Egypt, it was Israel?"
The SS Liberty was completely cut off and defenseless. What the crew didn't know was at 3 mins past 2pm the Israeli pilots were ordered to use a new and deadlier kind of weapon. The Israeli pilots dropped napalm on the deck of the Liberty scorching the bridge of the ship and set it afire. After nearly running out of ammunition, the Israeli pilots were instructed to fly down and confirm the identity of the ship. At 12 past 2pm the Israelis knew it was an American ship, same as their confirmation they received at 5:15 am that morning. The Israeli reconnaissance planes left and Israeli Navy torpedo boats moved in. Because the Liberty was a Spy ship it was instructed to destroy everything on board in case it ended up in enemy hands. At 2:35pm Israeli torpedo boats fired 5 torpedoes, 4 missed! In a single moment 25 American men would die. The torpedo blew a hole 39ft by 24ft in the hull and the room where John Kavanah was. "It was just luck" John says, that he didn't get hit. The entire room filled with water and Oil and John only had about 10 inches above where he could catch his breath. The Israeli Torpedo boats were machine gunning the Liberties life rafts, the crew was trapped. The Israelis came closer torpedoing the Liberty.
The attacked stopped after a radio man manged to take a reel of collapsed cable to a whip antenna and took some shrapnel in the process. he was able to get a nearby American 6 Fleet aircraft carrier, 500 miles away, to pick up their signal. Once the Israelis knew the American jets were airborn they summoned the American Naval attache and told them there had been a "Terrible Mistake". The American jets were recalled and Israeli helicopters flew out to the Liberty, one carrying Israeli Gov personnel. The U.S naval attache dropped a brown package onto the deck of the Liberty next to a severed leg of one of the ships personnel with a note reading, "Do you have casualties?" The package was brought to the captain of the Liberty. When the captain read the note he looked up and gave the helicopter the finger.
Dave Lucas, one of those on board the liberty in charge of Deck Force, still wants to know "WHY it happened and WHO made it happen". The survivors hold an annual event at the Navy memorial in DC to commemorate those who lost their lives on the ship.
Summer 1967, during much unrest in the U.S. over the Vietnam War many cities in the U.S. were in major upheaval. Tension was also growing between Israel and it's Arab neighbors. Israel promised the White House they would not attack first but, by June 5th they jammed radar sets at the U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv so Americans could not attack their jets taking off to launch a surprise assault on Egypt. The USS Liberty was moving across the Mediterranean right into the war zone. Lloyd Painter, research officer of the Liberty, called the ship the "listening ship". "The Liberty could receive Any signal that was out there, high band, low band, intercepting it, recording it, and immediate translation of what was going on." "We even bounced signals off the moon back to NSA", said Lloyd. "We were Spies', said John Kavanah of the Liberty, "to protect the United States interest so that no one was conspiring against us".
Linden B. Johnson knew the Russians already had significant military influence in Egypt and needed to find out what they were going to do next. Not have Russia siding with the Arabs while the U.S. backed Israel. Bryce Lockwood, Russian linguist aboard the Liberty, said his primary purpose was to "Intercept communications of the Russian Spy aircraft as it was at Alexandria Egypt". "We were not targeted against the Israelis". The war had 2 days left and Israel had taken the old city of Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Egypt was near defeat, only Syria held out. John Kavanah says the Israelis knew an American ship had come into the area, "They knew who we were". At 5:15am first light, June 8th, those aboard the liberty noticed an Israeli photo reconnaissance plane flying over the ship that reported the Liberty as an American Spy ship hull # GTR5. John Scott, the Liberties damage control officer said the plane circled and flew back to Israel. Then, more Israeli planes flew over the Liberty ALL morning. Their technology was almost as sophisticated as we were in terms of surveillance and technology", said John Kavanah, "We supplied them with technology, to this day". "It was a secure feeling to see them, they were our friends" felt Kavanah. The Liberty had a Huge American Flag flying high on the ships mast which the 5-10 knots of wind proudly displayed fully.
At 1:53pm the Israeli pilots asked base control about the ship. Jim Scott, damage control and engineering on the Liberty said, "We didn't know what hit us until they started firing". "The Israelis were jamming both of our distress frequencies", "the tactical frequencies was alright but, the international distress frequencies was in Violation of National Law to jam", said Bryce Lockwood. John Kavanah says, "Who would know the frequencies other than an ally and who is the ally in the war, not Egypt, it was Israel?"
The SS Liberty was completely cut off and defenseless. What the crew didn't know was at 3 mins past 2pm the Israeli pilots were ordered to use a new and deadlier kind of weapon. The Israeli pilots dropped napalm on the deck of the Liberty scorching the bridge of the ship and set it afire. After nearly running out of ammunition, the Israeli pilots were instructed to fly down and confirm the identity of the ship. At 12 past 2pm the Israelis knew it was an American ship, same as their confirmation they received at 5:15 am that morning. The Israeli reconnaissance planes left and Israeli Navy torpedo boats moved in. Because the Liberty was a Spy ship it was instructed to destroy everything on board in case it ended up in enemy hands. At 2:35pm Israeli torpedo boats fired 5 torpedoes, 4 missed! In a single moment 25 American men would die. The torpedo blew a hole 39ft by 24ft in the hull and the room where John Kavanah was. "It was just luck" John says, that he didn't get hit. The entire room filled with water and Oil and John only had about 10 inches above where he could catch his breath. The Israeli Torpedo boats were machine gunning the Liberties life rafts, the crew was trapped. The Israelis came closer torpedoing the Liberty.
The attacked stopped after a radio man manged to take a reel of collapsed cable to a whip antenna and took some shrapnel in the process. he was able to get a nearby American 6 Fleet aircraft carrier, 500 miles away, to pick up their signal. Once the Israelis knew the American jets were airborn they summoned the American Naval attache and told them there had been a "Terrible Mistake". The American jets were recalled and Israeli helicopters flew out to the Liberty, one carrying Israeli Gov personnel. The U.S naval attache dropped a brown package onto the deck of the Liberty next to a severed leg of one of the ships personnel with a note reading, "Do you have casualties?" The package was brought to the captain of the Liberty. When the captain read the note he looked up and gave the helicopter the finger.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
Red Cross' Secret Disaster,,LIES! Dysfucntional, Debt based thinking, again!

It always comes down to the SAME THING over and over. BREAKING the vicious cycle so we can improve and change. Every situation comes down to this "simple", basic FACT. But, because people are ILL and don't know it, have been so programmed to function in the OPPOSITE way that Fitness functions,, the sickness continues. DENIAL, LYING, Defending, making excuses for, not admitting mistakes or acknowledging being wrong, are ALL UNNATURAL things we were PROGRAMMED into , that Are NOT NATURAL healthy behaviors. If we do not get it soon, that the way we behave is SICK, we will just continue to Destroy ourselves and others. the MATH is the MATH. I have to point out the same thing over and over gain because it keeps coming up over and over. We are Disconnected from Natural Law. The more we live and perpetuate Fake, Man Made habitat and thinking, the More we shut out Truth and Fitness. then, the more Nature and truth will be pushing it's way in! How these heads of these organizations such as the RC make it through life amazes me! How to they deal with feedback when they walk and drive? If people can't handle Hard Facts,,, Don't be in a Leadership role!
How do these people handle a day on the slopes if they don't know how to ski and physics being a constant reminder showing them otherwise? They don't ski or engage in challenging activities, that's how! They Can't handle any accurate feedback coming from Natural Law! People have been living in this Fake, Man made Habitat for so long they can't handle any healthy feedback.
A piece from the report reads, Richard Rieckenberg, who oversaw aspects of the Red Cross’ efforts to provide food, shelter and supplies after the 2012 storms, said the organization’s work was repeatedly undercut by its leadership.
Top Red Cross officials were concerned only “about the appearance of aid, not actually delivering it,” Rieckenberg says. “They were not interested in solving the problem — they were interested in looking good. That was incredibly demoralizing.”
THIS IS WHAT LIVING IN A MONETARY SYSTEM DOES! It makes EVERYTHING FAKE, It HAS TO ! Because that's what $$ IS! People get more and more Addicted to the $$ and further away from "Nutrition", Truth, what's real and Health.
Another example of how "leaders" are gripped by Mental Illness! The further we get from nature's feedback the more Truth and Natural Law will feel like a betrayal. As long as people keep far away from fitness, from organic activities like skiing, biking, yoga, Relationships with other Humans, anything involving physics that cannot be bought and manipulated into giving us the answer we Want instead of the answer that Is, the LESS Fit they will be and the more they will find the FACTS excruciating! No different than an overweight person on a tread mill! This goes Especially for "parents". So-called leaders are letting down those who are completely dependent on them with all their Denial and Lame excuses! Its simple, like you do when u learn to roller skate or ski, you ADMIT when you fall! Then you can adjust your moves and coordination so you can improve and master the skill! Its the Same principles that go for Every other activity in life. Denial and excuses do Not teach you to walk!
Its our $$, image first world that has conditioned people to lie and deny instead of come CLEAN and tell the truth! And this is the American Red Cross! This is not Wall St. Oh but wait a minute,,, is it?
How will we ever solve problems if "authority" and those working for them continue Lying!?
Truth is the way out. Lying is QE3, 4, 5, 6 and on and on! Kicking the Debt can down the road that has come to a Dead end a long time ago!
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