I recently watched the video of Elliot Rodger of the Santa Barbara shooting speaking about being rejected and Why he was being rejected and how he was going to make those who were rejecting his sexual advances pay. It is a Tragic and horrible event, that cannot be denied. I feel, though, that we must resist the temptation to think about it intellectually, which is what most people do. We say things like, "Oh, how horrible it is to do things like that", "That guy was wrong to do that". What we usually don't look at is the Math of the situation. The fact is that any person, it doesn't matter who it is, has needs that MUST be met, or else we do things like this. I am not in any way, shape or form, making excuses for these actions. What I'm saying is, we had better understand how health and nature work if we are to survive. What people experience mentally is NO different than the kinds of illnesses people have physically. It's no different than if someone were to have heart attack while driving and kill a few people. It's NO different than a branch breaking loose in a storm and killing someone. Are we going to arrest the branch? Can we arrest the body for having a heart attack? We must understand the FACT that human beings are part of the natural world and that we ALL have Non-Negotiable needs that, if not met, respond accordingly. We must accept the fact that we live under NATURAL LAW, that when something or someone is Done, they're done. People reach their breaking point and those around help them get there. Obviously, there wasn't anyone there for Elliot Rodger.
If we really want to know about Wealth and Debt, we Must look at the Natural world because that's the ONLY thing that gets into real deficit and/or abundance. We only have so much when we come into this world, just like the Earth. We only have so many resources. If we have more experiences that Take, that Stress us,, that make Withdrawls on us than we do the resources to cover it, the experiences that Add to us, the Body will respond. Emotional illnesses are NO different than Physical ones. When our bodies are overwhelmed by Cancer, we Die, period. When we're overwhelmed by emotion, by depression, by trauma, it's over. When the body is bankrupt. it's bankrupt. This is not Rocket Science.
We are a Spoiled Nation. We do Not want to accept the answer as the answer. We do not want to accept NO when it's NO. Our, have everything we want even if we have to go into debt to get it, Society has us completely disconnected from what is truly running things. We must reconnect with nature and health or tragedies like this will continue to occur. We cannot go around treating other people like garbage and then get surprised when they react to it.
It struck me after watching the videos of Elliot Rodger in his car, after putting so much effort and energy into talking to people about how necessary it is for us to resist and speak truth to power, and it was SO clear to me. I see it and say it all the time, we spend SO much of our energy and time keeping the Powers that Be High on their Power and Control Drug and keep the rest of the population Starving,, is it any wonder people like Elliot do what they do. I feel the same way much of the time, and So did Micheal Ruppert of Collapse.net. The Richest 1% of the people in the world will go into a Psycho storm if they don't have the Entire world bowing to them and if they don't make a million $$ that day and we ALL help them! We all bail them out if they don't get they're daily fix of Power and their drug of $$ topping in the Millions but Heaven forbid the average person needs their small crumb of attention or confidence building, everyone looks at the person like their so Greedy for needing their fair Crumb!
It isn't just about having ones fair share of the $$, the car, house, and all that. People have emotional needs that MUST be met. We cannot think we can walk around this earth and ignore, reject, overlook other human beings. This young guy, Elliot Rodger, most likely did not grow up with people who were on his side and helped him to build himself and his self confidence. Healthy parenting is pretty rare these days. There are NOT many parents who are truly there for their kids in a way that helps the child grow into a healthy, well adjusted adult. And with our fake $$ system that can buy just about anything, even lies, criminal behavior and politicians, is it any wonder that some people who don't fit in or measure up end up feeling rejected or left out. This is Why it's imperative that we create a world where we meet the needs of everyone, we care about everyone, we take the time to listen and acknowledge everyone. Taking the time to get to know someone, listen to their pain. By doing this we're putting "$$ in the bank". By taking care of nature we take care of ourselves. We are ALL connected, whether we like ti or not. The more we live in division the more we're asking for the world to turn on us. Maybe, had some one taken the time to get to know, to help this guy before this happened it could have been prevented. I hope there is a lesson people learn here. It happened, period. There's no saying it shouldn't have happened or it can't happen. It did and it does and it will. We need to take care of everyone. We need to change the way we live, the way we relate, the way we treat others.
Just last night on the radio show I do every Tues on Awake Radio, I was speaking with the 2 guests who both spoke about resisting the current system. How important it is at this time in history to challenge the status quo and Speak truth to power. Those with all the $$ will never stop, will never get enough. It's up to us to point out their addiction problem and intervene, say "No", not be fooled by outer appearances any longer. We see the 1% for what they are now, miserable people who continue to try to get satisfaction where it doesn't exist. In my discussion with economist James Henry, he spoke about rich people he knew that are totally miserable. We talked about how the poor have what they rich need and vice versa. If only the Rich could see that it's by giving and helping that we find true happiness and Joy. But, the "Rich"/thieves will not find it on their own, they need our help, they need us to Stop Bowing to their Fake $$ and give them Honest feedback. Instead of blindly obeying them, stand up to them and tell them the truth. Give them the feedback they deserve, not feedback that is bought. As long as we continue to allow ourselves to be bought and not give a true reading to those who it would certainly help, we're are the ones creating our own misery. Only by living honestly and in accordance with what we really see and feel will we create kind of world we deserve to live in. Only Nature can heal, Only nature can make us rich and healthy. Not by bowing and lowering ourselves for fake $$.
Talk about a High Maintenance relationship! Boy, are we in a Huge one with the 1%! These people are completely high maintenance! We starve those who need there fair share while, without even an effort, the powers that be make Millions. We will get woken up eventually. I just hope not too many have to die before we do.
I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Where's the Leverage?!

On my way to film another event with the Central Park 5 at City Hall to show support for their compensation by the city from their wrongful conviction, their being coerced into making false confessions and unjustly spending more than 10 years of their lives in jail for something they didn't do. And the detectives who were in charge of the case clearly breaking all kinds of rules and intimidating them into falsely confessing.
It's right and valid to have justice and be compensated for being mistreated, wrongfully accused, convicted, smeared, be considered the most disdained people in NYC. It's normal to get what you have coming to you when you've been screwed over. To have those who, knowingly or unknowingly, caused you irreparable harm to admit it, acknowledge it, own up to it and apologize. That makes perfect sense. That is in alignment with Natural Law.
No one is going to say to the Central Park 5, "why don't you just get over it", although I'm sure they've heard it from some people. Because they have families, people supporting and backing them, support from their community, they've come a long way. I attended an honors dinner for them and Jeremy Scahill on Friday night and there were a lot of people in their corner and part of their legal team.
I am truly grateful that the CP5 are receiving a great amount of the support they deserve and I'm sure they will win their lawsuit against the city of NY.
I just can't help but think of the many people who have been screwed over worse than the CP5 who will never get the attention they deserve.
That's all anyone needs and deserves is for those who made the error, again, knowingly or not, to acknowledge their oversight, admit that someone was harmed from their actions and take responsibility for their actions. That is how NATURAL LAW functions and NOTHING trumps it! Nothing. Until Nature is satisfied and gets what is required for it to move on, it won't. It will continue to call to itself over and over what it demands until its done.
Medea Benjamin said the same thing so simply at a talk on Drones I attended last year at the Catholic worker. All the Afghan people want is for those who are responsible for targeting the drones on and killing their family members admit their error, their transgression, take responsibility, apologize and take steps to repair, to pay back, to make an amends.
That is not a lot to ask and that's all I asked for as a child growing up in abuse. I remember reading somewhere that, "its not the trauma or the abuse that causes the harm, its the DENIAL of it. And I whole heatedly agree! Nothing can drive someone more nuts, can cause more insanity than to continuously deny natures expressions and feedback. It literally comes down to the fact that its not another person your resisting and fighting with, its Nature.
Why is it that I was being told at a young age to "get over it" when I deserved to have those who harmed me acknowledge it and make an amends?
The Problem with our world is that people continue to try to get over and Natural Law, and it Simply CANNOT be done! There is NO skipping over steps in Nature,, Period!
It's ALL the Victim's Fault!!

Can we just make this world any SICKER? And more Psychologically DEBT based?? Is there ANYONE who understands that the whole point of life is to CHANGE course? To go the other way?? To change direction?? Because it really looks like there's too many instances of people continuing on the Same path. I really don't get it! What is the point of this Insane world? I really don't see the point. It seems like the whole idea is to make things as Fucked up and as Mentally Ill as possible! That's what most people are doing. Instead of just being awake.
When someone sees something wrong happen they don't try to remedy it, counter it, instead, they think, "how can I make out from this situation?"
2 horror stories on DN today and the underlying theme is always the same,,,, continue to blame the victim, continue doing the SAME thing, continue the Mental QE3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and on & on! Instead of looking at reality and truth and changing coarse. It is truly an Epidemic that where ever one looks, what ever the institution, the theme is always the same,, a perpetuation of the DEBT, more lies, then lies on top of lies on top of cover ups in the attempt to Salvage the "image" of what ever the Sick Institution is.
It just doesn't seem like there's ANY institution that knows how to do anything correctly, and Deal with problems or it's just not mentioned.
The story about the 15 year old happened with a church and a priest. Apparently, the priest went to the girls house. She was raped and became pregnant and was then, humiliated and blamed by the same priest in front of the entire congregation. (Why no one in the congregation stood up for her is another thing I don't get, more debt). The priest showed the girl some Bible passage to make her feel it was Her fault then had her banished from the area.
This girl who did an interview with 20/20 told the Elizabeth Vargas that she was asked by someone with the church after the incident, if she "enjoyed" the sex with the priest?? Completely insinuating the 15 year old girl consented!! People are All nuts! Unfit, unresponsive, dull, not sharp, complacent, out of shape. Like a knife needs to be sharpened after so many uses, so do people. We truly have some pretty DULL blades attempting to cut through these issues when they, themselves need sharpening. They continue butchering the situation instead of saying, "Maybe I'd better go sharpen my blade". They blame the outcome rather than their Dull Blade.
Then, the next story, completely horrifying!! I can't even imagine the level of rage and frustration the system is causing inside of these innocent people! Sexually abused since age 5!!! Inside the institution that is supposed to be taking care of her after her first "care takers", called "family" betrayed her.
So again, we have another example of people continuing to blame the MIRROR for its reflection. When people don't like the ACCURATE feedback nature gives, the do more of the same!! How nuts is that??
People always want to be in charge, have jobs and positions of "authority" until they screw things up then don't want the responsibility that goes with it and blame the subordinate.
The Subordinate is NEVER at fault!! Its ALWAYS the responsibility of the one in AUTHORITY! That's why they're the Authority!!! They don't belong in the position if they are not qualified and want to blame those under them. That's the opposite definition of Authority. That's exactly how I grew up and what is destroying the world AND the future. People are not Adults, they're not mature, they're not FIT. They don't have the level of maturity it takes to have the power they have. They have the position of power minus the qualities it takes. And instead of the younger, the less powerful, the innocent, being able to rely on, trust, lean on, turn to these "adults", these "leaders" the reality of who that person is underneath the BS is revealed. Its ALL about what people are made out of. No one finds out until a break down occurs.
DEBT is the only word to describe it. Humans take on the same characteristics as $$, Not Real! FAKE, not valuable. Thats what our fake $$$ system creates because $$ isn't real. When people are completely conditioned to salivate to $$ they must be fake in order to get it. $$ is fake, the system forces us to need it no matter what and do what ever we have to do obtain it, even if that means being in positions we can't fulfill. We must be fake and lie to have a job. People do it everyday. Hold onto their fake careers and manipulate everything around them to fit it, rather than the other way around. Building a life on truth and reality, Yoga.
What happened to these young girls is no different than Texacco/Chevron dumping Chemical pollution in the Amazon. "Adults" just want to dump their emotional toxic pollution on those they can get away with dumping it on.
Were creating a world of No Cushion! Completely backwards. Using up cushion and not creating any for ourselves and future generations.
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