Trying to express to people that, just because you're not "Sick" physically; having cancer or an injury or illness, does Not mean you're healthy and as Optimally Fit as can be.
I had so much anxiety growing up around people who were so accepting of living with things being "not that bad". Any time I felt a lack of quality, a lack of standards, complacency and simply, a lack of direction, (which Was quite frequently) I would say something and get responses like "it isn't that bad", "No body's perfect", which essentially is DEBT based thinking. Referring to the poor, criminal, derelict, deranged so that we can feel good about ourselves. THIS is the reason I feel that the poor and starving will always exist. Without them to contrast with the Celebrities and our own lives, we would not be able to feel better about ourselves. When the REALITY is that we SUCK because the poor Exist!!
We look at things from the reference point that deludes us, thereby perpetuating our own delusion that we are OK. It's a Catch 22!! The Absence of the poor would be a TRUE indicator that we are quality people who do not allow those kinds of atrocities to exist!! Instead of keeping them around to compare ourselves to!! That's like feeling good about yourself by having a filthy apartment or house and saying "It's not as dirty as my neighbors". Or, "I'm not as overweight as So and So". We keep the poor and starving around to keep ourselves Disoriented so we don't have to take action and start moving in a better direction. As long as we're "Not that Bad" we don't have to do anything.
The Very Fact that the Poor and downtrodden exist is Proof that the Powers that Be SUCK!! That WE SUCK!! If they/we need to have so many people crawling around in the streets in order to feel good about ourselves, that is a DEBT based way of looking at the world. Too many people have lost the True Measure of what makes Excellence and Success. Trampling on others and perpetuating Poverty and misery is a sign that we SUCK!! Not a sign you're Cool or successful. And who is doing anything about it?? Is APPLE Co doing anything?? Not is it's going to put a dent in their business.
How many people would be willing to give up their iphones to eliminate poverty and starvation?? Our whole Measuring process has been switched from the way Nature measures success for the way Psychos measure it! We've allowed the ADDICTS sick, twisted view of the world to become the way we measure everything. The way we measure beauty has been dominated by Heroine skinny Models and people who shop til you're bankrupt.
Everything about $$ is related to being SICK, not healthy!!
The system uses your insecurities and Low Self esteem against you to get you addicted to the DRUG of Consumerism!! To keep you addicted and enslaved for the rest of your life while you go deeper deeper into Spiritual deprivation, the exact Opposite direction we need to go in, which is Caring, Emotional Giving, Slowing Down to sit and Listen to someone who feels sad.
The ONLY thing that's Real comes from US, People, from what We have inside of us that Fake Man-Made $$ couldn't come close to touching. We have to learn to see ourselves as MORE than we were taught to believe. We have to cultivate a "Bank Account" of Self worth and Esteem for one another or we will be endlessly living from our sense of Low Self worth and being taken for a ride.
WE are Not connected to and cultivating ALL the Power we have. We have NO idea how powerful we are and what we have inside of us that can help another. We're so used to thinking of only healthy Food that comes from a natural source being good for us. We completely overlook ourselves and the Nutritional power we have to heal another person,, to enrich another person's life and empower another person WITHOUT $$. As long as we don't GIVE, freely,, we are perpetuating the Vicious cycle!! We are SCREWED if we do not understand that we are living on a Living, Breathing Organism called EARTH that has laws that Demand adherence to PERIOD.
We have been living and following Man Made rules for Too long which are not backed by and in accordance with Nature! This is not that difficult to understand when you think of our man made habitats we spend most of our time in.
We MUST realign ourselves with how Nature functions or we are doomed!! Too many people have completely ignored helping and caring for others. We've gone OVERBOARD in trampling on others and competing with them til we've exhausted it! We have to start turning that trend around!! How much more crap can you buy? How many more gadgets can you use?? Consumerism will only go s far,, REAL happiness comes from caring and compassion for those in need.
Living an Optimally Healthy life, not just the absence of disease, is what life is all about. Mental Fitness, Truly Loving your spouse and family instead of just being roommates. Challenging the Gov. and Congress with questions you have a Right to ask and actually receive answers to.
There are all levels of health and fitness on many levels from Physical to Spiritual that we are not utilizing. If $$ had value, it would be backed by these qualities NOT at the expense of them!! If we have to compete with one another in unhealthy ways, treat one another like shit to feel one up on, sell our souls and morality for another iphone,, the system can keep it! I'd rather follow Nature's way,, OBVIOUSLY, the Road Less Traveled!! There is NO road!!
We must Dig DEEP inside ourselves,, Break a Sweat!! Make an Effort in the direction of Nature not man made. Give directly to people in front of you. Do what matters It's healthier for you!
I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Dysfunctional Families Create Dysfunctional Countries!
I am not speaking for anyone else, Only for myself. I cannot help the fact that it was crystal clear to me at a very young age that I was being screwed by the very people who were supposed to be protecting me and teaching me to stand up for myself. I will say it again,, This is DEBT!!
I have been working at it my ENTIRE life trying to get the support I need to get myself Out of this Debt space. Without getting some leverage from somewhere, from someone, lifting yourself up is impossible.
Problem is, "I" end up being aware of the very things that I'm turning to other people for!! Meaning, Other people are oblivious to what I'm trying to tell them. I then go further into Energy Debt exhausting myself explaining to people to get them to understand which ends up costing me energy I can't afford to lose! It ends up not working out anyway because the person I try to say things to just ends up being in denial to what's going on and treating the whole situation like I'm overreacting!
Meanwhile,, We the People, are getting robbed more and more by the Corp and the banks who live by a completely different set of rules than we have been trained to.
This is the point I'm getting at; Being brainwashed at a very young age to not only allow the very people who are the ONLY people I have to rely on to treat me poorly and then on Top of that, being told and trained that "I" have to feel sorry for them and put my body into a Debt situation for others that my body cannot afford!! Most people do NOT look at these things. This is Exactly what we need to be looking at because this is exactly where we've learned to keep the system going at our expense. It's a HEALTH Issue, an environmental Issue,, an Energy issue! That is the Only thing in this life that is Real! Fake $$ is the tool to create Real Debt in Nature. If we focused more on what's REAL instead of what's Fake we would not be in the situation we're in. We have to realize that the people with all the leverage and control are not on our side. That is a fact!! It's pretty clear by what's been happening with the Economy for the last decade and way before that. But, most people do not take the time to look and learn.
If the people do not start standing up to the abusers, knowing their rights and stop funding the people that are screwing us. We will be living in such poverty and enslavement that we have been seeing in places like Somalia, the Middle East and Haiti and have sat back and allowed to spread.
I have been reading the Occupy Finance book that was put together by Occupiers who have worked in high places in Finance and Wall St and have been on the PBS special Frontline. Micheal Hudson and other very knowledgeable people attend this group.
I will put here ONE part out of 12! of what I read under the section describing how Congress has passed laws and regulators have written "regulations" that further entrench Wall Streets interests.
# 12 entitled Lack of Accountability and Prosecution.
I will not write word for word, I will summarize,, it reads, the Megabanks, after running up BILLIONS of dollars in losses to their Companies and TRILLIONS in "collateral damage" to the Economy,, they were NOT required to replace their CEO's or other senior executives!! Not only did the CEO's keep their positions, they kept their bonuses , stock options, and Corporate Jets!!
Is there ANYONE out there? who's even a little enraged by this?? and that is only 1 out of 12!!
I showed it to a friend yesterday in the hopes of getting a rise. People need to feel their ANGER!! Not let it get out of control,, But Wake it up!! and learn to use it!! This is the point I was trying to make to my friend who was telling me I was making myself sick getting so upset. It's not feeling Real feelings that will make us sick, it's NOT feeling them!! And it also isn't in my absolute control in life as to what comes my way. It isn't ME,, it's the System screwing us and pushing us to our limits! We need more people to get MAD!!
We were trained early in our lives to go along. The Banks and Hedge Funds do NOT live and operate by the same rules we were trained to. We NEED to break some rules! Break out of the mental cage we have been living in. I have been aware of this and trying to empower myself but, due to most people around me keeping themselves in check, they do the same to me. If people are used to being nice and worrying about everyone else instead of taking care of yourself, they will do that til they bleed out.
The Fact is: We cannot Afford to be Unconscious anymore! We have to Stretch ourselves mentally and do things that feel wrong. If you're used to being subdued and nice, embrace another part of yourself and see how it feels. Even more challenging,, If you're someone who is used to dominating and bullying others, try letting go of that role just a little and see what happens. These are the things I read about in John Bradshaw books back in the early 90's. He called it the Parts Party, an exercise where you invite ALL the parts of you to, especially the parts that we were taught are "bad" or dirty, like anger and sexuality. Like our Physical muscles, we need to use ALL the parts of ourselves.
Anger alerts us to a violation, if that alert is not tended to we will be trampled on and used. The Body is NEVER WRONG! Nature is NEVER wrong,, our feelings are NEVER wrong when we are young. How else to we think the country is the way it is?? We have been taught WRONG! We'd better start changing it and ourselves Pronto!!
Today, it's become quite evident that caring and gentleness have been outlawed for the sake of $$. We need to focus on getting back to balance and health and away from $$ that is at the expense of that.
I was attempting to show my friend that we need to do things that feel uncomfortable if we are to change. If we the people are not willing to take what's rightfully ours emotionally, physically and economically, then there's NO use pointing the fingers at the Bankers because as long as we do that, we're perpetuating the same problem. Looking to the disease for the cure.
Most of us were taught to Blindly listen to and follow parents without question, even if the parent is wrong or abusive. Child rearing was done through Fear and intimidation rather than reasoning and respect for the child's feelings. That has gotten us to where we now are where most people just follow Corrupt "authority" and do not challenge them. This goes against Nature. The young are supposed to challenge, be encouraged to challenge and change the system. Nothing is supposed to stay the same with the same people in charge indefinitely!
We are not supposed to be living with parents into our 30's and 40's, that is dysfunctional and Co Dependent. Not being able to emotionally break away due to not getting our emotional needs met is the smaller version of the exact system we are now living under. Where our very Nature's are being used against us and by not getting what we need emotionally growing up, we are kept in a perpetual state of immaturity for the rest of our lives!! If that does not raise your eyebrow,, I don't know what will. We are all being kept small so we can be used and abused indefinitely.
And your children and grandchildren will simply be slaves in captivity for their entire lives.
People being born and growing up are supposed to replace those in the Leadership role and be able to come from all walks of life,, not just the offspring of those people who currently occupy those roles.
We must be willing to go through the pain and discomfort of looking at the way we were taught to keep this system going at our expense from the way we were taught growing up, the way our parents interacted with us and treated us when we challenged them. If we were taught that they automatically win by the shear fact that they're in the Authority role,, we've been screwed.
I have been working at it my ENTIRE life trying to get the support I need to get myself Out of this Debt space. Without getting some leverage from somewhere, from someone, lifting yourself up is impossible.
Problem is, "I" end up being aware of the very things that I'm turning to other people for!! Meaning, Other people are oblivious to what I'm trying to tell them. I then go further into Energy Debt exhausting myself explaining to people to get them to understand which ends up costing me energy I can't afford to lose! It ends up not working out anyway because the person I try to say things to just ends up being in denial to what's going on and treating the whole situation like I'm overreacting!
Meanwhile,, We the People, are getting robbed more and more by the Corp and the banks who live by a completely different set of rules than we have been trained to.
This is the point I'm getting at; Being brainwashed at a very young age to not only allow the very people who are the ONLY people I have to rely on to treat me poorly and then on Top of that, being told and trained that "I" have to feel sorry for them and put my body into a Debt situation for others that my body cannot afford!! Most people do NOT look at these things. This is Exactly what we need to be looking at because this is exactly where we've learned to keep the system going at our expense. It's a HEALTH Issue, an environmental Issue,, an Energy issue! That is the Only thing in this life that is Real! Fake $$ is the tool to create Real Debt in Nature. If we focused more on what's REAL instead of what's Fake we would not be in the situation we're in. We have to realize that the people with all the leverage and control are not on our side. That is a fact!! It's pretty clear by what's been happening with the Economy for the last decade and way before that. But, most people do not take the time to look and learn.
If the people do not start standing up to the abusers, knowing their rights and stop funding the people that are screwing us. We will be living in such poverty and enslavement that we have been seeing in places like Somalia, the Middle East and Haiti and have sat back and allowed to spread.
I have been reading the Occupy Finance book that was put together by Occupiers who have worked in high places in Finance and Wall St and have been on the PBS special Frontline. Micheal Hudson and other very knowledgeable people attend this group.
I will put here ONE part out of 12! of what I read under the section describing how Congress has passed laws and regulators have written "regulations" that further entrench Wall Streets interests.
# 12 entitled Lack of Accountability and Prosecution.
I will not write word for word, I will summarize,, it reads, the Megabanks, after running up BILLIONS of dollars in losses to their Companies and TRILLIONS in "collateral damage" to the Economy,, they were NOT required to replace their CEO's or other senior executives!! Not only did the CEO's keep their positions, they kept their bonuses , stock options, and Corporate Jets!!
Is there ANYONE out there? who's even a little enraged by this?? and that is only 1 out of 12!!
I showed it to a friend yesterday in the hopes of getting a rise. People need to feel their ANGER!! Not let it get out of control,, But Wake it up!! and learn to use it!! This is the point I was trying to make to my friend who was telling me I was making myself sick getting so upset. It's not feeling Real feelings that will make us sick, it's NOT feeling them!! And it also isn't in my absolute control in life as to what comes my way. It isn't ME,, it's the System screwing us and pushing us to our limits! We need more people to get MAD!!
We were trained early in our lives to go along. The Banks and Hedge Funds do NOT live and operate by the same rules we were trained to. We NEED to break some rules! Break out of the mental cage we have been living in. I have been aware of this and trying to empower myself but, due to most people around me keeping themselves in check, they do the same to me. If people are used to being nice and worrying about everyone else instead of taking care of yourself, they will do that til they bleed out.
The Fact is: We cannot Afford to be Unconscious anymore! We have to Stretch ourselves mentally and do things that feel wrong. If you're used to being subdued and nice, embrace another part of yourself and see how it feels. Even more challenging,, If you're someone who is used to dominating and bullying others, try letting go of that role just a little and see what happens. These are the things I read about in John Bradshaw books back in the early 90's. He called it the Parts Party, an exercise where you invite ALL the parts of you to, especially the parts that we were taught are "bad" or dirty, like anger and sexuality. Like our Physical muscles, we need to use ALL the parts of ourselves.
Anger alerts us to a violation, if that alert is not tended to we will be trampled on and used. The Body is NEVER WRONG! Nature is NEVER wrong,, our feelings are NEVER wrong when we are young. How else to we think the country is the way it is?? We have been taught WRONG! We'd better start changing it and ourselves Pronto!!
Today, it's become quite evident that caring and gentleness have been outlawed for the sake of $$. We need to focus on getting back to balance and health and away from $$ that is at the expense of that.
I was attempting to show my friend that we need to do things that feel uncomfortable if we are to change. If we the people are not willing to take what's rightfully ours emotionally, physically and economically, then there's NO use pointing the fingers at the Bankers because as long as we do that, we're perpetuating the same problem. Looking to the disease for the cure.
Most of us were taught to Blindly listen to and follow parents without question, even if the parent is wrong or abusive. Child rearing was done through Fear and intimidation rather than reasoning and respect for the child's feelings. That has gotten us to where we now are where most people just follow Corrupt "authority" and do not challenge them. This goes against Nature. The young are supposed to challenge, be encouraged to challenge and change the system. Nothing is supposed to stay the same with the same people in charge indefinitely!
We are not supposed to be living with parents into our 30's and 40's, that is dysfunctional and Co Dependent. Not being able to emotionally break away due to not getting our emotional needs met is the smaller version of the exact system we are now living under. Where our very Nature's are being used against us and by not getting what we need emotionally growing up, we are kept in a perpetual state of immaturity for the rest of our lives!! If that does not raise your eyebrow,, I don't know what will. We are all being kept small so we can be used and abused indefinitely.
And your children and grandchildren will simply be slaves in captivity for their entire lives.
People being born and growing up are supposed to replace those in the Leadership role and be able to come from all walks of life,, not just the offspring of those people who currently occupy those roles.
We must be willing to go through the pain and discomfort of looking at the way we were taught to keep this system going at our expense from the way we were taught growing up, the way our parents interacted with us and treated us when we challenged them. If we were taught that they automatically win by the shear fact that they're in the Authority role,, we've been screwed.
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Hitler Didn't Exterminate,, it was the PEOPLE
In my entire life, since I was very young, 6 years old when parents divorced and "mother" had to go to work, on top of being brought into the world because it was a sin to get an abortion according to the Catholic Church. So you're whole life starts out in Debt right from the beginning. Too many people do not think of Debt this way. We're so conditioned in the direction of Fake, man made $$ as the only thing that has value, and away from what truly is valuable; healthy, win-win relationships, community, support, fresh air, and water, animals, a healthy environment, peace and Love,, when the reality is that it has none except our ignorance. Our ignorance does NOT make it valuable. $$ does Not have Real value because we believe it does. Ultimately, Natural Law determines what has value. When are we going to understand that what comes Only from Nature has Real value?? Holding onto and clutching to what man makes at the expense of what Nature makes will take us down. It's all about how we were trained. We've had it conditioned into us from the beginning, we've been fed the fake "medication" from man made world right from our birth just like animals for slaughter! We've been "injected" with so much BS, lies and misinformation designed to divert us away from who we Authentically are and into what our Counterfeit, poor imitation Society wants to turn us into for it's own benefit.
When I was young and for decades after I used to feel that my upbringing was worse than those who it seemed were brought up in more loving, secure environments. What's strange is that lately I'm seeing my Traumatic earlier years as good "Survival Training" for what's to come, while those who I thought grew up "better", in reality, were not, they only had the misinformation camouflaged under some real caring. For me, there was NO mistaking it! My body woke up right away even though I was being told it was Real Love and my family really cared about me, while my body was telling me something Quite the contrary. I was having the Blue Pill shoved down my throat in much more violent clumps rather than smaller doses that I wouldn't notice. Thank God for what was given to us in Nature and in our bodies that was activated early on. I felt completely alone most of my life, feeling as is I had a chance to see a glimmer of freedom and what's behind the Fake, man made world when that part of me kicked in and rebelled and fought nearly to the death. Eventually, however, I had no allies. I was surrounded by Blue Pill swallowers who saw me as a threat and began their process of wearing me down.
I feel as though I've been living in hiding most of my life. Making many attempts to speak the truth only to be invalidated and minimized. Having what I was trying to express not taken seriously enough and the criminality behind it being taken ever so lightly. I can feel myself these days regaining some strength due to more and more people waking up but, not enough strength to live openly.
I can see how, as far back as 6 and 7 years old, I was doing the right, healthy thing. Calling those in charge for who they were. I learned then and there that Might made Right! It was Clear what the Rules were!! No one was on your side no matter how much they claimed to "love" and "care" about me,, My Body always knew the Truth!! My Body and Gut always knew otherwise, that I was surrounded by "man Made People who were in a program that I was unable to snap them out of. Not just a "parent" but, neighbors, relatives. NO one was truly FIT, No one Got it! No one was really fit and healthy. I would never get what I needed t grow to be a truly healthy, independent, vibrant adult from anyone around me, so I read and taught myself as best as I could. With still no one to be a mentor and step up to give me some leverage so I could gain some self confidence and self mastery, it was an uphill battle for decades. I stay stuck in Psych debt grabbing onto crumbs of strength here and there but, never enough to gain any real momentum.
And it Wasn't the FED, The Banksters, Wall St, or the Military that was doing it!!! It was the PEOPLE!! my "FAMILY", NEIGHBORS, RELATIVES, All with the Label of people who are supposed to be "Good" for you but the INGREDIENTS were something entirely different!!
My gut knew very early that what I was being told and fed was JUNK!! GARBAGE, that I was being robbed, the very people supposed to be the Only ones to count on in life, the Very people on which your life depends, are all nothing but a bunch of Losers and Man Made people!! I felt so traumatized!! I felt like I was living in the Twilight Zone my entire life, always being the one who had dreams and wanted to live to my fullest while most people around me were just satisfied to live the way their parents did.
Speaking out at a young age that my own "parents" were not doing their job and treating me the way I deserved, the fact that it's in US! The Body/Gut knows!! But, then our Mind /Body connection gets lost and rewired. We're no longer living in the moment, in a Pay as you Go manner, the way our bodies are designed to when we come into this world . Having our minds and bodies disconnected and pinned against each other is the way the System keeps us in Debt and living beyond our means and with a Constant "Bill" over us.
With everyone around me making excuses for the "leader", Bailing Out the "Authority" at MY expense!! Who was there for me?? NO One!! I learned how Fucked up the "Economy" was by the time I was 8!! That we lived in a Completely FUCKED system where those with Power could do what ever they wanted to you and get away with it!! And you had to Love them!
Looking PURELY at the MATH,, It's a totally DEBT system when people bring you into the world by accident, have you because it's a sin to get and abortion, Not really want you and have absolutely NO intention of making an effort to not pass the bill onto you, and expect you to be satisfied just not having been aborted!! I'm having My Resources, my energy, self worth and dignity completely ROBBED by the VERY people labeled as "family"!! Then we wonder why "Banks" Rob people, Hospitals make people sick at their expense, and you wonderful Congress sits by while you're rights are being drained left and right!! TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!
Does this sound even a Little bit like the Country/World were living in today,, Only smaller??!?!
Gee,, I can't imagine how we arrived here??!
Maybe it's from all the people who grew up around Me who settled for the average, not completely living a full life,, who beat me into submission when I tried to show them what was going on!!!
When I was young and for decades after I used to feel that my upbringing was worse than those who it seemed were brought up in more loving, secure environments. What's strange is that lately I'm seeing my Traumatic earlier years as good "Survival Training" for what's to come, while those who I thought grew up "better", in reality, were not, they only had the misinformation camouflaged under some real caring. For me, there was NO mistaking it! My body woke up right away even though I was being told it was Real Love and my family really cared about me, while my body was telling me something Quite the contrary. I was having the Blue Pill shoved down my throat in much more violent clumps rather than smaller doses that I wouldn't notice. Thank God for what was given to us in Nature and in our bodies that was activated early on. I felt completely alone most of my life, feeling as is I had a chance to see a glimmer of freedom and what's behind the Fake, man made world when that part of me kicked in and rebelled and fought nearly to the death. Eventually, however, I had no allies. I was surrounded by Blue Pill swallowers who saw me as a threat and began their process of wearing me down.
I feel as though I've been living in hiding most of my life. Making many attempts to speak the truth only to be invalidated and minimized. Having what I was trying to express not taken seriously enough and the criminality behind it being taken ever so lightly. I can feel myself these days regaining some strength due to more and more people waking up but, not enough strength to live openly.
I can see how, as far back as 6 and 7 years old, I was doing the right, healthy thing. Calling those in charge for who they were. I learned then and there that Might made Right! It was Clear what the Rules were!! No one was on your side no matter how much they claimed to "love" and "care" about me,, My Body always knew the Truth!! My Body and Gut always knew otherwise, that I was surrounded by "man Made People who were in a program that I was unable to snap them out of. Not just a "parent" but, neighbors, relatives. NO one was truly FIT, No one Got it! No one was really fit and healthy. I would never get what I needed t grow to be a truly healthy, independent, vibrant adult from anyone around me, so I read and taught myself as best as I could. With still no one to be a mentor and step up to give me some leverage so I could gain some self confidence and self mastery, it was an uphill battle for decades. I stay stuck in Psych debt grabbing onto crumbs of strength here and there but, never enough to gain any real momentum.
And it Wasn't the FED, The Banksters, Wall St, or the Military that was doing it!!! It was the PEOPLE!! my "FAMILY", NEIGHBORS, RELATIVES, All with the Label of people who are supposed to be "Good" for you but the INGREDIENTS were something entirely different!!
My gut knew very early that what I was being told and fed was JUNK!! GARBAGE, that I was being robbed, the very people supposed to be the Only ones to count on in life, the Very people on which your life depends, are all nothing but a bunch of Losers and Man Made people!! I felt so traumatized!! I felt like I was living in the Twilight Zone my entire life, always being the one who had dreams and wanted to live to my fullest while most people around me were just satisfied to live the way their parents did.
Speaking out at a young age that my own "parents" were not doing their job and treating me the way I deserved, the fact that it's in US! The Body/Gut knows!! But, then our Mind /Body connection gets lost and rewired. We're no longer living in the moment, in a Pay as you Go manner, the way our bodies are designed to when we come into this world . Having our minds and bodies disconnected and pinned against each other is the way the System keeps us in Debt and living beyond our means and with a Constant "Bill" over us.
With everyone around me making excuses for the "leader", Bailing Out the "Authority" at MY expense!! Who was there for me?? NO One!! I learned how Fucked up the "Economy" was by the time I was 8!! That we lived in a Completely FUCKED system where those with Power could do what ever they wanted to you and get away with it!! And you had to Love them!
Looking PURELY at the MATH,, It's a totally DEBT system when people bring you into the world by accident, have you because it's a sin to get and abortion, Not really want you and have absolutely NO intention of making an effort to not pass the bill onto you, and expect you to be satisfied just not having been aborted!! I'm having My Resources, my energy, self worth and dignity completely ROBBED by the VERY people labeled as "family"!! Then we wonder why "Banks" Rob people, Hospitals make people sick at their expense, and you wonderful Congress sits by while you're rights are being drained left and right!! TOLD YOU SO!!!!!!!!
Does this sound even a Little bit like the Country/World were living in today,, Only smaller??!?!
Gee,, I can't imagine how we arrived here??!
Maybe it's from all the people who grew up around Me who settled for the average, not completely living a full life,, who beat me into submission when I tried to show them what was going on!!!
Friday, September 27, 2013
Emotional Scarcity/ DEBT
I feel I have to keep coming back over and over again to Nature to which, WE, Human beings are a part and to which We also have been Hugely diverted from.
It is really so evident to me the amount of Emotional, Psychological debt that many people are in and in the attempts at getting what they actually Do deserve they end up spinning out of control. The conditions that get created are nothing short of dried leaves on a hot, dry summer day.
It takes an immense amount of presence of mind and self control not to allow oneself to get triggered and pulled into arguments where your footing is completely lost.
Because too many people do not think about or pay enough attention to relationships and how we are connected to nature chemically. We can think about it like; every interaction or "exchange" we have with another person we're creating Chemistry. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are cultivating something ALL the time! Psychics never sleeps, like the beating of our hearts, until we die.
If we are coming from a place of "debt", scarcity inside of ourselves and not aware of that and we are ineffectively attempting to get what we need from others, our lack of skill will continually perpetuate the debt we are so desperately trying to get out of.
We live in a Society that does not place a very high priority on Love, Caring, Compassion or Giving. The fake $$ system has trained us out of that without our awareness or consent. The System has brainwashed us to be "tough", rough, hard, macho, cut off any normal healthy feelings of sensitivity, uncaring and mean. Being concerned for someone who legitimately deserves it is looked at as if the deserving person is getting away with something.
For so long we've fed the monsters of Gov, Corp, the Fed, Celebrities with the life blood that we should be giving to those around us. We look at and demean the normal for being needy while inflating and gorging the 1% with the very energy and caring we should be placing on those right in front of our faces.
When people want to blame the 1%, Gov, Corporations or the Fed,, I really want to laugh. Although they are not completely immune of course, but to blame the Corp., Fed or Gov for the fact that people treat one another like shit is ludacris!!
We have systematically signed on with the Crooks and the Mafia Gov. to suck the life out of and emotionally abuse those around us!! I am Furious when I think about it!!
This blaming those at the top, and bottom, rather than taking responsibility for the role that WE the people have played in this Scam, will do nothing more than perpetuate the same thing!!
We have to ADMIT, take ownership of in order to change. If people keep making excuses Nothing will change!! The ONLY way to BREAK the Vicious cycle is to get a Grip on Reality. This is the reason why ,, everything we were brainwashed to believe is "negative" or bad,, ISN'T!! It's the Very thing that will keep us afloat!! People have NO idea how much the world has been turned upside down and inside out!
Nature and Health is the ONLY thing that's real! We must learn to replenish what has been raped in the name of fake $$, profit. Learning what is healthy and that balance in life including caring, emotional generosity, EMOTIONAL giving is good!! NOT GREED!!! Greed is a SICK addiction that is completely disconnected from anything healthy and fulfilling.
Everything we need comes from NATURE!! Period!! $$ does not come from nature, it splits people from nature and health like Medication. It takes people further and further from Nature!!
People caring and helping each other is the only thing that can fulfill, being helped if needed and helping and giving another when needed.
The cells in our bodies respond automatically when a bacteria or foreign body enters it. In a HEALTHY body,, the response time is quick. The White Blood cells do not have to "think" about it. Only after the body gets ill does the response time slow down or diminish. When we as people do not respond to others who are in legitimate need and INSTEAD,, bow to and make excuses for Sinister, Evil, Gluttonous, Sloth 1%, we had better recognize the fact and admit our part or we will continue to keep the cancerous Society going and going. The ONLY thing that will put the brakes on the Cancerous Momentum that has built up is for More and more people to Admit and snap out of the Denial and Take Responsibility.
Be kinder to those who truly need it and not to those who don't. Make your Currency exchanges more from your emotions that are real rather than $$ that is fake.
We need to MOVE back into our bodies and take them over and EVICT the Program out!! Stop taking more energy from the poor by blaming them and Joining the 1% in sucking the life out of the most vulnerable.
Give more Freely to those around and don't be afraid to treat people well. We're cultivating what We will end up reaping the rewards of!!
It is really so evident to me the amount of Emotional, Psychological debt that many people are in and in the attempts at getting what they actually Do deserve they end up spinning out of control. The conditions that get created are nothing short of dried leaves on a hot, dry summer day.
It takes an immense amount of presence of mind and self control not to allow oneself to get triggered and pulled into arguments where your footing is completely lost.
Because too many people do not think about or pay enough attention to relationships and how we are connected to nature chemically. We can think about it like; every interaction or "exchange" we have with another person we're creating Chemistry. Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are cultivating something ALL the time! Psychics never sleeps, like the beating of our hearts, until we die.
If we are coming from a place of "debt", scarcity inside of ourselves and not aware of that and we are ineffectively attempting to get what we need from others, our lack of skill will continually perpetuate the debt we are so desperately trying to get out of.
We live in a Society that does not place a very high priority on Love, Caring, Compassion or Giving. The fake $$ system has trained us out of that without our awareness or consent. The System has brainwashed us to be "tough", rough, hard, macho, cut off any normal healthy feelings of sensitivity, uncaring and mean. Being concerned for someone who legitimately deserves it is looked at as if the deserving person is getting away with something.
For so long we've fed the monsters of Gov, Corp, the Fed, Celebrities with the life blood that we should be giving to those around us. We look at and demean the normal for being needy while inflating and gorging the 1% with the very energy and caring we should be placing on those right in front of our faces.
When people want to blame the 1%, Gov, Corporations or the Fed,, I really want to laugh. Although they are not completely immune of course, but to blame the Corp., Fed or Gov for the fact that people treat one another like shit is ludacris!!
We have systematically signed on with the Crooks and the Mafia Gov. to suck the life out of and emotionally abuse those around us!! I am Furious when I think about it!!
This blaming those at the top, and bottom, rather than taking responsibility for the role that WE the people have played in this Scam, will do nothing more than perpetuate the same thing!!
We have to ADMIT, take ownership of in order to change. If people keep making excuses Nothing will change!! The ONLY way to BREAK the Vicious cycle is to get a Grip on Reality. This is the reason why ,, everything we were brainwashed to believe is "negative" or bad,, ISN'T!! It's the Very thing that will keep us afloat!! People have NO idea how much the world has been turned upside down and inside out!
Nature and Health is the ONLY thing that's real! We must learn to replenish what has been raped in the name of fake $$, profit. Learning what is healthy and that balance in life including caring, emotional generosity, EMOTIONAL giving is good!! NOT GREED!!! Greed is a SICK addiction that is completely disconnected from anything healthy and fulfilling.
Everything we need comes from NATURE!! Period!! $$ does not come from nature, it splits people from nature and health like Medication. It takes people further and further from Nature!!
People caring and helping each other is the only thing that can fulfill, being helped if needed and helping and giving another when needed.
The cells in our bodies respond automatically when a bacteria or foreign body enters it. In a HEALTHY body,, the response time is quick. The White Blood cells do not have to "think" about it. Only after the body gets ill does the response time slow down or diminish. When we as people do not respond to others who are in legitimate need and INSTEAD,, bow to and make excuses for Sinister, Evil, Gluttonous, Sloth 1%, we had better recognize the fact and admit our part or we will continue to keep the cancerous Society going and going. The ONLY thing that will put the brakes on the Cancerous Momentum that has built up is for More and more people to Admit and snap out of the Denial and Take Responsibility.
Be kinder to those who truly need it and not to those who don't. Make your Currency exchanges more from your emotions that are real rather than $$ that is fake.
We need to MOVE back into our bodies and take them over and EVICT the Program out!! Stop taking more energy from the poor by blaming them and Joining the 1% in sucking the life out of the most vulnerable.
Give more Freely to those around and don't be afraid to treat people well. We're cultivating what We will end up reaping the rewards of!!
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Speaking Truth to "Power"/increase your Nurition!!
I cannot stress enough how important it is to live in the Present Moment. To pay attention to and tune into what's right in front of us. The Present is what Too many people miss and are completely oblivious to, yet the VERY place that life is occurring and Most Alive! The Present moment is where you build your "Bank Account", where you're either making "deposits" or "withdrawals" with your Dignity and Soul. Unless of course you're conditioned, like Pavlov's dog, to salivate to fake man-made currency that is taking you in the opposite direction that your health and Soul need to go in.
Like it or not, WE the people have created the Monsters called the 1%. We can call them out and point fingers at them all we want and things will never change because they will Never admit or take any responsibility because we have trained them. We have allowed ourselves to be diverted away from our instincts, power and our True Nature and replaced it with fake $$. We have made $$ more valuable than our self worth and dignity.
I had Robert W. McChesney, co author of the book, DOLLAROCRACY on my radio show on Tues eve and we were able to get into the discussion of how we're conditioned early on Not to stand on our own "feet", how we're "raised" not to think and feel for ourselves fully and to forfeit what we know and should stand for for a false sense of security and materialism.
We can liken it to a Boxer who is paid to lose a fight even though he is a skilled fighter and has a good potential to win. This is the way many people live their ENTIRE lives. Never following their gut, never challenging themselves and spending the rest of their lives giving power away, Without Question, even in the face of Blatant dishonesty or corruption.
From parent to teachers to priests to bosses, to some State "Official", to the Police, to TV Media, the IRS, to the President of the U.S., we hand our Power over without even a thought. It's automatic. It's just the continuation of how we were "raised" and the fact that we were not trained to live to our fullest expression. Like a muscle that doesn't get used, we wither under the weight of "going along".
I think of someone like a Serena Williams and what it took for her to get to the level of that kind of tennis playing. The coaching and training and encouragement to excel it took. Another person or persons actually wanting and giving much permission for her to excel. How good of a player the coach had to be to take her to where she is and what happens when Serena exceeds the ability of the coach? Does the coach get angry if she is able to out do them and tell her she's not allowed to surpass them??
This is the kind of upbringing we all should have. Parents should be training us to excel in who ever we are. They are our first teachers. Being just like a tennis, boxing or what ever sport coach wanting us to gain mastery over life and whatever skills or talents we choose to pursue. It became too "Normal" in society for too many people who do not have the ability to train people to their fullest excellence, and I'm not talking about Arrogance, I'm talking about TRUE leadership, Real talent and sportsmanship balanced with humbleness and responsibility. Not fake Ego.
Many, if not Most of our upbringings, could be equated to being trained in the complete Opposite way that one would train say, a skier. I used to think that if my own parent were a ski instructor, they'd be teaching me that the way to ski was to tumble down the hill rather than gracefully swooshing down it with mastery and ease. That is the reason I felt driven to exercise so much and train with heavy weights for 30 years! I listened to what my body needed in order to REALIGN myself from the completely WRONG training I received at home. I could literally feel the mangledness of my insides. The Body Knows! Nature KNOWS. There is NO getting over on that fact, no matter how we try. Nothing good will ever come from ignoring our own self and instincts.
It's actually very possible to receive the Same kind of injuries and trauma that one could get from a head on collision or a rape, over the course of time. Many people do not consider that. All we think about is what happens all of a sudden. The "sudden and violent as apposed to the gradual and silent" that James Madison quoted about. That is why the slow and gradual is MUCH more Dangerous!! The accumulation over time is much more insidious. This is why it is So imperative to be aware and to look at the way we were raised. It isn't about blame or bashing others, it's about learning, getting to the facts so we can turn things around and break the vicious cycle cutting through the emotion.
It's not too late to start "exercising" the internal Muscles that you were not taught to utilize. We are Way too disconnected from the way Nature and the Universe works and we will pay a DEAR price for not working within it's laws.
I believe, just like our bodies/anatomy, the entire Earth is Pressurized. When one part of your body is imbalanced or out of alignment it will throw the entire body off. So it goes with the globe. Nature seeks a balance. There is NO way one part of society or the world can be off balance and it not effect the entire earth community. Of course, the 1% Love this imbalance but, what they do not realize is that no amount of Fake $$ will make them healthy. Their imbalance and Addiction makes them Sick. Period! Man Made $$ does not give impunity from the laws of Nature. It's just that simple.
Instead of challenging themselves by "weight training" people who are tougher, (last time I checked the way to get stronger is to resist weight that's a bit heavy, not too light and easy) society has become a Nation of Bullying the weak and poor,, aka,, weight training with feathers!! And thinking you're going to get strong!! Again,, THERE'S NO GETTING AROUND NATURE'S PROCESS!!
In the Occupy Finance book that I've been reading which talks about how the banks and mortgage companies want to eliminate risk while making profit!! That make NO sense!! The same thing with cowardly people who want to just have sex and not invest any emotion or caring then expect the sex to be gratifying!! Unless you're an addict and crave malnutrition, You eat what your sow!! It's the VERY chemicals the body produces which come from the act of risk taking, of thrill and a bit of fear that is REQUIRED to make the outcome Nutritious!! Making $ that is not genuinely earned has NO Nutritional Value!! Imagine going on a Roller Coaster and extracting the Thrill and Fear. What would be the point?? If rock climbing was easy and the ability to climb Mt Everest was handed to someone,, what would be the reward??
The entire economic process, having been turned into a Rigged climb to Mt Everest for those with the remote has no Real Nutrition! Period
Like it or not, WE the people have created the Monsters called the 1%. We can call them out and point fingers at them all we want and things will never change because they will Never admit or take any responsibility because we have trained them. We have allowed ourselves to be diverted away from our instincts, power and our True Nature and replaced it with fake $$. We have made $$ more valuable than our self worth and dignity.
I had Robert W. McChesney, co author of the book, DOLLAROCRACY on my radio show on Tues eve and we were able to get into the discussion of how we're conditioned early on Not to stand on our own "feet", how we're "raised" not to think and feel for ourselves fully and to forfeit what we know and should stand for for a false sense of security and materialism.
We can liken it to a Boxer who is paid to lose a fight even though he is a skilled fighter and has a good potential to win. This is the way many people live their ENTIRE lives. Never following their gut, never challenging themselves and spending the rest of their lives giving power away, Without Question, even in the face of Blatant dishonesty or corruption.
From parent to teachers to priests to bosses, to some State "Official", to the Police, to TV Media, the IRS, to the President of the U.S., we hand our Power over without even a thought. It's automatic. It's just the continuation of how we were "raised" and the fact that we were not trained to live to our fullest expression. Like a muscle that doesn't get used, we wither under the weight of "going along".
I think of someone like a Serena Williams and what it took for her to get to the level of that kind of tennis playing. The coaching and training and encouragement to excel it took. Another person or persons actually wanting and giving much permission for her to excel. How good of a player the coach had to be to take her to where she is and what happens when Serena exceeds the ability of the coach? Does the coach get angry if she is able to out do them and tell her she's not allowed to surpass them??
This is the kind of upbringing we all should have. Parents should be training us to excel in who ever we are. They are our first teachers. Being just like a tennis, boxing or what ever sport coach wanting us to gain mastery over life and whatever skills or talents we choose to pursue. It became too "Normal" in society for too many people who do not have the ability to train people to their fullest excellence, and I'm not talking about Arrogance, I'm talking about TRUE leadership, Real talent and sportsmanship balanced with humbleness and responsibility. Not fake Ego.
Many, if not Most of our upbringings, could be equated to being trained in the complete Opposite way that one would train say, a skier. I used to think that if my own parent were a ski instructor, they'd be teaching me that the way to ski was to tumble down the hill rather than gracefully swooshing down it with mastery and ease. That is the reason I felt driven to exercise so much and train with heavy weights for 30 years! I listened to what my body needed in order to REALIGN myself from the completely WRONG training I received at home. I could literally feel the mangledness of my insides. The Body Knows! Nature KNOWS. There is NO getting over on that fact, no matter how we try. Nothing good will ever come from ignoring our own self and instincts.
It's actually very possible to receive the Same kind of injuries and trauma that one could get from a head on collision or a rape, over the course of time. Many people do not consider that. All we think about is what happens all of a sudden. The "sudden and violent as apposed to the gradual and silent" that James Madison quoted about. That is why the slow and gradual is MUCH more Dangerous!! The accumulation over time is much more insidious. This is why it is So imperative to be aware and to look at the way we were raised. It isn't about blame or bashing others, it's about learning, getting to the facts so we can turn things around and break the vicious cycle cutting through the emotion.
It's not too late to start "exercising" the internal Muscles that you were not taught to utilize. We are Way too disconnected from the way Nature and the Universe works and we will pay a DEAR price for not working within it's laws.
I believe, just like our bodies/anatomy, the entire Earth is Pressurized. When one part of your body is imbalanced or out of alignment it will throw the entire body off. So it goes with the globe. Nature seeks a balance. There is NO way one part of society or the world can be off balance and it not effect the entire earth community. Of course, the 1% Love this imbalance but, what they do not realize is that no amount of Fake $$ will make them healthy. Their imbalance and Addiction makes them Sick. Period! Man Made $$ does not give impunity from the laws of Nature. It's just that simple.
Instead of challenging themselves by "weight training" people who are tougher, (last time I checked the way to get stronger is to resist weight that's a bit heavy, not too light and easy) society has become a Nation of Bullying the weak and poor,, aka,, weight training with feathers!! And thinking you're going to get strong!! Again,, THERE'S NO GETTING AROUND NATURE'S PROCESS!!
In the Occupy Finance book that I've been reading which talks about how the banks and mortgage companies want to eliminate risk while making profit!! That make NO sense!! The same thing with cowardly people who want to just have sex and not invest any emotion or caring then expect the sex to be gratifying!! Unless you're an addict and crave malnutrition, You eat what your sow!! It's the VERY chemicals the body produces which come from the act of risk taking, of thrill and a bit of fear that is REQUIRED to make the outcome Nutritious!! Making $ that is not genuinely earned has NO Nutritional Value!! Imagine going on a Roller Coaster and extracting the Thrill and Fear. What would be the point?? If rock climbing was easy and the ability to climb Mt Everest was handed to someone,, what would be the reward??
The entire economic process, having been turned into a Rigged climb to Mt Everest for those with the remote has no Real Nutrition! Period
Friday, September 20, 2013
Even Toddlers know not to "Just Follow Orders" and say NO!
I looked up the Definition of Authority and found,
authority [ɔːˈθɒrɪtɪ]
authority [ɔːˈθɒrɪtɪ]
n pl -ties
1. the power or right to control, judge, or prohibit the actions of others
2. (often plural) a person or group of people having this power, such as a government, police force, etc.
3. a position that commands such a power or right (often in the phrase in authority)
4. such a power or right delegated, esp from one person to another; authorization she has his authority
5. the ability to influence or control others a man of authority
6. an expert or an authoritative written work in a particular field he is an authority on Ming china
7. evidence or testimony we have it on his authority that she is dead
8. confidence resulting from great expertise the violinist lacked authority in his cadenza
9. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (capital when part of a name) a public board or corporation exercising governmental authority in administering some enterprise Independent Broadcasting Authority
10. (Law) Law
a. a judicial decision, statute, or rule of law that establishes a principle; precedent
b. legal permission granted to a person to perform a specified act
[from French autorité, from Latin auctōritas, from auctor author]
This is Man's definition of Authority which is about the person of lower rank giving Power away to another of "Higher" rank.
This is UN Natural! The reason our Society is so screwed up is due to the deviation away from Natural Law and more into Man's made up rules.
Healthy Authority is one who leads for the benefit of others, one who teaches others to be a decent, fair person. Everything and Anything needs to be Healthy! Any Authority needs to be like a Healthy Parent.
The idea is to "raise" people up, to elevate so they can be unique, strong individuals later in life.
What we call "Authority" today is anything BUT Real authority. As it states in the above definition;
The Power or right to control, judge, or prohibit the actions of others.
Doesn't very much sound healthy and flexible.
As we get older the need for "authority" should lessen. Just as, if we had healthy enough parenting growing up, we would have the ability to be on our own and have no need for our Parents in the same capacity as we did when we were younger. The constant perpetuation of "authority" through out our lives is there to keep us in a perpetual state of Lower Rank, arrested development and stunted growth because no one asked whether or not the Authority is healthy authority.
We would think it was odd if someone was living with their parents at the age of 40 or so and never left. The idea of "Flying from the Nest" that is supposed to happen when a young person is around the age of their 20's now doesn't happen til much later if at all. Now people that were able to leave have come back to live with parents because of job loss, divorce, bankruptcy from too much debt.
If we looked at everything in life more from a Health prospective and focused more on being healthy in Mind, Body and Soul, because, after all, what is more important than Health? If we're not a healthy society than any amount of $$ or authority a person has will simply be used for Sick ends.
Do people even know what healthy is? When I was younger I read every dysfunctional relationship/family book I could because I felt the illness I grew up with and wanted to learn what a real healthy family was supposed to be like. What our society accepts as "normal" truly is dysfunctional and mentally ill. People living at home when they're middle aged, people "Just following orders" when those orders clearly cross the lines of decency and criminality. As long as the System can keep people in a child-like state, the entire country/world will be one of millions of people unable to "leave the nest!"
I feel that it is our Dysfunctional Families that have now created the Dysfunctional Society we now live in. Our System is NOTHING but a larger Dysfunctional, abusive "family" where, because everything is about Corrupt Capitalism and your "Parents", now the Powers that Be, need a "Job",, YOU are NOT allowed to Leave!! Your wings have been clipped!! and you will never be able to Fly from the Nest!! The way Nature intended you to be.
I took all my readings on the unhealthy and healthy family system with me out into the world and applied it to every job I ever had. Thank you John Bradshaw! I looked at any job I had to see if it was a healthy place or if it was the dysfunctional place I grew up in. Because I lived in a place where I was blackmailed early on, trained to give myself up in order to have a roof over my head and clothes on my back, and because my instincts kicked in, As Nature Healthily does!!! I fought back almost til the death with my own mother but, was bashed for it by everyone around for being healthy and right, my RADAR kicked in if I felt that I was being suppressed at a job and unable to be creative or express my own ideas. I would feel the prison of the house I grew up in surrounding me and I would quit or get fired for not "following orders". Questioning and Challenging Authority is Healthy and Normal!!
It's what we're supposed to do! We did it as toddlers and then as teens, most of us. How is it that a Child knows better?? I knew perfectly clear as a young child to challenge my own parent who was not healthy and was not acting in my best interest and called them on it. We get our Natural, "Organic" self programmed right out of us and don't even know it.
The Healthy way to live is to strive to be our unique, Organic self. Not some cog in the slave wheel!!
Maybe it IS too late for many people who have been trained for too long to go along and are too in vested in the Abusive system which takes our Spirit in exchange for Man Made $$ and materialism. Maybe it will have to take a catastrophe and a total collapse of the system and many deaths for people to get it. Sadly.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Lift with your LEGS,, Not your BACK/ Out of relationship DEBT
You know those posters they have hanging up in factories and storage facilities showing how to lift heavy objects more efficiently by lifting with your legs instead of your back? Well, that is a good metaphor for life. Because we can use that idea and apply it to everything we do all the time.
I think of; when people drive, ski, play tennis, play guitar or any other activity that forces us to be more alert, more engaged because if we don't we can get really hurt or hurt someone else. And yet, when we're not engaged in these activities we behave as if physics ceases to exist. That just because we have stepped off our skis or out of our car the laws of physics stops.
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
― James Madison
We still need to engage with life as if we're on ice skates. We can't shut ourselves off from our connection to Natural Law.
We do not pay nearly as much attention, if any, to the cumulative effects of life, to the PRESENT moment, as we do when we are involved in an activity that calls for our focus. And even then, many times people lose focus after having gotten the hang of these activities. This is very dangerous! The cumulative effects add up to the SAME Trauma over time that can happen in One single car accident, ski accident, not paying attention to your parenting skills, losing focus on your marriage, not paying attention to your boss or co workers and the dishonesty that goes on in "small" amounts.
Every day we allow injustices to go by thinking "Oh it's so small, it can't possible have an effect", when the Reality is that it is even MORE Dangerous because of it's subtleness. The Powers that Be are the ones paying attention to the Slow and Gradual over time and using it to their advantage while WE the people consider the "small" stuff to be irrelevant which is the reason why we are being enslaved!!
It's that penny we save every day that adds up to something OVER TIME. But, It's not just the penny, it's the way we behave, it's the way we feel about ourselves and our families, community. If we begin life from a place of low self worth, that just perpetuates itself if we do not address it and realign ourselves with what REAL value is, all we do is get further and further off course. Where we are today.
I referred to the poster of lifting heavy heavy boxes/objects to illustrate how misaligned we live over time and then it's from our misalignment that we get even further misaligned. That is the REAL DEBT! If people could realize that $$ is what's taking us out of alignment from what is truly valuable. If more people could realize that man made $$ has broken away from physics and natural law and is actually at the expense of it and that we need to let go of it and bring ourselves back to alignment with Natural Law.
How can we ever go in the right direction when we fail to admit our misalignment? We become energetically and Emotionally like the the poster if we're lifting life without proper alignment. We go further and further in emotional and mental misalignment.
Fact: We do not live in a Society that places a priority on health on any level. The Economy is seen and regarded as the be all and end all even though it's detached from any real value and those who control it's quantity are not in the best interest of the people. Is it that hard to figure out that only things that come from Nature and that Natural Law should be the main focus? What ever happened to "In God We Trust?" $$ and God have Nothing to do with each other!! Fake Man Made fiat and God have been divorced for decades now and we weren't old about it. We still think the "Parents" are Married. We still act and live as if they're joined in Holy Matrimony when they're been living apart for many years now.
If the people do not start to slow down and pay attention, we will become so detached to what's going on it will be too late to recover, for which I feel we are approaching and have approached. We are No longer a Happy Family, we are a Dysfunctional, domestic violence, in need a divorce because the other party (The Elite) are in Denial! The 99% need to Divorce the 1%. Simple.
In talking with a friend yesterday about a relationship with a guy, we got into what happens when relationships end up calling us to be healthy. When relationships require us to look at our level of emotional/ mental fitness that keeps us unavailable to go deeper into Love we tend to get taken off balance and our emotional injuries get triggered.
The whole point of life is to have a "Bank Account". The most valuable account there is is with another person. Depending on how we were taught growing up, depending on who our examples were, we either learned or didn't learn to some degree, to Cultivate wealth that is sustaining. Our interactions and responses to those around us are either wealth creating or deficit perpetuating. Period! They're either "muscle building" or muscle tearing.
The problem is that there is So much DEBT on the level of relationship skills that all that ends up happening is that people end up triggering one another's emotional injuries, knocking each other off balance, rather than having the "funds" to help steady one another. We end up "bankrupting" ourselves and another instead of making deposits.
By practicing Meditation and being in the Present moment, and even that we can only start doing Now, we can at least begin some REAL "funding" of ourselves so we're not so triggered in relationships. If we can understand that the other person lost their emotional footing and give them the time to regain it, if they have the presence of mind, and not allow ourselves to get pulled in, we can begin to repair the Perpetuation of the Relationship Debt that the PTB want us to be in so we can't come together to Muscle build to take them on!
I think of; when people drive, ski, play tennis, play guitar or any other activity that forces us to be more alert, more engaged because if we don't we can get really hurt or hurt someone else. And yet, when we're not engaged in these activities we behave as if physics ceases to exist. That just because we have stepped off our skis or out of our car the laws of physics stops.
“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
― James Madison
We still need to engage with life as if we're on ice skates. We can't shut ourselves off from our connection to Natural Law.
We do not pay nearly as much attention, if any, to the cumulative effects of life, to the PRESENT moment, as we do when we are involved in an activity that calls for our focus. And even then, many times people lose focus after having gotten the hang of these activities. This is very dangerous! The cumulative effects add up to the SAME Trauma over time that can happen in One single car accident, ski accident, not paying attention to your parenting skills, losing focus on your marriage, not paying attention to your boss or co workers and the dishonesty that goes on in "small" amounts.
Every day we allow injustices to go by thinking "Oh it's so small, it can't possible have an effect", when the Reality is that it is even MORE Dangerous because of it's subtleness. The Powers that Be are the ones paying attention to the Slow and Gradual over time and using it to their advantage while WE the people consider the "small" stuff to be irrelevant which is the reason why we are being enslaved!!
It's that penny we save every day that adds up to something OVER TIME. But, It's not just the penny, it's the way we behave, it's the way we feel about ourselves and our families, community. If we begin life from a place of low self worth, that just perpetuates itself if we do not address it and realign ourselves with what REAL value is, all we do is get further and further off course. Where we are today.
I referred to the poster of lifting heavy heavy boxes/objects to illustrate how misaligned we live over time and then it's from our misalignment that we get even further misaligned. That is the REAL DEBT! If people could realize that $$ is what's taking us out of alignment from what is truly valuable. If more people could realize that man made $$ has broken away from physics and natural law and is actually at the expense of it and that we need to let go of it and bring ourselves back to alignment with Natural Law.
How can we ever go in the right direction when we fail to admit our misalignment? We become energetically and Emotionally like the the poster if we're lifting life without proper alignment. We go further and further in emotional and mental misalignment.
Fact: We do not live in a Society that places a priority on health on any level. The Economy is seen and regarded as the be all and end all even though it's detached from any real value and those who control it's quantity are not in the best interest of the people. Is it that hard to figure out that only things that come from Nature and that Natural Law should be the main focus? What ever happened to "In God We Trust?" $$ and God have Nothing to do with each other!! Fake Man Made fiat and God have been divorced for decades now and we weren't old about it. We still think the "Parents" are Married. We still act and live as if they're joined in Holy Matrimony when they're been living apart for many years now.
If the people do not start to slow down and pay attention, we will become so detached to what's going on it will be too late to recover, for which I feel we are approaching and have approached. We are No longer a Happy Family, we are a Dysfunctional, domestic violence, in need a divorce because the other party (The Elite) are in Denial! The 99% need to Divorce the 1%. Simple.
In talking with a friend yesterday about a relationship with a guy, we got into what happens when relationships end up calling us to be healthy. When relationships require us to look at our level of emotional/ mental fitness that keeps us unavailable to go deeper into Love we tend to get taken off balance and our emotional injuries get triggered.
The whole point of life is to have a "Bank Account". The most valuable account there is is with another person. Depending on how we were taught growing up, depending on who our examples were, we either learned or didn't learn to some degree, to Cultivate wealth that is sustaining. Our interactions and responses to those around us are either wealth creating or deficit perpetuating. Period! They're either "muscle building" or muscle tearing.
The problem is that there is So much DEBT on the level of relationship skills that all that ends up happening is that people end up triggering one another's emotional injuries, knocking each other off balance, rather than having the "funds" to help steady one another. We end up "bankrupting" ourselves and another instead of making deposits.
By practicing Meditation and being in the Present moment, and even that we can only start doing Now, we can at least begin some REAL "funding" of ourselves so we're not so triggered in relationships. If we can understand that the other person lost their emotional footing and give them the time to regain it, if they have the presence of mind, and not allow ourselves to get pulled in, we can begin to repair the Perpetuation of the Relationship Debt that the PTB want us to be in so we can't come together to Muscle build to take them on!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
A constant state of Pysch Debt by design
FACT; We come into this world with limits,, we have only so much energy, only so many resources, only so many heart beats and breaths. How we're taught to manage our resources depends upon how those to whom we are entrusted interact with us. Do those who are in charge of our care make more "deposits" than "withdrawals?" Do they validate what we feel when we express ourselves? Do they show respect for us when we express ourselves or do they treat us like we don't matter? Do our care givers fight in front of us either verbally or Physically thereby depleting some of our energy? Do they "feed" us healthily by demonstrating loving, respectful relating between themselves or do they interact with each other in disrespectful and less-than healthy ways?
I've been asking these questions and looking into these issues for 3 decades because it was so clear to me at a very early age that I was being ripped off emotionally from everyone around me and trained to be alright with it! To be in on making excuses for the One and Only chance I have at a decent life.
I was on my own and having my vulnerable position used against me at a very young age. It's taking me many blogs to get to the point where I'm able to write about these issues because it is so ingrained in me that speaking out and expressing my true feelings is criminal. The balance of what healthy is has been so shifted and MIS aligned on so many levels that people have become OK with their own enslavement and degradation.
I did my best on my own as a kid of 7, 8, 9 years old and on to speak out to my own "family" to the point where I was close to fighting to the death by the time I was a teenager. The program of the system was So implanted in my parent there was no reaching them. My "Parent" was literally the enemy when I was growing up as are many to certain degrees.
I will just talk about my own situation that, to this day, I'm not allowed to talk about around so many people who are unaware that this is how the Status Quo gets maintained. People truly have NO idea that they are simply a walking Program for the Powers that Be!! They are like TERMINATORS,, unable to be reasoned with or reached, simply running on a program of consumerism and self destruction.
I was born into a "Debt" situation, 2 people who had sex, made a couple of kids they didn't want, were not in love but had us anyway because it was against the Catholic Church to have an abortion. So you're very existence is based on, NOT having an abortion which was told to me in no uncertain terms,, "Be glad you weren't aborted", along with other "normal" expressions at the time like; "Be glad you have a roof over your head, clothes, food". That's what Prisoners have. This is "Family?!"
I literally felt like my mother wanted to kill me, to be rid of me my entire childhood. I felt the entire time like an unwanted guest. As if I was born totally on my own, as if I brought myself here.
This is equivalent to Emotional Torture. If I asked a Psychologist what the definition of emotional torture is, this would fit it.
The truly screwed up thing about it is the fact that it wasn't the abuse, emotional torture or abandonment that it the harmful thing, it's the DENIAL!!!
It's ALL about NOT calling a spade a spade, it's ALL about calling and treating something OTHER than what it really is!!
This idea that Sick and Dysfunctional is Normal and acceptable PROVES that the "climate" has shifted so far over that people's perceptions are completely skewed!
Do people get themselves checked for Emotional or Mental Misalignment?? Do people pay attention to Emotional health? Is Health even a Priority in our Society?
Can we be so surprised when we live in a system that worships fake man made fiat paper OVER everything else that health gets swept to the wayside by the very sick perception it's designed to address?
I'm writing this due to having feelings of the world closing in on me my entire life and there's nothing I can do to stop it! The very people around you who should be on your side helping us to Gain leverage and respect are the ones actually knock us for trying to gain some. When we're taught at an early age that we're criminals for wanting what's rightfully ours, that WE're out of hand for having Healthy reactions to being screwed over!! That our Normal, healthy responses to life are wrong and skewed!! When it's the complete other way around!!
How are we supposed to turn these things around when people can't even see this in themselves? When they can't even admit to themselves that they have an Altered mental Status,, the Exact deficient mental status that people experience after significant blood loss. Would we think it Normal to be walking around with 3 liters of blood instead of 6?? Would we think it "normal" to be blue, (cyanotic) and (diaphoretic) sweaty all the time? To have alzheimers at 40 or 30 years old??
This is what's happening to us slowly and people don't even Feel it!! People are losing more and more of themselves and they don't even know it!! It's not $$,, it's your Health you need to be worrying about losing!! Because the PTB need to get that FIRST, they need to get you to lower your abilities first while your busy going after the Fake $$,, they're robbing your Mental perceptions!!
I was treated at around 6 years of age as if I were already grown up and should be able to raise myself and be responsible and HOW DARE I need help or parenting!! There was something wrong ME for not being able to take care of myself!! Then when I was right, smart, sharp, calling them on their shit, they didn't like it! They wanted me to be the Leader when they wanted it, then not when I did better than them!! They wanted it all!! Like the PTB do NOW!!
Privatizing the Gains, while Socializing the Losses!! They WIN no matter what!! We ALL live mini versions of this to some degree!!
This is the SICK world we are living in!! I feel like the world is closing in on me since I'm so young! And there's Nothing I can do to Stop it unless I have REAL Family or friends. TRUE people who are there for you. Good luck! NOT many people go deep enough. It's ALL about FITNESS and too many people are Not fit! Period! We can no longer afford to be so casual about these issues!! RIGHT NOW there are people being blown up, tortured, raped, decapitated, violated, shamed, emotionally tortured, displaced, and more and we go on living our lives like nothing is wrong! Meanwhile, it's heading straight for us!!
We're digging into Nature More and more,, pushing it and balanced Health back more and more into sickness and mental Psychosis that we have NO idea the Blackness of mind and Soul that we are creating!!
I've been asking these questions and looking into these issues for 3 decades because it was so clear to me at a very early age that I was being ripped off emotionally from everyone around me and trained to be alright with it! To be in on making excuses for the One and Only chance I have at a decent life.
I was on my own and having my vulnerable position used against me at a very young age. It's taking me many blogs to get to the point where I'm able to write about these issues because it is so ingrained in me that speaking out and expressing my true feelings is criminal. The balance of what healthy is has been so shifted and MIS aligned on so many levels that people have become OK with their own enslavement and degradation.
I did my best on my own as a kid of 7, 8, 9 years old and on to speak out to my own "family" to the point where I was close to fighting to the death by the time I was a teenager. The program of the system was So implanted in my parent there was no reaching them. My "Parent" was literally the enemy when I was growing up as are many to certain degrees.
I will just talk about my own situation that, to this day, I'm not allowed to talk about around so many people who are unaware that this is how the Status Quo gets maintained. People truly have NO idea that they are simply a walking Program for the Powers that Be!! They are like TERMINATORS,, unable to be reasoned with or reached, simply running on a program of consumerism and self destruction.
I was born into a "Debt" situation, 2 people who had sex, made a couple of kids they didn't want, were not in love but had us anyway because it was against the Catholic Church to have an abortion. So you're very existence is based on, NOT having an abortion which was told to me in no uncertain terms,, "Be glad you weren't aborted", along with other "normal" expressions at the time like; "Be glad you have a roof over your head, clothes, food". That's what Prisoners have. This is "Family?!"
I literally felt like my mother wanted to kill me, to be rid of me my entire childhood. I felt the entire time like an unwanted guest. As if I was born totally on my own, as if I brought myself here.
This is equivalent to Emotional Torture. If I asked a Psychologist what the definition of emotional torture is, this would fit it.
The truly screwed up thing about it is the fact that it wasn't the abuse, emotional torture or abandonment that it the harmful thing, it's the DENIAL!!!
It's ALL about NOT calling a spade a spade, it's ALL about calling and treating something OTHER than what it really is!!
This idea that Sick and Dysfunctional is Normal and acceptable PROVES that the "climate" has shifted so far over that people's perceptions are completely skewed!
Do people get themselves checked for Emotional or Mental Misalignment?? Do people pay attention to Emotional health? Is Health even a Priority in our Society?
Can we be so surprised when we live in a system that worships fake man made fiat paper OVER everything else that health gets swept to the wayside by the very sick perception it's designed to address?
I'm writing this due to having feelings of the world closing in on me my entire life and there's nothing I can do to stop it! The very people around you who should be on your side helping us to Gain leverage and respect are the ones actually knock us for trying to gain some. When we're taught at an early age that we're criminals for wanting what's rightfully ours, that WE're out of hand for having Healthy reactions to being screwed over!! That our Normal, healthy responses to life are wrong and skewed!! When it's the complete other way around!!
How are we supposed to turn these things around when people can't even see this in themselves? When they can't even admit to themselves that they have an Altered mental Status,, the Exact deficient mental status that people experience after significant blood loss. Would we think it Normal to be walking around with 3 liters of blood instead of 6?? Would we think it "normal" to be blue, (cyanotic) and (diaphoretic) sweaty all the time? To have alzheimers at 40 or 30 years old??
This is what's happening to us slowly and people don't even Feel it!! People are losing more and more of themselves and they don't even know it!! It's not $$,, it's your Health you need to be worrying about losing!! Because the PTB need to get that FIRST, they need to get you to lower your abilities first while your busy going after the Fake $$,, they're robbing your Mental perceptions!!
I was treated at around 6 years of age as if I were already grown up and should be able to raise myself and be responsible and HOW DARE I need help or parenting!! There was something wrong ME for not being able to take care of myself!! Then when I was right, smart, sharp, calling them on their shit, they didn't like it! They wanted me to be the Leader when they wanted it, then not when I did better than them!! They wanted it all!! Like the PTB do NOW!!
Privatizing the Gains, while Socializing the Losses!! They WIN no matter what!! We ALL live mini versions of this to some degree!!
This is the SICK world we are living in!! I feel like the world is closing in on me since I'm so young! And there's Nothing I can do to Stop it unless I have REAL Family or friends. TRUE people who are there for you. Good luck! NOT many people go deep enough. It's ALL about FITNESS and too many people are Not fit! Period! We can no longer afford to be so casual about these issues!! RIGHT NOW there are people being blown up, tortured, raped, decapitated, violated, shamed, emotionally tortured, displaced, and more and we go on living our lives like nothing is wrong! Meanwhile, it's heading straight for us!!
We're digging into Nature More and more,, pushing it and balanced Health back more and more into sickness and mental Psychosis that we have NO idea the Blackness of mind and Soul that we are creating!!
Monday, September 9, 2013
All our Ills come from our Disconnection from Nature
I have to write about a movie I watched recently, Into the White. 1940 WWII 2 war planes, 1 German and 1 British who get shot down and crash land in the same Norwegian mountainside in the dead of winter. 2 British soldiers survive the crash and 3 German soldiers survive and meet at a blizzard covered cabin atop of the mountain. The struggle for power that goes back and forth while trying to survive and live in the same small space was anything short of how some families try to.
As the movie progressed and they got over their initial defensiveness and the "program" that the other guy was the "enemy", their boundaries started to come down and they began behaving like friends. After a time they forgot they were supposed to be enemies and began treating each other like friends.
I thought it was incredible to watch how their real selves were trying to break through the program like a chick beaks through an egg. The conditions they were under forced them to come together and work together to survive rather than fight each other to death.
The fact that they were able to come out of the program and come back to realness, humanness by the end of the winter in the cabin was transforming!
The Norwegian Ski Patrol came searching for them who were still in the mode of "war", showed up and killed one of the Germans while he was out skiing with one of the British soldiers having a really good time.The Norwegian officer saw them through his eye scope of his rifle and shot the German soldier dead.
The British soldier who was there was grief stricken seeing his new friend killed out of nowhere.
These soldiers shared a rare and unique friendship during their time in the cabin during the harsh winter of 1940. It ended with the 4 remaining being taken apart from each other. In one of the last scenes the German soldier, I believe it was, was being questioned by a Norwegian officer and the Norwegian officer called him a "TRAITOR" for befriending the "enemy".
The British soldier, in his questioning, stood up to the Norwegian officer and yelled back telling him that they had to get along to survive.
What is this whole charade for? We have been so conditioned out of our Normal, healthy balanced state of being to serve some "leaders" who don't even give a shit about us! Even back in 1940. It's the "leaders" who want us fighting and conditioned away from our Humanity.
In one scene of the movie I was so taken aback when the Commanding German Soldier, under the weight of the cabin falling in, admits to the British soldier helping him hold it up, that he is a failure and had crashed planes in which a fellow soldier was killed. To see the German soldier admit his humanness and show himself was so surprising. I was not ready for it.
Our entire society has been conditioned out of gentleness, caring and compassion and into fighting, division and opposition ALL for their own benefit at our expense!! Normal, healthy feelings of friendship, understanding and listening ALL have been banned as "fag", "sissy", the "P" word. It seems Any trace of caring or consideration are considered "P" in the system. If anyone,, even females who are biologically wired to be caring and gentle, are becoming more and more like men in order to make $ and get ahead in business. If you're not "tough" ALL the time, never allowed to come down from tough to be relaxed and put your "weapons down" you're called "P". This is how the system keeps people conditioned to be what they want and away from what is healthy, balanced feelings.
The system wants us to go into emotional, physical and Spiritual debt for it's insatiable lust for it's next fix, it's next high, it's next war and accumulation of power ALL at our expense! I've said it before and I'm saying it again here,, "IT'S NOT $$ THAT = DEBT,, because $$ is Fake,, the Real Debt is Nature, the environment, our relationships, our mental, physical and Spiritual health. Why would we deliberately allow anyone, no matter who they are, to take that much from us?? Once they take it, it's gone! That's it! Once Nature is harmed that much, it's Over!! Nature and our health is the Real $$, Not getting us to give that up. Anyone who Really cared about us would not ever ask us to give that much! Not ever.
Listen to your gut! Trust your instincts!! Don't listen to anyone Over your instincts!! Anyone who tries to get you to go against your feelings and instincts is the enemy!!
As the movie progressed and they got over their initial defensiveness and the "program" that the other guy was the "enemy", their boundaries started to come down and they began behaving like friends. After a time they forgot they were supposed to be enemies and began treating each other like friends.
I thought it was incredible to watch how their real selves were trying to break through the program like a chick beaks through an egg. The conditions they were under forced them to come together and work together to survive rather than fight each other to death.
The fact that they were able to come out of the program and come back to realness, humanness by the end of the winter in the cabin was transforming!
The Norwegian Ski Patrol came searching for them who were still in the mode of "war", showed up and killed one of the Germans while he was out skiing with one of the British soldiers having a really good time.The Norwegian officer saw them through his eye scope of his rifle and shot the German soldier dead.
The British soldier who was there was grief stricken seeing his new friend killed out of nowhere.
These soldiers shared a rare and unique friendship during their time in the cabin during the harsh winter of 1940. It ended with the 4 remaining being taken apart from each other. In one of the last scenes the German soldier, I believe it was, was being questioned by a Norwegian officer and the Norwegian officer called him a "TRAITOR" for befriending the "enemy".
The British soldier, in his questioning, stood up to the Norwegian officer and yelled back telling him that they had to get along to survive.
What is this whole charade for? We have been so conditioned out of our Normal, healthy balanced state of being to serve some "leaders" who don't even give a shit about us! Even back in 1940. It's the "leaders" who want us fighting and conditioned away from our Humanity.
In one scene of the movie I was so taken aback when the Commanding German Soldier, under the weight of the cabin falling in, admits to the British soldier helping him hold it up, that he is a failure and had crashed planes in which a fellow soldier was killed. To see the German soldier admit his humanness and show himself was so surprising. I was not ready for it.
Our entire society has been conditioned out of gentleness, caring and compassion and into fighting, division and opposition ALL for their own benefit at our expense!! Normal, healthy feelings of friendship, understanding and listening ALL have been banned as "fag", "sissy", the "P" word. It seems Any trace of caring or consideration are considered "P" in the system. If anyone,, even females who are biologically wired to be caring and gentle, are becoming more and more like men in order to make $ and get ahead in business. If you're not "tough" ALL the time, never allowed to come down from tough to be relaxed and put your "weapons down" you're called "P". This is how the system keeps people conditioned to be what they want and away from what is healthy, balanced feelings.
The system wants us to go into emotional, physical and Spiritual debt for it's insatiable lust for it's next fix, it's next high, it's next war and accumulation of power ALL at our expense! I've said it before and I'm saying it again here,, "IT'S NOT $$ THAT = DEBT,, because $$ is Fake,, the Real Debt is Nature, the environment, our relationships, our mental, physical and Spiritual health. Why would we deliberately allow anyone, no matter who they are, to take that much from us?? Once they take it, it's gone! That's it! Once Nature is harmed that much, it's Over!! Nature and our health is the Real $$, Not getting us to give that up. Anyone who Really cared about us would not ever ask us to give that much! Not ever.
Listen to your gut! Trust your instincts!! Don't listen to anyone Over your instincts!! Anyone who tries to get you to go against your feelings and instincts is the enemy!!
Monday, September 2, 2013
Nature dictates to us, NOT the other way around.: The Present Moment gives us the Grip to turn thing...
Nature dictates to us, NOT the other way around.: The Present Moment gives us the Grip to turn thing...: Recently, I heard a story on Democracy Now about the NFL players lawsuit suing the NFL for downplaying the effects of concussions and Trau...
The Present Moment gives us the Grip to turn things around
Recently, I heard a story on Democracy Now about the NFL players lawsuit suing the NFL for downplaying the effects of concussions and Traumatic injuries to the head in order to make the game more brutal for spectators and make more profits. The NFL would Never do that!! Would they?? One player, Junior Seau, shot himself in the chest from what is being called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Repeated hits to the head over time brought about cellular changes.
In an article in Health Day, Margaret Steele writes, "About 4,000 former NFL players filed a class-action lawsuit last year claiming the league failed to protect players from traumatic brain injuries or warn them about the dangers of concussions."
"The NFL has said that it never intentionally hid the dangers of concussion from players, and that it is now doing everything it can to protect players against concussions. The league has given a $30 million research grant to the National Institutes of Health for that purpose"
Dr. Howard Derman, director at the Methodist Concussion Center in Houston states, "the majority of these players who have committed suicide do have changes of chronic traumatic encephalopathy. We feel that that is also playing a role in their mental state."
I bring this topic up because of my passion on the subject of PTSD and my suspect that a great majority of the population has this condition in varying degrees due to the the manipulation of the system against people, the enslaving of the masses and the conditioning of people AGAINST the way the mind/body works.
It's not only Physical hits to the head that causes brain injury, it's traumatic events that happen to people when they're not able to cope with it either in a One-time, sudden situation or over time.
The Sad reality is,, that it's those people who are already in a position of leverage, to fight back, to stand up for themselves, as in the case of the NFL players/families, that are more likely to get the help, compensation they deserve and have these issues brought to light. FAMILY is a great contributing factor to this.
But what about those people who's Families are the one's who cause the Trauma? The Eye Opening reality is the fact that it's Those who need the most help, those people who are Traumatized the most, are the ones least likely to be able to Speak Up!! The Whole Point is that, without someone Standing up for those people, they end up discarded and forgotten. Their Words are unable to express but their situation is SCREAMING it!! The whole point is, without HELP,, without Leverage, "funds", intervention to come from somewhere, Someone to recognize when a person is in need and is unable to help themselves, those in Need are as good as Dead! And would probable be better off dead rather than living in a slow, deteriorating decay.
What is TRULY Scary is that the REAL DEBT in our Society IS NOT $$!! It's the fact that there are Not enough people around to help, to care, to step up, to recognize!!
The REAL DEBT is the ongoing "farming" of people with such indifference to the suffering of others and more willing to join in the onslaught rather than intervene!!
It's the Lack of Quality in NATURE that is the Real Debt!! The very wealth we've been weaned away from and onto Man Made Funny Money! We've been on a Diet of Fake Funny Money for decades which has turned us into uncaring, uncompassionate, indifferent, detached, zombified followers instead of the Sharp, go getter, awake, aware, responsive, step-up-to-the-plate people we are meant to be!!
The point I want to make about the NFL case,, is the fact that the players committed suicide, in my opinion, because they had something to compare their lives to. They HAD reached, achievements, they DID live "ascended", meaning they were able to life themselves up to become something. And it was the deterioration after the Brain injury that gave them something to compare their lives to that made them feel the decent even more. Which made the decent that much more excruciating to bare.
For those of us who don't have that height of success to contrast our lives, we end up living in a perpetual state of apathy and think it's normal. Why do Pro Football Players commit suicide and Homeless people don't?? Why don't "average" people commit suicide? Like soldiers in the Military who commit suicide from Traumatic events in wars,, again, I believe it's also the CONTRAST of going from the HIGH and the Thrill of killing and excitement to the degradation and humiliation of being injured as illustrated in the film "Million Dollar Baby".
No different than experiencing the "Bends" or Altitude sickness,, or putting a person into harsh cold when they're suffering from Heat Stroke.
It's the Extremes that Kill!!
I struggle as I write this as I do most times I write due to the fact that I was bashed early on for speaking out about abuse growing up. I will most likely be in a constant state of "rehab" til my dying day from growing up in an environment that trained me to be a slave, that "How Dare I" want to be something in my life, that Shamed me for wanting to be the healthy, smart person I was meant to be.
I feel as I get older the effects from growing up in an environment maybe not so different from the NFL, where my welfare was not being protected and yet I will never have the leverage, the recognition by others to bring it out in the open.
We get locked in a vicious cycle where,, without someone taking the time to hear us, to see the human being that's under the downtrodden ness of us, we continue to be what Society sees. People see others they way they want to see them. It takes a person of Great quality to see the Humanity in a Homeless person or a starving person rather than being turned off.
How else do we turn things around? We Must STOP and really look at what we do, how we behave, how we perpetuate the VERY things we should be changing.
When I tried expressing my feelings as a child I was met with excuses from my parent as to why they were unable to treat me the way I deserved rather than taking the opportunity to use the realization of the moment to change direction. They perpetuated the situation by continuing with the same Loser mentality. Perpetuating MY Debt further by making me pay the bill, getting me used to feeling sorry for them and depleting my already immature energy supply.
This is what we're doing to Nature, to the future. DEPLETING it. Whether we like it or not whether we want to hear it or not.
As a child I was not in a position to be Suing anyone!! So I end up living in a constant state of depletion. And without Anyone to step up for me and protect my rights, it continues indefinitely.
THE REAL DEBT,,, The Ratio of People in need and being abused to /Quality/Healthy people to Step up. The scale has tipped!
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