I write about Mental, Emotional, Physical & Spiritual Fitness. To live in accordance and alignment with Nature and Physics,, the way we're supposed to, like you would when you ride a bike. Simple. Allow Natural Law to lead, not us infringing our misaligned mental state onto Nature for fake $$!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Banana in the Tail Pipe Society/Choking on our Own Fumes!
Understandably, many people, not all, are looking to get somewhere due to the rigged system that we have been living in for decades. Wasting our energy going along with a system that's been using us and making a mockery of our efforts for years. Like the betrayal of a long, committed marriage only to find your spouse has been cheating on you. And, although we may not be completely aware if it, on a certain level our bodies know it, feel it. There is No way around that fact because nature calculates everything even if we don't acknowledge it. We've been conditioned not to trust our gut and to block it out because it isn't what we want to know.
The amount of emotional debt that has been created goes unrealized by a lot of people. We're in a kind of "Shock". We have a certain level of Altered Mental Status from being depleted of our valuable energy. Many of us never even had the chance to acquire very much energy in the first place to be able to have any leverage in the system at all, and are living half charged, like a cell phone. I think of someone with Hypothermia who is doing their best to turn the situation around on their own. The more the Hypothermia advances the more poor choices they make which then, advances the Hypothermia even more making them make even poorer choices. That's Debt perpetuating itself. That is the world we live in unless we act on Real Compassion. Value that ONLY comes from Nature. I feel that that is what has happened to our country and world. Poor people or middle class people (who once existed) don't have the ability to see. They rely on those at the top to help them get ahead all the while being taken for a ride.
The fact that we ASSume that the PTB are playing fair and "care" shows that we are in an altered state, a Deficiency state. looking to them to Give us something. That we bestow this "power" on them to be our Never-ending Parent. No Wonder I grew up feeling like it very difficult to leave the Nest! You Can't! We live in a VERY CO DEPENDENT Society, VERY Dysfunctional. They don't want you to grow up,, they "say" they do but, their actions are doing the exact opposite! Clipping your wings, pulling the rug out from under, putting you in the position to be responsible for them rather then the other way around. Relating to you in unhealthy ways that goes against Health.
At a young age,, we Must have people to rely on to get not only our Physical Needs met but, even More important, that was not even thought of as important when I was growing up, was your emotional needs. That is Essential! Non Negotiable! The attitude was, you have a roof over your head, clothes and food, you're good! Even though you were being poorly treated emotionally.
I sometimes liken the way our society operates to an Ingrown Hair! Too many people can't break the surface so they stay stuck under it and all their energy gets turned inward instead of being able to grow up and out! What that does to a person's Psyche over time is nothing short of dangerous.
How can a person get ahead then without the help of another? What's Truly alarming is the fact that the people are paying for it! So much for the saying "You get what you pay for". People placed so much value on $$, thinking that if we paid for something we were getting something valuable. So much for that!! So because we're paying and giving the PTB our Fake $$, that means there's some guarantee that they will not do us in??! Paying them $$ insures that we're set.
That's why real help is not about $$. We can't just take for granted that our $$ is making something happen then go to sleep. Real help is someone helping for free. It's more likely that the person wants to do you good. the Fact is, Nature does Not function by man made $$!
The real debt is the Health Debt. That is the most important thing for people to realize. That we didn't get the chance to live to our fullest in the first place and are still trying to get there while the system is undermining your attempts. How will we Ever be able to acquire the leverage necessary to reach our full potential as long as we're playing by the rules of a rigged man-made system Rather than Natural Law?
It's like living on a ventilator, a false womb
Monday, July 22, 2013
Even The body knows when something is a NO Brainer!!
There isn't much in this system that isn't rigged, including the Family system. One thing I feel very strongly is that people are not really taking issues seriously enough. I really don't think people get it. I don't think people truly think about what is possible, what can happen, what the consequences are for behaving with so much disregard for nature, the fact that we are connected to and living on a living, breathing organism called Earth that we have completely ignored. I do not see or feel enough people who actually GET IT on a truly deep level.
Due to the fact that I grew up feeling enslaved and oppressed growing up in an unhealthy, abusive environment and have been in a state of emergency all of my life, because too many people are complacent and consider it "normal". I know what it feels like to live in a place where you're surrounded by people who are not on your side. I do Not want to be there again! I don't feel that we are living up to the fittest and healthiest relationships we can have.
I have a lot of passion from growing up in a state of Trauma. I dove into learning and educating myself on what a Healthy, Functioning Family is at a deep level. BECAUSE I lived in an unhealthy environment growing up it made me work THAT much harder to Not end up the same way.
I had no idea, though, at that young age that the rest of the world was as complacent and as in denial and unwilling to step up as they were/are.
That was truly the scariest part. The only reason I was able to stand up and fight in my house against the very person supposed to be protecting me was the fact that I thought it was a No Brainer that others would step in too! That it would be no problem finding people outside my house to say, "Hey, that's not way to treat a child", and to stand up and step in for me and intervene.
GUESS WHAT?? They didn't! No one ever did step up and protect me and give me what I needed. I searched and searched for anyone to be the rolemodel I deserved. Someone with quality and standard rather than the complacency and low quality I felt at home. I never did. Neighbors offered some relief and some kindness here and there but, Not to the extent that was required for me to grow into a strong adult,, someone I now realize the system does not want us to be! I had to do it myself.
The fact that some people are speaking out about what's going on lately has given me some air under my wings. It's difficult to gain ground when you're surrounded by people who condemn and ridicule you since early on for having critical thought/feelings. It's a blessing yet, at the same time, unfortunate, that I get air under my wings from people I've never met through a radio or a documentary and then get the opposite from most of the people I'm surrounded by. It makes it a bit challenging to acquire the lubrication so I can gain acceleration or momentum. The unfortunate reality is that, the more debt you have, (and by debt I'm not talking about $$ I'm talking about resources, support) the less people help you. People tend to listen to and give credibility to those who ALREADY have momentum and recognition. (Debt based,, Debt perpetuates Debt) So if you're a complete unknown with no resources and ability to lift yourself up, those around tend to ADD to your debt by projecting THEIR Emotional poverty onto you rather than assist you. (Vicious Cycle) THEY are really the ones who don't have it, can't do it, yet project that onto the downtrodden.
People make YOU BAD for making them feel things They don't want to feel, by making THEM feel inadequate or uncomfortable, which, by the way, is perfectly healthy to feel,, In a Healthy World.
The fact is is that ALL the poor, homeless, ill, war stricken, lost, different people of the world are nothing more than US! Nothing more than the accumulation of All of our emotional garbage that we have denied in ourselves and discarded onto someone else to keep the Psycho System going for the Elite who Benefit. PERIOD!
I've known it all my life and I've been getting some lubrication from those people who have been speaking out, on how deeply MY conditioning goes. How, at a very young age, I was taught and programmed not to give feedback, not to feel what I felt, to feel sorry for those who were supposed to be taking care of me while having My needs neglected.
I have to drive these points home because it IS at the CORE of exactly how our society is today! I can't believe how many people I hear saying EXACTLY what I was saying at 6 & 7 years old about how our Gov, our Police, the banks, Hospitals, you name it, are doing the Exact Opposite of what they tell us they're doing! Hello! The Family!! When the Family is the Opposite of what it's name implies,, you're REALLY in trouble!
Most people are afraid of their own Anger! Most people do not have a relationship with their anger or other "taboo" parts of ourselves the system tells us is No good or bad. HOW CAN WHAT NATURE GAVE US BE WRONG?? Most people do NOT understand how Crony Capitalism has turned their Own Bodies into Unnatural, rewired, unconscious, programmed, mini versions of the larger system! To the point that their own mind/body is programmed against them without their control or consent.
No different than Micheal Hastings car! Our parents, without realizing, or perhaps realizing, they're working for the system at the expense of themselves and their children. It's the slow and Gradual deterioration of our health and our rights rather than the sudden and Violent,, from my Favorite quote by James Madison;
I believe there are
more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual
and silent encroachments of those in power, than by violent and sudden
JAMES MADISON, speech at the Virginia Convention to ratify the Federal Constitution, Jun. 6, 1788
How else does the pollution from society get into our system if not though the "womb" of the family system? Just like a baby ingests everything the mother does while in the womb and needs every precaution to see to it that only the best nutrients get in,, WE as children ingest the Mental Poison and contamination as soon as we enter the "womb" called the Family, to whatever degree.
All my life I felt bad because of the way I grew up and not having a family who was on my side. I envied other who came from more closer, "healthier" families with parents who actually wanted them. What I've come to realize, however, is that, Due to my "violent and sudden" upbringing I woke up that much earlier because it was unmistakable what was happening. It came from the Body,, NOT the Intellect. it's not the intellect that knows, it comes from the body. The gut has it's own "brain", that's why we have reflexes, they function literally "brainless" because reflexes are functions the body doesn't need to bother the brain for, it can do it without it!! Even the Body Knows when Something is a NO Brainer!!
I can't tell you how many times my Own family told me I was wrong! That what I felt was wrong and that I was, somehow, mistaken, that it "wasn't that bad". This idea that NATURE IS WRONG. That what a healthy, vibrant, smart, energetic child feels,, is WRONG! I guess Mother Nature is also wrong and your body is mistaken when it gets cancer!
I woke up that much earlier which meant, also, that I was beaten into submission earlier !! That is the Unfortunate part!! Because I learned early to submit, to Be "nice", to feel sorry for those who were not there for me, to be a SLAVE and a PEOPLE PLEASER, and to accept the debt rather than being given the leverage to reject the Debt!
So others who didn't grow up as "debt Based" as I did are not even as "Nice" and Giving as I am because they were not trained to have to compensate for what they knew. My behavior was forced to be ,,"makeup" and very unnatural makeup to boot.
Due to the Fact that others grew up with the more, "slow and Gradual" brainwashing than I, they adopted to it easier and didn't see it or feel it as much. I actually feel, at times now, that it was a blessing in a way, that I had it as direct as I did. It was that fact that enabled me to stand up and fight. Unfortunately, it ended up having to be with the very people who were supposed to be on my side! Which, then leaves you living a double edged sword life. Because you're literally SCREWED at an early age,, No matter which way you go.
If you admit the truth that those around you are against you, you have to face the fact that you're alone, but if you don't acknowledge the reality you end up a prisoner. Nice situation for a child to be in.
People have learned early on to reject what Nature says, to reject what your own body feels, to have an Intellect OVER Nature/body way of being in the world. This is what's killing us!! If we do not learn to Listen and trust what we feel and allow others to express what they feel even if it's not Nice, we are doomed to self destruction!
It's Basic MATH. If we continue to SPIT in the face of GOD by disregarding and dismissing the CLEAR feedback that it is giving us, We're DONE!!
This is Not complicated!
We cannot continue to keep kicking the DEBT can of our Health down the road indefinitely! How much longer am I supposed to stuff down what I truly feel before my reflexes take over?
How else does the pollution from society get into our system if not though the "womb" of the family system? Just like a baby ingests everything the mother does while in the womb and needs every precaution to see to it that only the best nutrients get in,, WE as children ingest the Mental Poison and contamination as soon as we enter the "womb" called the Family, to whatever degree.
All my life I felt bad because of the way I grew up and not having a family who was on my side. I envied other who came from more closer, "healthier" families with parents who actually wanted them. What I've come to realize, however, is that, Due to my "violent and sudden" upbringing I woke up that much earlier because it was unmistakable what was happening. It came from the Body,, NOT the Intellect. it's not the intellect that knows, it comes from the body. The gut has it's own "brain", that's why we have reflexes, they function literally "brainless" because reflexes are functions the body doesn't need to bother the brain for, it can do it without it!! Even the Body Knows when Something is a NO Brainer!!
I can't tell you how many times my Own family told me I was wrong! That what I felt was wrong and that I was, somehow, mistaken, that it "wasn't that bad". This idea that NATURE IS WRONG. That what a healthy, vibrant, smart, energetic child feels,, is WRONG! I guess Mother Nature is also wrong and your body is mistaken when it gets cancer!
I woke up that much earlier which meant, also, that I was beaten into submission earlier !! That is the Unfortunate part!! Because I learned early to submit, to Be "nice", to feel sorry for those who were not there for me, to be a SLAVE and a PEOPLE PLEASER, and to accept the debt rather than being given the leverage to reject the Debt!
So others who didn't grow up as "debt Based" as I did are not even as "Nice" and Giving as I am because they were not trained to have to compensate for what they knew. My behavior was forced to be ,,"makeup" and very unnatural makeup to boot.
Due to the Fact that others grew up with the more, "slow and Gradual" brainwashing than I, they adopted to it easier and didn't see it or feel it as much. I actually feel, at times now, that it was a blessing in a way, that I had it as direct as I did. It was that fact that enabled me to stand up and fight. Unfortunately, it ended up having to be with the very people who were supposed to be on my side! Which, then leaves you living a double edged sword life. Because you're literally SCREWED at an early age,, No matter which way you go.
If you admit the truth that those around you are against you, you have to face the fact that you're alone, but if you don't acknowledge the reality you end up a prisoner. Nice situation for a child to be in.
People have learned early on to reject what Nature says, to reject what your own body feels, to have an Intellect OVER Nature/body way of being in the world. This is what's killing us!! If we do not learn to Listen and trust what we feel and allow others to express what they feel even if it's not Nice, we are doomed to self destruction!
It's Basic MATH. If we continue to SPIT in the face of GOD by disregarding and dismissing the CLEAR feedback that it is giving us, We're DONE!!
This is Not complicated!
We cannot continue to keep kicking the DEBT can of our Health down the road indefinitely! How much longer am I supposed to stuff down what I truly feel before my reflexes take over?
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The way out of Debt isn't Monetary,, it's Emotionally Giving. It comes from Nature!
It didn't take the crash of 08 to know that we are living in a completely screwed up world and that people's minds have been rewired. It was clear to me as a kid that people have lost their Natural Humanity,, their Natural Instincts to help, to step up, to care, to give to one another.
In my house you were starved Emotionally. The unspoken message was to be kept in Psych Debt. If you were treated too good, too respectfully, too valuable you might be hard to handle and get out of control. You might grow to be too "big" and take over the "authority". Never realizing that ,, debt is self perpetuating,, that it's by NOT giving, by Not loving and giving what is Emotionally REQUIRED by Nature, that those in "authority" are playing with Fire.
I've literally been trying to get through to people for 4 decades that it's Right in front of them! I am standing RIGHT in front of them and they don't get it!! They don't see!! Too many people have been brainwashed to Starve one another emotionally. To this day I see and feel the apprehension to be Emotionally,, NOT $$,, Giving. Giving $ is easier for most people than giving Emotionally, which is not a surprise due to the fact that we've been severed from our bodies and inner resources that we don't know how to use, let alone, know we even HAVE this natural currency.
Not much has changed since I was a kid. It's STILL so hard to get what you Emotionally need from people. I feel that people are afraid to give, to Be Nice, To give Credit and recognition to those who are Starving for it, like feeding the hungry,, it's not just about physical food.
Too many people don't know how to do BASIC Human things, have Basic Human understandings,, BE there when someone is in need Emotionally by simply showing support, giving another person what's within their RIGHT to feel. WE'RE the one's taking away one another's RIGHTS!! It wasn't the 1% when I was a kid shaming me for knowing that I was being robbed! It wasn't J. P Morgan or Rockefeller who was treating me like I was a Criminal for wanting to be treated with respect, for wanting what was RIGHTfully mine!
It was those around me who were doing it!! It was my own family who was doing the Emotional Starving! Can you Imagine?/ Taking advantage of my vulnerable position as a child to put themselves first at My expense?? And the neighbors and other relatives who added to my Debt by,, instead of Supporting ME, by recognizing that "I" was the one deserving and needing the help, were telling me to feel sorry for those who were incompetent towards me!!
The DETERIORATION is RIGHT in front of us!! Holy Shit!! WTF!! I'm sorry I can't hold it back anymore!
It was those around me who treated me like a slave, who passed on the brainwashing from the Top that "Life isn't Fair".
Can you Imagine?? People are actually perpetuating the idea that Life is Not Fair,, and being OK with that!! HELLO!!
I do NOT blame the Powers that Be!! It's the People!! I stood there as a small child dumbfounded by what I was experiencing!! I could not find ONE person to step up to the plate for me! NOT ONE!! Person took me under their wing and protected me and taught me what a child needs to be taught,, set the example,, even a little!!,, ENGAGED me and took the time to invest in me,, Not one!! Not to the extent that is required by NATURE.
"Man" wants it to be to his OWN Requirements,, "Oh Get over it" ,, Rather than what is required by NATURE!
The VERY people who were supposed to be taking care of me,, standing up for me,, protecting me,, encouraging me to stand up for myself,, GIVING me the necessary Leverage in life to Thrive,, were the VERY ones robbing it!! Surprise! Exactly what we have NOW!! Your own home is just a smaller version of it! Some had it worse than others.
But, it was because I felt it so strongly, had it so blatantly, felt the sense of Emergency all my life,, That all around me were Minimizing (The Mind/Body Split),, that it prompted me to wake up and learn. To investigate, to study how the Family system is supposed to function. What a Healthy Family looks like, what HEALTHY,, FIT relating looks like!
I'm writing all of this PURELY from the Basis of the MATH. PERIOD! Bad accounting
In my house you were starved Emotionally. The unspoken message was to be kept in Psych Debt. If you were treated too good, too respectfully, too valuable you might be hard to handle and get out of control. You might grow to be too "big" and take over the "authority". Never realizing that ,, debt is self perpetuating,, that it's by NOT giving, by Not loving and giving what is Emotionally REQUIRED by Nature, that those in "authority" are playing with Fire.
I've literally been trying to get through to people for 4 decades that it's Right in front of them! I am standing RIGHT in front of them and they don't get it!! They don't see!! Too many people have been brainwashed to Starve one another emotionally. To this day I see and feel the apprehension to be Emotionally,, NOT $$,, Giving. Giving $ is easier for most people than giving Emotionally, which is not a surprise due to the fact that we've been severed from our bodies and inner resources that we don't know how to use, let alone, know we even HAVE this natural currency.
Not much has changed since I was a kid. It's STILL so hard to get what you Emotionally need from people. I feel that people are afraid to give, to Be Nice, To give Credit and recognition to those who are Starving for it, like feeding the hungry,, it's not just about physical food.
Too many people don't know how to do BASIC Human things, have Basic Human understandings,, BE there when someone is in need Emotionally by simply showing support, giving another person what's within their RIGHT to feel. WE'RE the one's taking away one another's RIGHTS!! It wasn't the 1% when I was a kid shaming me for knowing that I was being robbed! It wasn't J. P Morgan or Rockefeller who was treating me like I was a Criminal for wanting to be treated with respect, for wanting what was RIGHTfully mine!
It was those around me who were doing it!! It was my own family who was doing the Emotional Starving! Can you Imagine?/ Taking advantage of my vulnerable position as a child to put themselves first at My expense?? And the neighbors and other relatives who added to my Debt by,, instead of Supporting ME, by recognizing that "I" was the one deserving and needing the help, were telling me to feel sorry for those who were incompetent towards me!!
The DETERIORATION is RIGHT in front of us!! Holy Shit!! WTF!! I'm sorry I can't hold it back anymore!
It was those around me who treated me like a slave, who passed on the brainwashing from the Top that "Life isn't Fair".
Can you Imagine?? People are actually perpetuating the idea that Life is Not Fair,, and being OK with that!! HELLO!!
I do NOT blame the Powers that Be!! It's the People!! I stood there as a small child dumbfounded by what I was experiencing!! I could not find ONE person to step up to the plate for me! NOT ONE!! Person took me under their wing and protected me and taught me what a child needs to be taught,, set the example,, even a little!!,, ENGAGED me and took the time to invest in me,, Not one!! Not to the extent that is required by NATURE.
"Man" wants it to be to his OWN Requirements,, "Oh Get over it" ,, Rather than what is required by NATURE!
The VERY people who were supposed to be taking care of me,, standing up for me,, protecting me,, encouraging me to stand up for myself,, GIVING me the necessary Leverage in life to Thrive,, were the VERY ones robbing it!! Surprise! Exactly what we have NOW!! Your own home is just a smaller version of it! Some had it worse than others.
But, it was because I felt it so strongly, had it so blatantly, felt the sense of Emergency all my life,, That all around me were Minimizing (The Mind/Body Split),, that it prompted me to wake up and learn. To investigate, to study how the Family system is supposed to function. What a Healthy Family looks like, what HEALTHY,, FIT relating looks like!
I'm writing all of this PURELY from the Basis of the MATH. PERIOD! Bad accounting
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Multiple Schlerosis Society/ Comfortable Numb!
Who would ever think that someone could be IN Society, IN "civilization" yet be dying right in front of people and No one pays attention? Unfortunately, this is what our system is. "Normally", one would think that someone dying or being harmed would illicit a response of another person springing into action and doing the right thing, just like the cells in your own body do if a bacteria or germ entered it.
But, the body must be crazy for behaving that way because according to our Sick Society, a person who has a Healthy response to an unjust situation is labeled a "traitor".
I can't believe how many times I hear people on Alternative news sources saying the Exact same thing I was saying/tried to say when I was around 7 years old! It's actually happening!!! The entire world is turning into the house I grew up in and was not allowed to say it! Everything that is happening lately is a lager version of what many people growing up in abusive homes live with everyday for years and have NO one to turn to and NO where to go, just like we have now.
The ENTIRE world, almost, has become so polluted, Dirty, so Bought and EVERYONE'S Souls are Owned!!! That ANY attempt at Anyone or Any part of Nature that attempts to bring attention to it is seen as a Criminal when they're actually the ones who are the most SANE and Healthy!!
OF COURSE, a bought and dirty person is going to see a Clean person as the enemy!!! That's how you know they're Dirty!! That's the reaction Dirt will have when any attempts at cleaning are made!! That's why a cut will bubble when Peroxide is poured on it. These things are NOT complicated!! No different than your body having a perfectly healthy response to a bacterial invasion!! Not speaking up due to threats or intimidation of losing one's job and funny $$ is NOT going to stop Nature from taking it's healthy course!!
I've been shut down and shamed my ENTIRE life for calling a spade a spade and having a PERFECTLY HEALTHY reaction to a Completely UNHEALTHY environment!! I knew by the time I was 6 years old that this world was completely RETARDED and making ME retarded for saying it!!
It's too uncomfortable for people to think about, let alone DO anything about, injustice and abuse that's happening right next door. I don't know for what purpose people think they're on this Earth for but, it's certainly isn't to fulfill a Higher one!! It's to exert oneself as little as possible and just get by having a job, being a follower and getting a paycheck. NOT to think for oneself, take action when seeing low standard behavior, but to mind one's business.
David Knight on the Alex Jones show today talked about cops who used a stun gun on an 11 year old Autistic girl walking without any clothes on and Shot Dead a guy's dog who was coming to the aid of it's master when cops were arresting him for filming them because they "feared" for their safety. David Knight said that if a cop fears for their safety from an 11 year old Naked Autistic girl and a dog that was defending it's master who was WITHIN his rights to film them, then they better find more competent people to assign to these positions.
Yeah!! That's EXACTLY how I felt at 6 years old! If you can't feel safe and protected in your own house, if you can't even speak out about feeling harmed by the VERY people who are supposed to be on your side in YOUR OWN HOUSE!! Then is it ANY Big SURPRISE that were are living in the country that we're currently living in??
The HOME is just a Micro Cosm of the MACRO cosm. It's just a smaller sample of what the country has become. Don't we think that MAYBE the country is the way it is because we were "RAISED" that way?? Because it's Normal, because our parents prepped us for this so we're used to it and don't think there's anything wrong??!! Whether or not it was done intentionally is IRRELEVANT! IT was DONE! Period!
What was considered "normal" parenting years ago was clearly abuse. It was Normal to parent by Fear and intimidation, to Fear the Father figure rather than parent through reason.
I was made out to be the Bad guy, the Criminal in my own House when I was a small child. If you're own parents are not on your side then who is?? There is NO Family B!! That is DEBT. WHO IS THERE PROTECTING THE KID?? That is why we are where we are!! Because NO ONE is there to protect the "little guy" ,, Everyone is TOO busy working for the Powers That BULLY!! Everything comes due one day!! WE CREATED THIS!! I knew it when I was 6!! I was not being raised healthy, I was not allowed to speak what I felt, I was not allowed to blow the whistle or point out what I saw that was harming me. I was not allowed to have a NORMAL reaction to an unhealthy, stressful, physically violent house.
If there was even a small amount of health there either parent would have been on my side admitting to the situation. Instead they make excuses for their behavior and put themselves in Opposition to their own blood. They take their own side over their kid. They put the child in the impossible position of having to deal with a situation that is WAY beyond your coping ability! THAT IS DEBT!! That is how it's done. That is how they pass the debt along and get you used to it!!
Even the neighbors, any time I attempted to express my pain, would say, "oh your poor mother", as if "I" was the bad guy for not wanting to live in a stressful, depressing house!!
The issue wasn't even that parents make "mistakes" or abuse,, the REAL Debt and harm comes from the DENIAL, from Not admitting! From making excuses and taking TOTAL advantage of the powerless position of their own child. To pass down shoddy behavior and not take steps to improve, to take steps in the right direction, leaving a feeling of Complete Disorientation!! You end up with a Complete lack of direction!! Of, where are we?? Which way is up?? Which way is North, South, East or West??
You end up just totally LOST just going through motions in your life with NO sense of where you're going or why you're doing things,, Like a rapist who puts you in the trunk so you don't know where you're being taken!! Scary Shit!!
Your driven FURTHER into PSYCHOLOGICAL debt because then you're told to feel sorry for the people who are screwing you! Your emotional bank account is being completely ROBBED by the very people who should be on your side!! You're LITERALLY taught to be an accomplice in the Coup De Tat and MIND CONTROLLED against your own self!!
If it happens in "Families", people do it to their own kids,, you think it can't happen in the Country?? You think your own Government gives a Shit about you??! Gimme a Break!!
When people simply have sex, make kids they don't want and can't emotionally care for, think that they're being a parent because they "didn't abort you" because it was against the church, that is a DEBT based way of doing things! It's Backwards! THERE IT WAS!!
I've been trying to say it for 40 years!!!
The reduction of Standards!! People in the "authority" position can do what ever they want and not be held accountable! I've known that all my life. Then YOU have to feel sorry for THEM!!
A family is the foundation of any healthy society. If it's not healthy, and even the community doesn't step in and take action,, there is something clearly wrong! The sub standard is allowed to accumulate until is it what we have today.
The fact that it's so easy to get by in society just by having a job and getting a paycheck without any call for people to be all they can be and fulfill their potential should say a lot about our system. the fact that it does Not call you to step up and be as Fit as one can be should scare the crap out of anyone! The fact that we hand over our trust and power to total strangers just because they wear nice clothes and have fancy labels should make us tremble.
EVERYTHING needs to be cleaned! Including the Psyche
We are a country of Complacent Retards that deserve what we get. Simple.
I don't get it!! Again! How completely blatant and off course our society has gone and barely anyone makes any noise about it. I can't believe how true the statement "Hidden in Plain Sight" is. It Really is the Best hiding place because that's exactly where No one is! IN their instincts, IN their Consciences, IN their bodies trusting and following what they feel acting as their Own Authority as we should be as "Adults", and the Very reason why I've been an advocate for FITNESS my entire life!
While listening to an Amy Goodman video today with Chris Hedges and Geoffrey Stone on whether of not Snowden is a Traitor or a Hero, it hit me, as it has many times before, how "dirty" many people are. I mean, think about it. We clean everything else; we do our laundry, we take showers, brush our teeth, (or some of us do) change the air filters in our cars, but how many people Clean their minds? Clean their Psyches? How many people are going to even be able to admit that they are, in fact, Dirty and are living and moving through the world looking through a dirty mind that hasn't been cleaned in it's entire life!
Geoffrey Stone was saying Snowden broke laws and put the National Security at risk while the point Chris Hedges made was the complete breakdown and lack of a Free, independent, CLEAN, (my term) media. IT HIT ME,, this is why I meditate and practice Yoga! The whole point is to "CLEAN" oneself. To take the time to "wash" and take ones own inventory, like the 4th step of AA suggests. People go to AA because they admit they're powerless. Yes, Powerless because they're the "little guy" and can't get away with anything like the PTB can. Who is going to hold those in the highest positions of power accountable when their ADDICTIONS and abuses of power harm innocent people the same way the rest of us are?
The fact that Bradley Manning and Ed Snowden are being branded by the REAL Criminals as Traitors goes to show us that it's the Dirty trying to Brand those trying to "Clean" as the Dirty ones. I wondered how Free Geoffrey Stone is? How Free do people feel to speak what they really feel before they have to worry about their jobs? Because the fact is, Not many people are Truly Free. That's why Ed Snowden and Bradley Manning risked and willingly gave up their positions and Snowden, over a 6 figure income, to release the info they released.
The only way to be Truly Free is to either be working for an independent company OR have the Courage to risk it all to bring the truth forth and let go of your "job" and the selling of your soul. Is it better to have a fake position and a Black, Rotted Soul for a 6 figure income and a house in Hawaii or be Truly Free and let that all go? How many people actually have the Courage to do that?
So, to hear Geoffrey Stone calling a guy with the Courage to let go of the Dirt and be Clean, a traitor who broke the "laws" of the Dirty criminals is laughable!!
THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!!! To expose who's Really Dirty!! Not to keep going in circles having the Dirty people calling the Clean people dirty!!
WASH YOUR PSYCHE!!! As long as your working for Funny $$,, you have to keep checking to see how dirty you've become to get it, because, chances are, you've accumulated a LOT of dust and gunk along the way as long as the funny $$ is the priority and NOT being Clean!!
I don't get it!! Again! How completely blatant and off course our society has gone and barely anyone makes any noise about it. I can't believe how true the statement "Hidden in Plain Sight" is. It Really is the Best hiding place because that's exactly where No one is! IN their instincts, IN their Consciences, IN their bodies trusting and following what they feel acting as their Own Authority as we should be as "Adults", and the Very reason why I've been an advocate for FITNESS my entire life!
While listening to an Amy Goodman video today with Chris Hedges and Geoffrey Stone on whether of not Snowden is a Traitor or a Hero, it hit me, as it has many times before, how "dirty" many people are. I mean, think about it. We clean everything else; we do our laundry, we take showers, brush our teeth, (or some of us do) change the air filters in our cars, but how many people Clean their minds? Clean their Psyches? How many people are going to even be able to admit that they are, in fact, Dirty and are living and moving through the world looking through a dirty mind that hasn't been cleaned in it's entire life!
Geoffrey Stone was saying Snowden broke laws and put the National Security at risk while the point Chris Hedges made was the complete breakdown and lack of a Free, independent, CLEAN, (my term) media. IT HIT ME,, this is why I meditate and practice Yoga! The whole point is to "CLEAN" oneself. To take the time to "wash" and take ones own inventory, like the 4th step of AA suggests. People go to AA because they admit they're powerless. Yes, Powerless because they're the "little guy" and can't get away with anything like the PTB can. Who is going to hold those in the highest positions of power accountable when their ADDICTIONS and abuses of power harm innocent people the same way the rest of us are?
The fact that Bradley Manning and Ed Snowden are being branded by the REAL Criminals as Traitors goes to show us that it's the Dirty trying to Brand those trying to "Clean" as the Dirty ones. I wondered how Free Geoffrey Stone is? How Free do people feel to speak what they really feel before they have to worry about their jobs? Because the fact is, Not many people are Truly Free. That's why Ed Snowden and Bradley Manning risked and willingly gave up their positions and Snowden, over a 6 figure income, to release the info they released.
The only way to be Truly Free is to either be working for an independent company OR have the Courage to risk it all to bring the truth forth and let go of your "job" and the selling of your soul. Is it better to have a fake position and a Black, Rotted Soul for a 6 figure income and a house in Hawaii or be Truly Free and let that all go? How many people actually have the Courage to do that?
So, to hear Geoffrey Stone calling a guy with the Courage to let go of the Dirt and be Clean, a traitor who broke the "laws" of the Dirty criminals is laughable!!
THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT!!! To expose who's Really Dirty!! Not to keep going in circles having the Dirty people calling the Clean people dirty!!
WASH YOUR PSYCHE!!! As long as your working for Funny $$,, you have to keep checking to see how dirty you've become to get it, because, chances are, you've accumulated a LOT of dust and gunk along the way as long as the funny $$ is the priority and NOT being Clean!!
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