
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Who took the Ladder?/Emotional Traction, Pt 2

I had a conversation with a "friend" recently and it happened again! The conversations we have end up going in circles. It's happened before in talks with this particular person. Instead of there being an accumulation,, an "accruing", a,, getting somewhere, becoming closer, a Building up of, a climbing out of, INSTEAD, there's too much pulling down and losing. People do not have the communication skills to lift each other up like healthy relationships should. People are so used to unhealthy, dysfunctional relating, they continue doing the SAME thing and get NO where! To use exercise terms, there's more tearing muscles and ligaments than building. And the fact that weight training IS about making small tears to the muscle to promote repair and growth, but the opportune term is "Small" tears, Not digging into the muscle! Despite the Obvious signs of harm being created, people don't recognize it and continue with the arguing. Trying To "gain" by doing Harm?? When what needs to be done is to STOP. Look at what we're doing. Regain control of momentum rather than momentum carrying us. There are Too many people in debt and need what they need to get leverage but, Arriving never comes! They continue seek more and not recognize when they're received and have it REGISTER.

  People end up going to either extremes, being too complacent and feeling powerless and giving up, or when they get riled up, the emotion and momentum take over. We end up Fearing ourselves and our own emotions, especially Anger and power, for women mostly. (Men are more accepted in expressing anger and women more accepted in expressing fear or sadness but, this might not be so true anymore since the entire Society has become more masculinized. Even women feeling vulnerability is not acceptable). Many people don't want to move because they don't want to wake up and feel because they have not mastered these emotions so we just cut ourselves off from ourselves instead. Thereby keep ourselves from experiencing so much in life. Or we express our emotions unskillfully and never learn mastery. Rather than MOVE INTO our valid feelings of anger and sadness and gain mastery with them, we're taught to suppress them and get rid of them like they're/we're bad. This is how we get taken because those with the power have NO problem feeling power and using our share.

  Maybe it' because I've read so many books and practiced  so many exercises on communication skills that I have that in my mind all the time, looking to practice it. Barbara DeAngelis would show a couple using Mirroring techniques; people taking turns allowing the other to express themselves starting with anger and going through all the emotions all the way to the fear and Love while the other JUST listens. Then they switch. This creates TRACTION in life! GRIP, Not slipping! I know the reason why I was drawn to weight training was for that purpose. To have something solid to push up against, some(one), even an in adamant object, that was there Just for YOU! That was going to give you accurate feedback, that was going to Mirror you, give you Real directions Instead of getting you MORE Lost and frustrated! This is why many people turn to 'gadgets" instead of relating to people. The fact that a Gadget makes people feel more confident than a person is a pretty sad state! It seems that the closer we get to people the more "spin" occurs. 

 The problem with relationships, even those with whom they're supposed to be "Clean", supposed to be there JUST for us like parents or other "Authority", end up relating to us from "dirty" places and give us "dirty" feedback. Imagine having interactions with people the way we do with in adamant objects and receive, Clean, accurate feedback? That is the way it's supposed to be! What is the point of passing down Dirty feedback? Imagine if your doctor didn't wash their hands after operating on the previous patient? If we're not going to be Clean for our children, then who are we going to be Clean for? Who wants to receive Dirty feedback from people when you're at your most innocent? It can't be the child, they are at their MOST clean! It HAS to be the "authority" who is responding to that child from a place of their unmet needs and "undigested" injuries. Children should be born to make the world Clean, NOT us making Children Dirty!

  On the side of the box when you buy a tube of glue or some adhesive it says, "make sure surface is clean and dry". I think of this when I think of the way many people relate. How many people make sure they're clean and dry" before attempting to "adhere" to another person, connect to another person? Imagine if we had to keep gluing something over and over again? We wolud get frustrated, we would think the glue doesn't work or the pieces don't fit or something. Do we ever stop to think in relationships that we need to "clean" ourselves up? All the lint and fuzz that gets stuck to a piece of tape that renders it useless after a while, yet how often do we get help "refreshing" ourselves? WHO do we turn to to help us get "Clean" like they say in drug rehab? Who is there in life to help us "Get Clean" emotionally so we're not walking around going in circles, building a life of Debt until we address our lack of Adhesiveness?
 The Bottom line is, we have to do what Must be Done! Period! We HAVE to address and deal with ourselves and the Emotional Debt we've inherited and begin seeing it for what it is, Not a part of us but, a learned, program, so we can reach the surface of our True Self.
 I think back to how weight training helped my body get a better sense of direction and orientation because I was dealing with in adamant objects that are giving me Clean truth. When you're doing your bench press, or what ever exercise you're doing, the person in the role of Spotter is there to assist You in gaining strength and "accruing" self confidence and esteem. One person needs to be THERE, grounded, FOR the other. If the Spotter suddenly tries to gain for themselves instead of Spotting, altering the motions in some way that takes away from the person benching so that the Spotter is the one taking, the entire purpose would be for naught. Neither would be gaining. The footing and stability that the Spotter would be providing would be lost and neither would benefit. There would be nothing but, loss of traction and grip and nothing but falling and spinning.

  This is what ends up happening in families and other systems in Society when there isn't a strong, healthy person there For another. Most people, to some degree, have parents that were NOT good spotters, who end up putting their own needs first at the expense of their kids and are NOT sturdy people that we can resist against. We end up losing some well needed leverage and edge, to what ever degree those in the "authority" role are not There for us. This is why many people grow but, can't find that "lift". They're brought here physically but, don't get to be Lifted and raised up because there's NO one there to push off of.  There's Nothing there to grab onto! The "Ladder" has been taken away! We get to only get a lift so far, then we're abandoned. Dropped off in the middle of No where! This creates a Legitimate Build of Anger and even Rage when a person is doing everything right and cannot figure out why they can't pull themselves up! The people are going to end up Boiling in their own emotions and acting out unskillfully because of the rigged system. Eventually Nature will take over, when the system is at war with it. We've been taught to be at war with our own Natures/Emotions, needs.
 In a show last night I watched on FRONTLINE called, To catch a Trader,, about Steve Cohen of SAC Capital and insider trading. One thing that was repeated over and over again was "Edge", leverage, people trying to get more and more of an edge. To get to the source, the people in the "know" who had the info, the Source right there when it was Born! Before it even got to take it's first Breath! What we do to calves, pigs, chickens and other animals as soon as they're born. One guy said,, "it's there for the taking". It's normal to need an edge in life and I believe it's because the "little guy" has little edge and is programmed to lose their edge, that others take our share of it.
 I've been trying to say this all my life, how I was Taught to NOT have an edge, to lose my edge and "donate" it and that I was a Criminal if I didn't. This is the OPPOSITE of how Nature works! The Opposite of what we seek when we learn to ride a bike or roller skate. We learn balance, we learn coordination and mastery. THAT is the mentality that needs to stay with us for the duration of our lives. Constantly perfecting our moves and skills. NOT just ONE corporation growing and growing and accumulating more and more while the rest of us barely have any edge at all!! That's why Parenting should be like Personal Training or Coaching. Parents should be teaching kids skills for the rest of their lives the way we lean to ride a bike.   

Friday, January 24, 2014

The REAL DEBT is our Mental Health!

I can't take anymore people focusing So much on the $$ Economy, people talking So much about $$ and using it to measure what Debt is, when it's known, by many people, that $$ is Fake and has no inherent value and is just entries made into a computer. Yet, the REAL Debt, the REAL harm being created by everyone blindly following this Fake $$, is ignored. There are people talking about the impact to the environment, to animals, to people in prisons, the abortion issue, etc. And, thanks to the NY Times article, For the Love of Money, Sam Polk brought attention to what I've been trying to bring attention to all my life; Emotional health! What many people dismiss and ignore as a "taboo" subject due to the stigma attached. But, the Reality is,, this is where the Actual Debt is!
 What many people fail to realize, is that when we have the Ability to see it, to step outside of ourselves and SEE our unhealthy emotional attachments, at that point, we become healthier! That is how Nature works! That is the step in the direction of healing and recovery. By defending and protecting the System inside of ourselves,, we are working for IT at the expense of ourselves! We are acting as a HOST for the "alien" to grow. 
 Because the monetary system has become the main focus in the world, in Peter Joseph's Zeitgeist Addendum film he talks about how $$ has taken on nearly "Religious Proportions", we have been led so far astray from what is right in front of us and what is Real and has Real value! The health of the family system and the respect and value for each other that parents are supposed to have, and when they don't, that low self worth/debt gets passed down to the children, who then grow up and enter the world seeking anything that will fill the void they didn't receive from the parents/nature. I use the word nature here interchangeably with parents because, like it or not, the family system is part of the Natural world, WE as human beings are a part of Nature and when we get together and reproduce we're either consciously or unconsciously passing down health or dysfunction, awareness and self responsibility or emotional deprivation. Because too many people have been so conditioned to "salivate" to the Bell and NOT the real food,, we've allowed Fake $$ that man makes by entering decimals into a computer, to overtake the Only thing that will ever have True value which comes from Nature.
 We have literally allowed ourselves to become Zombies! Sam Polk nearly caught himself from turning into a Full on Zombie. What woke him up? His therapy sessions? His dealing with is drug and alcohol abuse which many others in the Financial world do everyday and see as perfectly normal? What was it about him and the environment there that snapped him out of his trance? Of course, Sam Polk's story is not typical of the average person struggling for $$ and trying to get by every day yet, both types of people are being controlled by $$. Depending on the way we're brought up, we either have a healthy amount of self worth or we don't. We either had our emotional/physical needs met or we didn't, we're either in a Emotional/Spiritual deficit or we're not and to what degree? It's our level of Emotional health that determines what our relationship to $$ will be. The more self worth we have the less likely we will sell out. The more ability we will have to recognize when our values are being compromised for fake $$.

 No one really looks at and takes seriously enough the role of parenting. I've actually considered the fact that the human population is a Direct Reflection of the Fake, diluted down $$ System. The whole,, "I can have what ever I want even if I can't afford it emotionally or $$", The Fact that there's no sacredness and respect for the people in our Gov offices these days and the fact that the Fed creates $$ out of nothing, backed by nothing,, it's the exact equivalent to the deterioration of the Family and creating children not backed by value and sacredness. The way people use the sexual encounter, marriage and reproduction without much thought or consideration creating many unwanted and devalued people in the world to be enslaved. There needs to be more quality and value brought to the system of Family and reproduction. If people don't put conscious effort and worth into what they create, why should the FED? When you really look at it,, WE the people have created the Fed and the devaluation of the $$ and they created us. It's just a world of everyone doing everything completely disconnected from Nature and what's real. Irregardless of weather or not people can Spiritually and Emotionally "afford" children, whether or not they can raise that child to their healthiest fruition. Most "parents" teach their kids that $$ is the answer to life, like Sam Polk's father did. Many parents do teach their children that the System and $$ ARE the Family, the "parent" and the True master. People have unconsciously adopted the belief that the Gov/Fed/ Corps want people to have, that They have NO value! That they, as parents and teachers, have NO value unless they have $$. As people reproduce more and more, the value and respect get more and more diluted along with the dilution of the $$. One goes hand in hand with the other. They are Both FUELING each other!
 The Family system,, IS a "Farm" of sorts. The quality of what's put into the raising of children and the cultivating of the respect between the couple determine the "Fruits" they will bare and how healthy the children will grow up to be. Because too many parents have given up their Role as being a valuable part of the process of raising children and have turned over their children to the system and tell them "just go make $$" ,, it's the PEOPLE who have created the dilution of the $$ system the same way We the people have created GMO foods. The more the Family system surrenders their kids to the system,, the more the system will gladly accept the offering and use it against us. The "titanic" of the $$ system has sunk from the overload, from too many people looking to it to be their Savior. Guess what? YOU and those around you now have to dust yourselves off and pick ourselves up to BE the value we seek in the world. We must help each other cultivate that value in each of us. It won't be easy and maybe some people are too far gone. I feel a lot of people around me look to put others down and claim to be about change. It's Not easy to develop healthier relationship habits, to see that the way we are and the way we act are less than "organic" and more GMO than we'd like.  
  In Bill Still's presentation at the Save LI Forum this past weekend, he stresses,, "the Borrower is Always Servant to the Lender", this is true in Emotionally Debt based systems. When we're talking about the Monetary system, which is being used as a weapon against the people, we're talking about Emotionally deficient people using the weapon of $$ to enslave the masses. We're calling it "borrowing" and "lending" implying that the lender is actually Helping the borrower when, if fact, he's doing nothing but seeking to help him/herself. This is called Co dependency! Slavery! For anyone who TRULY wishes to help another will GIVE. There MUST be Give anywhere in Society, the body, a bridge, a tree bending in a breeze,, if there is SO much rigidity in the world, in the construction of a bridge or the human body, it would All Snap from the pressure! ANYTHING in Society Has to have Some Give!
 That is what I tried bringing light to all my life growing up, Parents need to GIVE! The relationship between parent and child is the time in our lives when the flow needs to be ONE WAY direction, an extension of the womb. The child "gives" back and feeds the emotions of the parent by acting as a mirror and reflecting back to the parent smiles, and feedback to what it is the child needs. The more the parent meets the needs of the child appropriately enough, the more that parent "receives". The parent MUST be Emotionally healthy in order to do that. If the parent(s) did not get their emotional needs met adequately growing up, that debt gets passed down. "Parents" end up having children to GET, rather than Give, which creates a never ending perpetuation of a Vicious Cycle.
 All this does is create a Society of TIGHTNESS, constriction and strangulation of the future. Lack of circulation, the ability to breathe and constriction of blood supply which creates the diminishment of people to be able to find their way out. People become in a permanent state of Altered Mental Status as if in Shock or Hypothermia,, gradually increasing their own deficit by making more poor choices from their already diminished state. 
 Although the Elite on Wall st might not be aware of it, when you're addicted you're not thinking about anything else but, the fact is, they are destroying themselves too. They are seeking from a fake, man made data entry, what only Nature and relationships can provide. We can ONLY get what we need to be happy and healthy ,, from Nature. So, we the people MUST raise our self worth and be the intervention for ourselves. Like anyone would do, hopefully, in any relationship with an addict. Leave! Break up, stand up but, the problem comes from the fact that, even in personal relationships, people stay and live dysfunctionally for the $$. If we act from Nature and "simply" learn to respond to others from an instinctual place and hold a mirror to them, rather than allowing the man made fake $$ dictate a fake, man made response, we can bring nature back to "organic" instead of GMO.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


 It's not easy living as someone who has made it my life's mission to Be as present as possible and to practice getting and being as close to nature as I possibly can. I feel and pick up on things a lot and have insights all that time that can end up keeping me awake at night. I've been feeling and saying things about debt and slavery since I was a kid and was stepped on and squashed by most everyone around me, which is what creates the debt and perpetuates it. Then, at the same time, those same people are the ones telling you what a great country it is and how great you have it.
 I just can't believe how obvious it's all been to me all my life that some people are treated like crap and will have no chance at a decent life and those who treat you like that are the very ones who should be supporting you emotionally. Without supportive people around you being giving and supportive, there's NO way you're going to get anywhere in this life!
 I'm sick of it not being taken seriously enough that the way many people were treated growing up was, Straight up, Abuse! How can young people, depending on those who are treating them like shit, not going to end up a slave? I've been hearing more and more about people who rights were abused and/or violated. I just recently attended 2 really good events in the city about the rights of people being taken from them. The first event was about the friends and family of mostly Muslim people, who were picked up by FBI and are being held in prison for years with out charge. Here is a link to part of the talk I filmed, Families spoke about the FBI trying to get their family member to spy on their community and if they didn't do it, they were arrested.
 The next event I attended was the first part of Close Gitmo Now Tour! Which began in NYC with speakers such as Todd. E Pierce, a Military Lawyer and Andy Worthington, who's been working on shedding light on the prisoners at Gitmo for approximately a decade. . They also, showed the documentary, Doctors of the Dark Side which examines the use of MD's and Psychologists in the participation of Torture. The movie tells the story of four detainees, and how healthcare professionals working for the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency implemented enhanced interrogation techniques, and covered up signs of torture at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp and Abu Ghraib Prison.[1][2] Interviews with medical, legal and intelligence experts and evidence from declassified government memos document how the torture of detainees could not continue without the assistance of doctors.- Wikipedia

 So, they're using MD's and Psychologists, people supposedly train to heal people, are instead acting as some kind of "referee" in a One-way boxing match of Torture. There are many doctors already who are more concerned with the $$ than in healing people. We can see that happening with Big Pharma. Many Doctors selling out for $$, providing services and procedures that actually cause more harm to the patient in order to make more $$ but, to assist and over see Torture on prisoners who were actually scheduled for release and are still being held??

 Then, recently, with the charges being dropped for the cops who beat to death Kelley Thomas, even with video proof! it doesn't get any more corrupt than that! Where is the Revolution??
  I am feeling more and more of my own frustrations coming to the surface of being ripped off of what the body/mind needs to be a healthy, thriving adult. Basic needs are NOT negotiable. People need to understand ONE thing. We CANNOT FUCK AROUND WITH NATURE! Nature is running the show, NOT MAN! We will either respect it, heed it's warnings, respond to it's feedback or pay the Price! Simple. We cannot bring children into this world, raise them any way we feel like, treat them any way we feel like and not think there are consequences. People have a perfect RIGHT to respond with anger and retaliation to being mistreated and robbed of what their basic needs are. It isn't stealing if someone needs food who's starving or someone who needs love who is angry and acting out. This is called a Normal Response! When people are in any form of debt,, be it physical, by not having shelter, clothes or food, OR emotional, by not having their basic emotional needs for approval, validation, the need to separate,, met, it's a healthy and Normal response from nature to do what ever you have to do get what you need. It isn't Criminal! It's CRIMINAL to have all of your material needs met and to keep taking more from those who need it more! The REAL debt of the "Elite" is Emotional/ Spiritual. Just because they might have had and grew up with $$ doesn't mean they had their Emotional needs for Love met. Which would explain a lot about why they have an Addiction and cannot get enough.

 I feel I have to speak out about it or things will never change. We have to tell the truth and admit things or we will continue to repeat them forever. I have to deal with the opposition and conflict that comes with speaking your truth. So many people talk about "speak out", "express yourself", "have a voice" then the minute you do, they're the very ones there stomping you down.

  This is how we've all been taught to accept and take on the debt! The way to deal with the Debt is to Lower your standards. Don't change the system, don't hold those in charge accountable, lower your expectations. One thing that I'm finding over and over is that it's those people who grew up "better" than me are in the most denial. The fact that they didn't grow up with the level of abuse that I did, even though they didn't grow up that great either, keeps people in a perpetual state of ,,,, stagnation. Not able to see how they were screwed because maybe it wasn't blatant abuse, yet they were also, not raised to know their rights, live more fully, live to their fullest potential either. They weren't raised to be their best self either. I end up feeling that I was "lucky" in some weird way, that the way I had, it was a No Brainer! There was No question, no confusion, it was clear that it was abuse and neglect. Trying to get others to listen and believe me is another story, however.
 So, this is what I mean, you have it right in front of your face, people not believing you, the very people who should be protecting and supporting you are "asleep on the job", while, at the same time, telling you what a great country we live in! People DO right in front of your face the VERY thing they deny is happening!
 I was speaking with a cousin of mine today on the phone about the state of the country. He's the usual type of person that has a house on Long Island, has a job driving a truck, a wife, goes hunting on the weekends and thinks this system is the best system there is. This typical, giving the Country an A+ when it clearly deserves a big Fat F! The tolerance of Society being so low and corrupt and doing nothing except making excuse for it, rather than admitting it's sick and taking some steps to DO something about it. Is it really That difficult? Rather than living in circles and making excuses for the illness, which only adds to it, we can admit where we are, call it like it is and begin taking steps towards better health. I don't see what's so difficult. I really do believe, I KNOW, this society is over when I hear people say certain things. Most people simply do not have Good Healthy Habits in this country. They do not keep up in things, events, news. They do Not make an effort to get real information, they get info mostly from the TV news which is pure junk. I mean, if people make NO effort to be Fit, then how can one expect to be? How can we be surprised that our Society is deteriorating when we're allowing it to? And the weird thing is, It's the people I know who have kids who are the ones who do NOTHING but make excuses, "there's nothing you can do". If we make no effort to know what's going on, to be informed, we think the Gov cares about our safety and is going after the 'Terrorists", instead of taking a closer look, getting a more critical view to find that our Gov has been taken over by Criminals who care about nothing more than keeping the fake "terror" scam going so some people continue making millions of $$ that is fake but, who cares as long as people think it's real!
 The whole thing is completely FAKE! My cousin said to me, "money has value because you can buy things with it, because people believe it has value" which is true but, our belief that its real doesn't make it real, it only keeps the Scam going! Because we believe the PTB are fighting "terrorists" doesn't mean they are! Our belief doesn't make things REAL. Only Physics and Nature are Real, which will become more and more apparent than it is already. We can deny what's real all we want,, it doesn't make it so.
 Which brings me to my next point, again I have to bring up what happened to my brother. It's the perfect example of denying reality, pushing the Debt back more and more, like QE3, 4, 5, 6 & 7 by simply not accepting the reality. So, my brother can be thought of like the Economy and trying to prop it up with more and more fake $$ injection by denying the reality. By denying or minimizing and not addressing his injuries in a timely way, kicking the Debt can down the road, only adding to the Debt, which resulted in is body/reality/nature/physics showing who's in charge. By the body stepping in and Collapsing, people can look at that and say,, that's bad, when the Reality is, my brother's body had to save his life because he wasn't taking steps to do it. I fear this is the way it will be for most of us. Things will have to get really ugly for most people to get it.
 I feel that what we need to do, which I try to practice, before we're FORCED to do it, like my brother is now,, in Traction. Wearing the HALO brace around his body attached to the head for a couple of months. Meditation can be that "Traction". I feel that we need to put ourselves into a retreat type place mentally and physically so our head can reconnect to the body, like my brothers body is forced to do literally now.
The Fact is, our level of Fitness is SO LOW in this country, we are doing nothing short of committing Suicide! Prepare yourself for a disaster you can't even comprehend. Hope you don't live to see it, but your kids will.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Problem is,, You're not willing to Lower the Bar enough!

 I'm speaking to those who continue to point out the discrepancies, those of you who are smart and keep catching the mistakes, the lies, the blatant cover-ups of those "in charge" and just won't let it go! Those of you who were brought up right or who, despite not being brought up right, want to take a stand in life. Those of you who the Fluoride has not taken total effect of yet. Those who still have their integrity in place and their forthrightness. Those who are not willing to lower their standards and go down into the Sludge and be bought off.

  I cannot help but see how the bad habits of some of the 99% have led us to where we are, and even though it's become quite Obvious that we need to change our habits, I still see and hear too many people being unconscious, doing and perpetuating the same bad habits and Not being connected to what's Real, enough.
 We need to divide the 99% up, the way they divide the 1% up into the .001% of the richest at the top. The 995 needs t be divided up into the varying levels of Sheople ness. Say 20% awake and 79% asleep with different degrees in between?
 I've been working on making it a Practice for decades to be aware of my words and actions so as to not continue repeating the same behaviors, thereby creating the same outcomes. Exercising the muscle the PTB don't want you to exercise, the one that will give you a handle on what's going on that's why they must keep you sliding on slippery, mind screwing distractions, so you will NEVER be able to get a hold of the Truth and you will never make enough contact with your own Gut.
  As much as I am able to, I make it a practice to be aware, to slow down and pay attention to my responses so that I can make some shift, how ever small. As long as I'm moving in a different direction, doing something different. On my own it's very difficult. To have other people around who are actually after the truth also, people who stand for honesty and health would have made it and would make it a whole lot easier. But, like those who worked for the Warren Commission and the FBI who were going against the truth and the public and some witnesses didn't understand that at the time, that LBJ and Hoover, with others, were deliberately manipulating the entire investigation and undermining any attempts at anyone finding the Real story. We have to realize the same thing is happening today and WORSE! What have the People done differently? Why should things NOT be worse? What has been done to remedy it?? NOTHING! So, of Course we should bot be surprised that its worse.
 It has to be understood now, as common knowledge, that the attempts of some people to get ahead in life, to live free and grow Organically, as is our right as human beings to do so, to be what and who we wish to be in life, to do what we love and earn an honest living and family by cultivating our gifts and talents, are ALL being undermined and manipulated by a small handful of men! But, there are some people who cannot expect to get ahead because they're Not doing what it takes. Working for minimum wage for years, Obviously, will not get anyone anywhere. It's NOT just about working for the $$, it's our self worth, our standing up. How can anyone expect to get anywhere kowtowing? How can behaving invaluably for $$ get one anywhere?
  As in the Kennedy assassination, it's been found out that LBJ and Hoover were the two men at the top, with others in the Oil Business who were manipulating events and outcomes behind the scenes to cover up the killing of JFK. If it weren't for some rare, smart, dedicated people who wanted more than to live like followers and just accept the WC conclusions that Oswald was the Lone killer and, instead, have a healthy enough relationship with themselves to trust their instincts that something, was in fact, suspicious and took action, we would never be challenged to think differently.

 WE NEED TO HAVE A FIRM GRIP in the NOW,, We Must have Traction in the Present Moment, the Rubber must meet the road, or we will continue to SPIN,, out of control!
 I have to Ask, "WHAT ELSE IS THERE TO DO? If we keep making excuse that "we don't have time", or "We're too busy",, If we're too Busy to make the time to do what's right and what ultimately WORKS, then isn't that worth looking at? I mean, isn't that the whole point? That' we're Losing ourselves and need to find the grip again?? We will keep allowing the layers of lies and Emotional injuries to divert us if we Don't acknowledge that we're adding to them instead of lessening them!
  We need to acknowledge the Emotional wounds, the Lies that are layered in each of us and work Through them! Truth is Truth! We have to Admit our vulnerabilities and "weaknesses" and EMBRACE THEM in ourselves AND each other!  It's an INSIDE JOB! We Must look at ourselves,, in how we perpetuate,, either the Assault on others, the Co-dependency, the Addiction, etc. AND Hold the Mirror to others if they're Over stepping their boundaries. NOT if they're behaving WITHIN their rights.
 Most people are NOT Present,, and that's Exactly where we need to be. Too much Spinning, not enough Traction.

  Today, it's not even that people are attempting to point to Criminal behavior and Corruption initially, it's that people come by it by simply behaving in their Matter-of-fact manner, then finding they're being forced to live smaller and smaller. Not even able to have their Normal, Healthy "range of motion" and express what is within their healthy right to express, that they end up finding the reason for it is due to the fact that there's Criminal behavior occurring somewhere. Something is wrong somewhere! There's a SNAG somewhere! That someone is Robbing and using Their Rightful Share! Not just of $$ but, of the right of expression and NO-Brainer common sense! That, the reason for our diminishment is caused by others over reaching. Then, if you say,, as did some "Conspiracy Theorists" about the JFK killing, that something seems not quite right, the entire public, with some exceptions, gangs up on you and calls you all kinds of names for being smart and asking questions and not going along with the Official story of the WC. The very behavior we should be encouraging in people we're condemning.
   The real issue is the fact that it's All EGO based. People fighting like children over nonsense; "What does a car salesman know about the Kennedy Killing", as if it takes a Rocket Scientist to know you got hit in the face from debris from the sidewalk exactly when the shots rang out! That's exactly what the "system" wants people to believe, that's Exactly how the "system" keeps us down. How dare you think you know anything! How dare you have common sense! You're only a car salesman or a nurse, secretary, mechanic, etc. That's how we keep each other in our places so the PTB can do and get away with what ever they want!
 We, the little guy, have to keep Lowering the Bar, lower our standards,, the Problem is that some smart, healthy people expect to be able speak out if they see something, they expect the FBI, the Gov, the Police to actually serve them! What nut jobs! How dare you not allow the system to run all over you! How dare you not allow those in "charge" to get away with murder, corruption and criminal behavior! It's Your being healthy that's the problem! It's the alertness and sharpness of some clever people in Society that's the problem, people who actually look close and take the time and give due diligence and quality to get to the bottom of what the WC, the FBI and the Gov want to skim right over! Right, the people are expected to keep shrinking and shrinking, lowering their standards so things don't look that bad or corrupt.
  So essentially, it's Nature's standards that's the problem! It's physics that's the problem! If LBJ could rig the ski slopes or the tennis racket and ball to make him look more adequate he would.

 So, you see,, it's NOT that the Powers that Be are doing anything Wrong or Criminal, it's those People who are NOT willing to give up their rights! Those people who still have normal and healthy minds and bodies that want to be smart and be expressed! They're the Problem! They're Not lowering the BAR enough for themselves and those in charge! Holding "Authority" to a standard only forces us to see the truth. We would have to DO something then! Screw that! If we see "authority" as fallible , we would have to grow the way Nature designed it to be,  and take over. That's what's wrong in the world,, Nature's demands and standards are Way to high!! We can't allow Nature to control us!! We can't have Nature's Intelligence guiding us! Telling us to challenge "Authority", those who have the Label minus the actual ingredients. We can't allow instincts, gravity, physics, the environment, sickness, pollution or chemical reactions to dictate to us what health and Reality is! Come on! WTF! We're in charge, Not Nature! Who's running the show? Our Psychosis or Nature?? PEOPLE say what's what, case closed!

  Even though we're participating in behaviors that ultimately don't serve us, that keep us and increase our enslavement, due to Nature's Feedback,, we continue to fight what's right in front of us instead of accepting the Feedback coming from physics, working WITH it, utilizing it, and making the necessary changes?? HELLO!! Earth to people!! We can't continue to spit in Nature's face forever! We don't know how to stop because we don't know how to NOT follow the "Leader" who's clearly out of control, we don't know how to listen and trust our own inner wisdom because it was never encouraged or cultivated. It's not JUST the Interest on the debt owed that doesn't exist in Circulation outright,, that Peter Joesph described in Zeitgeist Addendum,, it's Nature! It's our leverage, our Freedoms and health, our connection to our gut, our speaking truth to "power!" We MUST Re connect with Nature! It's an EMERGENCY!! There's a deficiency in Courage, Critical Thinking, those willing to stand up! No one has been PLANTING these kinds of seeds/people! That's how we end up with the following;

 Nature is the Enemy! That calling inside, that Yearning to live fully has to go! We Must silence it and use our minds to talk ourselves out of what our Gut is telling us,, because, after all, we're Only secretaries, teachers, doctors, cops, engineers, writers, etc. What do We know? Those at the "top" with the labels and titles and $$ know. I can't trust my gut that tells me, "Something doesn't feel right", even though that's Nature's Wisdom calling to us to step up! What does Nature know? That calling is the Problem! How dare those birds get covered in BP's oil down there in the Gulf! What's wrong with them!? All the sea life that's non existent in the Pacific due to Fukushima and has left the Pacific Ocean Dead,, Nature didn't make them Strong enough! The Rhinos that were recently made extinct,, Nature doesn't make things grow fast enough after we kill them!

 So don't worry about anything! It's NOT your fault that Nature didn't make the Earth the way WE need to fulfill our Sociopathology, Co-Dependency and Addictions.Psychosis is running things now!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

We need REHAB!!

There's a reason why it's extremely important to pay attention to the breath. That it might have been considered over simplistic and insignificant in the past, I feel is now become an Emergency. The Breath is the Rhythm of life, taking in , releasing, holding on, letting go, over and over. Focusing on the breath is one of the ways we can reconnect to Nature and the way it works. The world is going more and more into Mental Deficiency, further disconnected from the way Nature works, for $$ that it is continuing to perpetuate that path into further Mental confusion. The Assault on Nature in the Environment and within our mind/body has reached Epic Proportions that if we do not make a serious effort to hold onto ourselves and what we know we will surely have it taken from us. It's Not a Luxury anymore to practice things like Meditation or mindfulness, it's a Necessity! Our Fitness will be put to the test by the ever increasing level of power and Sociopathology. Like the 3 Little Pigs,, the Wolf will Huff & Puff & blow your house down if it's not made of Brick,, so like your health, Mental, Physical, Emotional, Family, Spiritual, the Powers that Be are Huffing and Puffing to Blow you away,, and if you're not fit, if you have not made "deposits" into your Health account in quite a while, you will feel the impact. The PTB will take advantage of any weakness they can find and exploit it, no matter what it is.
 The "system" will take advantage of the fact that we have not made the effort to strengthen the relationship with ourselves, what we know to be true, our instincts, our self -worth. If we do not have a Fit relationship to those around us, our spouse, kids, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, dogs, cats, iguanas,, we will lose it, Period! The problem is,, if we never had a really close, healthy relationship to anyone, we won't know it, we won't know we're missing it. Like being blind since birth, we don't know what we're missing.

 The level of Fitness has shifted. It's not enough now to Assume we won't get an injury or illness, like Alzheimers, until we're well into old age, people are getting it earlier now due to the war against the population. Obesity is occurring earlier, diabetes, "mental disorders" whether imagined by the system to drum up profits, or taking normal behaviors and making them "sicknesses", depression has risen, the family system has broken down more and more over the years. If married people don't make and effort to add to their relationships, make an effort to spend time with, pay attention to, practice mirroring and listening techniques with, sit in quiet reflection with themselves, strengthen their relationship to themselves, with out even knowing it,, we will be led down a path we will never recover from.
 I felt like I was forced to live in "rehab" from an early age because I felt the harm being done. Reading James T Tagues book on LBJ and Killing JFK,, he describes the smear campaign he was subjected to because he was simply trying to tell the truth and spoke up about the missed shot that hit the curb near him and kicked debris up in his face. It's one thing for an adult to be confronted with this level of conspiracy, to be discredited, to be made out to be seeking profit and notoriety instead of simply telling the truth bt, imagine it happening to a child by their own parent(s)? What if it's those in charge of you when you're very young that are abusing their positions of power? Then when you speak out about it like is natural to do so, to have a healthy response to an obviously dysfunctional situation, YOU're the one who's smeared and blamed for not knowing what your talking about and being made out to be a "Nut".
 I feel such a strong need to bring this up because I don't feel that enough people give things the attention and due diligence they deserve. People play things down too much because they don't want to be bothered having to DO something, so they don't react with the intensity and level of fitness the situation demands they tweak YOU, they scorn YOU, they CHEAT and lower the bar instead of Rising to the Occasion!!
 Most people CHEAT, and get the child or the "subordinate"  to "recant their Testimony" rather than rising to the truth! People have always said to me,, "Oh, Don't talk about your mother", like now,, we're not allowed to say anything bad about the President or the Government,, If they're the ones who are making errors, behaving inadequately, or plain out & out being Criminal then Denying it,, what else are we suppose to do?? Not say anything??
 I felt very early on that I was bad if I felt what I felt, knew what I knew, said what I said. Those around me were always trying to get me to, and intimidate me into "recanting my testimony" at a young age like the Warren Commission tried and did with so many reliable and honest eye witnesses of the Kennedy assassination. On page 384 in LBJ and the Kennedy Killing,,
 "There is now a 50 year history of our Government and press trying to, at the very least, make sport of anyone who disagrees with the Warren Commission."
  "I know as I write this book,, he writes,, that those same people will try to vilify me once again. I can almost hear the first word about my being a car salesman at the time Kennedy was killed. Those first words will be "what does a car salesman know about the Kennedy assassination?"

Monday, January 6, 2014


Last night I woke up in the middle of the night unable to fall back asleep, which happens quite frequently, unfortunately. It was a particularly foggy night and the boats right outside my window were blowing their fog horns in overlapping succession, sounding very haunting, like whale calls.
 It happens quite often where my body is processing the day's, weeks, months, years undigested events while in this "relaxed" state. My body feels, at times, things that those around me deny and don't want to feel. I remember watching a Barbara De Angelis VHS video in the 90's ,, she would describe the effect people  have on each other in a when they were in close relationship to each other. She would describe how, energy can never be destroyed, only transferred. She encouraged people to always Tell the TRUTH about what they felt because what one person in a relationship feels but, denies gets transferred to another who will then, feel and express it, without even knowing why. They will simply pick up on it and express the other person's unexpressed and unacknowledged feelings.
 The problem these days is that people get bashed for telling the truth! Even people in families, in marriages don't want to hear the truth, they want to live in some fake, not dealing with things, denial, cover up. That's how the Debt gets perpetuated and Never resolved. That's what we're taught, to keep ourselves in Emotional Debt by continuously piling lies on top of lies. The REAL debt is what we feel, what the Body/Emotions are trying to tell us that we've been conditioned to Not listen to or trust.
 I cannot help but go back to the way I was raised because it's very hurtful and frustrating to be in a situation where you're at the most innocent in your life and yet, being made to take in the shame and guilt of the Very people who are supposed to be loving and protecting you! If that isn't a CLEAR violation and a passing down of the Debt,, then WTF is?? People have gotten annoyed with me all my life when bring up the "family" and say, "oh get over it", when by bringing it up, that's EXACTLY what I'm doing!! HELLO! It's called,, Dealing with,, Not sweeping things under the carpet which is what people call,, "Getting over it". Is there ANY surprise the world is in the level of Debt it's in with this kind of approach to life?? Until nature's, the bodies needs are satisfied will I or anyone else,, get over it. It's all to easy for people to add to the debt and blame the victim for not "getting over it" when Nothing has been done to end the debt. How are you supposed to get over something when it was never dealt with and resolved and you were never exonerated and compensated??
 The reason the Kennedy assassination goes on 50 years later is the same. It was Never resolved! Nature won't be satisfied until it's satisfied! 911, the crash of 08, the Afghanistan and Iraq wars,, whatever,, will never be Done with until the Truth is out, the criminals are brought to justice and the Victims have been Compensated! Not ridiculed!
  To me, there is NO greater Conspiracy in the World! There is NO time in your life when you're at your most Innocent, Most vulnerable, more dependent and needy than when you're a child. For parents to Not take that role seriously, for the breakdown that is the "Family", what some people to consider Parents, is nothing short of Criminal and Lowering the bar. Completely taking advantage of the vulnerable position of the child to slack off and get over, doing a less-than quality job!! Nothing is LOWER!! PARENTS are teaching kids to tolerate what should be Intolerable!! Kids have NO choice but to cling to and uphold a less than adequate "adult" if there's no one else around to show them otherwise. That's how people learn to accept less than, to "bail out" the Criminals,, it starts in the home! We've created a country/world in that image.

 In reading James T. Tagues book on the Kennedy killing I am constantly being brought back to what I felt and things I've said when I was a child. I'm literally reading My words and feelings on the page. James is describing how obvious it is that there's something wrong. Those words are repeated over and over again. It should be easy when people are supposed to be in the Same side, working together to find the truth of who killed Kennedy. But, when dozens of witnesses' testimonies are ignored, when clear evidence of two or three men being seen in the 6th floor window gets ignored, that Oswald was seen on the 2nd floor just minutes after calm, cool and not out of breath getting a can of coke in a machine, acting perfectly normal,, but J.Edgar hoover SAYS that Oswald did it !! Oh gee, that's like a Parent saying,, "Because I said so!" I mean, gimme a break! We're still in this same,, BS way many people were brought up! That's it! Because Hoover said so?? Case Closed! This is Sickening!! Who the F is Hoover?? To be deciding just like that in less than 48 hrs after the assassination that it's Oswald?? This is what I mean,, when you really look closely, like people doing an investigation are supposed to be doing, those who you'd expect to be looking for the truth and being on the same side as the witnesses were doing the EXACT Opposite! The SAME EXACT thing I said at 6 & 7 years old!! SO, it's the so-called "authority", the FBI who took the investigation away from the Dallas country Sheriffs Dept. not to find the truth, like their institution is paid to do but, instead, to cover up for their Mob friends, for J. Edgar Hoover to cover up for LBJ, to make the eye witnesses out to be not credible, unreliable, that they didn't see what they know they saw. Which is exactly how I felt growing up as a small child. Imagine having the very people you have to rely on, who are supposed to be in "charge" are the very ones looking out more for themselves than the truth?? Being MORE on their own side and protecting and defending themselves than they are in listening to you.
 James T Tague also wrote in his book on page 377 about the eye witnesses,, "there was No one to tell". The paragraph reads,, What we did not know then, was that the Kennedy killing was a well-planned coup by LBJ and his cronies with FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in charge of the cover-up. It was too simple, two of the most powerful men in the world were now in charge and if you were a poor civilian or government employee that discovered the Truth, THERE WAS NO ONE TO TELL!"
 Imagine feeling that at a very young age, walking around like that for decades. No one wants to hear the truth, the people don't care. Only those to whom it's happening care and if they don't have Family or connections to turn to,, you're at the end of the line! In complete DEBT. No where to go and no one to turn to! So , now that the people have ignored these blatant lies and cover ups, they easily accept Junk info that it was Oswald that Hoover "Cooked up" in less than 48 hrs! Who wants Fast Food !! When it comes to the Truth?? Pressure to "wrap it up",, do everything Fast! This is what happens when we don't do things like Nature,, with quality and time, being thorough.
 It's not just the Kennedy killing that was Pre-determined or Pre-planned, most of our lives are! Just like many lawyers quit in disgust,, thank GOD for that!, realizing how obvious it was that there was a major manipulation going on somewhere, that they were not allowed to think critically and with common sense, that they were getting intercepted at every turn, so that the outcome was already figured out for them, they were simply being used a pawns to go through the motions,, Again, Most people have accepted that every day they do to work!! What do most people work for?? Truth?? Justice?? No! $$ and the illusion of security while overlooking the slights and robberies that have become a "normal" part of going to work. Kicking the Debt can down the road onto some unsuspecting Patsy/Lee Harvey Oswald like person that we've all become.
 In "families" our lives are already planned out for us. Few are free to be who they choose, few get to think and feel for themselves, parents have already picked their lives for them. This has become Normal! Living a Pre- Determined life! Being completely unconscious, just going through motions and having been conditioned to salivate to the bell, backed by no meat! If we try to break free, to break away to be the independent contemplator or investigator that we're all meant to, we get treated like Criminals, like we're doing something wrong by trying to live the way we're meant to! NATURE'S INtelligence is WRONG!
We've strayed SO far off and are So used to SICKNESS and Dysfunction,, we Protect it and Love it!! Children are NEW,, kids are FRESH, that's the way Nature designed it! For people to be born and created something Different,, yet Most parents force their kids to keep the same ol Garbage system going!
 How can that not be a sign that there's something is SEVERELY wrong?? That's like Never taking a breath!! A Fresh new breath is bad!! Well guess what,, when the Pollution gets so bad,, when the lies have so piled up, when parents have not done a good enough job and there's no place left to go,, Taking a breath WILL be what kills us! When Fresh is bad,, that's a Clear sign!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Authority" = Abuse of Power

Happy NEW Year,, not,, 2 lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,, going over the same ol ground, what have we found, the same ol fears,, Pink Floyd.
 I'm more than half way through reading,, LBJ and the Kennedy Assassination by James T. Tague. The only reason why I read this book even though there have been many books written on the assassination of President Kennedy over the years, was because I heard him on an alternative radio show and he sounded like a decent, nice man. I don't know, why for some reason, when I heard he was an eye witness to the Kennedy assassination I immediately thought he was pat of the motorcade, part of the Gov, Secret Service, etc. When I learned reading his book that he was a car salesman in Dallas,, I thought,, "Oh Wow". I was catching myself making assumptions that because James T Tague was "only" a "regular" person,, he was not as credible or this unconscious belief that only Gov personnel had the "right" to write a book about the Kennedy assassination.
 It gives me more hope and inspiration now to know that James T Tague was "only" a regular person because  that's Exactly who needs to step up and speak out and who's accounts of what they saw are the most clean. My unconscious assumption that he must have been someone working for the Gov is the part of me that is still programmed to keep they system going, like most of us. It's this unconscious program that we must wake up to. This is the Exact mentality we need to turn around in our minds. We must catch ourselves doing it.
 As I read more and more of the book I learned that James T Tague was a upstanding, successful car salesman and a family man. What I Love most about reading the book is to find out that people end up running into things I've felt early on. In one way or another, people run into the fact that Corrupt people are in charge and undermining our attempts to speak the truth. What I read was No different than how I felt growing up, just on a different scale. Corrupt "authority" comes in all shapes and sizes, from parents to Presidents. The fact that we assume we're on the same side and that Everyone wants to find out the truth then we find that to Not be the case. That instead of those at the top Cooperating and coming fro the same place we're coming from, we find they're blocking our attempts at every turn. This is not complicated. It's not difficult to figure out, even for a 6 & 7 year old.
 I LOVED reading James Tague saying over and over again in the book, It was Obvious "something was very wrong". I was like "Yeah! Ya think?" the very thing I knew about the "family" system growing up. Even though it happened to me on not such a large scale, huge cover-up, doesn't mean, to ME, it wasn't! This was MY life! That I felt I was discredited, smear campaign against you, accusations made against you,, and you're Only 7!! How can you be guilty at 7!? You can't BE anymore innocent! If you can be made to be guilty when you can't be at your most innocent,, There's Something Truly wrong with this society! It doesn't take the assassination of a President. This is the kind of Corruption and cover-up people run into when they're older,, Well,, Corrupt families are the kinds of things young kids have to deal with. It's no different.
 It drives my nuts how irrelevant people make things that are really signs of such deterioration of Society! The over looking of seemingly minor or trivial things coming from the Top, down the road, wind up being the complete breakdown of Society. Like what happened to my brother's injury,, He didn't think it was"that bad" at the beginning, and it probably wasn't, but, keep ignoring the minor, over time,, and it becomes exacerbated.
 The obvious Bad Habit that "regular" citizens have to dismiss obvious signs coming from "above" that they're either making mistakes, are completely incompetent or are just plain Criminal. Because those people are in charge there's an ASSumption from people below to let things slide, they must know what they're doing, They're the "authority" after all, when the reality is, that it's the so-called "authority" that's MORE likely to be the Criminal than anyone else!
 When you're trying to walk up an down escalator and you're not getting anywhere,, something's wrong! When the FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and LBJ were clearly undermining the investigation of the assassination of JFK, it's not difficult to figure out why. When people are on the same side, things should be much easier. When evidence goes missing and witness testimony gets changed, wounds on the Presidents body get moved around, evidence of  the missed shot gets ignored,, One has to wonder!
 For me to be ignored and discredited when I was a kid for saying the very same things people trying to investigate the Kennedy assassination ran into,, that there's something wrong somewhere, it's only logical and Natural for those people to take an even closer look. James Tague said that many times in his book,, when taking a "closer look". Something not many people are willing to do in this Society. Because, just like my experience . It's one thing when it happens to you when you're older and have some experience and clout under your belt but, when you're being discredited and dismissed as a "conspiracy theorist" when you're very young you have no ability and resources to cope and do anything about the situation.
 That's what people don't get in this world,, there's more and more of a loss of TRACTION,, when Parents are the ones passing down the dumbing down and treating their kids like their criminals for being smart! Who and where is a person to turn when it's those in "Charge" who are supposed to be the ones we turn to??
 Over time, this becomes a ridiculously SERIOUS problem! WHO is supposed to do the right thing?? Who and where do you turn? Who is "Raising" and cultivating Decent and Just people who will go the distance in taking down "authority". So, clearly, then "authority" is NOT the one to turn to, they're the ones most likely DOING the Crime! So if many people are simply ASSuming that "authority" knows what they're doing and is taking care of everything when the fact is they're doing the opposite, then what?? It's an endless ,, Passing the Buck! There will be NO one left to help expose the Corruption because NO one is "growing" them.
 People like Hoover and LBJ are in it for Ego and self interest, Not for the good of all. James Tague kept saying repeatedly in his book about how Hoover was more concerned with the "image" of the FBI and spending more effort covering things up to make the FBI look good. James spoke a lot about how the greatest LIE was being perpetrated on the Public. Hoover was recorded as saying, we have to make the public "Buy the Oswald, lone "Nut" shooter" story. Hoover, LBJ and others had Oswald tried, sentenced and executed with out a trial and the public bought it without question.  Not for nothing but, Professional assassins could've probably done a more thorough job a lot cleaner than Hoover and LBJ did. But, because they're in "charge" , they're sloppier because they know they can get away with it. They don't have to be clean.
 The truly scary thing is,, we, the Public,, are in an "Arranged Marriage". We are a Captive audience, like being born,, we don't have a say about it or who we end up being born into. There is No guarantee that those to whom you're born into are going to do a good job by you, like there's is NO guarantee that those with the power will either. In fact, WHY should they?? They're in the position already, they don't have to earn it, they just take it. They don't have to do right by you or me. Once people get in,, they're in. The Real them can come out. If I didn't even feel my own "family" cared about doing right by me growing up, the exact opposite,, and they're blood, then why should a bunch of strangers??

 How many more LIES have been perpetrated on the Public since the assassination of JFK?? I shutter to think. How many times do people only care about getting and keeping their jobs even though they're working for Murderers?? How many times have the people taken for granted that those with the "power" know what they're doing and are protecting our "freedoms?" How much longer are people going to continue giving their power away instead of keeping it for themselves? THIS is at the HEART of what Ben Franklyn meant when he said,, "If you trade security for Liberty you get neither".
 How can we possibly be getting anywhere when we're unconsciously giving more and more of the very thing we should be preserving, away??
 Like I was made to feel myself,, What makes me think I have the Right to write this blog, write a book or have anything to say?? What makes ME have any value?? Who am I? This is EXACTLY the LIE that needs to be turned around! As long as we have and raise our children to believe they don't matter, they don't have a right to speak up, to be smart, to point corruption out, even if it IS directed at "authority", all we're doing is undermining ourselves and getting over on No one!