
Friday, September 26, 2014

Don't call it Climate Change,, Call it NATURE ABUSE

 For the sake of simplifying the debate on Global Warming or Climate Change, where it's too easy for some people to dismiss or deny. Not that changing the wording will make it easier for diverted minded people to admit it anyway but, I feel that Calling it Disrespecting, taking for Granted or Abusing Nature and its resources is more accurate anyway. Makes it UNDENIABLE. Do people not take one another for granted? Do those who stole all the leverage not use that leverage to torture, exploit, bomb, pillage, oppress and impoverish? The fact that humans and animals are also part of the natural world and are being severely abused, its pretty safe to say, So is the Earth! You can't have one without the other.
   I'm tired of those suffering from "Mental Climate Shift" and don't see it to then use their mis-aligned mind to say there's nothing wrong, and calling those who are pleading out from experience, wrong! When are we going to recognize that those with Mental misalignment ARE, in fact, mentally mis-aligned and STOP allowing them to take us further and further out of alignment by depleting ourselves trying to get through to them??
 Its the largest scale of a Co-Dependent relationship we can get! Melody Beatty needed to write Co-Dependent No More for the Larger scale! Books are only written and directed at the little guy. Who's going to call the Gov, Corps and anyone else who has  false power what they are, Addicts and Co-Dependents? Most people don't even recognize the signs and symptoms of Co Dependency.
  Those in the know must come together and build a community away from those who will take them on a never ending joy ride.
 Environmental disaster does NOT only have to do with the Earth's environment. It has to do with people and their Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Health of which we are severely Sick! It's sick on top of sick for a person who is clearly misaligned to standing in their shit while claiming they don't see anything wrong. The fact that they don't see anything wrong is what's wrong. Of course someone  who's sick will not see it. They're IN it, hense the saying, You can't see the forest through the trees. John Bradshaw, Eckhart Tolle, Stephen Levine and many others talk about the ability to step out side of ones self and "see" themselves. If people are too identified with certain aspects of themselves instead of seeing these parts as just that, Parts of who they are, they will not have the ability to see outside of their false, imbalanced self.
 How can people who are ill and can't see that they're ill capable of seeing? The entire point is to be able to admit that we are All unnatural, ill to some extent. Admitting that IS healthy. We've All been indoctrinated into this un sustainable, ultra masculine, capitalistic system from the get go. Its in US that we need to eradicate the problems. Its OURSELVES we need to look at. The Addicts will never be able to see themselves as addicts unless WE hold a mirror up to them and show them.
 The way back to nature and health is for people to interact and have healthy, empowering, win-win exchanges with each other and to speak truth to power hungry fake leaders. That's how nature works! Cultivate what's healthy and just then challenge the Sick in oneself and others. Health and fitness isn't having a loser mentality of being a follower, going along, cow towing to the Sociopaths saying, "there's nothing you can do".  That's "Climate shift", not being able to see the loser you've become. People need mental defibrillation in order to get a healthy rhythm going again. People are in such a mentally chaotic, lost state and are very disoriented. How do people get disoriented? By interacting with physics and the laws of nature. We just need to accept the answer we get and do it, or at least acknowledge it and admit we're not going to do it. If your lost or complacent, it helps to know that much at least. But, to have a defeatist, complacent, go along, there's nothing you can do attitude at least know it.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Domestic Violence IS Environmental Pollution and passing off of DEBT

A few things to talk about here. First off, I'm glad its coming out and more people are being forced to talk about abuse and Domestic Violence. Two subjects I've been trying to bring attention to for decades. It will get worse and more vulnerable people will be victim to abuse in this country as indigenous and the poor have been for years in other countries as "human climate" shifts get hotter and more aggressive as the transition away from Nature increases and heads toward Fake Man-Made $$ more and more. People will become more Mentally Sick and Abusive.
 This weekend here in NYC will be one of the Largest gatherings and marches for the environment and Climate change in history. As more people are being negatively effected by Cancer Capitalism. Whether its air, water pollution, oil spills, oil drilling, animal abuse and extinction or overly aggressive humans abusing the vulnerable, one thing is certain, it ALL falls under the umbrella of Cancer Capitalism.
 I just have ONE question to pose. When we watch a game of golf we know the object of the game is to hit a ball along the coarse in as few strokes as possible. So, simply, we measure the expertise and quality of a player on his ability to Align him or herself with physics.  Tiger Woods doesn't get a trophy and hundreds of thousands  of $$ for missing holes as often as possible, does he? Same with other sports even though some fudging goes on like steroid use or pay offs, its a bit hard with thousands of people watching live events in person and on TV for players or refs blatantly calling plays or shots the opposite of what it is in plain sight. Yet, we allow the ptb, the 1%, the so-called "rich" to be called just that, to be treated as if they "earn their $$ Fairly, in alignment with physics, when they really have taken our financial and economic system in the opposite direction of hitting a golf ball into a hole.
 Why is our financial/economic system the OPPOSITE of aligning with Physics yet, we call them rich? I'm scratching my head right now.
 Today on Democracy Now Naomi Klein said the "rich" have the $ to keep flooding the system to tilt laws in their favor, referring to Exxon/Mobil, Walmart and such.
 How can they be referred to as "rich" when the $ they "make" is fake and they cheat, lie, murder, destroy and steal to get it? That's, again, the Opposite of hitting the Golf ball into the hole. That's actually hitting a ball into someone's head and killing them!
 Our human interactions are becoming Debt based just like the way Cancer Capitalism functions. Abusive, aggressive, forceful, robbing, disrespectful, demeaning, de valuing, addictive, ravenous, etc.
  We need to feel it, recognize the Signs & Symptoms and push back to heal it, not incorporate it as if its the direction we should be aiming for.
 When Ray Rice goes onto the football field he knows getting over the goal line with the ball is the objective. When he's home, or somewhere off the field, he obviously has no awareness that not hitting his partner is a "foul". He's not focusing on treating his partner with caring and respect as the "goal" to which thousands of fans will be cheering him on. Although, its promising that the public has been pushing for the head of the NFL Goodell, to step down in his handling of the case.
 Because the family and the environment should be outside of Capitalism and have some protections, be Off limits to Capitalism but, isn't, its getting more infected by the widespread overreaching of the Cancer that Capitalism IS. Unless its seen as such, and those who are so Addicted to the never ending $ cow are made to see what they're doing, the Cancer of Capitalism will eat up everything in its path.
 The case of rape at Columbia U where the student carrying her bed around campus until the school holds him accountable or he leaves the school has received support from fellow students in "carrying the weight", they called it. Glad to hear more of what I've been trying to get people to see for decades. The reason I did weight training for 30 years straight! Was to learn to carry the weight of what was wrongly passed on to you then Denied on top of that by the VERY people who we should be able to turn to. It's NOT about Bashing the transgressors as much as it's about WAKING UP to the fact that that is how the DEBT and POLLUTION gets passed down!
  This is what's so fascinating and how blind people are to their deeply unconscious Debt mentality. The victim herself had to take the initiative (good thing she had the self esteem and family) then other victims came out then more students supported them. My own parents and those around me, neighbors, extended family, had the false attitude that because I was a child who was bringing awareness to abuses I suffered, I  was not credible enough to be taken seriously because you're "just a kid". When it's those who should be on your side and Aren't who are the Slackers. I was young and could easily be disregarded. But, the Whole point is, its those very people who are meant to GIVE credibility by listening and respecting those who are in the care, THEY are the ones who are supposed to be reinforcing US! It's Slight of Hand,, how the Debt gets passed down!
It's because those who are supposed to be on your side are NOT that you are even making your case in the first place! Their response should be, "Oh, wow, sorry, right, WE are the ones who are supposed to be giving you the support! Yet, instead blame the vulnerable for not being credible! It's BECAUSE people aren't LISTENING! Young people are being treated like Adults who are supposed to "afford" it on their own! When they are Not and Can't Possibly! It's BS MATH! How does one reach credibility without backing or support? Its because we're being swallowed up by Cancer Capitalism that many don't see it. It's How Nature's process is being Eroded withing relationships. We don't recognize Abuse and neglect for the Cancer it is.  Just like the NFL domestic violence cases, Columbia U doesn't want to step up to the plate and do the right thing. It doesn't want to be made UNCOMFORTABLE,, when being made to feel Uncomfortable IS what it NEEDS!
 EXERCISE is supposed to be Uncomfortable, Challenge is Uncomfortable! Who says everything is Supposed to be Comfortable?Again,, according to Nature and Health, that is the Opposite of how it works and keeps itself Clean.
 If there was a way to Capitalize on Relationship skills,, Anger Management,, Listening Skills,, Meditation,, I'm sure Exxon, Walmart, B of A would be right there! Those things have Value in of of themselves,, something Exxon and Walmart don't get and I doubt they ever will.

Monday, September 15, 2014

DO NO HARM-Phyllis Bennis

These are the words used by Phyllis Bennis referring to the US involvement in Syria and ISIS. She said that the Obama Administration doesn't know any other response, or doesn't want to know (me), to the situation with ISIS except more Militarism. Phyllis said the US doesn't take non Militaristic action, more Diplomatic actions, seriously.
 The choices given to the American people are, War, or we let them get away with it", which creates a black or white scenario with no Gray area, no less extreme options in the "middle". Reminds me of something I heard Therapist Nancy Napier say, "we need to install a Dimmer Switch so we have more options to respond to the world with than On or Off". Are extremes ALL there is in the world? Just because the aggression, Militarism and force is the option the US Gov knows doesn't mean there aren't any other options. The US Gov just needs to be open to those options. But, who knows if they even want other options. They're keeping the Military Cash Cow going by seeing No other option besides more aggression. Just like the JFK assassination and 911, if the ptb wanted to get to the bottom of things, find the truth, they'd slow down a little, admit that what they've been doing hasn't worked and DO something different, at least a little less, left or right, up or down, anything besides more of the same. It doesn't have to be extreme, Complacency or Slaughter, the later which only makes the problem worse.
 Phyllis Bennis also reiterated what Obama has already acknowledged, "Militarization doesn't work".  So, to continue doing what doesn't work?? Last time I checked was the definition of INSANITY. I don't know if its deliberate or not but, what ever it is, those in Power are in desperate need of some Spiritual practice.
 Balancing the Hard & the Soft is True Power President Obama! Taking a step or 2 back and creating some cushion, giving situations room to breathe, incorporating NATURE, the ONLY thing that heals, that works. All the US Gov does is start fires then blame the fire for burning! Thinking they'll put it out by adding More Fire! That is not only not smart, its out right Schizophrenic! What other conclusion is there to draw other than, its NOT about helping, its about keeping the for profit war machine going ! Of course Obama is going to double speak designed to confuse and make our heads spin. That's what the PTB do when they want to take us for a "joy" ride with no destination. Milk something for ALL its worth until the masses are so disoriented.
 What people Need to realize is that there is not a space on this earth, not a speck that hasn't been used up and trampled upon. That hasn't been worn out and manipulated for $$. There is Nothing, no where that is off limits to profit, nothing they won't pollute further for what They "think" is gain but, isn't is actually Addiction and mental illness. The PTB don't have a CLEAN place left inside of them! This belief that those with the controls are Benefiting" must be changed.  The language Must match the reality. Calling the "elite" "rich" needs to be changed. They are Not Rich! They're Spiritually impoverished! They've long crossed the line of being wealthy to a healthy point. Now, its just total illness.
 The problem is that the people think without a completely polluted mind, with some logic and rational left. The PTB don't! They use our logical, reasonable thinking as a commodity for $$! They use our logical thinking Against us! Just because most of the public thinks a certain way doesn't mean everyone does! I'm sure we've all experience people in our lives who didn't end up thinking the way we thought. Some date we went on that we thought went well but, then we never heard from the person again and have No idea what went wrong. Misunderstandings with family or friends. Take those misunderstandings and magnify them 1000 times and we get the gap btwn the way we think and the way the ptb do. They have not a millimeter of free, "humanitarian" space left in their thinking that is Not occupied by $$. "Humanitarian" is a cover, a front for their Sociopathology.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Tumbling down the Slope is NOT Skiing! Tearing Muscles is NOT exercise! Struggling is Not Living!

The fact that So many people live at a level lower than they're supposed to be, the fact that too many people don't have or ever get the Hang of life always brings me back to my focus on fitness and basic activities like riding a bike. I'm sure I wrote about this before, how, when learning to ride a bike or roller skate it takes us maybe, a few tries, a couple of days to get it. As a child we Master the ability to walk at the age of 2 after a couple of tries and with the proper encouragement. By our 5th or so try we're wobbling along almost like the expert.
 Why everything in life isn't this way tells us something is seriously WRONG. We should be able to Master our lives, our careers, our family relationships with the same expertise we gain in walking and riding a bike. The fact that Too many spend Much too long struggling to master something that at the age of 2 we Master without as much struggle tells us the system is rigged, even though the system will tell you it's your fault if you can't master life. Unless you were born with a severe disability physically or mentally, excelling at life should come fairly easily for all of us. Not to say that we're all meant to be the same or have the same levels of achievements but, the amount of people who are living without ever being able to gain competency in their lives and then Not seeing that something is wrong, brings people to an even greater level of unskilledness.
 The fact that it's become Normalized to live lowly for too many people, only aiming as high as having a job to pay for shelter, clothes, food and other necessities while empty addicts suck up our fair share shows a serious problem. It needs to be seen for what it is, that living and struggling for so many but, also, the addicted, excess that the few have is a Clear indication of a severe HEALTH Crisis!
 I used to think about my own parent, that if she were a Personal Trainer or Ski instructor that she would be teaching me that the object is to pull a muscle, tear a ligament or that tumbling down the slope was the proper way to ski instead of pleasantly swishing down. It's clear that these are exaggerations and clearly wrong and yet, when it comes to parenting and the way people live their lives, it's TOTALLY Accurate!!
 Feeling Dragged along in life trying desperately to keep up with those in the drivers seat who are not even supposed to be there, while we're thrashing about gasping for air to keep our heads above drowning is a CLEAR SIGN of Corruption taking place. If we lived by Natural Law like we're supposed to be, not Man's Law who have clearly diverted the Entire system off course for their own twisted satisfaction, we would have noticed the symptoms long ago and would have taken action to remedy it. It's the DENIAL that keeps things going further and further out of Alignment rather than admitting it and bringing it back into alignment. We use the SAME mind over and over! Get Oriented! How do we know which way is North South East or West if we can't admit we're lost? We can be living IN "civilization" and be Completely and Utterly LOST at the same time because we're cut off from our Instincts. People who believe they will get somewhere in life by putting $$ over decency will find it's Not ultimately satisfying if they're honest enough.
 We lost our connection to Health and Fitness and allowed ourselves to be diverted by a Fake God who now has taken us Hostage. We've Lost So much of our Fitness and leverage and have to try very hard to gain it back. The fact that we are unable to reach a certain level of peace, joy, self confidence, the fact that we're unable to feel good about ourselves, have relationships both romantically and professionally, that are truly satisfying, sustaining and "nutritious" rather than relationships filled with agenda's, manipulation and ulterior motives that signifies the lack of health and efficiency we're living with.
 If we lived in a world that had Real values we would be Much more in touch with Health and Nature and it wouldn't take ANY time or effort at all for us to recognize when things are out of balance. If our focus in Society was Fitness and Health we would act immediately when things were going in the wrong direction and bring things back into balance more quickly.
 This False belief that those with so much is something to be worshiped instead of seeing them for the Complete ILL and ADDICTED people they are it is says a lot about our level of CODEPENDENCY.
SORRY to break it to ya but, HEALTH is ALL there is!
There's NO getting away from it! We can think we're Better or stronger than others by bullying them ALL we want but, it will NEVER change the fact that we are Codependent and Cowardly and have NOT healthily Broken away from our Source Parental Figures. A friend I know for quite a while said to me recently, "Why shouldn't the Koch Bros be able to make $$?" If this friend and others like him took that energy and gave it to themselves and others like them the world would be in much healthier condition. The fact that people think that by sticking up for the Rich, they're going to end up like that someday is completely WRONG! That's the Whole point! The Koch Bros don't need sticking up for! The scales Need to be tipped back the OTHER way! Give that energy and support to yourself and those around you! Isn't it quite Obvious the Koch Bros and others like them don't need us on their side? Isn't it quite Obvious we need that support ourselves? What is it doing for my friend to say that? How is it benefiting him? People live SO unconsciously programmed to be Putting out, Submitting and Glorifying people who have OD'd on "success" a LONG Time ago!! We can't recognize when someone is so Intoxicated?? We can't recognize when enough is enough?? It's Like having our Nervous system set up to make "Monthly (even Daily) Payments" to the Koch Bros & Wall St! The same way we pay our bills online except we get NOTHING for it!
 WAKE UP from the Delusion that we're in a Love affair with the Powers that Be! Wake up from the DELUSION that our Parents "loved" us and didn't program us against our own interest! WAKE up to the TRUTH that those in "charge" are Not only Fallible,, but are Screwing us on PURPOSE! They're Not just making "Mistakes", they're Fking us Over INTENTIONALLY! Many people can and Do admit they're parents/family is dysfunctional and even abusive, so if the people who are supposed to be Caring and Protecting us the Most aren't doing the best job if it, and they KNOW us, Gave Birth to us! then, HOW the Heck to we not think the Powers that Be are not Fking us over? People who have so much power with TOTAL IMMUNITY! 
  People Break up or Divorce those around them Much easier and faster than they would the Koch Bros or Wall St. Some people do stay in Dysfunctional, Abusive relationships in their personal lives also, but, it's more likely they would stay in an Abusive job for the $$. People don't think of themselves as being IN a Relationship With the Koch Bros but they are!
 We MUST come out of a HEALTHY Functioning family, had to have been able to challenge our parents and have it be Ok,, point our their errors without them being defensive and pulling rank, have OUR needs met BY our parents, NOT their needs met at OUR expense in order to be able to go out into the world and Know Abusive leaders and bosses when we are met with them. 
 The Problem is that people are NOT AWAKE!! They are Asleep and do not even SEE what's staring them right in the Face. They do NOT take the cues from Nature to lean the other way, to move your arms this way or lean into your back heal, like we do when we learn a new activity.
 If it isn't CLEAR by this point in our Lives to PAY closer attention to ourselves and what we do and say, where we're spending our energy and on Whom and is it benefiting us or not, are we in a Relationship with the Koch Bros based on True Love or Exploitation?? EXPLOITATION
  WHEN are people going to SEE what they're doing and Break the Bad Habits they've been SO ingrained with for so many decades? It IS possible! PRACTICE being PRESENT, IN the Moment. Let the Moment reveal!

Friday, September 5, 2014


It always amazes me that we live in a world which does not value health and nature. Its beyond me that we do not value what is really valuable and value what isn't. If we lived in a society that valued and treasured nature and health it would takes us to unimaginable places. It would free us up, even the "rich" could free themselves from the fear of not having more than their rightful share.
 In reading another book by Alice Miller, Thou Shalt Not Be Aware, she literally gives patients somewhat like an Emotional Heimlich maneuver which unblocks their nervous system and allows symptoms people have had for decades to vanish. I find that so remarkable and how so many more people could be free if it wasn't so taboo to admit ones life is not working.
 It makes no sense that only the average person goes to AA meetings, therapy, jail, for even minor infractions and the "rich" are deprived of the experiences which they need and would actually do them a lot of good. To be able to buy one's way out of  natural and healthy consequences because one has a lot of $ and/or power has to be the sickest thing. The fact that we do not respond to life and other people's action with a normal, healthy response and, instead, bow to someone just because they have $ shows how far we've strayed.
  Allowing people to get away with violations of human rights, initiating war on people for fake reasons, ravaging the environment while enslaving massive amounts of people for so long, we've lost a lot of leverage and momentum we could possibly not get back.
 There are too many people who are too satisfied with less and what they've acquired. The fact that people don't demand their rightful share allows the PTB to have more than their rightful leverage. Its not about $$, its about fitness and attitude.
 Alice Miller talks about giving leverage to the child in the patient that never had anyone there. No different than someone having physical surgery on their ACL, seeking a competent Therapist who knows how to perform Psychological surgery on a patient by creating Space where there is blockage is an incredible life altering ability and just as life transforming, if not more so, than physical surgery.
 What makes Psychological surgery so much more important is the fact that too many people are walking around living limited and Blocked lives and don't even know it. They have absolutely NO idea that the way they're living is Not as full and vibrant as it could be. WHY would someone want to walk around Blocked if they didn't have to? If someone needed back surgery, a hip replacement, by- pass surgery they would get it. There would be no shame in it. They would discuss alternatives or other methods of course but, if it the procedure was absolutely necessary the patient would have it done.
 The therapy Alice Miller advocates is much like what Meditation and Yoga are about but, with more support. Its not something one can do alone. It about zeroing in on the pain. "Where does it hurt". Avoiding pain, physical or emotional only perpetuates it. Moving into it gradually as much as can be withstood, is how one recovers from physical injuries, same with Emotional ones. Why we treat the 2 in opposite ways is Mind boggling!
 We have "leaders" of countries and other people with incredible amounts of power who are riddled with Emotional pain and injuries unchecked and are unleashing their madness on the rest of us. Its like someone with Mental HIV spreading it all over!
 People with power are people who get sick and injured and commit crimes and atrocities like anyone and worse!
 The bonding to the abuse that occurs when people are abused by a parent or primary caregiver occurs because a debt/sickness is taking place which forces the child to take on the debt and "bail out" the parent. No different than if the body is losing blood and going into shock. The body must choose which organs and parts to send the limited blood supply to and which to sacrifice. Which parts can the body survive without? Same in families. "Parts" must be sacrificed when there is "debt". In the child's immature/"debt" mind, as well as the parents, the child will take on the blame to save the parent. If the parent was a real parent they would not let that happen. Only when the parent is in "mind debt" will the child go into debt.
 It's all about giving a person some room to breath and grow that they never had which keeps them trapped in Mind Debt which then gets passed down to children when parents should be, instead, taking the fight to the Excessive mind "leaders".

Monday, September 1, 2014

the "family" is the most Dangerous System

  In recent weeks with Eric Garner killed on SI by NYPD choke hold then Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, before that, the Central Park 5 are finally getting compensated for their wrongful conviction. There have been Occupiers who've been rewarded with thousands for having their 1st Amendment rights violated by Police. 700 people on the Brooklyn Bridge who were detained won a case recently. If the System violates one's rights at least there's someone to sue! Even though Sociopath Capitalism has come mad and everything now is about squeezing the crap out of the most poor and vulnerable for Profit, if the people come together and fight back they can win and get settlements, some in the Millions. I wouldn't hesitate to say that it would actually be worth it for some of these people to have these violations of their rights. If we could have asked Eric Garner if he would sacrifice his life so his family could win a major settlement what do we think his response would have been? Quite Possibly, a yes? If we asked the CP5 if they would do it all again,, spend 10+ years in jail to come out with a documentary movie about their life,, of course it took 25 years to get a settlement of 40 something million, do you think they would? What would their lives have been otherwise? Would they be in a better place now had they not been arrested?
 I used to think when my parents died, who were not loving or caring parents at all, that they're were actually worth more to me when they passed. Sad to say but, true. Eric Garner will not have to worry about selling loose cigarettes again, his family will be well provided for now.
 My Question is,, WHO does the Child in the Abusive "Family" system turn to to sue if a parent or both are abusing them or violating their rights? Who is going to be there for these children and advise them? Children who are violated in their own homes by their own parents have no one to sue! Have No leverage and no means by which to protect themselves from an abusive parent.
 Every time I attend another rally about Police brutality, I hear people saying the SAME thing I was saying about my own situation when I was 6 and 7 years old. Just recently at the, We Will Not Go Back, rally for Eric Garner by Al Sharpton on Staten Island, one of the speakers spoke about,, "When those who are supposed to be protecting and serving are violating and killing", Who has more potential to do harm to a child than the Parent? Who does our Life totally depend on when we're young than Parents or another Guardian? There is NO one more vulnerable than a child is to the Parent. When a child is growing up with an abusive, neglectful, abandoning, or uncaring parent, who does the child have to go to? Who is seeing to it that Parents are doing their Job? When a child grows up being violated by a parent, unless someone is there to support the child, that child's built in defense mechanism will kick in to Protect the parent and take on the "debt". The Too Big to Fail" is a built in mechanism. The child can't "afford" to blame the parent and hold the parent or guardian accountable WITHOUT help, without support! 
With supportive parents and/or family, the CP5, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Ramarley Graham and others have gotten the word out of the injustice they suffered. Communities came together to support one another. 
 The Family is only a smaller version of the larger system. Depending on the health, strength, $$ of the members involved, the pollution of the larger system will poison it like alcohol or drugs goes through the Umbilical cord to the fetus. Children need PROTECTION,, if there is No where or no one for them to turn to they have NO choice but to go into Emotional DEBT either by blaming themselves and taking on the low self worth, or if they do stand up to the parents,, Society takes the parents side and blames the child who then gets met with all kinds of labels.
 Alice Miller talks about this in her book, Thou Shalt not Be Aware". Even therapists are caught in the Poison Pedagogy of "Bailing out the Parent" at the expense of the Child in order to protect their own Parents. Most people will protect the Parent unconsciously. When our bodies are in Debt, that's what it does. The fact that we protect the Parent is a Symptom of Emotional Debt. The "funds" that should be going to the Vulnerable never make it.
 Is it Any wonder we're living in a Society where the "Too Big to Fails" are not held accountable? Nature gives us clues and speaks in a different language. Because we're SO disconnected from the Natural world and do not understand it, we continue going in circles. Emotional behavior must be "decoded" just like Physical illnesses. Cells aren't going to jump off the slide and "tell" you what the disease is. The ability to See does NOT Exist outright,, like Peter Joseph refers to the Interests to pay back the loan does not exist in the system outright.  Doctors/Scientists have to decipher the behavior of cells to see what healing methods they respond to or not. IF those Scientists are honest, they will find the right cure, if their working for Big Pharma, not. Same with Emotions. It's Not Intellectual. This is why Nothing ever Changes! The vicious cycle continues  because people Don't want to look enough, Dig deep enough,, CARE enough, spend enough $$ on.
 The Family system is NO different than the environment or animals,, who are they going to complain to? Who is the Environment going to Sue? We need to Switch our Perceptions to NATURAL LAW,, not expect Natural Law to fit into Man's SICK, DISCONNECTED Laws that are all about $$. Which is what people continue to do over and over. Think with the Intellect, Man Made, disconnected way instead of switching to a Healthier, Pro Nature mode.
 I do not have faith in Man that he is willing to what it takes and live by Natural law. I think the system will have to go til Exhaustion and the deaths of perhaps, Millions of people before people learn to live in alignment with Natural Law.
 When we don't have good Parenting we end up with people Relating Poorly to Corps like,, Burger King for example. People don't think about,, the fact that they're in a "Relationship" with Victoria's Secret, Apple, Burger King until we've helped them get so Big, then they turn around and move to Canada for the lower taxes, even though they deny it's for that reason. We should NEVER be in such an Unequal Relationships with ANYONE who we make So large and think they will not turn on us! Like is Physics! Balance!
 I believe it was Jose Serrano who spoke at the We Will Not Go Back rally for Eric Garner who said, "Police are supposed to Protect and Serve". That's just it,, the People are in a relationship with a System that is NOT in a relationship with them!  Just like Burger King and every other Corp we feed til they Crush us to Death! This is what happens when Children have children and have NO way of giving their kids ANY Leverage at All! They teach them to turn to the System to be a parent and "raise" them and the system has other plans! This is Why People need to Lift themselves up BEFORE they have kids! Raise yourself. Get educated, gain some leverage, don't have babies while you're working at Mickey D's,, then it's not the System that's screwing your kids, it's you! Don't look to Cops to Protect and Serve you,, Protect and Serve each other! Others will value us if we value each other first,, we won't need to hold signs that say,, "BLACK LIVES MATTER". Is it the Cops we need to tell that to or ourselves? Do Cops treat us with respect then we feel respected?
 When people grow up in Abusive families, they have no other recourse but to turn to Therapy which THEY have to pay for. WHY should the Victim have to pay for Therapy when They were the one who was victimized? Another example of how the "family" has the ability to screw you the Most then you have to PAY later for what should've been Free.  When someone is violated by the system, the victim has the option to sue and receive compensation. How does a victim of Child Abuse get Justice? Where is there an option to Sue ones' Parents and who will let the child know that? If I can attend rallies on Police Brutality and hear Council members talk about Police are supposed to Protect and Serve,, then Who is going to say stand up and say that about Parents? In his book on healing Trauma, Waking the Tiger, Peter Levine writes about the conditions that determines who and Why people get traumatized. Being very young, of course, and not having anyone there for you is the Most Traumatizing, Especially when it's the VERY people who are supposed to be Caring and Protecting you. As an Adult who was not abused, a person has More ability to deal with events, even though being Innocent and being Falsely arrested and Criminalized ca instill Trauma even in an Adult also!
 It's ALL about Natural Resources of which Everyone has ONLY So much of, when it gets used up and exceeded, it's done. We cannot Use our Intellect to override REALITY and say whether someone or something should or should not be Exhausted, Try as we might. Reality and Natural Law win. We can resist with our Ego's and arrogance all we want, to No avail.